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1、人教课标版人教课标版 高二高二 选修选修 8Unit 41Reading 2Please enjoy some pictures about Greek stories.Warming up3天神宙斯天神宙斯天神宙斯天神宙斯天后赫拉天后赫拉天后赫拉天后赫拉4地神该亚地神该亚地神该亚地神该亚5海神波塞冬海神波塞冬海神波塞冬海神波塞冬火神赫淮斯拉斯火神赫淮斯拉斯火神赫淮斯拉斯火神赫淮斯拉斯6太阳神阿波罗太阳神阿波罗太阳神阿波罗太阳神阿波罗农神得墨忒耳农神得墨忒耳农神得墨忒耳农神得墨忒耳7维纳斯的诞生维纳斯的诞生维纳斯的诞生维纳斯的诞生8智慧女神雅典娜智慧女神雅典娜智慧女神雅典娜智慧女神雅典娜战神阿

2、瑞斯战神阿瑞斯战神阿瑞斯战神阿瑞斯9丘比特的诞生丘比特的诞生丘比特的诞生丘比特的诞生10皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚11 心理学家莫顿(心理学家莫顿(Robert Merton)将)将此现象名之为此现象名之为“自我实现的预言自我实现的预言”。这也。这也就是在萧伯纳名剧窈窕淑女就是在萧伯纳名剧窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)中为人所熟知的中为人所熟知的“皮格马利皮格马利翁效应翁效应”(Pygmalion effect)。)。Have you ever heard of the “Pygmalion Effect ”?12 The Pygma

3、lion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably wont.13 This play by George Bernard Shaw ( This play by George Bernard Shaw (萧萧萧萧伯纳伯纳伯纳伯纳) is an adaptation of a Gre

4、ek story. ) is an adaptation of a Greek story. Do you know this story?Do you know this story? Pygmalion, a gifted artist, dislike women. One day he makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman. 14When he finishes the statue, he falls in love with it and goes to the Greek goddess, Aphrodite, to ask her

5、to make the statue into a real woman.15His wish is granted. 16The author-George Bernard ShawAn Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater. His main works:ImmaturityWidowers Houses PygmalionMan and Superman (1902),Major Barbara (1905)17In

6、 Shaws play, Professor Higgins is a man who does not like women either and is very rude to them. For a bet he agrees to teach a poor young woman so that she can be passed off as a rich lady in high class society. So, like Pygmalion, Higgins creates a perfect young woman. Both the statue and Eliza de

7、pend on their creator for their new life. 18My Fair Lady Have you seen the film?If you have, did you like it? Have a discussion and give reasons.Pre-reading19Eliza Doolittle(E): a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H): an expert in phonetics, convinced that the qu

8、ality of a persons English decides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(P): an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task.Main characters20Fateful meetings21 1. This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _. A. Professor Higgins B. Colonel

9、 Pickering C. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D. a gentlemanComprehending I. Read through the act one and choose the best answer.222. Which of the following can best describe Henry Higgins?A. Kind and polite. B. Impatient and anxious. C. Self-important and confident. D. Unsure and generous.

10、233. The flower girl wanted to become _.A. a duchess B. a shop assistantC. a lady D. a ladys maid244. The flower girl was worried when she found Higgins making notes because _.A. she thought she did something wrongB. she thought she didnt have the right to sell flowersC. she didnt want Higgins to wr

11、ite down what she saidD. she thought Higgins was a policeman in disguise25 5. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _. A. ask him to buy some flowers from her B. talk with him C. ask him to teach her D. beg some money from him26 6. Why Eliza began to cry? Because _. A. she thought Professor Hig

12、gins would arrest him B. the gentleman didnt give her some money C. Pickering beat and scolded her D. there was no reason27 7. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _. A. his appearance B. his action C. his conversation D. his manners288. From the text, we can infer that Profess

13、or Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT _. A. he doesnt care about money B. he is an expert in phonetics C. he is proud D. he is greedy299. From the last sentence of the play, we can conclude that Eliza felt _ about what Higgins said. A. confident B. optimistic C. certain D. doubtful30CharacterPo

14、sition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classLanguage: calls gentleman “sir” and “capin” (or captain) which is a complimentBehaviour: respectful to people of higher classII. Fill in the blanks. 31CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsLanguage: calls Eliza “you silly gi

15、rl” and Pickering “my dear man” (an equal and friend)Behaviour: rude (and patronizing) to lower class; polite to same or upper classMiddle class32CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringUpper classLanguage: prepared to begin a conversation with Henry, whom he does not know;

16、generous with praise to himBehaviour: generally confident and polite; but ignores Eliza33The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class (H) and less polite to those th

17、ey consider are members of a lower class (L). Is this true of the characters in Shaws play? Give your evidence in the chart below.34Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins: 2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the statement true?1 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H)2 watches her; not

18、es her reactions; talks about her in front of her; calls her silly girl1 respects his professional work as a phonetician; calls him sir and my dear man2 Yes1 Yes35Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playColonel Pickering:1 appreciates his expertise; praises him; asks his opinion; happy

19、 to be friends2 ignores her; does not stop Henry when he talks about Eliza in front of her (which is very rude)1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (L)2 Attitude to Eliza (L) Is the statement true?2 Yes1 Yes36Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playEliza: 1 anxious; eager not to do the wrong th

20、ing; ambitious to improve herself; respectful and curious about Henrys expertise2 feels upset not being included in the conversation when talked about1 Attitude to Henry Higgins (H)2 Attitude to Colonel Pickering (H) Is the statement true?2 Unclear1 Yes37The social relationships within the play are

21、shown by the different way people talk to and about each other. Try to think about what you say when you like someone or want to help them. 38What other things show ones status in society apart from how one speaks?clothes you wearAttitudes and behaviorHow many foreign languages spoken and countries

22、visitedExpensive possessionsEducation level39Use some adjectives which best describe each character in the play. Work in pairs to discuss them. You may use the adjectives on page 31. 40kind, polite, generous, enthusiastic, eager, confident impatient, rude, confident, superior, self-importantanxious,

23、 eager, emotional, ambitious, unsure, dynamic41Summary Read the play and finish this part. Act one of Pygmalion tells us how the main characters of this play, Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering had their _ meetings while _ from a heavy rain outside a theatre in London, England

24、in 1914.sheltering / hidingfateful42Eliza Doolittle was a poor flower girl. When she tried to sell her flowers to a gentleman, her _ English caught Professor Higgins attention. Professor Higgins, an expert in _, could place a person by his / her remarks. He convinced that the _ of a persons English

25、decides his / her social position. terriblephoneticsquality43In his opinion, once educated to speak _, Eliza Doolittle could pass herself off in three months as a _ at an ambassadors garden party and perhaps she could even work as _ or a shop assistant. Colonel Pickering, an officer in the army, who had studied many _ dialects himself, came to England to make the _ of Professor Higgins. properlyduchessa ladys maidIndianacquaintance44 Preview grammar by finishing Exercise 1&2 on Page 33 and exercise of page 72 of using structures. Homework45



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