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1、 ExercisesVocabulary (Page 82)I. 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. 1)The rich and the powerful separated themselves from the consequences of industrial growth by moving away from the factory areas to the more tranquil and less polluted co

2、untryside. 有有钱钱有有势势的人的人为为避开工避开工业发业发展的影响,展的影响, 从从工工业业区搬到区搬到安静安静又又污污染染较较少的少的乡乡下居住。下居住。 2) As people identify their own problems and begin to analyze the conditions that contribute to the problems, they can develop strategies that are appropriate for their own culture, time and place. 人人们们找到找到他他们们自身的自身

3、的问题问题后,后, 开始分析开始分析造成造成这这种种问题问题的原因,的原因, 这样这样他他们们才能得到才能得到适合适合他他们们自身文化,自身文化, 时时代和地域的代和地域的战战略。略。 3) The number of visitors from parts of Scotland not including the Edinburgh area was, in fact, relatively small (19%), and exceeded the number of overseas visitors(16%) by /with a small margin. 爱爱丁堡以外丁堡以外苏苏

4、格格兰兰来的游客数量来的游客数量(19%)(19%), 实实际际上上比比从海外来的游客数量从海外来的游客数量(16%)(16%)略多略多。 4) The early Spaniards established a chain of missions to civilize the local population along the San Antonio River. 早早期期的的西西班班牙牙人人组组成成传传教教团团, 沿沿着着圣圣安东尼奥河传播文化。安东尼奥河传播文化。 5) The controversy surrounding the effects of modern farming

5、 methods on the rural landscape has created bitter conflict between farming and environmental interests in recent years. 最近几年最近几年, 围绕着农村中现代耕作方法围绕着农村中现代耕作方法对农村地貌的影响的争论引起了农业和对农村地貌的影响的争论引起了农业和环境之间的矛盾。环境之间的矛盾。 6) It was common practice then that when the store owners wanted to go on vacation they simply

6、 closed up. 当商店老板想度假当商店老板想度假时时,他,他们们就会就会关关门门停停业业。这这种做法当种做法当时时很常很常见见。 上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是上个世纪由英国人建造的新德里城总是让人让人回忆起回忆起那个时代的那个时代的宽阔的林荫道宽阔的林荫道, 美丽的花园美丽的花园和和宏伟的大楼宏伟的大楼。 7) New Delhi, built by the British early last century, calls up memories of a different era with its wide avenues, beautiful gardens and gr

7、and buildings.你只要从杂志上剪下有趣或漂亮的图片你只要从杂志上剪下有趣或漂亮的图片, 然后然后把它们粘在卡片上把它们粘在卡片上, 最后最后写上字就做写上字就做成了生日卡片。成了生日卡片。 8) To make a birthday card, you can simply cut out some funny or pretty pictures from magazines, paste them onto a piece of card and then write your message inside. 9) She picked up the receiver and,

8、 without so much as asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.她拿起听筒她拿起听筒, 没有说声没有说声别挂别挂, 就离开告诉就离开告诉 杰克说有人找他。杰克说有人找他。 为了放松一下为了放松一下, 他他从从电脑桌前电脑桌前站起来站起来, 穿过房穿过房间走到窗户前间走到窗户前, 做了手臂上举和平举的动作。做了手臂上举和平举的动作。 10) To relax himself for a little while, he rose from the com

9、puter desk, walked across the room towards the window and stretched both arms upwards and sideways. 11) The demonstrators barricaded the streets with burning tyres and threw stones at the police who were trying to scatter them with water cannon. 游行者游行者用燃烧的轮胎设置路障用燃烧的轮胎设置路障, 并并向向用用高压水高压水炮炮驱散驱散他们的警察他们的

10、警察投掷石块投掷石块。 下一代下一代随身听随身听会有一对内置的扬声器会有一对内置的扬声器, 你可你可以很容易地接在你以很容易地接在你电脑电脑的声卡上。的声卡上。 12) The next generation Walkman will have a pair of small loudspeakers fitted inside, which you can easily hook up to your computers sound card. 每年每年大约大约有五十万人死于交通事故有五十万人死于交通事故, 而这而这些交通事故几乎些交通事故几乎追溯到追溯到某种人为因素。某种人为因素。 13)

11、 Approximately half a million people die in traffic accidents every year and it is almost always possible to trace the cause of a traffic accident back to some form of human error.制定这张图表是为了显示有多少房间已租出制定这张图表是为了显示有多少房间已租出去了去了, 有多少房间还有多少房间还空着空着。 14) This chart is designed to show at a glance how many ro

12、oms have been rented out and how many are still available. 15) Bathed in glorious sunshine, the boundless stretch of corn fields looked an impressive sight. 沐浴在沐浴在明媚的阳光明媚的阳光下下, 一望无际一望无际的玉米地呈现的玉米地呈现出一派令人难忘的景色。出一派令人难忘的景色。 2. Use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned

