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1、Text AnalysisStructure12021/8/6 Air crashes usually involve _. _other air crashes, this one was not the_. This air crash was remembered for_.Usual -hit a bridge at high traffic -location -aesthetic clash -two forms in nature in collisiona heavy loss of livesCompared withworsta different reason22021/

2、8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisWashington, the city of form and rules, turned chaotic by a blast of real winter and a single slap of metal on metal. (para.1) The city of form and rules: the city that is neat and beautiful. (Washington was the first carefully planned city in the world with parallel

3、 streets cut by diagonal avenues. Its design was considered a masterpiece. )Turn chaotic: become chaotic; be thrown into terrible confusion.A blast of real winter: a sudden strong really cold wind.Slap: quick blow with something flat.在严冬里突如其来的一阵强风中,钢铁的机身猛烈撞击到钢铁的桥面,把这在严冬里突如其来的一阵强风中,钢铁的机身猛烈撞击到钢铁的桥面,把这

4、个布局合理、尽然有序的城市搞得一片混乱。个布局合理、尽然有序的城市搞得一片混乱。32021/8/6Washington D.C. , the city of form and rules: Metro Map42021/8/6Washington D.C. , the city of form and rules: Sightseeing Map52021/8/6And there was the aesthetic clash as wellblue and green Air Florida, the name of a flying garden, sunk down among gra

5、y chunks of ice in a black river. (Para. 1)appositionThe clash was also a clash of colours, a horrible eye-catching scene. combination of colours which gave an artistic effect on the horrible scene, stressing what met the eye62021/8/6Last Wednesday the elements, indifferent as ever, brought down Fli

6、ght 90. And on that same afternoon human naturegroping and strugglingrose to the occasion. (Para. 2)Last Wednesday,_, unconcerned about the consequences it might bring about as always,_. On that same afternoon, human nature, groping for the _and struggling in the_, came to prove its _displayed in an

7、 unexpected tragedy.made the plane fall downunconcern about the consequences as alwayswas able to deal with an unexpected problem, a difficult taskthe bad weathermade Flight 90 fall downflotation ringsicy watergreatness72021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart I: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWor

8、dschaotic; blast; slap; aesthetic; elements Phraseson record; bring to tears; in collision; as ever; bring down; rise to the occasionSentence Patternas disasters go, this one was terrible ; why, then, the shock here?Grammarappositive clauses82021/8/6Guess the meaning Guess the meaning A tunnel was t

9、o be A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.through the mountains. The rocket is due to The rocket is due to blast off at three oclock. at three oclock. The The government government was was blasted by by the the opposition opposition for for failing failing to to reduce reduce inflation.i

10、nflation. Three people were injured in the Three people were injured in the blast. . A A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. of cold air hit him as he opened the window. a a blast of real winter of real winterblast v. (1)to explode or destroy sth. or sb. with explosive, or to break th

11、rough or hit something with a similar, very strong force. (2) to criticize sb. or sth. severely. n. (1) an explosion; (2) sudden strong blow of air.to be explodedto launchcriticize severelyexplosiona gust of winda strong gust of cold wind in winter92021/8/6slap n. a quick hit with the flat of the ha

12、nd or other flat object. v. to hit someone with the flat part of the hand or other flat object.a slap in the facean action that insults or upsets someone 耳光耳光;公然受辱公然受辱;突然的突然的责备 a slap on the backa slap on the wristan action that shows praise for sth. you have done口口,称称赞a gentle warning or punishment

13、 轻微的微的处罚;略予申斥;略予申斥 GuessGuess It was a real It was a real slapslap in the face for him when she refused to go out to dinner with him. in the face for him when she refused to go out to dinner with him. The judge gave Minna a The judge gave Minna a slapslap on the wrist for not wearing her seat belt.

