广东省惠州市惠东中学2018-2019学年英语八年级上人教版Unit8 Section B(1a-2e) 1a-2e(共60.ppt)

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《广东省惠州市惠东中学2018-2019学年英语八年级上人教版Unit8 Section B(1a-2e) 1a-2e(共60.ppt)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省惠州市惠东中学2018-2019学年英语八年级上人教版Unit8 Section B(1a-2e) 1a-2e(共60.ppt)(60页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中英语人教版八上Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section B(1a-2e)1.能准确表达可数名词与不可数名词的数量。2.能恰当运用表示顺序的副词表达制作步骤的先后顺序。3.懂得不同的国家地区有不同的生活饮食习惯,并学会尊重。4.能有自己动手制作食物的生活情趣,并与他人分享美食。5.能从品尝美食想到珍惜食物。PresentationsandwichbuttertomatoonioncheeselettuceWhat do we need to make a cheese sandwich?breadMake a list of thin

2、gs you like in a sandwich.1aIn my sandwich, I like_tomatoes, lettuce, turkey and onion, but I dont like butter or potatoes.Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he / she likes in a sandwich.A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich?B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like tomatoes?B: No, I dont.1bHow

3、 do you make a cheese sandwich?What do we do?Its a spoon of butter.What is this?We put the butter on the piece of bread.What do we do?They are tomatoes and onions.What are they?We cut up some tomatoes and onions and put them on it.How do you make a cheese sandwich?What do we do?They are two pieces o

4、f breadWhat are they?We put a piece of bread on top.How do you make a cheese sandwich?Listen and circle the words you hear.1cFirstbutterNextThenFinallyListen again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them. tomatoeslettuceanother piece of breadonioncheesebread1dFirst, put some butter on a pi

5、ece of bread.Next, cut up one tomato. And put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut up some onions. And put them on the sandwich.Next, put some cheese on the sandwich.Then, put the lettuce on the cheese.Finally, put another piece of bread on top.How do you make a cheese sandwich?First, put some butt

6、er on a piece of bread. How much butter?About one spoon.Tell your partner how to make a cheese sandwich.1eMake a survey How to make your favorite sandwich?Firstbutter breadNextThenFinallyHave a reportIn my group, well make a sandwich for my motherfather . First,Next,Then,Finally,First _ the butter o

7、n the two slice of bread. _ cut up one _. Put the tomato on the bread. Next, add two slice of _. _ put two teaspoons of _ on the turkey.putThentomatoturkeyFinally relishturkey finally relish tomato then put一、选词填空请同学们拿出答题器进行抢答二、单项选择1. Its getting dark. Can you _ the light? A. turn off B. turn on C. t

8、urn over2. _ yogurt do you need? One teaspoon. A. How many B. How much C. WhichB B 请同学们拿出答题器进行作答3. The baby can eat _ bread for breakfast. A. two B. many of C. two slices of4. I have _ bananas in the fridge. A. a lot B. many C. much5. Would you like _ relish on the bread? A. many B. any C. someC B C

9、 Homework1、Read and try to remember the new words and phrases.2、Make their favorite sandwiches for your family.1.掌握本课的新单词,能正确运用:pepper, oven, gravy, plate等。2.能够运用文本中出现的常用表达,表述其他传统节日的由来、意义、主要传统食物。3.理解和尊重不同国家的传统文化。4.懂得感恩节的意义,并对自己周围的人事物怀着感恩之情。学会谈论饮食习惯,能了解哪些饮食习惯是健康的。5.能通过阅读了解火鸡的制作方法。了解西方文化中1.Spring Fest

10、ival 春节2.Lantern Festival 元宵节3.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节4.Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节5.New Years Eve 除夕6.New Years Day 元旦What special holidays do you know in China? Lead-inWhat kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China?What do you eat on New Years Day?What do you eat on the

11、Dragon Boat Festival?What do you eat on Mid-Autumn Day?dumplingsZongzi mooncakes2aDo you know Thanksgiving Day?Thanksgiving is a time for tradition(传统) and sharing(分享). Even if (即便) they live far away, family members(成员) gather(聚集) for a reunion(团聚) at the house of an older relative(亲戚). All give th

12、anks together for the good things that they have.1620年,“五月花”号船满载英国国内清教徒到达美洲。移民处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,移民只剩下50人。这时,心地善良的印第安人给移民送来了生活必需品,教他们狩猎、捕鱼种植玉米、南瓜。在印第安人的帮助下,移民们获得了丰收,在欢庆丰收的日子,按照宗教传统习俗,移民规定了感谢上帝的日子,并邀请他们一同庆祝节日。美国感恩节由来:第一次感恩节的菜谱包括:玉米面包,英国人和印第安人都喜欢的食物。英国奶酪派,奶酪对英国人很重要。鹿肉,印第安人带来了5头鹿鸭和鹅,英国人捕的。野生火鸡。大蒜和洋葱。南瓜布丁。印

