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3、orinthefirstyearofauniversitycourse.2024/9/642.MiddleEasternCountriesgenerally referring to the area from Afghanistan to Egypt, including the Arabian Peninsula, Cyprus, and Asiatic Turkey中东包括22个阿拉伯国家和5个非阿拉伯国家,其中除以色列、塞浦路斯外都是伊斯兰国家。2024/9/653.BazaarBazaar英音:bz:美音:bzr名词名词n.C1.(中东国家等的)市场;街市;集市2.洋杂店;小工艺品商

4、店3.义卖;义卖市场2024/9/662024/9/674. GothicGothic : a style of architecture originated in France in 11th century, characterized by pointed arches, ribbed vaulting(肋架拱顶肋架拱顶), steep, high roofs, etc.2024/9/682024/9/692024/9/610NotreDamecathedral2024/9/6115. veiled womenveiled women: Some Moslems use the vei

5、l-more appropriately, the purdah - to seclude or hide their women from the eyes of strangers2024/9/6122024/9/6136.caravanserai .krvnsraicaravanserai (caravansary): in the Middle East, a kind of inn with a large central court, where bands of merchants or pilgrims, together with their camels or horses

6、, stay for shelter and refreshment2024/9/614GeneralQuestionsonthetextnRead the text and try to answer the following questions:nWhattypeofwritingisthetext?nHowmanysectionsisthetextdividedinto?nWhatisthemaintopicineachsection?nWhatisthegeneralimpressionofeachsection?2024/9/615Textual StructureEntrance

7、Cloth MarketCoppersmithsMarketVarious MarketsLinseedOil Mill2024/9/616GeneralImpressionofEachSectionnSection1:pp1:theentranceofthebazaar-noisy(humanvoices)nSection2:pp2:theclothmarket-quietnSection3:pp3-4:wayoftradingnSection4:pp5-6:coppersmithmarket-noisy(metal)nSection5:pp7:variousmarkets-colorful


9、renPp8:Perhapsthemostunforgettablethinginthebazaar,istheplace2024/9/618Section1:theentranceofthetheentranceofthebazaarbazaarnBazaar(inOrientalcountries)amarketorstreetofshopsandstallsmarket, fair, shopping center, shopping mall, plazanTheoneIamthinkingofisenteredncavernwhichextendsasfarastheeyecanse

10、e,2024/9/619nlosingitselfintheshadowydistancenthreadtheirwaymake ones way/ push ones way/ elbow ones way/ shoulder ones waynlittlestallswheregoodsofeveryconceivablekindaresoldnthrongsofpeoplevs.crowdsofpeoplendinvsnoisedinloud , confused noise that continues2024/9/620翻译练习1)我永远也忘不了那一望无际的大草原)我永远也忘不了那一



13、ablekindweresold.2024/9/621Section2ClothmarketnQuiet: noise fades away, muted, deadens the sound, (both sellers and buyers) speak in measured tones, sepulchral atmospherenFadeaway-goslowlyoutofhearing,graduallydisappear e.g The light faded as the sun went down. His hopes faded. All memory of her chi

14、ldhood faded from her mind. His anger faded away. The sun faded the cloth.nOverwhelm1)stronglyaffectedbyafeelingorevent,donotknowhowtodealwithit.e.g The horror of it all ed me . 这恐惧吓得我魂不附体。这恐惧吓得我魂不附体。 He ed me with a torrent of abuse. 他那连珠炮似的谩骂骂得我哑口无言。他那连珠炮似的谩骂骂得我哑口无言。2024/9/622FollownFollow suit:完全

15、照办When the others went swimming, I followed suit.nAs follows:如下His arguments are as follows.nFollow on:一会儿接着进行The second half of the concert will follow on in twenty minutes.nFollow the lead:照样行事There are several people like me who would follow your lead over anything else.2024/9/623Section3Waysoftr

16、adingnSome phrases about doing business:bargain/ stall/ trestle table/ beat the price down/ to price the item high/ selecting, pricing, doing a little preliminary bargaining/ / profit/ customer/ nistheorderoftheday:thenormalwayofdoingthings. e.g. Nowadays in every field, competition is the order of

