Unit19 Quotation

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《Unit19 Quotation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit19 Quotation(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 19 QuotationCENTURY ENGLISH 世纪英语世纪英语 应用英语写作应用英语写作大大连理工大理工大学学出版社出版社Basic Knowledge of Practical English Writing Writing TipsWriting Tips1 1 Layouts and SamplesLayouts and Samples2 2 Words and ExpressionsWords and Expressions3 3 Typical SentencesTypical Sentences4 4 Exercise and PracticeExercise

2、and Practice5 Writing Tips Writing Tips Firm Offer Definition Firm offer is the expressions of the sellers willingness to get orders definitely. Once the offer is sent out and accepted by the buyer without any conditions, the contract is closed. Both of the two parties should obey the terms in the

3、contract. The firm offer has restrictive power on the seller, therefore, the contents in it should be the contract terms.Contents 1. Showing your thanks for the inquiry of your customer.2. Answering related questions, including quality, specification, quantity, packing, price, delivery date, terms o

4、f payment and other conditions, especially the validity date.3. Providing terms and transaction terms to attract the attention of your customer. in accordance within accordance with 与一致favorablefavorable a. making people like or approve someone or something Writing Tips Writing Tips Characteristics

5、 The seller, who sends out this firm offer cant withdraw and change the contents in the firm offer without the acceptance of the buyer. If the buyer accepts the transaction terms without any reservation, the deal is done; if the buyer accepts the firm offer which lapses the validity date, it has no

6、restriction to the seller at all.RemindersThe firm offer is invalid under the following conditions:1. The validity date stipulated in the firm offer lapses;2. Once the buyer refuses the firm offer obviously, the firm offer lapses immediately;3. Any change of the contents in the firm offer made by th

7、e buyer forms a count-offer which means a refusal to the original firm offer. And then the firm offer Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips Writing Tips quotationsquotation n. a written statement of exactly how much money will a piece of work

8、cost 报价 Writing Tips Writing Tips 虚虚 盘盘定义定义虚盘是卖方按照某一带有某些保留的条件而达成交易的意愿表达。虚盘是卖方按照某一带有某些保留的条件而达成交易的意愿表达。它对卖方没有任何约束力。它对卖方没有任何约束力。内容内容虚盘报价不需要具体内容和条件,也不需要有效期。它仅意味着交虚盘报价不需要具体内容和条件,也不需要有效期。它仅意味着交易的意图,也不具有法律效力。如果报价中有以下句子和词组,那么这种报易的意图,也不具有法律效力。如果报价中有以下句子和词组,那么这种报价是虚盘报价:价是虚盘报价:1. 没有约束力;没有约束力;2. 以以为准;为准;3. 所有报价

9、都以最后确认为准,除非另有声明;所有报价都以最后确认为准,除非另有声明;4. 我们的报价以获准出口许可为有效;我们的报价以获准出口许可为有效;特点特点报盘的内容不确切,不完整,像报盘的内容不确切,不完整,像“参考价格参考价格”、“试着十月份交货试着十月份交货吧吧”等等。报盘有些保留条件,诸如,等等。报盘有些保留条件,诸如,“以最后确认为准以最后确认为准”、“以未售出商以未售出商品为准品为准”、“仅作参考仅作参考”等等。即使买方接受它,其主要的交易条件仍不完等等。即使买方接受它,其主要的交易条件仍不完整。整。Layouts and SamplesLayouts and Samples Layou

10、ts (see Unit 1) sample 1 firm offer Hunan Shoes Company No.12, Furong Road, Changsha July 5th , 2008Zhejiang Shoes Import & Export CorporationNo.23, Wuyi Road, HangzhouDear Sir, Thank you for your e-mail of July 2th, 2008, asking for a quotation for shoes. We have pleasure of offering you shoes :Pri

11、ce: RMB 100 each pairas followsas follows 如下如下 Layouts and Samples Layouts and Samples Packing: freeShipment: 2 days after receipt of order : HangzhouPlease note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any . And this offer is subject to your reply reaching us by July