14、on the wrist for not wearing her seat belt. Her husband has been Her husband has been slappingslapping her around, but shes afraid to go to the police. her around, but shes afraid to go to the police. When When her her ideas ideas were were rejected, rejected, she she slappedslapped her her report r

15、eport (down) (down) on on the the table table and and stormed out of the meeting.stormed out of the meeting.an action that insults or upsets someone 耻辱耻辱a gentle warning or punishmenthitting sb. repeatedlyput sth. somewhere with a slapping noise102021/8/6As As go(es), go(es), compared with the avera

16、ge. 就来说As writers go, Oscar Wilde was not the most talented, but he was among the most popular.$40 a ticket isnt bad as football tickets go.Rise to the occasion / challengeRise to the occasion / challenge to deal successfully with a difficult situation or problem, especially by working harder or per

17、forming better than usual Its not an easy task, but Im sure John will rise to the challenge. 如果可能,你可依靠他来应付这个局面。 You can depend on him to You can depend on him to rise to the occasionrise to the occasion, if possible., if possible.112021/8/6Strong wind brought down the power lines across the region.t

18、o cause to fall or collapseOur principal responsibility is to bring down the level of unemployment.to reduce the rate, level, or amountPhrases and Expressionscf.Major spending is required to bring about substantial improvements in housing. (to make sth. happen)The various departments have not yet br

19、ought forward their spending plans. (to present, produce)If they can bring off he deal, they will be able to retire. (to succeed in doing sth. difficult) 122021/8/6Text Analysis1. 说起科幻起科幻电影,影,阿凡达阿凡达堪称堪称经典。典。 As sci-fi movies go, Avatar can be called a classic.2. 中国的汽中国的汽车行行业必必须应对挑挑战,找到存活和,找到存活和发展方向。

20、展方向。 The Chinese auto industry must rise to the challenge and find its own way of survival and development.3. 在那在那样的困的困难时期,中国的科学家期,中国的科学家们争了气,争了气,1964年年10月成功地在戈壁月成功地在戈壁滩引引爆了中国的第一爆了中国的第一颗原子原子弹。Despite such hardships of the era, Chinese scientists rose to the occasion and successfully exploded Chinas

21、first atomic bomb in the Gobi desert.4.政府与反对党在失业问题上有重大分歧。政府与反对党在失业问题上有重大分歧。 Government clashed with the Opposition on the question of unemployment. Government and the Opposition clashed on 5.因无人维持秩序,教室里一片混乱。因无人维持秩序,教室里一片混乱。 With no one to keep order, the situation in the classroom was chaotic. Trans

22、lation132021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Main Idea1.Who were able to account for what they did? 2.What did they do? And why did they do so?3.Who attracted most of peoples attention?4.What was “the man in the water” like?5.What did “the man in the water” do?6.What is the meaning of “the

23、 fact that he went unidentified gave him a universal character”? What is this universal character?142021/8/6Three (para 3) account forThey describeas all in the line of dutyDeliver line sb stick in the mind.The fourth man: the man in the water (para 4)responsible for Alert and in controlIn a mass ca

24、sualty with that commitment.His selflessnesshis anonymityUniversal character(?)Everyman 152021/8/6Sentence ParaphraseSkutnik added that “somebody had to go into the water”, delivering every heros line that is no less admirable for being repeated. (Para. 3)Skutnik gave a remark that has been said bef

25、ore by many people in similar situations, but it is still admirable.making every heros remarkequallyas a result of162021/8/6 “In a mass casualty, youll find people like him,” said Windsor.” But Ive never seen one with that commitment.” (para 4)paraphraseparaphrase We can always find heroic people li

26、ke him when a large number of people were hurt in an accident because although not everyone is a hero, theres bound to be a fair representation of heroes in a big crowd. But Ive never seen anyone with such a strong sense of responsibility.a strong sense of responsibility or loyaltylarge number of pe

27、ople hurt or killed in an accidentSentence Paraphrase172021/8/6The fact that he went unidentified gave him a universal character. (para 4)paraphraseparaphraseThe fact that nobody could find out the identity of this person really made him a representative man, like everyone of us could do. We may fee

28、l that it might have been anyone.remain in an unknown stategave him a universal quality; made him a representative man, like everyone of us could be; made people feel that it could have been anyoneSentence Paraphrase182021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Sentence Paraphrase The fact that h

29、e went unidentified gave him a universal character. (para. 4) Paraphrasing: People did not know who he was. This made him a kind of symbol, a symbol of human courage. go + subject complement (go + subject complement (adjadj. . eded-participle, -participle, inging- -participle, participle, prepprep.

