高中英语 Unit 18 Beauty Lesson 2 What ’s Your Favourite Music课件 北师大版选修6

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1、一二一、释义搭配1.delicateA.fixed in position,movement,or state;well controlled2.deliverB.thinking too highly of ones appearance,abilities,etc3.thrillC.a series of musical notes that are played4.dignityD.sudden and unexpected,often in an unpleasant way5.abruptE.the fact of being given honour and respect by

2、people6.steadyF.small and having a beautiful shape or appearance7.vainG.to take sth.to peoples houses or places of work8.symphony H.a sudden strong feeling of excitement or horror答案:1F2G3H4E5D6A7B 8C 一二二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.The department store district is easily (access) from our house.2.Im having some f

3、lowers (deliver) for her birthday.3.May I (refresh) your memory of the last lecture before we go on?4.I have a (tend) to talk too much when Im nervous.5.I did not tell her the (disturb) news.accessible delivered refresh tendency disturbing 1234678951.Its accessible and lively.它容易理解且活泼。考点accessible a

4、dj.容易理解的Buchan succeeds in making a difficult subject accessible to the readers.巴肯成功地把一个棘手的题目变得易于读者理解。1)阅读下列句子归纳与accessible相关的短语的用法Ms Cheng is so accessible to pity that she often offers food and clothes to the poor students.程老师很有同情心,她经常给贫困学生提供食物和衣服。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible

5、 to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。123467895归纳:sb.be accessible to pity表示“某人具有同情心”。sth.is accessible to sb.表示“某物容易被某人触摸到”。2)access n.渠道,途径Only a small percentage of Africans have access to the Internet.只有少数非洲人有机会接触到互联网。归纳:“have access to”,表示“有机会接触”。活学活用语法填空完成句子2)Many people in Japan died from the earthqua

6、ke because they didnt(得到) immediate rescue.accessible have access to 1)Computers should be made readily (access) to teachers and pupils.1234678952.thrill n.兴奋;恐惧v.使兴奋I felt it a thrill to know (that) I had passed the examination.得知考试及格后我很兴奋。Some of them also had the thrill of being on the winning si

7、de.他们中的一些人也有获得成功的兴奋。The traveller thrilled us with his stories.这位旅行者的经历使我们兴奋不已。1234678951)give sb.a thrill使某人感到激动It gave me a thrill to see the famous pop star finally,who is my idol.我感到非常激动,终于看到那个著名的明星我的偶像了。2)相关短语get a thrill out of因而激动thrill to sth.对某物感到非常兴奋thrill sb.with sth.以某物使某人兴奋The child was

8、 thrilled with horror at the sight of the tiger in the dark.那孩子看到暗处的老虎吓得毛骨悚然。Even though Ive been acting for years,I still get a thrill out of standing on stage.即使我从事表演已经多年了,但是站在台上我仍然很激动。1234678953)辨析:thrilled和thrillingWe felt thrilled when we heard the thrilling voice.当我们听到那毛骨悚然的声音时,我们感到害怕。归纳:thril

9、led adj. “感到兴奋的;感到害怕的”,修饰人。thrilling adj. “毛骨悚然的;使人颤抖的,使人发抖的”,修饰物。活学活用用thrill的正确形式填空1)She was very at the news.2)Hester looked at him with the of another joy.thrilled thrilling thrill 1234678953.in harmony 用和声;与协调We adore listening to the songs in perfect harmony.我们很喜欢听用完美的和声唱的歌曲。It is important for

10、 those in different jobs to live together in harmony.有不同工作的人融洽地生活在一起是很重要的。活学活用语法填空We had better work together and develop harmony.in 【高考典句】(2015福建高考)Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人类生活被认为是大自然的一部分,就这点而论,我们要想生存唯一的办法

11、就是与大自然和谐相处。1234678954.refresh vt.消除的疲劳,使振作精神The long sleep had refreshed her.一场酣睡使她又精力充沛。1)阅读下列句子归纳refresh的含义Let me refresh your glass.我给你再倒一杯吧。He refreshed himself with a cool shower.他冲了个凉水澡凉快凉快。He had to refresh his memory by reading his notes.他不得不靠看笔记来提醒自己。归纳:refresh还可表示“重新斟满”和“使想起;使清凉”;refresh o

