外事接待英语Module 3 Trasportation and Schedule

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《外事接待英语Module 3 Trasportation and Schedule》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外事接待英语Module 3 Trasportation and Schedule(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module3Module3Transportation and ScheduleContentsTask1MakingTravelarrangements Task2MakingAppointments Task3MakingSchedulesExtendedTasks 1. make an appointment2. airline3. make a schedule4. book a seat5. travel arrangement6. metro7. railway8. keep an appointmentA. 守约B. 制定行程C. 订票D. 旅行安排E. 地铁F. 铁路G. 预

2、约H. 航空公司GHBCDEFA2.PairWork Discuss with your partner the following questions and then present your viewpoints to the class.nHow many modesoftransportation can you list in your city? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each mode?nWhat should we do beforemakinganappointment with a foreign gue

3、st?nHave you ever bookedaticketonline? Talk about your experience to the class. Task1MakingTravelarrangementsvActivity1Pairwork Read the following passage about transportation in Shanghai and discuss with your partner the questions below.Activity1Pairwork vHow many modes of transportation in Shangha

4、i are mentioned in the passage?vSuppose your client is planning to travel from Shanghai to Guangzhou, what mode of transportation can he choose?The modes of transportation in Shanghai are as follows:1) air travel 2) rail (long distance fast train, special holiday and tourist train, metro trains) 3)

5、marine transportation 4) public bus transportation (city buses, long distance buses) 5) taxi He can go to Guangzhou by air or by rail. Activity2Listening vListen to the following dialogue about makingtravelarrangements for a foreign client and answer the following questions.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.AActivi

6、ty3ListeningListen to the recording and fill in the gaps.Zhou Ying is now calling to bookanairticket for Carter Smith.Answers:1. make a reservation 2. the most convenient 3. fully booked 4. available 5. book a seat 6. first class 7. return fare 8. departing Activity4RolePlay vMiniTask1Work in groups

7、 of two and make a dialogue, taking the roles of Jerry Brown and Liu Fang. Liu Fang is the sales assistant of a furniture making company in Guangzhou, one of her clients-Jerry Brown from New York is very interested in the products of a company headquartered in Beijing. He wants to go to Beijing to v

8、isit the manufacturing factory and enjoy the landscapes on the way from Guangzhou to Beijing. Mr. Brown will then go back to New York from Beijing. They are now talking about Mr. Browns travel arrangements.Useful expressionsvCanyouputmethroughtoMissFenghou,please? vItsaboutthearrangementsforyourtrip

9、to- nLetmechecksomeinformationwithyoufirst. nHowwouldyouliketogothere?Bytrainorbyair?nWhataboutyourreturn? nbookasoft-berthticket vIllfixeverythingup. vMiniTask2LiuFangisnowbookinganairticketfromBeijingtoNewYorkbyphoneforJerryBrown.Makeadialoguewithyourpartner,takingtherolesofLiuFangandthereservatio

10、nclerkforChinaAirline.Useful expressionsvIdliketomakeareservationto-v-amorningoranafternoonflight?v-fullybookedatthemoment-vCouldyoucheckotherflightsleavingfor-vIthinkthe17:45serviceissuitable.CanIbookaseatonit,please?vFirstclassoreconomicone?vSingleorreturnfare?vIvebookedaseatonEasternAirlinesFligh

11、t-,departingxxxat-,March27thforyou.Thecheckingintimeis-,inTerminal2.vWhenshouldIconfirmthisbooking?Task2MakingAppointmentsActivity1Reading vZhang Ming is telephoning Mr. Johnson to make an appointment with him.1. When will Zhang Ming and Mr. Johnson meet each other and for what? They will meet each

12、other the next Monday evening and they will have a dinner together.2. Mr. Johnson doesnt agree to meet at the Jiayu Hotel, why? And where do they decide to meet in the end? Because he thinks that the Jiayu Hotel is too far away and they decide to meet at the Garden Hotel in the end.ImitationActivity

13、2Imitation vDialogueOnevMiss Yang is calling Mr. Brown to confirm an appointment. ImitationvDialogueTwovMiss Wang is calling Mr. Brown to put off an appointment. ImitationActivity3ReadingandUnderstanding vHow many schedules do westerners often keep?vForawesternerthreeschedulesarekept,onefordailyeven

14、ts,oneforweeklyplanningandoneforlongtermplanning. vWhat should you do before making an appointment?vBeforemakinganappointment,youmustknowthefullnameandtitleofthepersonyouwanttomeet. vIf something urgent coming up and you might fail to keep the appointment, call the parties involved to cancelor putof

15、f the appointment as early as you can.Activity4RolePlayvMiss Gong is the secretary of the Foreign Affairs office of AIB polytechnic college. She needs to call a visiting scholar-Mr. Jim White to make an appointment with him about his dinner with President Huang of the college. vTwo days later, Miss

16、Gong calls again to put off the appointment because the president Huangs mother is seriously ill and the president has to take care of his mother in the hospital. vMake two dialogues with your partner, taking the roles of Miss Gong and Mr. Jim White. One is about making an appointment and the other