12、 15th.We look forward to getting your order and assure you that it will receive our attention. Sincerely yours, Li Ping Sales ManagerTerms of Paymentterms of payment 付款方式付款方式CIFCIF cost, insurance and freight 成本,保险加运费成本,保险加运费counter offercounter offer 还盘promptprompt a. quick 迅速的迅速的 Layouts and Sampl

13、es Layouts and Samples Sample 2 non-firm offer Hunan Shoes Company No.12, Furong Road, Changsha July 5th , 2008Zhejiang Shoes Import & Export CorporationNo.23, Wuyi Road, HangzhouDear Sir, We wish to extend the sales of our products to your market and now we are sending you our and price list withou

14、t engagement.cataloguecatalogue n. all the information connected with the goods 商品目录Layouts and SamplesLayouts and Samples We are sure their attractive price, and excellent quality will you that these shoes are really of a great value. We can supply any orders but please pay attention: our quantity

15、is limited. So we remind you that this is an for you to buy such goods that we cannot repeat. The above offer is our . We advise you to place a quick order. Sincerely yours, Li Ping Sales Managersubject tosubject to 以以为准,有效为准,有效convinceconvince v. make sb believe 确信,使相信确信,使相信exceptional opportunitye

16、xceptional opportunity 罕见良机罕见良机final confirmationfinal confirmation 最后确认 Word and Expressions Word and Expressions1.quotation n. a written stateme of exactly how much money will a piece of work cost 报价报价2. in accordance with 与与一致一致3. as follows 如下如下4. terms of payment 付款方式付款方式5. CIF cost, insurance

17、and freight 成本,保险加运费成本,保险加运费6. favorable a. making people like or approv someone or something 优惠的优惠的 Word and Expressions Word and Expressions7. counter offer 还盘还盘8. subject to 以以为准,有效为准,有效9. prompt a. quick 迅速的迅速的10. catalogue n. all the information connected with the goods 商品目录商品目录11. convince v.

18、make sb believe 确确 信,使相信信,使相信12. exceptional opportunity 罕见良机罕见良机13. final confirmation 最后确认最后确认你会发现我们的报价比别处更便宜你会发现我们的报价比别处更便宜.此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。我的报价以合理利润为依据我的报价以合理利润为依据 。 Typical Sentences Typical Sentences 1. Were willing to make you a firm offer at th

19、is price. _ 2. My offer was based on reasonable profit. _ 4. This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. _Firm Offer 3. Youll see that our offer compares favorably with the quotations you can get elsewhere. _我们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。我们所有价格都是成本加运费保险费价格。我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。该报盘

20、以你方本月底前到达我地为有效。该报盘以你方本月底前到达我地为有效。 Typical Sentences Typical Sentences5.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here before the end of this month.6._6.We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 7._ 7. All our prices are on CIF basis. _昨天他把他的信通过传真发到了墨西哥城昨天他把他的信通过传真发到了墨西哥城。该

21、报盘以商品未售出为准。该报盘以商品未售出为准。 Typical Sentences Typical Sentences8. This offer is subject to the goods being unsold._现我方就如下货物向贵方报盘,以我方最后确认为准。现我方就如下货物向贵方报盘,以我方最后确认为准。10. He sent his letter by fax to Mexico City yesterday._9. We are offering you the following subject to our final confirmation_Non-firm O我方借此

22、良机向贵公司介绍我方可提供的产品。我方借此良机向贵公司介绍我方可提供的产品。 Typical Sentences Typical Sentences作为我方的长期客户,我方提供贵方合理的价格。作为我方的长期客户,我方提供贵方合理的价格。我方强烈建议贵方尽快下单。我方强烈建议贵方尽快下单。12. We strongly advise you to place an immediate order._ 11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to introduce our products available to you._13. As yo

23、u are one of our regular customers, we offer you reasonable prices._1.Please pay attention to the fact that 2. (此报盘有效期只有5天), and we cant repeat at such a favorable price.2. (随函附上商品目录和价目单), hoping to your satisfaction.3. We offer you the firm offer (以贵方3日内回复为准).4.We are very honored to 5.(报龙牌衬衣成本保险上海

