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1、Module 4 CarnivalGrammar高二外研版必修五高二外研版必修五教学目标:教学目标:复习并学习语态复习并学习语态-被被动语态动语态Doyourememberthesesentences?1.A man is hurt badly. 2. Her lost books were usually returned to the library.3. It must be called a pen.Who wrote this book?Mark Twain wrote this book.=This book _by Mark Twain.was written被动语态被动语态:表

2、示主语是动作的be+动词过去分词动词过去分词被动语态构成:被动语态构成:1. It is produced in China.2.The tradition was revived by students承受者例如:被动语态常见注意问题被动语态常见注意问题注意一:注意一:使用被动语态的场合使用被动语态的场合 1.不知道或不必指出动作的执行者时。如:(1)Computers are widely used in transport. (2)The house has been broken into2.强调动作的承受者时。如:A third ring will be built around t

3、his city.3. 出于策略、婉转、礼貌等不提动作的执行者时。如:Much has been said but little has been done about the issue.4.有些措词故意避免用主语,或用“有人”、“大家”之类,经常用it作形式主语构成被动语态结构。如:It is said that another steel plant will be set up in this city. 特别记住下列句型:特别记住下列句型:It is hoped that 希望It is supposed that 据推测说It must be pointed out that 必须

4、指出It will be seen that 由此可以看出It is known that 据说It is well known that 众所周知It is believed that 有人相信It is thought that 人们认为 注意二:注意二:“be + 过去分词” 并非都是被动语态,系动词 be, feel, seem, look等词后面的过去分词已转化为形容词,作表语用,表示某种状态。例如:1. Im interested in mathematics.2. He seems unsatisfied with his work.3. Tom was surprised at

5、 the news. 注意三:注意三:某些动词用主动语态来表示被动含某些动词用主动语态来表示被动含义义 lock, open, shut, move, read, sell, wash, write等动词,用来说明主语的性质特征而不强调被执行者的动作时,用主动形式表达被动意义,且常与not, hardly, well, easily, badly, nicely等副词连用。如:1. The door doesnt open easily.2. Bikes of that kind hardly sell.1. need, want, require等动词以及形容词worth后面,常跟动词-in

6、g形式,用主动形式表达被动意义。如:This dictionary is well worth buying.2. easy, difficult, hard, heavy等形容词后面跟动词不定式,用主动形式表被动意义,并且该不定式与句子的主语须具备逻辑上的动宾关系。如:What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict.注意四:注意四:3.不定式作定语,其逻辑主语是句子的主语、间接宾语或说话人时,用动词不定式的主动形式表被动意义。如:She has an old grandfather to look after.4.“主

7、语系动词to do”结构也是主动形式表被动意义, 主要用于“sth. be to let / rent”或“sb. be to blame”结构中。如:Its not my fault. She is to blame.一般情况下,及物动词才能构成被动语态,但有些不及物动词组成短语后,也可构成被动语态。 1. He was looked down upon because of his egoism. 2. The children were taken good care of in the orphanage.注意五:注意五:Exercise:Put the following sente

8、nces into passive voice1.Today, people in Venice celebrate carnival for five days in February.2. The government will build more roads to solve the problem of traffic jams.Today, carnival is celebrated in Venice for five days in February.More roads will be built to solve the problem of traffic jams b

9、y the government.1)Jackson to work in a government office though he hated serving there.A. had wanted B. wantedC. was wanted D. was wanting2) -Did you enjoy last nights concert? -Yes, though the last piece rather poor. A. played B. was played C. was playing D. playingCB3) Come and sit down by the fi

10、re. You hands . A. feel so cold B. is felt so cold C. fell so coldly D. felt so cold4) Great changes in our city and some schools during the past 20 years. A. have taken place; have set up B. were take place; were set up C. have bee taken place; have been set up D. have taken place; have been set up

11、AD5)The thief while climbing the garden wall.A. has caught B. was caughtC. had been caught D. has been caught6)In some parts of the world, tea with milk and sugar.A. is served B. is serving C. servers D. servedBAFormoreexercises,clickhere.高考链接高考链接1.(10上海上海31)Thechurchtowerwhich_willbeopentotouristss

12、oon.Theworkisalmostfinished.A.hasrestoredB.hasbeenrestoredC.isrestoringD.isbeingrestoredB2.(10福建福建28)Guesswhat,wevegotourvisasforashort-termvisittotheUKthissummer.-Hownice!You_adifferentculturethen.A.willbeexperiencingB.haveexperiencedC.havebeenexperiencingD.willhaveexperiencedA3.(10福建福建28)EveryyearafloodoffarmersarriveinShenzhenforthemoney-makingjobsthey_beforeleavingtheirhometowns.A.promisedB.werepromisedC.havepromisedD.havebeenpromisedDFormoreexercises,clickhere.Homework 1. Finish the exercise 3 on page 34.2. Finish the exercises in workbook.



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