17、the day.nmake a point ofregardortreatitasnecessary,例句:例句:1)英语初学者学好语音语调是很有必要的。英语初学者学好语音语调是很有必要的。2)作为未来的英语教师,我们认为掌握好英语语法是很有必要的。)作为未来的英语教师,我们认为掌握好英语语法是很有必要的。3)对于长袍运动员来说,每天跑)对于长袍运动员来说,每天跑50公里是很正常的公里是很正常的. 1) English learners make a point of obtaining correct pronunciation and intonation at the very begi

18、nning. 2)We will be English teachers, so we make a point of having a good knowledge of English grammar. 3) For a long-distance runner, running 50 miles is the order of the day.2024/9/624veiledwomenveiledwomen2024/9/625nDeprive sb. of sth. takesth.awayfromsomeone,orpreventsb.fromhavingsth.1. 黑人被剥夺了同等

19、的受教育的机会黑人被剥夺了同等的受教育的机会.2. 烦恼使他无法入睡烦恼使他无法入睡. 3.计划中的公路侵占了孩子们的操场计划中的公路侵占了孩子们的操场. 1.The black people were deprived of equal educational opportunities.2.His troubles deprived him of sleep.3.The planned highway will deprive children of their playground.2024/9/626Copper-Smithmarket2024/9/627nSmith:apersonw

20、howorksinironorothermetals,esp.ablacksmith.Alsoaskilledworkerinotherartsorcraftse.g. blacksmith, coppersmith, silversmith, tinsmith, goldsmith. locksmith e.g. smith shop, smithcraft, smith work,nPicturesque 美丽如画的美丽如画的1) Mary lives in a picturesque village.2) The tower upon it gave the stream a pictu

21、resque appearance.3) The surroundings of the house are remarkably picturesque.4) On national holidays the Austrian peasants wear picturesque costumes.A picturesque way of speaking (unique way)He was a picturesque figure with his long beard and strange old clothes. (unique and lively)2024/9/628Wordsf

22、orsoundnTinkling: a succession of light, clear, ringing sounds (of a small bell)n Banging: hit violently, to make a loud noise (to bang a door, hammer something hard)nClashing: loud, broken, confused noise (as when metal objects strike together ( swords clash) (onomatopoeia)nImpinge on -strike; come

23、 into forcible contact with, collide with ; have an effect on1) I heard the rain impinge upon the earth/ window.2) The cuts in defense spending impinged on two of the regions largest employers.3) Your political opinions will necessarily impinge on your public life 2024/9/629Wordsforlightsna fairylan

24、d for dancing flashes (flashquick bright lights moving up and down) burnished copper the light of innumerable lamps and braziers red of live coals n live coals glowing bright and then dimming rhythmically2024/9/630nHammerawayAway:continuously,constantlyusu.withwordslike:work,fire1)Little Hans worked

25、 away in his garden.2)The soldiers fired away until they had no ammunition left.3)She was typing away in the little room beyond his.4)He was laughing away all the afternoon.2024/9/631Augustus, there is nobody in the room now. Fire away.?n连续射击nThetroopswerefiringawayattheadvancingenemy.部队连续不断地向步步进逼的敌

26、人开火。非正开始;热烈地谈;发问Weareallreadytolistentoyou,sofireaway!我们都准备好听你说,快讲吧!Allright,fireawaywithyourquestions.好吧,你们尽管问吧2024/9/632Wordsforcontrastntiny apprentice big charcoal fire huge leather bellows big toen glowing bright - dimming rhythmicallyn delicate , intricate traditional simple everyday 2024/9/63

27、3nLiveadj.adv.1)实验室正在用活生生的猴子做试验。实验室正在用活生生的猴子做试验。2)这是一条活鱼。这是一条活鱼。3)烧烤就是在燃着的炭火上烤食物。烧烤就是在燃着的炭火上烤食物。4)这不是录像,而是实况转播。这不是录像,而是实况转播。5)我今天值班,所以在节目表演时,我只能收听广播里的直播。我今天值班,所以在节目表演时,我只能收听广播里的直播。6)音乐会将会现场转播。音乐会将会现场转播。1)The laboratory is conducting experiments with live monkeys.2) This is a live fish.3) Barbecues m