13、地安布丁。 感恩节食物Join or watch Thanksgiving parade.Gather together with family members.Have a big and special family meal.Give thanks for what they have. What do people do on Thanksgiving Day?Make trips and visit family and friends.pumpkin pie南瓜派turkey火鸡What do people eat on Thanksgiving Day?Thanksgiving

14、Day 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),美国和加拿大节日,由美国首创的,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这一天感谢他人。11月的最后一个星期四是感恩节。感恩节的主要食物有火鸡(turkey)和南瓜饼( pumpkin pie)。Pre-readingPredict the order. Then read the second part of the article and number the pictures 1-5.Pre-reading32Read the article and number the pictures 1-5.2a1542c Read the arti

15、cle again and answer the following questions.1. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving?_2. Why do people celebrate it?_3. When do people celebrate it?_4. How do people celebrate it now?_5. What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal?_In the United States.It is always on the fourth Thursday in Nov

16、ember in the United States.For some people, it is a time to give thanks for life and food.These days, most Americans celebrate by having a big meal at home with their family. The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey.2d Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and Finally. _, serve it to

17、your friends with some other food. _, put this into the bird. _, cook it at a very high temperature for a long time. _, put everything you need together in a large bowl.4231FirstNextThenFinally1. When is this special day?2. What are the reasons for this special day? Do people give thanks for anythin

18、g on this day? Do people remember anything or anyone on this day?3. How do most people celebrate this day?4. Is there any traditional food? What are the main dishes?5. Can you make these dishes?What do you think is the most special day in China? Answer the following questions.Post-reading1. Its Drag

19、on Boat Day. 4. Yes, there is. The main dishes are zongzi.2. In order to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan. 3. People eat zongzi and have boat races. 5. Yes, I can.For example1. What do you think is the most special day? _2. What are the reasons for this special day? _ _3. How do you celebrate it? _

20、_4. What are the main dishes? _Ask your partner his/her most special day in China. I think its Spring Festival. People give thanks to the people who beat the scary animal Nian. We usually put up red decorations dekrenz and light firecrackersfakrkz . We usually eat dumplings.Thanksgiving is a s_ holi

21、day in the U.S.A. It always on the f_ Thursday in November. There are many r_ for this special day. For some people, it is a time to give thanks for food in the a_. At this time people also remember the first t_ from E_ about 500 years ago. These days most 根据思维导图的提示填空。pecialourtheasonsutumnravelersn

22、glandMind mapAmericans still have a big meal at home to c_ it. The main dish of this meal is almost always t_. How to make a turkey dinner? First, m_ together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. F_ the turkey with this bread mix. Next, put the turkey in a hot oven and c_ it for a few hours.

23、Then, place the turkey on a large plate and c_ it with gravy. F_, serve it to your friends with some other food. elebrateurkeyixillookoverinallyHow to make it?A _ dayWhy ?_.When?_.How to celebrate?In the past,_.These days,_.What to eat?_Thanksgiving Day First ,_.Next ,_.Then,_.After that,_.Finally ,

24、_.specialA time to give thanks for food in the autumnThe fourth Thursday in November they gave thanks to the people for helping them find food. they have a big meal at home with their family.mix with bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.fill the turkey with the bread mixput the turkey in a hot oven

25、 and cook for a few hours place it on a plate and cover it with gravy cut it into pieces and eat the meat with vegetables5.Turkey Exercise1. Id like some _ and _.A.tomato; chicken B. tomatoes; chickenC. tomatos; chicken D. tomatoes; chickens 2. Do you like lettuce _ sandwiches?A.with B. in C. of D.

26、to 一、单项选择Exercise3. My father needs _ now.A. two piece of bread B. two pieces of breadC. two piece of breads D. two pieces of breads4. There are two ways _ to the getB. get C. getting D. got Exercise1. He knows a little about Chinese. (对画线部分提问)_ _ does he know about Chinese?2. Jacks mother

27、gives him ten dollars every day. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ Jacks mother give him every day?二、句型转换How muchHow many dollars doesExercise3. There are two cups of tea on the table. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ _ tea are there on the table?4. There is an apple in the picture. (对画线部分提问)_ in the picture?How many cups ofWhats知识点

28、大全SB重要的食物名词sandwich n. 三明治。(可数)butter n. 黄油。(不可数)turkey n. 火鸡肉。(不可数) n. 火鸡。(可数)lettuce n. 生菜。(切碎了不可数,完整的可数)基本句型Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? 意译:你喜欢三明治里有生菜吗?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.知识点大全1dWrite the ingredients in the order you hear them. 将这些原料按照你所听到的顺序写下来。知识点大全1eFirst, put some butter on a piece