17、is about putting off the appointment.Role playFeng Fei : - speak -?Mr. Jim White : - .- who -?Feng : -. -makeanappointment-.White : -.Feng: -.-convenient-?White : - wont do. - another appointment. - next Monday evening?Feng: - fine, Where-? White : -? - too far away.Feng: -? - nearer.White : Sounds

18、good. Feng: Letsmakeitat-White : -, Thank you - .Good-bye.Feng: Good-bymake an appointmentFeng : -speak-? White : -. Who-,please? Feng : -. White : Oh, Miss -, -happened? Feng : -theappointment-.-sorry-cant-.-unexpected-.-.White : -cancel-? -. Feng : No, not exactly. - put it off until (supper time)

19、 -. -convenient-?White : -. Thank you -. Bye.Feng : Bye.put off the appointmentTask3MakingSchedulesActivity1PairWork vDiscuss the following topics with your partner and present your viewpoints to the class.1.What should we do before making schedules for foreign guests?2. What should a schedule inclu

20、de?Activity2Reading vMiniTask1Questionsforthoughtv1)Whatisaschedule?Ascheduleisaplanningofactivitiesandarrangementsinorderoftime.v2)Whatisadailyscheduleandwhatshoulditinclude?adailyscheduleisamoredetailedonethatmanagesandcontrolstheprojectonadaytodaybasis.Itshouldincludethefollowingmessage: Timeofar

21、rivalanddeparture Airportorrailwaystation Hotelaccommodation Appointments(when,whereandwithwhom) Activities(when,where,whattodo,andwithwhom)v3) How many copies of a schedule should be prepared? Whom are these copies for? A schedule should be prepared at least in triplicatea copy for the foreign gues

22、t, a copy for the foreign affairs office, and a copy to be kept on the secretarys own file.v4) What should the Foreign Affairs secretary do after the guests arrive? After the guest arrives, the secretary should discuss with him or her about the schedule and see whether there might be some changes.v5

23、) What should the Foreign Affairs secretary do if there are some changes in the schedule? The schedule should be updated immediately if any change occurs. Moreover, the secretary also needs to inform those people who will meet the guest of their activities or appointments by telephoning or sending e

24、-mails respectively. In case of any change, the secretary must inform all parties involved immediately. vMiniTask2TrueorFalse1)T2)F3)F4)F5)TMini Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following expressions. Change the form where necessary.v1)respectivelyv2.)overallv3)identifyv4)individualv5)progress


26、到达以后,秘书应该与他或她讨论一下)客人到达以后,秘书应该与他或她讨论一下日程看看有没有需要改动的地方。日程看看有没有需要改动的地方。v5)如果日程有变动,秘书必须立刻通知牵涉到)如果日程有变动,秘书必须立刻通知牵涉到的各方。的各方。ExtendedTasksvI.ReceptionEtiquette 1.What important travel documents should you possess?vYou should possess important travel documents such as passport, visa, identity and age proof,

27、nationality proof, etc. 2.How should you keep your eyesight when you talk with people?vMaintain eye contact with people while talking and talk sensibly as these are the signs of a person having good body language. 3.Could you be casual when you travel with your boss?vIf you are traveling with your b

28、oss, do not get too casual 2.ExtendedReadingThe Scheduling of Appointment1. We should make an appointment with him or her one or more weeks in advance.2. We can make appointments with the people we are going to meet and his or her secretary by telephone and E-mail.3. We should make sure that we know

29、 the full name (including the spelling and pronunciation of the name), the title of the person we are going to meet.4. We should be punctual to keep an appointment.5. We should wait elsewhere.2.ExtendedReadingTravel Tips before Traveling to a Foreign Country 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. DSome General Prin

30、ciples for Making a Schedule1. A schedule shouldnt be a unattainable wish list, but a real guide to help you plan your time well.2. From time to time, things will come up that require us to deviate from the schedule. 2.ExtendedReadingMarks Schedule1. Write a business report.2. Meet Mr. Black at 3 p.

31、m.3. No, in the morning, Ill have an appointment.4. For a conference.5. Ill come back on Friday afternoon.3.TranslationA. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese.1)我想下周去北京时和史密斯先生见见面。2)对您来说,方便吗?3.Translation3)我们经理王先生想让我告诉您他下周一有空。4)我认为现在可以先草拟一个临时方案。5)如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。B. Tran

32、slate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1) Its about the appointment with our manager.2) Actually we just want to put it off until supper time.3) But wouldnt you like to spend an extra day or two here in Guangzhou?4) Weve arranged our schedule without any trouble.5) I wonder if it is

33、 possible to arrange shopping for us.4.WritingWrite a report on the procedures of making schedules for foreign guests. You may refer to the following steps:1.Arrangeactivitiesandfixthetime.2.Typethescheduleonhardanddurablepaper3.Discusswithforeignguestsabouttheschedule.4.Makesomechangesaccordingtoforeignguestsrequirements.5.Informthoseinvolved. http:/gF



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