30、phrase): to remain in a state of. phrase): to remain in a state ofAll my letters went unanswered.He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed. 192021/8/6EverymanEveryman is a typical human being. It conveys the idea that this anonymous man really represents the best of human nature. What he did

31、was not the act of a supernatural being, but the act of an ordinary person. Yet, the author says here that “no man is ordinary”, because every person is capable of rising to the occasion and making history.202021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart II: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsaccount;

32、casualty; commitment Phrasesin the line of duty; refer to; responsible for; known as; in control; go underSentence PatternOf the four, three; He was seen clinging to; Be described as ; Every time , he passed it on; The fact that he went unidentifiedGrammarappositive clauses; Indefinite pronouns deri

33、ved from “some”, “any”, “no”, “every”212021/8/6casualty n. The train was derailed but there were no casualties, police said.1).a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war;She lost her job in 1989, a casualty of the recession. 2).a person or thing that suffers as a result of sth. else hap

34、pening.She rushed to casualty.3).casualty hospital / ward: (US Emergency) 急诊室 In a fierce competition, these poorly managed enterprises will go under. (fail) In case of an economic recession, these old and weak people will be the first to go under. The captain hoped that help would come before the s

35、hip went under.222021/8/6commitment to n. (1) thing one has promised to do, pledge, undertaking; (2) state of being dedicated or devoted to sth. a commitment to liberal policiesa profound commitment to the family Commit: v. commit a crime They were committed to follow orders. He was too young to com

36、mit fully to marriage. The patient was committed to the hospital. 232021/8/6anonymous anonymous a.a.made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made made or done by someone whose name is not known or not made public.public. ExampleThe The police police have have reassured reassured witnes

37、ses witnesses who who may may be be afraid afraid to to come come forward that they will be guaranteed forward that they will be guaranteed anonymity. . 对于那些害怕出庭作于那些害怕出庭作证的的证人,警方人,警方让他他们放心确保决不透露姓名。放心确保决不透露姓名。 He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didnt p

38、ay the money.For reasons of personal safety, the informant wishes to remain anonymous. Note how the anonymity is formed. An- means without, and nym comes from anoma in late Latin which means name. Cf: antonym, synonym, homonym, pseudonymanonymity n. state of being anonymous242021/8/6Text AnalysisPar

39、t II: ExerciseTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 对国产奶粉的对国产奶粉的“信心荒信心荒”是造成市面上进口奶粉荒的原因是造成市面上进口奶粉荒的原因。“Shortage of confidence” in domestic brands is responsible for the shortage of import milk powder on the market.2. 由于社会由于社会资源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到惩罚。Due to limited social resources, m

40、any crimes have gone unpunished. 3.烟味长久附着在我的衣服上不散。烟味长久附着在我的衣服上不散。The smell of smoke clings to my clothes for a long time.4.The corner grocery was a casualty of the expanding supermarkets.角落里的杂货店是日益扩大的超级市场的角落里的杂货店是日益扩大的超级市场的受害者受害者.5.我们在寻找对此工作真正能尽职尽责的人。我们在寻找对此工作真正能尽职尽责的人。 Were looking for someone with

41、 a real sense of commitment to this job.6.由于社会资源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到惩罚。由于社会资源有限,很多犯罪都没有得到惩罚。Due to limited social resources, many crimes have gone unpunished252021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: Main Idea1.What does the writer want to reveal through the imagined scene?2.“He watched everything in

42、 the world move away from him, and he let it happen.” What does the sentence imply? Did he just passively watch and let it happen? Could he stop it? What might be the reason?262021/8/6 Still he could never have imagined such a capacity in himself. (para 4)paraphraseNevertheless/However, it was impos

43、sible for him to know that he would be capable of such heroism. What the man did was the natural response to the critical situation.ability:ability: 做某种具体事情的能力,特别是经过学习的实际本领做某种具体事情的能力,特别是经过学习的实际本领 (to)capability:capability:做某事的才干或本做某事的才干或本领,可与,可与ability通用,但更通用,但更强强调潜在的能力潜在的能力 (of)capacity: capacity:

44、主要指接受,吸收或容主要指接受,吸收或容纳的能力的能力 He has the _ to swim like a fish. He has the _ of solving practical problems. The theater has a seating _ of 300 people.abilitycapability capacity 272021/8/6Part III: Sentence ParaphraseFor at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he con

45、tinued to hand over the rope and ring to others. He had to know it, no matter how slow the effect of the cold. (para. 6) Paraphrasing: Obviously it requires much more courage to face sure death knowing that you have a choice (keep one of the rings for yourself) than to face the possibility of death

46、by, for example, a stray bullet in battle. The man in the story did not act on impulse. He did not pass on his rings to others with a total unawareness of the consequences. At some point he must have known that he was freezing to death and would go under any moment. But he still gave the chance of s

