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1、Chapter 12Applied LinguisticsOnce the teacher speaks, he is placed in the frame of languageObserve the way teachers teach language, we know his/her view of languageIntroductionDefinition the application of linguistic findings to language teachingIn this chapter, we will confine ourselves to the infl

2、uence of linguistics on language teaching and language testing, leaving other areas for more advanced courses.Two basic questionsHow should language be defined/constrained so that it will be possible to determine what to teach?How may language learning itself be characterized?Here, the focus is on l

3、anguage learningLanguage TeachingThe grammar-translation methodFeatures: rote learning and application of the learned rules in translation exercises both into and out of the new language; accuracy and huge glossaries Linguistic background: prescriptive grammar, and sentence analysisShortage: ignoran

4、ce of discourse level, oral fluency, and daily expressionLanguage TeachingThe direct methodFeatures: sole use of the new language and memorization of the language patterns presented orally, multimodal expression of language, short dialoguesLinguistic background: development of phonetics, to think in

5、 the new languageShortage: no reading and writing, short of vocabulary, accuracy , not suitable for adultsLanguage TeachingThe audiolingual methodFeatures: habit formation, pattern drill, form more important than meaning. Language learning is a process of learning structures or habits through condit

6、ioning. Linguistic background: structuralism in language and behaviorist psychologyShortage: ignorance of meaning, out of context, no fluency Language TeachingSituational language teachingFeatures: language structures in social context, new expression in relevant contextLinguistic background: London

7、 school, meaning-oriented and sociological aspect of languageShortage: hard to define situation, the conflicts between complexity of situation and grammarLanguage TeachingFunctional language teachingFeatures: teach people what functions the various linguistic forms fulfill, what language does, empha

8、sis on fluencyLinguistic background: speech acts, SFLShortage: In what order should functions be taught? How to correspond functions to forms? Language TeachingCommunicative language teachingFeatures: multi resources, language as and for communication, help to build communicative competenceLinguisti

9、c background: multi facets of linguistics Challenges: change in teacher role, learner role, materials, techniques, attitude Language TeachingOther approachesTotal physical response to coordinate speech and actionSilent way: teachers be silent Suggestopedia: learning in relaxationThe natural approach

10、: naturalistic approach in SLATestingMain types of language tests Achievement and proficiency tests Subjective and objective tests Discrete-point and integrative tests Criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests Language aptitude tests Diagnostic testsPrinciples of language tests Validity( conten

11、t and construct) Reliability (test and score) Practicality SummaryAs to language teaching approaches, all the approaches have their merits as well as demerits. A competent teacher should be one who knows when to use which one to whom for how long.Testing should never be allowed to override teaching in its importance.



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