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1、人教版英语八年级上册unit -3-4单元中考考点复习+中考练习题1. 形容词比较级形容词比较级(含含(i)er, more, as.as等等用法用法)(1)Sam is smarter than Tom.(2)Tina is more outgoing than Tara.(3)Does Tara work as hard as Tina?Yes, she does.2. 形容词最高级形容词最高级(est,most)(P164)(1)Its the closest to home. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there.(2)It ha

2、s the worst service.3. 形容词比较级和最高级的不规则变化形容词比较级和最高级的不规则变化(P164)(1)规则变化:规则变化:quieter/quietest;smarter/smartest; more outgoing/the most outgoing(2)不规则变化:不规则变化:better/best; worse/worst; more/most辨析辨析win与与beat(2017词语运用涉及,词语运用涉及,2016.36)1. Yesterday Class One _ Class Two and became the winner of the match.

3、A. wonB. sharedC. beatD. missedC2. Mary beat all the other students and _ the first prize in the tryout for cheerleaders last week.A. made B. won C. beat D. saw3. To his sadness, he lost _ his classmates in the English competition.(盲盲填填)Btowinwonwon后接比赛后接比赛(game, match)、奖品奖品(prize)或战争或战争(war)等作宾语等作宾

4、语beatbeatbeaten/beat后接对手后接对手(人或团队人或团队)作宾作宾语语注意:注意:win和和beat的反义词为的反义词为lose,其常用搭,其常用搭配为配为lose to sb.What do you think of.?/How do you like.?句型句型4. How do you feel _ this trip?Its wonderful!A. aboutB. ofC. likeD. inA5. What do you think of the program?_A. Its great B. Thats all rightC. Thanks a lot D.

5、My pleasure6. Youve been at work for two days. How do you _ your new job?(盲填盲填)7. think of, school life, what, you, do, your(连词成句连词成句)_?AlikeWhat do you think of your school life 考向考向1 1:What do/does 主语主语think of.?和?和How do/does主语主语like.?都?都表示表示“某人觉得某人觉得怎么样?怎么样?”,后接,后接名词、代词或动名词形式。用来询问某名词、代词或动名词形式。用来

6、询问某人对某人、某事的印象、评价及看法等。人对某人、某事的印象、评价及看法等。类似表达还有:类似表达还有:How do you feel about.?如:?如:What do you think of talk shows? 你认为脱口秀怎么样你认为脱口秀怎么样? 考考向向2 2:回回答答时时,多多阐阐明明自自己己的的看看法法或或表表明明自自己己喜喜欢欢的的程程度度。常常会会用用到到下下面面的的句句 型型 : 主主 语语 love(s)/ like(s)/ dont(doesnt) like/ cant stand宾宾语语,或或者者Sounds great./Pretty good./Its

7、 fantastic.等表示观点建议的表达。等表示观点建议的表达。辨析辨析give, provide, offer与与supply(2017任务型阅读任务型阅读涉及,涉及,2017及及2015阅读阅读C涉及,涉及,2017词语词语运用涉及运用涉及)8. These markets _ people a chance to sell their secondhand things in the streets and parks of Amsterdam.A. give B. provide C. get D. serveA9. Many restaurants_ customers with

8、wonderful music as well as delicious food.A. give B. offer C. provide D. keep10. Tony is very polite. He often _ the old his own seat on the bus.A. takes B. passes C. provides D. offersCD11. He really provided a good chance _ me. How helpful he is!A. to B. with C. for D. at12. The school supplied th

9、e students _ textbooks. (盲填盲填)13. When something bad happens, he always offers his hand _ the people in need. (盲填盲填)Cwithtogive“供给,提供供给,提供”“给出给出”或因别人需要或因别人需要而而“给给”provide“供给,提供供给,提供装备装备”强调有预见,并通过储强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事存或准备的方式为某事做准备做准备 offer“提出,提供提出,提供”强调强调“主动提供主动提供”,别,别人提供可接受也可拒绝人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如帮助、服务的某

10、物,如帮助、服务或物品或物品supply“供给,补充,供给,补充,弥补弥补”供给供给(量量),物资,存货,物资,存货 give, provide, offer与与supply结构的区别:结构的区别: givesb.sth.givesth.tosb. providesb.withsth.providesth.forsb. offersb.sth.offersth.tosb. supplysb.withsth.supplysth.tosb. 如:如:And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their

11、 dreams come true. 八八(上上)Unit 4 P 29辨析辨析come true与与achieve(2014阅阅读读C涉及涉及)14. His wish to be a writer has _. He sets a good example for us.A. come on B. come upC. come true D. come downC15. To _ his goal of being a painter, the little boy practices drawing everyday.A. come B. achieve C. make D. keep1

12、6. We have achieved what we set out to do.(英译汉英译汉)_.B我们已经实现了我们最初的目标。我们已经实现了我们最初的目标。come true都可表示都可表示“实现实现”之意之意 梦想梦想/目标目标come true achieveachieve梦想梦想/目目标标 如:如:And one great thing about talent shows is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.And one great thing about talent shows is

13、 that they give people a way to achieve their dreams. 达人秀达人秀有个很好的一点是,他们给了人们一个实现有个很好的一点是,他们给了人们一个实现梦想的舞台梦想的舞台。1. poorA. adj.贫穷的;清贫的贫穷的;清贫的B. adj.劣质的,差的,劣质的,差的,次的次的C. adj.不擅长的,不熟练的不擅长的,不熟练的D. n. 贫困者,贫困者,穷人穷人(1)(2019 河北任务型河北任务型)Critical thinking is important and stops us from making poor choices. _(2)(

14、2012杭州杭州80题题)Hes poor at spelling. _(3)They provided food and clothes for the poor. _(4)They are too poor to buy shoes for the kids._熟词新义ADCB2. handA. n. 手手B. n. 帮助;协助帮助;协助C. n. 手工手工 D. v. 交;递;交;递;给给(1)(2018北京阅读北京阅读B)The son made sure the fruits were not obviously bad, and the daughter handed them t

15、o her mom._(2)Give me your hand when we cross the road._熟词新义ADA. n. 手手B. n. 帮助;帮助;协助协助C. n. 手工手工 D. v. 交;递;交;递;给给(3)(2018陕西完形陕西完形)As friends, we should give a hand when they need._(4)This dress should be hand washed._熟词新义CB3. heart (n.)A. 内心;心脏内心;心脏 B. 重点;核心;要点重点;核心;要点(1)The patients heart stopped b

16、eating for a few seconds. _(2)The heart of the problem should be pointed out._熟词新义AB1. (2014河北河北81题)题)Linda is the big _(win)of the car race. winner形容词后可跟形容词后可跟名词名词河北6年真题2.(2017河北河北80题)题)Our team _(win) two competitions last term. won一般过去一般过去时时河北6年真题3.(2017河北河北74题)题)He often listens _(careful) to my problems. carefully修饰动词应用修饰动词应用副词副词河北6年真题4.(2016河北河北80题)题)And I was quite sure that food tasted much _(good) on a picnic than anywhere else! better 用于修饰形容词用于修饰形容词比较级比较级河北6年真题



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