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《中考英语 第一部分 夯实基础 八上 阶段检测复习课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第一部分 夯实基础 八上 阶段检测复习课件 人教新目标版(69页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级八年级(上上)阶段检测阶段检测(训练时间:训练时间:90分钟分值:分钟分值:120分分)一、单项选择一、单项选择(15分分)1. _ have you lived with your grandparents? About three years. A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How often【解解析析】考考查查特特殊殊疑疑问问词词的的用用法法。how long用用于于提提问问一一段段时时间间;how many用用于于提提问问可可数数名名词词的的数数量量;how much用用于于提提问问价价格格或或不不可可数数名名词词的的数数量量;ho

2、w often用用于于提提问问频频率率。由由答答语语“About three years. ”可知可知,答案为答案为A。【答案【答案】A2. The story made all of us _, and we wanted him _ one more. A. laugh; tell B. to laugh; to tell C. laugh; to tell D. to laugh; tell【解解析析】考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。动动词词make后后接接省省略略to的的不不定定式式作作宾补宾补,而动词而动词want常用的结构是常用的结构是want sb. to do sth. ,故选故

3、选C。【答案【答案】C3. Jack, is math difficult to learn in high school? Sure. No subject can be learned well _ hard work. A. without B. through C. by D. with【解解析析】考考查查介介词词的的用用法法。句句意意为为“不不努努力力学学习习,什什么么科科目目也学不好。也学不好。”without“没有没有”,符合题意。符合题意。【答案【答案】A4. I _ follow you. Would you please repeat it? A. cant B. must

4、nt C. neednt D. shouldnt【解解析析】考考查查情情态态动动词词的的用用法法。句句意意为为“我我听听不不懂懂你你说说的的话话。请请你你再再重重复复一一遍遍可可以以吗吗?”cant“不不能能”;mustnt“不不准准”;neednt“不不必必”;shouldnt“不不应应该该”。根根据据句句意意可可知知,答答案为案为A。【答案【答案】A5. _ the heavy rain, we didnt go camping last Sunday. What a pity! A. Thanks to B. Because of C. Instead of D. As for 【解解析

5、析】考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意为为“因因为为下下大大雨雨,我我们们上上星星期期天天没没去去野野营营。”because of“因因为为”,后后接接名名词词、代代词词或或名名词词性成分。性成分。【答案【答案】B6. Its too cold here. Id like to go _ to spend my vacation. A. somewhere warm B. somewhere cold C. everywhere warm D. everywhere cold【解解析析】考考查查形形容容词词的的用用法法。由由“Its too cold here. ”可可推推测测,是是要要去去暖

6、暖和和的的地地方方,排排除除B、D;somewhere“到到某某处处”;everywhere“处处处处;到到处处”,由由题题意意可可知知,应应选选somewhere warm。【答案【答案】A7. Lucy is outgoing. She enjoys _ all kinds of activities. A. join B. joining C. take part in D. taking part in 【解解析析】考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。enjoy后后接接动动词词ing形形式式;“参参加加”某项活动应用某项活动应用take part in。【答案【答案】D8. If there

7、 are _ trees, the air in our city will be _ cleaner. A. less; more B. more; more C. more; much D. much; much【解解析析】考考查查比比较较级级。句句意意为为“如如果果有有更更多多的的树树,我我们们城城市市的的空空气气会会更更清清洁洁。”第第一一空空用用比比较较级级more,第第二二空空用用much修饰比较级修饰比较级,表示比较的程度。表示比较的程度。【答案【答案】C9. You are never _ old _ learn. A. so; that B. as; as C. so; as

8、 D. too; to 【解解析析】考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。根根据据句句意意“活活到到老老学学到到老老。”因因此此要用要用too. . . to. . . 结构。结构。【答案【答案】D10. The customers are pleased with the _ of the restaurant. A. balance B. experience C. surface D. service【解解析析】考考查查名名词词词词义义辨辨析析。句句意意为为“顾顾客客们们对对餐餐馆馆的的服服务务很很满满意意。”balance“平平衡衡”;experience“经经验验,经经历历”;surface“表

9、表面面”;service“服服务务”。顾顾客客到到餐餐馆馆消消费费,对对其其服服务满意。故选务满意。故选D。【答案【答案】D11. There_ a lot of traffic in the street. We will give _ to the government. A. are; some advices B. is; some advice C. is; an advice D. are; some advice【解解析析】考考查查不不可可数数名名词词。traffic是是不不可可数数名名词词,故故be用用单单数;数;advice是不可数名词是不可数名词,没有复数形式。没有复数形式

10、。【答案【答案】B12. If I _ too much TV, my mother will _. A. watch; angry B. watched; be angry C. watch; be angry D. will watch; be angry【解解析析】考考查查动动词词时时态态。if引引导导的的条条件件状状语语从从句句,主主句句用用一一般将来时般将来时,从句用一般现在时从句用一般现在时,故选故选C。【答案【答案】C13. There _ a sports meeting in our school next week. A. will have B. is going to