28、ean cooking food over live coals. 4) It isnt a recoded show, but a live one.5) I am on duty today, so I can only listen to the live broadcast while the performance is in process on the stage.6) The concert will be broadcast live. * Housing is still a live issue. (活跃的, 有现实意义的)2024/9/634Delicate:1:sth

29、.smallandbeautifullyshaped He has delicate hands like girls.2:stheasytoharm,damage,orbreak,andneedstobehandledortreatedwithcare. The plate was so delicate that I was afraid to wash it.3:problemorsituationtobedealtwithcarefullyandtactfullyinordertoavoidupsettingoroffendingpeople In such a delicate si

30、tuation I like to weigh my words. Sex education is a delicate subject.4:sb.isnothealthyorstrong,easilyillHe has been in delicate health for years.5:smellortaste,color,pleasantandnotstrongorintense When people are ill they need delicate food. A soup delicately flavored with garlic6:task,action,needso

31、rshowsgreatskillandattentiontodetailIt was a long and delicate operation. When you handle atomic bombs, each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements.2024/9/635Section4generalintroductiontovarietyofmarketsCarpet-marketSpice-marketFood-marketDye-marketPotterymarketCarpentersmarke

32、t2024/9/636nSentencepattern:Elsewherethere iswith , then there iswith; and where elsewhere, Every here and therenOnesentencedescription:nCarpet-market:profusionofrichcolors,variedtexturesandregionaldesigns,someboldandsimple,othersdetailedandharmonious.nSpice-market:pungentandexoticsmellsnFood-market


34、antorecreatepuredivinepresenceonearth.2024/9/638Camelsshipsofthedesert.Thefirst,knownasanArabian,ordromedary,camel,hasasinglehumponitsback.Theother,knownasaBactriancamel,hastwohumps.2024/9/639Section4linseedoilmill:vast,sombre,oldnVast:thirty-feet high, sixty-feet square massive stone wheels, huge p

35、ole largest camels: muscular, massive and stately vast ramshackle apparatus of beams dizzy heightnOld:dimly visible walls and roofs, dust of centuries, ancient girders.nDark sombre cavern of a room 2024/9/640cavern of a room/ a caverous roommetaphor; the room is like a cavern, e.g. a mountain of wav

36、es a storm of applause the maze of vaulted streets 2024/9/641Cohesivedevicesinpara.8nIn this cavern are three stone wheels, each with a huge pole through its centre as an axle. The pole is attached at the one end to an upright post, around which it can revolve, and at the other to a camel, which wal

37、ks constantly in a circle, providingstone wheel. This resolves in a circular stone channel, into which an attendant feeds linseed. The stone wheel crushes it into a pulp, which is then pressed to extract the oil. 2024/9/6422024/9/643feed e.g These little streams feed the lake. This moving belt feeds

38、 the machine with raw materials If you feed the data in, you get the analysis a few minutes later. When you use the ATM, just feed your card to the machine crush e.g The enemy had already received a crushing blow All these years, he has suffered from a crushing guilt.2024/9/644tower-e.g. The Empire

39、State Building towers into the sky. 耸立耸立 She is so small that he towers above her. In ability he towers over the rest of the class. towering adj. 高耸的高耸的 The towering hills cast deep shadows over the valley. Beethoven was a towering musical genius. (great) * a tower of strength (support in spirit) He

40、 was a tower of strength to me when my father died.dwarf - make others seem small, unimportant, The tall building dwarfs all the other buildings in the town. The brilliance of his poetry dwarfs the accomplishments of his contemporaries. This present trouble dwarfs that other matter. The dwarf sees f

41、arther than a giant, when he has the giants shoulders to mount on2024/9/645Wordsforsoundsncreak: (make a) sound like that caused by an unoiled door hinge, or badly-fitting floorboards when trodden on. e.g. The rusty hinges creaked when the door opened.ngroan: (make a) sound caused by the movement of

