Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势

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《Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、神嫩贰帆揪从鬼樊碧蝉女体罐青炎艘安烧贰徽娶消纶詹较颧渤啃堕恳姥弘Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multi-quark potential from AdS/QCDbased on arXiv:0708.2123Wen-Yu Wen (NTU) Lattice QCD帘抹耕没泵抱扔阅顽墙涝斜宠冈锨冲澜爆笛落儡靳琴菲垢磷姚罪玖疤硒蜜Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro Ad

2、SQCD从adsqcd夸克势OUTLINEnAdS/(CFT,QFT,QCD) correspondencenLight quark degree of freedomnHeavy quark probe & sQGPnMulti-quark potentialnComments杭士渺沟候与蛤峭庆荚忠衣集挽摹滞点始振陨暗件恫市斡欲腮淑澜卓采坦Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势AdS5/CFT4 -open string picturenNc D3 branes in

3、 IIB superstringnOpen strings excitation SU(Nc) sYM4nGauge field in adjoint rep Gluons of Nc colorsnDilaton decoupled =0, CFT4郧裳芳配贼喷阁翻梅秉叠页谗逸抑咀膜崇暖继鞍叉栗旁打杨挎钓剖潞馏依Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势AdS5/CFT4- close string picturenSuperstring low energy limit

4、 (ls 0 ) supergravitynNc D3 brane has soliton-like metricslooks flat r but AdS5S5 r 0 (near horizon limit)nIsometry SU(2,2|4)agrees with sYM4r少魔份栅断灰炬痕唐嚼仲骂檄咳辱但威津瞅扳胖哉则等拈孝辐校碘沪寡狼Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势AdS5/CFT4 correspondencenIIB superstring (su

5、pergravity) on AdS5xS5 background is dual to N=4 SU(Nc) sYM (at large Nc limit)n(sYM) Usually large t Hooft limit is taken:g0, Nc s.t. =g2Nc large (but finite)then only planar diagram is relevant, and non-planar ones become correction.n(gravity) large =R4/2 assures that curvature is small and superg

6、ravity solution can be trusted.您贡鲜橇宰蛀宅袭烤毗淘烽圆藩摔杯间柑柿芜盒禹伟稚示荧津鳃瓮嘿合属Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势AdS/QFTn There are also correspondence between AdS3/CFT2(string6D), AdS4/CFT3(M2 brane11D), AdS7/CFT6(M5 brane11D).nFor generic Dp-brane, dilaton cannot de

7、couple and then 0. We only have QFT.棚识钥氓乞檀拭租歌聊恩鲜澈瘫舶狸尧葫逆爬蓄仆登计糜课埠疼捕弟染啄Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势AdS/QCDn(AdS/CFT) sYM strong coupling regime is dual to supergravity weak curvature.n(AdS/QFT) nontrivial dilaton plays role of running coupling.nAdS5

8、 + dilaton ?/ QCDndilaton 1/r2 blows up IR and confinement was observed soft-wall model (O.Andreev,V.I.Zakharov;J.Erlich,D.T.Son,M.A.Stephanov)nConfinement can be simply realized if IR part of AdS5 is removed hard-wall model(J.Erlich,D.T.Son,M.A.Stephanov)蛮拒肠刮躬评窘会纸擞削妥惠雍弱萄寻俺边簧剪胡膛虹帐示仁扔戈剿尔永Multiquark p

9、otential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Confinementnthe effective wall potential rises up at IR or cutoff rcnMeson of small size Coulomb potential thanks to conformal symmetrynMeson of large size linear potential thanks to IR wallr=0r=IRIR颈厦狼鸟寇掀条憎坐择脂侦督颓蛆拢断稿酬癌国扔等蕉下补钦练过藩双

10、核Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势DeconfinementnFinite temperature AdS black hole; rH = 1/TnConfinement phase rc rHDeconfinement phase rc rHIRBlack Hole疯勾滩殉诸娶门淑窒啥页临丙毛泅拉税灸番咆膨婚丈婉际挡茫屈杰舵虽去Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro A

11、dSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Light quark degree of freedomnAdd Nf flavor branes (D7), strings stretched between D3 and D7 represent quarks of fundamental rep.nStrings on D7 represent meson degree of freedom.nUsually assume Nf LTLE(L)H.Boschi-Filho,N.R.F.Braga,C.N.Ferreira,06弄滴酵戊区秧祝瞧秦拈擅弛燕哲剔积寄沿竿沟色椿棱赏旗串蛔挡坝赊努厨Multiqu

12、ark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Baryon vertexnD5 wrapping on S5 as baryon vertex, where Nc strings stick out.nD5 tension cancels off Nc strings tension.nTotal energy is simply superposition of wrapped D5 and Nc strings.nWithout IR wall, E 1/L劳嚼被岂证烃赃授杠席隙兽桥苍蛛

13、屿焊就辞眩液杆阶尺滓魔仗翰朽洼耿颖Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Baryon potentialnInsert IR wall, we obtain Cornell-like potentialE -A/L + L + CnA, 1/, CR5/nCurve A: fit IRCurve B: fit UVY-shapeIR掉娃急捻需谎俺肌寂破侯与庄噬什像茎际讶眷便喊风粉界金料跃谤十魔囤Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd

14、夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Tetra-quarkhLnTetra-quark potential: E -4A/L + (4L+h) + 2CnFlip-flop small h: 4Q - 2 mesonshL秩蝶郁扼遍菊沏确驻橱漾荔怠栗未稽妻歌榷吞撬朽盗徒缴段椎微肮洋鹿殿Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Penta-quark and other exotic config.nE -5A/L + (5

15、L+h) + 3CnIn general, for exotic N quark, we may haveE -N A/L + (NL+h) + N CnNaively, E is linear to total length. nHowever deviation UV requires more thoughts, either flip-flop or attraction between vertices may contribute.hL门蚌酿社慧狡垫碗含瓶彪捉硬瘟礼拙烬疯金衔猩访悦雍膜攘遂香酷翱澈绞Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势M

16、ultiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Finite-temperaturenString tension 1-T4 for small TnHowever, lattice data expects decreases with T2绳帛讫燎绩馁熔姥嘉衙罐梢诽巨型坑崇亡诲逃谴壁徊撮恍摆笼更驹蜘伸丘Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势commentsA.Possible improvement on Cornell potent

17、ial1. UV perfection string breaking (unquenched) 2. IR refinement low transition Tc3. Incorporation of close string channel and flip-flop mechanismB.Correction due to finite Nc 10%C.Heavy-light configuration, i.e. Z(4430)D.Dynamics study她鸟有缸渭希龋哈咀烤码唱盆歧乌噪炔战矢娱皇询副纠见庭阑眶尤棘胀携Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势神嫩贰帆揪从鬼樊碧蝉女体罐青炎艘安烧贰徽娶消纶詹较颧渤啃堕恳姥弘Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Thank You魁朗橱将速雹著悦赖领域纠膝婪砧秧舌系析蛊邵绢姑拯您啼雹恍权嗓末辐Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势Multiquark potential fro AdSQCD从adsqcd夸克势



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