13、 and replace with it the italicized part in each of the following sentences: 1) The shock of an accident or a physical injury may sometimes cause immediate inability to think clearly-even when the injury is not to the head. (bring) cause: bring about2) In his autobiography, Mr. Hanson recalled his s

14、econd career, taken up at the age of sixty, as the happiest time of his life when his creativity was exercised to the full. (look) recalled: looked back too the full: to the greatest degree3) The heavy rain stopped the supply of electricity to large parts of the South and caused the polluted rivers

15、to flood, which later contaminated the entire region. (cut) stopped the supply of: cut off contaminate: make impure by mixing in impure, dirty, or poisonous matter4) If the TV has to find sufficient room in a limited space, its a good idea to choose a model that has a front-facing speaker, such as F

16、erguson or Hitachi. (fit) find sufficient room: fit into 5) Both sides are trying to weaken the other by obstinately sticking to their own positions in the negotiations. (wear) weaken: wear (the other) down obstinate: refusing to change ones opinion or behavior, in spite of argument or persuasion6)

17、The secret of a successful school consists in effective co-operation between professional leadership, the government and the local authority. (lie)consists in: lies in 7) Many suburban residents in the United States erect an invisible electronic fence around their premises to prevent their pets from

18、 running away. (put) erect: put up 8) The initials VAT represent Value Added Tax (增增值值税税), which is a type of tax paid by the person who buys the goods or services. (stand) represent: stand for3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. The first part has

19、been written for you. which is likely to make people vulnerable to asthma has been found by researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford.1) Researchers at the Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford have found a certain gene which they think is likely to make people suffer from ast

20、hma. (vulnerable)A certain gene with mirrored doors had to be built in so as to make their small bedroom look larger2) Their bedroom is pretty small. To make it look larger, they had to construct into wall a wardrobe with mirrored doors. (build in) A wardrobe . feature the space shuttle Challenger b

21、lowing up in January 1986killing all seven crew3)The space shuttle Challenger blowing up in January 1986 - killing all seven crew - is highlighted in the NBC shows opening shots(片片头头). (feature)The NBC shows opening shots . can be held at bay by increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables which a

22、re both low in calories and rich in Vitamin C4) Increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables - both low in calories and rich in Vitamin C - has the benefit of keeping colds away from you. (holdat bay)Colds .next are a major barrier to economic growth due to imported oil absorbing 40% of the countr

23、ys foreign exchange/ because imported oil has absorbed 40% .5)Imported oil has absorbed 40% of the countrys foreign exchange. As a result, energy difficulties have held back the growth of its economy. (barrier)Energy difficulties 4. Complete the following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Mak

24、e additions or changes where necessary. looked back ontranquil1)Jacob his summer holidays spent on the Island of Hawaii with its beautiful landscape and atmosphere as a rare escape from the madness of . (urban, tranquil, look back on) urban lifenext2) I by the word “e-mail” when I came across it for

25、 the first time years ago. “What is an e-mail? What on earth does the letter e here ?” I asked myself. Later, I got to know that e-mail is a system for communicating messages by rather than physical means. (electronic, puzzle, stand for)was puzzledstand forelectronicnext3) Mr. Smith has, over the ye

26、ars, established his name as a successful used-car dealer in the minds of local people. He places regular though small in newspapers affordable second-hand cars, vans and trucks. At the back of he owns a used-car lot which faces a deserted street. (feature, premises, advertisement)featuringadvertise

27、mentspremisesII. Collocation1) We used to shout his name outside his house until he came out and chased us away.2) She smiled at the guests in a friendly way and started to usher them inside / in.3) He had to push his way forward / through to get off the train as there were so many people on board.4

28、) The wind that had been pushing him, now began to drag him back, making everything seem heavy.5) I have to pay a visit to the doctor, so I can give you a ride and drop you off at the nearest subway station.6) I bought the books and took them home, only to find some pages missing. Nevertheless I fou

29、nd them interesting and still thought they were a bargain.7) It is on such schemes that they intend to bring the level of unemployment back down to at least the 1990 low point or even lower.8) Hong Kong is a free port where people bring goods from all over the world in and then ship them out to othe

30、r lands without tax being charged.III. Usage (Double negative)1) Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be.2) Most men do not look unattractive in them.3) Wealthy as she is, she is not unconcerned by her sudden unemployment.4) This claim is not unrealistic in view of a sharp decrease in

31、the citys violent crimes.5) His poor health is not unrelated to his unhealthy way of life.Structure 1. 1)I never thought about asking him what was intended by that remark. I thought he was just joking. It never occurred to me to ask him what was intended by that remark. I thought he was just joking.