42、 wood or metal parts heavily loaded. e.g. The patient groaned as he was lifted onto the stretcher. He groaned when he broke his arm. The old gate groaned on its hingesnsqueak: making short, thin, high-pitched sound. e.g. Can you hear the mice squeaking? The door squeaked open.nrumble: make a deep, h

43、eavy, continuous sound (tanks, thunder, train) e.g. Thunder rumbled in the distance.ngrunt: make a low rough noise. (for man to show annoyance) 嘟哝声嘟哝声, (for animals, like pigs) e.g. “Nonsense”, I grunted.2024/9/646 翻译练习翻译练习1)广场上人头攒动,我只好挤出去。广场上人头攒动,我只好挤出去。2)到学校的那条路由于建起了许多小商店变得越来越窄了。到学校的那条路由于建起了许多小商店变


45、fadedaway.4.Hegrewupinanatmosphere ofloveandtrust.5.Janeisanexpertofbeatingdownpricesatbargaining.6.Whenshopping,youdbetternotletthesellerguesswhatitisyoureallywant,otherwisehewillpricetheitemhigh.2024/9/647 StyleQ:HowmanytypesofwritingdoweusuallyuseinEnglish?DescriptionNarrationExpositionArgumentat

46、ion2024/9/648Style of the textTYPE of Writing of the text:Description: A description is painting a picture in words of a person, place, object, or scene.2024/9/649Stylea descriptive essay is generally developed through sensory details, or the impressions of ones senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell

47、 and touch. The writer generally chooses those that help to bring out the dominant characteristics or outstanding quality of the person or thing described.2024/9/650Writing Technique: 1. From Macro to Micro2. Words appealing to senses: light & heat, sound & movement, and smell & color and taste.3. n

48、ouns, adjectives and even adverbs used as verbs: thread, round, narrow, price, live, tower and dwarf.2024/9/6514. words imitating sounds: onomatopoeia 5. stressful and impressive sentence structures:one of the peculiarities, one of the most picturesque. Writing Technique:2024/9/652Rhetoric skillsWha


50、 skills in the text1.Onomatopoeia: words imitating the sounds associated with the thing concerned creak: (to make) the sound of a badly-oiled door when it opens When you move in a wooden bed, it creaks.The hinge of the door needs oiling, it creaks every time it is opened.2024/9/654squeak: (to make)

51、a short very high but not loud soundthe squeak of a mouserumble: (to make) a deep continuous rolling soundThe thunder / the big guns rumbled in the distance.I am hungry, my stomach is rumbling.Rhetoric skills in the text2024/9/655grunt: (of certain animals, to make) short deep rough sounds in the th

52、roat, as if the nose were closed, such as the deep short sound characteristic of a hog, or a man making a similar sound expressing disagreement, boredom, irritationRhetoric skills in the text2024/9/656Rhetoric skills in the textsigh: (to let out) a deep breath slowly and with a sound, usu. expressin

53、g tiredness, sadness, or satisfactionWe all heaved a sigh of relief when the work was done.2024/9/657groan: (to make) a sound caused by the movement of wood or metal parts heavily loaded, (to make) a deep sound forced out by pain, or expressing despairThe patient groaned as he was lifted on to the s

54、tretcher.The ancient chair gave a groan when the fat woman sat down on it.The roof creaked and groaned under the weight of the snow.Rhetoric skills in the text2024/9/658Rhetoric skills in the textPersonification: a figure that endows objects, animals, ideas, or abstractions with human form, characte

55、r, or sensibility, The Middle Easter bazaar takes you.dancing flashesThe beam sinkstaut and protesting2024/9/659Rhetoric skills in the textHyperbole: a device of comparison using exaggeration or obvious overstatement for comic or dramatic effect. takes you .hundreds even thousands of years every conceivableinnumerable lampsincredibly youngwith the dust of centuries:2024/9/660Summary1.Backgroundknowledge2.structureofthetext3.style4.rhetoricskills2024/9/661



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