12、nes memory 表示“唤起某人的记忆”。1234678952)refresh sb.from使某人消除refresh sb.with.用使(某人)神清气爽3)派生词refreshing adj.提神的;使清爽的;使人重新振作的refreshment n.点心;饮料;起提神作用的东西;精力恢复活学活用用所给单词的适当形式填空1)They stopped by a lake and drank some cold water to refresh (they).2)Herbs have been used for centuries to make (refresh) drinks.them

13、selves refreshing 1234678955.abrupt adj. 突然的,出其不意的We are surprised with the abrupt turn of the prices.我们对价格的突然变化感到很惊讶。When I asked her about her new job,she was quite abrupt with me.当我询问她的新工作时,她对我态度非常粗鲁。归纳:abrupt除了表示“突然的,出其不意的”之外,还可表示“粗鲁无礼的”。活学活用完成句子Rosies world came to (出其不意的结尾) when her parents ma

14、rriage broke up.an abrupt end 1234678956.disturbing adj.使人烦恼的He brought us a piece of disturbing news.他给我们带来了一则令人烦恼的消息。1)阅读下列句子体会黑体词的词性及词义Im sorry to disturb you with this question.对不起,打扰你了,我有个问题请教。词性:动词词义:打扰2)辨析:disturbing和disturbedHis long speech was so disturbing that we felt deeply disturbed.他的长

15、篇大论非常烦人,我们感到很烦。归纳:disturbing“使人烦恼的”,修饰物;disturbed “感到烦恼的”,修饰人。123467895活学活用用disturb的适当形式填空1)Im sorry you but I have to tell you the news that Mary has been injured in the accident.2)Im sorry,but Miss Lee is resting and cant .to disturb disturbing be disturbed 1234678957.Personally,Im not that keen o

16、n.就个人而言,我并非那么热衷于考点be keen on喜爱;对着迷;有兴趣He has been particularly keen on teaching children in villages.他尤其喜欢教乡村里的孩子们。相关短语be keen to do sth.热衷做某事He told Mary that he was keen to help.他告诉玛丽他非常乐意帮忙。活学活用语法填空1)She is out of hospital and keen (go) back to work.2)Mary is keen playing table tennis while Tom l

17、ikes basketball.to go on 1234678958.I like the faster stuff.我喜欢节奏快的曲子。So do I.我也是。考点So do+主语此句型为倒装结构,其主语与上文句子中的主语是不同的。so代表上句中陈述的肯定内容。do可以是连系动词、情态动词或助动词,且必须与上句中的谓语动词时态保持一致,表示答话人与说话人陈述的情况一样,该结构意思为“也如此”。I like playing basketball.我喜欢打篮球。So do I.(=I like playing basketball,too.)我也喜欢。1234678951)So+主语+do这是

18、一种简单的答语,是对上文所说的情况加以肯定附和。其中so的意义相当于indeed,certainly,表示“的确如此,确实这样”。He works hard.他工作努力。So he does,and so does his brother.他确实是这样,他兄弟也是如此。2)当前一句是否定句时,so须改用neither或nor。“neither/nor do+主语”表示前一否定的情况也适用于后者,该结构中的do仍然用肯定式。He has never been to Beijing.Nor/Neither has she.他从未去过北京,她也没去过。123467895活学活用完成句子I dont

19、know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather.(我也是).I cant stand all this rain.So am I 1234678959. .I have to admit that her songs are easy to sing.我必须承认她的歌很容易唱。剖析本句是一个复合句,that在句中引导宾语从句。考点一admit vt.承认,赞同【高考典句】(2015福建高考)If youre the person who is in the wrong,just admit it!如果你是犯了错误的人,就承认错误吧!H

20、e also admitted that he had enjoyed making her run around and saw it as a game.他也承认他喜欢叫她四处跑并且以此为游戏。123467895阅读下列句子归纳admit的其他用法Her daughter was admitted to a famous university last year.去年她女儿考入了一所名牌大学。归纳:admit除了表示“承认,赞同”外,还可表示“允许加入,接纳”。123467895考点二“be+adj.+to do”结构“be+adj.+ to do”结构是主动形式表示被动意义的表达方式之一

21、,在此结构中,to do与主语是动宾关系。常用形容词有:difficult,hard,easy,light,heavy,comfortable,interesting,dangerous,delicious等。The food is delicious to eat.食物吃起来很可口。This room is comfortable to live in.这间房住起来很舒适。123467895活学活用用所给单词的适当形式填空1)The man admitted (make) a mistake and made an apology to the woman. 2)This machine is very easy (operate).Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.makingto operate



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