32、2) I suddenly came into my mind that the names of their children - Rose, Lily and Daisy - were the names of flowers. It occurred to me that the names of their children - Rose, Lily and Daisy - were the names of flowers.3) When he heard her say so, he came up with the idea that for convenience he als

33、o could contact the local travel agency and ask them to take care of everything. When he heard her say so, it occurred to him that for convenience he also could contact the local travel agency and ask them to take care of everything.4) Have you never thought that the problems in the Middle East are

34、complicated and difficult to solve? Has it never occurred to you that the problems in the Middle East are complicated and difficult to solve? Structure 2.1)They have to agree to work extra hours for no extra pay, or they are very likely to be dismissed. If they dont agree to work extra hours for no

35、extra pay, chances are that they will be dismissed. 2) Research is being carried out on the disease and progress is being made at present. It is likely that there will be a cure within the next ten years. Research is being carried out on the disease and progress is being made at present. Chances are

36、 that there will be a cure within the next ten years.3) If you are eating lots of fatty food, youll probably put on several pounds in a matter of weeks. If you are eating lots of fatty food, chances are that youll put on several pounds in a matter of weeks.4) He left his office an hour ago but hasnt

37、 got home yet. Its likely hes got stuck in a traffic jam. He left his office an hour ago but hasnt got home yet. Chances are that hes got stuck in a traffic jam.Cloze A1. Statistics 2. rural3. era 4. stood for5. on the latch 6. vulnerable7. barriers 8. at bay9. electronic 10. reflection11. puzzle 12

38、. civilizedCloze B 1. worse/scarier 2. tougher/harder 3. Yes/True 4. barricading 5. from 6. not 7. every 8. However 9. say 10. back / at bay11. chances 12. Therefore13. when 14. leave15. Dont 16. head / brainsTranslation Translate the following passage into English, using the words and phrases given

39、 below.在美国每隔在美国每隔15秒钟就有人秒钟就有人举报举报一起入室行一起入室行窃案。窃案。A burglary is reported every 15 seconds in the United States.统计数据统计数据显示显示去年窃贼光顾了两百多万户去年窃贼光顾了两百多万户人家。人家。Statistics show burglars entered more than 2 million homes last year.人们实际上人们实际上几乎无法几乎无法将蓄意行窃的窃贼将蓄意行窃的窃贼拒之拒之门外门外, Actually it is almost impossible to

40、 keep a determined burglar out. 所能做的所能做的只是设法阻拦他片刻,只是设法阻拦他片刻, 从而从而使其使其暴暴露露在在巡警或巡警或附近附近溜达溜达的的人们面前。人们面前。All you can do is (to) discourage him fora few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols or those wandering around.常识常识告诉我们,光照是犯罪行为的告诉我们,光照是犯罪行为的障碍物障碍物。Common sense tells us that lighting is a bar

41、rier to criminal activity. 家门口必须安装一盏灯,并在晚间开着。家门口必须安装一盏灯,并在晚间开着。A light must be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night.不管你是否相信不管你是否相信,有些,有些 人,人,尤其尤其是最晚进家是最晚进家的孩子,晚上进屋后的孩子,晚上进屋后不把门锁上不把门锁上。Believe it or not, some people, particularlychildren who happen to be the last to come in, leave their door

42、s on the latch at night.空心门,空心门,即便即便是锁上了,也易遭贼侵入。是锁上了,也易遭贼侵入。 Doors of hollow core, even when locked, are vulnerable to break-ins. 因此最好选择实心门或铁门,因为窃贼很难因此最好选择实心门或铁门,因为窃贼很难将他们将他们撬开撬开。 Thus doors of solid core or steel are much preferred as they make it difficult for the burglar to pry open. 如果你有意购买报警装置,

43、如果你有意购买报警装置,别别 忘了忘了索要报警索要报警器的器的标志标志,并把他们,并把他们张贴在张贴在窗户和门上。窗户和门上。 If you decide to buy an alarm device, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors. 最后,提醒一句,外出旅游时,最后,提醒一句,外出旅游时,一定要一定要请请一一位位信得过的信得过的邻居邻居,在你回来之前帮你收好每,在你回来之前帮你收好每日的报纸和邮件。日的报纸和邮件。 Finally, a word of warning when y

44、ou travel, make sure that you have a trusted neighbor collect and keep all the deliveries of newspapers and mail until you return. 这是因为放在门阶上或邮箱里这是因为放在门阶上或邮箱里成堆的成堆的报纸邮报纸邮件如同广告一样使大家都知道你家里没人。件如同广告一样使大家都知道你家里没人。 This is because a collection of newspapers and mail on the front doorstep or in your mailbox is an advertisement that no one is home.



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