24、盘).5.The above offer (以我方最后确认为准).Exercise and PracticeExercise and Practice1.Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese 2. information. this offer is valid for only 5 daysoffer on Dragon Shoes CFR Shanghai Enclosed our catalogue and price list subject to your reply reaching us within

25、3 days is subject to our final confirmation _ _ _ _我们如期收到您我们如期收到您5月月15日的信,信中所谈事宜尽悉。谢谢。日的信,信中所谈事宜尽悉。谢谢。 随信附上随信附上50箱货物的形式发票,请查收。箱货物的形式发票,请查收。 Exercise and Practice Exercise and Practice 1. Enclosed you will find a proforma invoice of 50 cases goods. _ 2. We duly received your favor of the 15th of May,

26、 contents of which we note with thanks. _ 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。 2.Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English. 3. Were willing to make you a firm offer at this price. _Moreover, we ve kept the price close to the costs of production. This offer is subject to our getting of import

27、 license. Exercise and Practice 4.再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。再说,这已经把价格压到生产费用的边缘了。 _ 5.此报盘以我方获得进口许可证为准。此报盘以我方获得进口许可证为准。 _ As you are one of the regular customers of ours, we would like you to share in the exceptional opportunity our purchase offers. 6.作为我方长期客户之一,我方希望贵方抓住这次由我方提供的罕见良机。作为我方长期客户之一,我方希望贵方抓住这次由我方

28、提供的罕见良机。 _ _ Exercise and Practice Exercise and PracticeDear Sir, In reply to your letter of the 21st of November, we 1. (很荣幸随函附上) a detailed quotation for lights. Besides those advertised in the newspaper, our illustrated catalogue also enclosed shows 2. (各式各样可得到的品种). Most types can be supplied fro

29、m stock.45-60 days should be allowed for delivery. have pleasure in enclosing various types and the sizes available 3.Complete the offer letter according to the Chinese information._ _ _ Exercise and Practice Exercise and Practiceeasy to install and attractive in appearance can allow a 2% discount A

30、ny orders you place with us will be processed promptly. Transportators in Hong Kong and Taiwan have found our equipment 3. (便于安装,外观吸引). Naturally all parts are replaceable. We 4. (能够允许2%的折扣) on all orders of US$6,000 in value and over, and a 3% on orders exceeding US$20,000. 5. (任何来自贵方的订单都将尽快得到处理).

31、Yours sincerely, Mary_ Exercise and Practice Exercise and Practice4.Write an offer letter according to the Chinese information given below. 敬启者:敬启者:很高兴接到您五月三日的询问函。随函附上本公司商品目录及价很高兴接到您五月三日的询问函。随函附上本公司商品目录及价格表一份,相信您会很感兴趣。格表一份,相信您会很感兴趣。相信贵方会发现它们优于市面上同类的产品,其价格及条件均具相信贵方会发现它们优于市面上同类的产品,其价格及条件均具竞争力。竞争力。由于市场

32、需要量很大,故贵方若想保证在国庆节之前交货,应尽由于市场需要量很大,故贵方若想保证在国庆节之前交货,应尽快提出订单。快提出订单。此报盘以此报盘以8月月20日前贵方答复为准。日前贵方答复为准。盼尽早接到您的指示。盼尽早接到您的指示。 您的忠诚的您的忠诚的 李丰李丰 Exercise and Practice Exercise and PracticeDear Sirs, We are pleased to receive your letter on 3rd, May. Enclosed please find a copy of catalogue and price list of our

33、company, hoping you will be interested in it. We believe that you will find our products are more excellent than the same kinds of products in the market, and it is also competitive both in the price and condition. Because of the heavy demand in the market, if you want to deliver the good before the National Day, you better place an immediate order. This offer is valid subject to your reply reaching us by 20th, August. Looking forward to your early reply soon. Yours faithfully, Li Feng



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