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1、Yeti, Bigfoot and the Wild Man of ShennongjiaStructure AnalysisPart 1(para.1+para.2): Information about Yetis.Part 2(para.3): Description of Bigfoot.Part 3(para.4): Tales of the Wild Man.Part 4(para.5): A scientists opinion.Part 5(para.6):Conclusion (an open end).Structure AnalysisPara. 1:Para. 2:Pa

2、ra. 3:Reports about seeing Yetis in the Himalayas for hundreds of years.An eyewitness to a Yeti in 1998.Another eyewitness who saw Yeti tracks in 2007, which looked like the tracks of the Bigfoot in the USA.Structure AnalysisPara. 4:Para. 5:Para. 6:Reports of the Wild Man of Shennongjia, a creature

3、similar to Yeti and Bigfoot.An American scientists opinion.The hope for the solution of the mystery.Wild creaturesNameWhere are they seen Features(特征特征)YetiBigfootWild ManIn the HimalayasIn the forests of the north-west of the USAIn western Hubei Province, ChinaA large, hairy animal , Walking like a

4、 human being, thick black fur, six feet tall with huge shoulders, long arms and large handsTheir tracks are similar to Yeti tracks 33cm in lengthMoving with amazing speed and strength ; large tracksDescribe Yetis from the following pictureHuge shoulderslarge handslarge feetthick black furLong armsBi

5、gfootWild Man in Shennongjia True or False Questions1. An American mountain climber said that he saw a Yeti in 1989 .2. Yeti is a kind of human-like creature. 3. Footprints of Yetis are similar to humans. 4.Scientists have solved the mystery. F1998TFlarger than FIts just their hope.Report of seeing

6、a Yeti Being a large and _1_ _ animal Walking on two feet like _2_ Evidence for its _7_Yeti in the HimalayasHaving thick black _3_ Being six feet tall with _4_ , long arms and large handsTracks near MountQomolangma 33 centimeters _5_ Looking like tracks of BigfootWild Man in ShennongjiaMoving _6 _an

7、d strength Large tracksScientists _9_ becoming _ 8 _ _ they exists Being linked to an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago HopeWell find a _10_to such a mystery one day.hairya human beingfurhuge shouldersin lengthwith amazing speedopinionconvincedexistencesolutionAppreciate the sentences

8、1.(line 2-4) The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.sb./sth. is said to do=it is said that=people say that People say that _ It is said that_the Yeti is a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.Yeti is a large, hairy animal that

9、walks on two feet like a human being.2. (line 14-16) He reported that they looked like the tracks of a similar creature, called Bigfoot, which some people believe lives in the forests of the north-west of the USA.3.(line 27-28) He believed that these creatures are linked to a common ancestor, an ani

10、mal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago.ShirleyCheck your answers、Task-based reading(1)creature (2) seen(3)climber (4) Chinese(5)tracks (6) Dozens(7)existence (8) since(9)Conclusion (10) chanceLanguage Points1、(line 1) report doing sth. 接动名词动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的34个常用动词之一 admit doing sth. forbid doing

11、 sth. 2、*(line 2-4) sb. is said to do=it is said that=people say that可用于这种句型的单词还有report, expect, consider, suppose, believe,think 等。 Its said that sb /sth = Sb /Sth is/was said to do/be doing/have done(1)据说他要出国深造。(2) It was said that he had been dismissed.(3)据说她现在正住院,从肝衰竭中康复。It is said that he will

12、go abroad for further study.曾传说他已经被辞退了。 She is said to be in hospital, recovering from liver failure.Practice1._ in the newspapers that the new president will take office next week. A. It is reported B. Which is reported C. It is reporting D. As is reportedA2._ in the newspapers, the new president w

13、ill take office next week. A. It is reported B. Which is reported C. It is reporting D. As is reportedD3、(line 12) track n.& v.(1)Track n. 小路 a rough track 跑道 track and field 田径 铁轨 railway tracks 踪迹 keep track of 了解动向,做笔记(2)track v. 跟踪Track the criminals/game(猎物)*33 centimetres in length/longlong ad

14、j. length n.deep adj. depth n.wide adj. width n.high adj. height n.Practice: This river is 45 metres in _(wide). This building is 100 metres in _(high).4.(line 17) similar adj. 类似的,同样的be similar to 与相似Her views are similar to mine. be similar in 在方面相似Gold is similar in color to brass(铜). similarly a

15、dv. 相似地 similarity n. 类似5. (line 18) There have been dozens of reports that people have seen a Wild Man in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve in western Hubei Province, China.*dozen a dozen (of) eggsTwo/three dozen(不加s和of) eggsWe already have _ pencils, but we need two _ pens.A. dozen of, dozen B. dozen

16、s of, dozens C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen ofCdozen的用法是:的用法是:(1) 与与具体数字具体数字连用时,不加复数连用时,不加复数词尾词尾-s,后面也不接介词,后面也不接介词of。(2) 不与具体数字不与具体数字连用,而是表示连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾数词尾-s,而且要后接介词,而且要后接介词 of。注:注:score, hundred, thousand, million等也具有以上类似用法。等也具有以上类似用法。6. (line 20)run after If yo

17、u run after two horses, you will catch neither.他没他没致力于致力于学习,而是学习,而是浪费时间浪费时间追求女孩。追求女孩。追赶追赶追求追求如果你同时追赶两只马,你一只也抓不到如果你同时追赶两只马,你一只也抓不到Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time running after girls.7.(line 26) *convince vt. 说服,使信服 convinced adj. convincing adj.主主动动1.Convince sb. of sth

18、.2.Convince sb. to do sth.3.Convince sb. that被被动动1.Sb. be convinced by sb./sth.2.Sb. be convinced of These reports convince people of the existence of aliens. These reports convince people that aliens really exist.These reports made people convinced of the existence of aliens.这些报道使得人们相信了外星人的存在。8. (L

19、ine 29) In his opinion, this animal made its way to other parts of the world, and continues to survive even today. * make ones way to sp. 通向,前往她快速离开房间,朝她床边走去。她快速离开房间,朝她床边走去。She hastily left the room, and made her way to her bed.* survive vi. 活着,继续存在活着,继续存在 vt. 幸免于难幸免于难, 存活存活, 艰难度过艰难度过. 她在沙漠中靠水和面包活了一

20、周。她在沙漠中靠水和面包活了一周。She survived in the desert for a week on bread and water.只有两名乘客在这次空难中幸存。只有两名乘客在这次空难中幸存。Only two passengers survived the air-crash. survivor n. 幸存者幸存者Check your answers1.背景知识:2.对有了解:3.袭击村民:4.长度: 5.复制这些足迹:6.让科学家检查:the background informationgive sb. an idea ofattack villagersin lengthc

21、opy these trackshave sth. examined by scientists7. 与相似:8. 许多报道:9. 在一个实例中:10. 追逐这种生物:11. 以令人惊讶的速度和力气奔跑:12.属于:be similar todozens of reportsin one caserun after the creaturemove with amazing speed and strengthbelong to13.确信:14.有组织的搜索这种生物:15. 找出存在的确凿证据:16.与共同的祖先有关:17. 走向:become convinced of/ thatorganized searches for this creaturefind strong evidence for its existencebe linked to a common ancestormake ones way to18. 解决谜团:19. 亲眼:20. 几次有组织的搜查:21.依他之见:solve the mysterywith ones own eyessome organized searchesin his opinion



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