29、 of bread. 首先,在一片面包上放一些黄油。小知识:bread n. 面包。(不可数)小知识:a piece of bread 一片面包,two pieces of bread 两片面包。How much butter? 多少黄油?分析:该例句是口语中的简略说法,该句的完整版应为“How much butter do we need?”知识点大全2aWhat kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China. 在中国的特殊节日里人们一般吃什么传统美食?(建议积累)小知识:traditional adj

30、.传统的。e.g. Dumplings are the traditional food in China. 饺子是中国的传统食物。e.g. Spring Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals. 春节是中国的传统节日之一。小知识:special adj. 特殊的,特别的。小知识:on special holidays 介词短语,意为“在特别的节日里,在特殊的节日里”(常做时间状语)e.g. What do you often eat on special holidays?知识点大全2bThanksgiving in the

31、United States 美国的感恩节。思考:该标题结尾无标点符号,你记得这是为什么吗?小知识:Thanksgiving = Thanksgiving Day 专有名词,意为“感恩节”。It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 意译:它总是在11月的第四个星期四,而且是在秋天感谢上天赐予我们食物的时候了。(建议积累)小知识:autumn n. 秋天,秋季。(不可数)回忆:time做时间讲时一般不可数,而例句中time指的的是“一段时

32、间,时期”,此时当做可数名词使用。常见用法:1)It is a time (for sb.) to do (sth.) 是(某人)做某事的一段时期到了。e.g. Spring Festival is coming. It is a special time for people to go home and see families. 春节就要来了。是人们回家见家人的一段特别的时期到了。At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400

33、 years ago. 在这个时期,人们也回忆起在大约400年前第一批从英格兰迁来美国生活的首批旅行者们。(建议积累)小知识:traveler n.旅行者。(可数)小知识:England 专有名词,意为“英格兰”。(英格兰是英国的主体,因此常常用英格兰泛指英国)小知识:关于定语从句的简单说明目前暂时还不要求掌握定语从句,因此依然只做简单了解。回忆:什么是定语?答:是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的成分。说明:定语从句,顾名思义,一个句子做了句子中某名词或代词的定语。被修饰的名词或代词称为“先行词”。在该句中,被修饰的名词是travelers。而who在定语从句中称为用来引导定语从句

34、的“关系代词”。“who came to live in America about 400 years ago”则为定语从句部分。同时,关系代词who在从句中充当了主语,将其还原后为“the first travelers came to live in America about 400 years ago”。小知识:关于引导定语从句的词先行词后面出现的用来引导定语从句的词有两类,一类叫“关系代词”,一类叫“关系副词”。(注意区分宾语从句中的“连接代词”与“连接副词”,两者是不同的)总结:我们目前只需要能识别定语从句即可,暂时不需要自己写定语从句。识别的方法主要就是翻译。同时,定语从句最大

35、的特征为:定语从句有先行词,且后面所接的关系代词或关系副词在从句中会充当某个句子成分。These travelers had a long, hard winter, and many of them died. 这些旅行者们度过了一个又长又艰难的冬天,并且他们中的许多人死了。(建议积累)小知识:die v. 死亡,死去,去世。(过去式为died)e.g. My grandma died three years ago. 我的祖母3年前去世了。补充:dead adj. 死亡的,死去了的,去世了的。e.g. My grandma was dead three years ago. 我的祖父母三年

36、就去世了。In the next autumn, they gave thanks for life and food in their new home. 意译:在来年秋天,他们在他们的新家中感谢上天赐予他们的生活和食物。小知识:give thanks for sth. 动词词组,意为“因而表示感谢”e.g. American people always give thanks for food on Thanksgiving Day. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by havin

37、g a big meal at home with their family.意译:这些日子里,大部分的美国人依然通过同家人在家中享用一顿大餐这种方式来歌颂感恩的理念。小知识:idea n. 理念,信念。(可数)e.g. We have the same ideas. We need to help homeless people. 我们有着同样的信念。我们需要帮助无家可归的人们。小知识:idea of giving thanks 意为“表达感谢的理念”,意译为“感恩的理念”。小知识:celebrate v.庆祝,歌颂。常见用法:1)celebrate sth. 庆祝;歌颂。e.g. Peop

38、le usually celebrate Spring Festival at home. e.g. Lets celebrate New Years Day. 让我们庆祝元旦吧。2)celebrate sth. by doing (sth.) 通过做来庆祝。e.g. People usually celebrate Spring Festival by staying at home and having food together. 人们通常通过待在家里并且一起享用食物来庆祝春节。小知识:meal n. 一餐,一顿饭。(可数)小知识:have a big meal 动词词组,意为“吃一顿大