11、have C. are going to be D. is going to be【解解析析】句句意意为为“下下周周在在我我们们学学校校将将有有一一场场运运动动会会。”there be句句型型不不能能与与have连连用用,故故排排除除A、B选选项项。句句子子的的主语是主语是a sports meeting,是单数形式是单数形式,故选故选D。【答案【答案】D14. Dont_ others. You should help them when they have difficulties. A. agree with B. look at C. talk with D. laugh at【解解析

12、析】考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。由由后后句句句句意意“当当他他们们有有困困难难的的时时候候你你应应帮帮助助他他们们。”可可知知,前前一一句句要要表表示示“不不要要嘲嘲笑笑别别人人。”laugh at“嘲笑嘲笑”。【答案【答案】D15. I dont like action movies. I think theyre _. A. boring B. difficult C. interesting D. exciting【解解析析】考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。因因为为不不喜喜欢欢,所所以以认认为为是是boring“无聊的无聊的”。【答案【答案】A1. A. classmates B. kids

13、 C. friends【解解析析】由由文文章章大大意意可可知知,本本篇篇文文章章就就是是解解决决一一些些父父母母不不理理解孩子并且还与他们争吵这一问题的解孩子并且还与他们争吵这一问题的,故选故选B。【答案【答案】B2. A. talk to B. get along with C. give lessons to【解解析析】句句意意为为“如如果果我我是是一一个个父父亲亲或或母母亲亲,我我将将怎怎样样与与孩孩子相处?子相处?” get along with“与与相处相处”。故选。故选B。【答案【答案】B3. A. Firstly B. Next C. Later【解解析析】文文章章的的第第二二、

14、三三、四四段段都都是是建建议议,并并且且从从第第三三段段的的“Secondly”和和 第第 四四 段段 的的 “Thirdly”, 可可 知知 此此 处处 应应 是是“Firstly”,故选故选A。【答案【答案】A4. A. for B. about C. before【解解析析】句句意意为为“这这些些事事应应对对他他或或她她有有益益处处。”be good for为固定搭配为固定搭配,意为意为“对对有益处有益处”,故选故选A。【答案【答案】A5. A. silent B. lazy C. patient【解解析析】句句意意为为“如如果果事事情情不不益益于于我我的的孩孩子子,我我会会用用耐耐心心

15、的的方方式式和和他他或或她她讨讨论论事事情情的的坏坏处处。”silent“安安静静的的”;lazy“懒惰的懒惰的”;patient“耐心的耐心的”。由句意可知选。由句意可知选C。【答案【答案】C6. A. will do B. is doing C. has done【解解析析】句句意意为为“我我会会对对我我的的孩孩子子做做的的每每一一件件好好事事感感到到骄骄傲傲。”此处表达的是已经做过的事情此处表达的是已经做过的事情,要用现在完成时。故选要用现在完成时。故选C。【答案【答案】C7. A. it B. this C. them【解解析析】句句意意为为“例例如如,如如果果他他或或她她取取得得好好

16、成成绩绩,我我会会说说像像做做得得好好!我我为为你你骄骄傲傲。这这样样的的话话。”this可可以以指指代代下下文文提到的事或物。故选提到的事或物。故选B。【答案【答案】B8. A. happy B. strange C. sad【解解析析】上上文文“做做得得好好!我我为为你你骄骄傲傲。”这这类类夸夸奖奖鼓鼓励励的的言言辞会使我和孩子都高兴。故选辞会使我和孩子都高兴。故选A。【答案【答案】A9. A. little B. less C. more【解解析析】要要想想处处理理好好亲亲子子关关系系,作作为为父父母母需需多多花花费费些些时时间间和和孩孩子子待待在在一一起起,而而且且设设空空后后有有“t

17、han my parents did with me”,所以此处应用比较级。故选所以此处应用比较级。故选C。【答案【答案】C10. A. afraid B. sure C. surprised【解解析析】当当陈陈述述完完建建议议后后,作作者者肯肯定定这这些些建建议议有有助助于于改改善善亲亲子关系。子关系。sure“肯定的肯定的”。故选。故选B。【答案【答案】B1. My friends grandfather came from _. A. Thailand B. Manhattan C. New York【解解析析】根根据据文文章章第第一一句句“. . . from a farm in Th

18、ailand. ”可可知知,应选应选A。【答案【答案】A2. The grandfather went into a cafeteria to _. A. wait for someone B. get something to eat C. meet my friend【解解析析】根根据据第第一一段段第第二二句句“. . . he went into a cafeteria in Manhattan to get something to eat. ”可知可知,应选应选B。【答案【答案】B3. The woman in the cafeteria might be _. A. a waitr

19、ess B. a friend of grandpas C. a customer【解解析析】根根据据第第一一段段最最后后两两句句“Finally, a woman with a big plate full of food came up to him. She sat down opposite him and told him. . . ”可可推推知知,这这位位女女士士应应该该是是一一位位刚刚刚刚选选好好食物的顾客。故选食物的顾客。故选C。【答案【答案】C4. What should we do to get food in a cafeteria? A. Wait for the wa