47、urvival to the next person.282021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart III: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsdesperate; stunning; survivor Phrasesowe to; hand over to; take offSentence PatternSo our man relaxed with the others, some of whom would .Grammar292021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisP

48、art IV: Main Idea1.What does “the essential, classic circumstance” refer to?2.“The one making no distinctions of good and evil, acting wholly on distinctions, principles and, perhaps on faith.” What is the author trying to say specifically?3.“He was likewise giving a lifeline to those who watched hi

49、m.” Why does the writer say so? 4.Why do we believe that man did not lose the fight against nature?302021/8/6Sentence ParaphraseHe was there, in the essential, classic circumstance. (Para. 7)most important traditional or long established What happened that day was a typical situation in which natura

50、l forces and man fought against each other. And when elements begin to show their power, you always find man who will fight back. He is always there. We can always expect to find such a hero.312021/8/6Sentence Paraphrase the one making no distinctions of good and evil, acting on no principles, offer

51、ing no lifelines; the other acting wholly on distinctions, principles and, perhaps, on faith. (Para. 7)Man, on the other hand, has his moral standards of what is right and wrong. He must behave according to the moral principles and beliefs.Nature has no moral standards. It works on no human principl

52、es. It cares nothing about the individual life of man.322021/8/6If the man in the water gave a lifeline to the people gasping for survival, he was likewise giving a lifeline to those who watched him.In this article, the author is giving the mans action a symbolic meaning. When the man was giving a l

53、ifeline to the people gasping for survival, we might say that he was also giving the chance to live to everyone of us. He was showing by his own example the meaning of life. The dignity of human existence, the power of noble human character.Likewise: in the same way332021/8/6Sentence ParaphraseThe m

54、an in the water set himself against an immovable, impersonal enemy; he fought it with kindness; and he held it to a standoff. He was the best we can do. (Para. 9)nature, which is indifferent and cannot be persuaded to change its attitude towards mana situation in which neither side in a battle can g

55、ain an advantageto make sb. start to fight with342021/8/6Text AnalysisDetailed AnalysisPart IV: Words & ExpressionsWordsPhrasesWordsdistinction; likewise; standoffPhraseskeep ones thoughts on; go at; make distinction of; act on; on behalf of; let go of; set againstSentence PatternYet whatever moved

56、these menGrammar352021/8/6go at sth. to start doing sth. with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. go at sb. to attack someone. He went at his dinner as if he hadnt had anything to eat for weeks. Suddenly, he went at me with a knife. 在这里,我在这里,我代表代表党中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协和中央军委,向一切为民族党中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协和中央军委,向一切为民

57、族独立和人民解放、国家富强和人民幸福建立了不朽功勋的革命先辈和烈士们,表示独立和人民解放、国家富强和人民幸福建立了不朽功勋的革命先辈和烈士们,表示深切的怀念!深切的怀念!On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, the National Peoples Congress, the State Council, the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference and the Central Military Commission, I hereby pay tribute to all the re

58、volutionary pioneers of older generations and martyrs who made great contributions to realizing national independence and liberation of the people, the countrys prosperity and strength and happy life of the people.362021/8/6setagainstI set the basket against the door, hoping that the housekeeper wou

59、ld find it.Red flag stand out brightly, set against the blue sky. Setting the results against those of the last election, we can see a clear improvement.Diamonds look best when they are set against black cloth.You must set the initial cost of a new car against the saving youll make on repair. Set ag

60、ainst her virtues, her faults dont seem nearly so bad. 靠靠门边放着门边放着映衬映衬与与相比相比映衬映衬可抵消或抵偿可抵消或抵偿考虑到,同考虑到,同相比相比372021/8/6Text AnalysisPart IV: ExerciseTranslate the following sentences into English.Translate the following sentences into English.1. 导游一时冲动辱骂了大陆游客,结果悲剧了。The tour guide acted on impulse and in

61、sulted those tourists from Chinese mainland with abusive language, and she paid heavily.2. 你认为他作为央视主持人有权利在韩国代表亚洲向奥巴马提问吗?Do you think he as a CCTV anchorman had the right to raise questions to Obama in Korea on behalf of Asia?3. 虽然多年以来春晚饱受诟病,可央视就是不撒手!Even though the Spring Festival Gala has been severely criticized for many years, CCTV just wouldnt let go of it!382021/8/6Text AnalysisThemeWhat are the possible themes of the article?heroism moral power in time of crisis392021/8/6



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