39、餐。”The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.这顿饭的主菜几乎总是火鸡,一种大鸟。小知识:dish n. 盘子,碟子,碗(可数)常见搭配:wash the dishes 动词词组,意为“洗碗”。 n. 一盘菜,菜肴。(可数)常见搭配:the main dish 名词短语,意为“主菜”。Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. 这是为感恩节晚餐制作火鸡的一种方式。(建议积累)First, mix together some bread

40、 pieces, onions, salt and pepper.首先,将一些面包片,洋葱,盐还有胡椒混合到一起。小知识:onion n. 洋葱。(既可数又不可数)说明:若当作一种植物看待(例如种在地里的洋葱,或是刚买回来的生洋葱),则作可数名词使用。指“一根或几根洋葱”,“一个或几个洋葱头”。 若指作为食物原料的“洋葱”,“洋葱头”,或者剁碎了的洋葱多为不可数。小知识:mix together sth. 动词词组,意为“将混合到一起”。e.g. Mix together the beef and tomatoes. 将牛肉和番茄混合到一起。小知识:pepper n.胡椒,胡椒粉。(不可数)小

41、知识:salt n. 盐。(不可数)小知识:bread pieces 名词短语,意为“面包片”(piece为可数名词)Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. 用这个面包的混合物把火鸡填满。小知识:mix的新含义。mix n. (食物的)混合原料、混合配料。(一般不可数。若强调一份混合料则可数)小知识:fill sth. with sth. 动词词组,意为“用填满”。e.g. We need to fill the bookcase with some books. 我们需要用书填满这个书柜。Then, put the turkey in a hot

42、 oven and cook it for a few hours.之后,将火鸡放在热烤箱内烤几个小时。小知识:oven n. 烤箱,烤炉(可数)When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.意译:当火鸡烤好的时候,将火鸡放在一个大盘子上,并且浇上肉汁。小知识:ready adj. (人)准备就绪的;(物品)准备好的 。e.g. The food is ready. 食物准备好了。e.g. I am ready. 我准备好了。常见搭配:be ready to do sth. 做好准备做某事

43、。e.g. Are you ready to do your homework? 你做好准备做作业了吗?小知识:cover vt.洒上。常见用法:cover sth. with sth. 将(液体等)撒到/洒到上。e.g. Cover the meat with some wine. 将红酒撒到肉上。小知识:plate n.盘子。(可数)辨析:dish与plate作盘子讲的区别plate专指那种很平,沿很浅的盘子(比西餐厅上牛扒的盘子,或中国人上菜或吃盖浇饭的那种盘子。)dish通常指较小的盘,比如醋碟子,餐前开胃菜装的碟子等。小知识:gravy n. 肉汁(不可数)复习:place n. 地

44、点,地方。(可数)小知识:place v. 放,放置。小知识:place sth. on sth. 把放到上。辨析:put与place的区别put是含义较广的“放,放置”,啥都可以用put表示放。而place是较为书面较为正式的用语。(如果不在意这些细节,两者可以互换)Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.最后,将火鸡肉切成薄片,然后伴着胡萝卜或是土豆一类的蔬菜一起吃。小知识:cut sth. into (thin) pieces 将

45、切成(薄)片。e.g. First, you need to cut these tomatoes into pieces. 知识点大全2dServe it to your friends with some vegetables. 用它和一些蔬菜一起款待你的朋友们。小知识:serve sb. with sth. = serve sth. to sb. 用款待某人,用招待某人。e.g. My friends came to my house yesterday. And I severed them with some chicken and beef. = My friends came t

46、o my house yesterday. And I severed some chicken and beef to them. Cook it at a very high temperature for a long time. 以很高的温度烹饪一段很长的时间。(建议积累)小知识:temperature n. 温度。(一般不可数)e.g. Whats the temperature? 温度是多少?e.g. Todays temperature is so high/low. 今天的温度是如此的高/低。Put everything you need together in a large

47、 bowl. 将你所需要的每件东西一起放进一个大碗。(建议积累)分析:该例句中包含了一个定语从句。先行词为everything,从句部分为“you need”,该定语从句省略了关系代词that,其在从句中充当宾语。知识点大全2eWhat are the reasons for this special day? 这个日子特别的原因是什么?How do most people celebrate this day? 大多数人们如何庆祝该节日。What are the main dishes? 主菜是些什么?Can you make these dishes? 你会做这些主菜吗?Try to fi

48、nd the information about Chinese traditional festivals and answer the questions: 1. When is this special day?2. What are the reasons for this special day? Do people give thanks for anything on this day? Do people remember anything or anyone on this day?3. How do most people celebrate this day?4. Is there any traditional food? What are the main dishes?5. Can you make these dishes?Homework



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