20、iter. B. Ask someone for help. C. Get it ourselves. 【解解析析】根根据据最最后后一一段段中中“Lifes a cafeteria here. . . You have to get up and get it yourself. ”可知可知,应选应选C。【答案【答案】C5. What can we learn from the grandfathers words about the life in the US? A. Get up early and you can succeed. B. Act and get what you wan

21、t on your own. C. Nobody brings you anything unless you pay the price. 【解解析析】根根据据文文章章最最后后一一段段可可知知,朋朋友友的的祖祖父父认认为为:在在美美国国,你需要通过自己的行动来得到你想要的东西。故选你需要通过自己的行动来得到你想要的东西。故选B。【答案【答案】B6. At present, many American students are learning Chinese because _. A. they wish to work in China B. they would like to trav

22、el all over China C. it is the most useful language in the world D. China is becoming a powerful country【解解析析】由由第第一一段段“As Chinas influence grows, many students in the US are working hard to learn Chinese. ”可可知知,中中国国的的影影响响在在增增长长。结结合合选选项项可可知知,D项项“中中国国正正成成为为一一个个强大的国家强大的国家”是正确答案。是正确答案。【答案【答案】D7. Which o

23、f the following is TRUE about Lomond Elementary School? A. All students have a Chinese class every day. B. Chinese culture is not taught in school. C. Teachers think interest is important in learning Chinese. D. Only the students in the fifth grade can learn Chinese. 【 解解 析析 】 由由 第第 四四 段段 中中 “Were t

24、rying to make students interested in the language”可可推推知知,教教师师认认为为兴兴趣趣在在中中文文学学习过程中很重要。习过程中很重要。【答案【答案】C8. _ is an American education expert. A. James B. Nancy C. Karl D. Walt【解解析析】由由第第五五段段第第一一句句“Schools are looking to the future,”says Nancy, a US education expert. 可可知知,Nancy是是一一名名教育专家。教育专家。【答案【答案】B9.

25、We can learn from the passage that _. A. students are looking to the future B. there are more Spanish people than Chinese in the US C. Chinese is becoming popular in the US D. Chinese is the most popular foreign language in the US【解解析析】整整篇篇文文章章是是在在讲讲美美国国学学生生学学习习中中文文的的情情况况,最最后后一一段也介绍了全世界以及美国学习中文的人数段也

26、介绍了全世界以及美国学习中文的人数,所以所以C项正确。项正确。【答案【答案】C10. What is the best title of the passage? A. US Kids Learn Chinese B. Foreigners Study Chinese C. Learning Chinese Is Fun D. Chinese Speakers Have Greater Chances【解析【解析】文章主要介绍了美国孩子学习中文的情况。文章主要介绍了美国孩子学习中文的情况。【答案【答案】A11. Whats the purpose of the text? A. To list

27、 the services offered by the Association. B. To make an advertisement for the flats. C. To ask the residents to follow the rules. D. To warn people against possible dangers. 【解解析析】由由“. . . here are a few simple rules which we think all residents should follow”可可知知,这这篇篇文文章章的的目目的的是是要要求求居居民遵守以下规则。民遵守以下

28、规则。【答案【答案】C12. According to the text, which of the following is done once a week? A. Rubbish collection. B. Drying the washing. C. Cleaning the main stairs. D. Changing the lights. 【解解析析】由由Rubbish部部分分的的内内容容可可知知,每每个个星星期期二二进进行行垃垃圾圾收集收集,即每星期一次。即每星期一次。【答案【答案】A13. People should dry their washing on the w

29、ashing lines _. A. at the car park B. in the ground floor flats C. in the hallways D. in the garden【解解析析】由由Washing部部分分的的内内容容可可知知,要要在在花花园园里里的的晾晾衣衣绳绳上晒衣服。上晒衣服。【答案【答案】D14. The Association will talk with you if _. A. lights are not working B. you make too much noise C. you let strange people in D. you p

30、ark your car on the road【解解析析】由由Noise部部分分的的内内容容可可知知,如如果果你你制制造造太太多多的的噪噪音音,居委会便会找你。居委会便会找你。【答案【答案】B15. It can be learned from the text that _. A. people should leave the broken chairs on the stairs B. the Association is always ready to help the residents C. one can park the car at any numbered parking

31、 space D. the lights will be on whenever you pass the main stairs【解解析析】由由Cleaning部部分分的的内内容容“. . . do not leave furniture or bags on the stairs”可可知知,A项项不不正正确确;由由Parking部部分分的的内内容容可可知知,每每个个停停车车位位都都是是标标号号的的,居居民民不不能能占占用用别别人人的的停停车车位位,所所以以C项项错错误误;由由Lights部部分分的的内内容容“. . . they stay on for five minutes when you press them”可可知知,D项项“无无论论何何时时经经过过主主楼楼道道,灯灯都都是是亮亮的的”是是错错误误的的。由由Problems部部分分的的内内容可知社区随时为居民服务。容可知社区随时为居民服务。【答案【答案】B



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