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1、Unit4-Section-B-1课件件(1).docSection B 1 2a-2e Where all these pictures are?Chang Jiang RiverGreat Wall Qomolangma Description1.Changjiang is the longest river in China.2.The Great Wall is the longest wall in China.3.Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in ChinaWrite the comparative and highest le

2、vels of the following adjectives: tall old big close heavy good/wellbad/badlypopulartallertallestolder/elderoldest/eldestbiggerbiggestcloserclosestheavierheaviestbetterbestworseworst more popular most popularTalkingWhos the most talented person you know? What can he/she do? Talk about it. 2aI think

3、Li Fei is the most talented person. What can she do?She can stand on her head. Reading2bRead the passage. Which three talent shows are mentioned?1. American Idol 美国偶像美国偶像3. Chinas Got Talent 中国达人秀中国达人秀 2. Americas Got Talent 美国达人秀美国达人秀 Read the passage again and find the answers to the questions.1.

4、What do talent shows have in common?2. Who decides the winners?3. Why do some people not like these shows?4. Why do some people like these shows?5. What do you think of these shows?2. Who decides the winner? _Thats up to the people who watch it.1. What do talent shows have in common? _ _ _ _They try

5、 to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actorsand so on.3. Why do some people not like these shows? _ _4. Why do some people like these shows? _ _Because some people think that the lives of the performers are made up. Because if people dont

6、 take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. 5. What do you think of these shows? _ _I think they can give people a way to make up their dreams come true. Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them. best singer: In my class. Tom is the

7、best singer because he can sing fast songs very well. most talented dancers: Jenny is the most talented dancers because she can dance like a fish. most exciting magicians: Liu Qian is the most exciting magicians. funniest actor: Linda is the funniest actor because she can sing like a parrot. Finish

8、the excesises according the passage. Talent shows are getting_popular.All theses shows have one thing in commmon:They try to look for_singers,_dancers, _magicians,_actors and so on.But who can play the piano_or sing _?That_you to decide.When people watch the show,they usually _in deciding the winner

9、.more and morethe bestthe most talentedthe most excitingthe funniestthe bestthe most beautifullyis up toplay a role此句中此句中 whos 为为 who has 之缩写。之缩写。have got 表示表示“具有;具备具有;具备”之意,之意,相当于相当于have。此句字面上的意思是。此句字面上的意思是“谁有才华?谁有才华?”1. Whos Got Talent? 谁是达人?谁是达人?e.g. Have you got time? Ive got something important

10、 to tell you. 你现在有空吗?我有重要的事要告你。你现在有空吗?我有重要的事要告你。Language pointsWeve got a lot of work to do, you see, to make our town more beautiful. 你们瞧,我们要把我们的城市变得更你们瞧,我们要把我们的城市变得更加美丽的话,是有很多工作要做的。加美丽的话,是有很多工作要做的。e.g. What do these two planes have in common? 这两架飞机有什么相同之处?这两架飞机有什么相同之处?2. have in common 有相同特征;(想法、有

11、相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方)相同兴趣等方)相同3. all kinds of 各种类型的;各种各样的各种类型的;各种各样的e.g. Therere all kinds of trees on the hill. 山上有各种不同种类的树。山上有各种不同种类的树。4. be up to 由由决定;是决定;是的职责的职责在英语中,在英语中,be up to somebody 是一个习是一个习惯用语,用来表示惯用语,用来表示“由某人做出抉择由某人做出抉择”,句子的主语通常为句子的主语通常为it, 有时也用有时也用this或或that。e.g. You can join the club once or

12、 twice a week it is up to you.你可以一周参加一次或两次俱乐部的你可以一周参加一次或两次俱乐部的活动活动这由你定。这由你定。play a role是一种固定表达,意为是一种固定表达,意为“扮演扮演某一角色;起到某种作用某一角色;起到某种作用”。若要进一。若要进一步引出具体的内容,后面应用介词步引出具体的内容,后面应用介词in,表示表示“在某事或某个方面起到作用或承在某事或某个方面起到作用或承担某种角色担某种角色”。5. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winne

13、r. 人们看这样的节目时,通常要评判人们看这样的节目时,通常要评判出优出优胜者。胜者。e.g. John is playing the leading role in this years play.今年的演出中约翰是主角。今年的演出中约翰是主角。Schools play the most important role in education. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。3. However, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. 但是如果你不把这些节目太当回

14、事,它但是如果你不把这些节目太当回事,它们还是有看头的。们还是有看头的。take 在此处有在此处有 consider (认为;觉得认为;觉得)的的意思。意思。take someone/something seriously 就相当于汉语就相当于汉语“认真对待某人或某事;认真对待某人或某事;把某人或某事当真把某人或某事当真”的意思。的意思。e.g. He was joking, but your sister took him seriously. 他是在开玩笑,但你姐姐却(把他)他是在开玩笑,但你姐姐却(把他)当真了。当真了。Sometimes teachers take students h

15、omework too seriously. 有时老师们把学生作业看得太重。有时老师们把学生作业看得太重。Excersises1、_my surprise,the twins has nothing_common. ( )A. In; in B. To; in C. With; on D. For; of2 2、-My spoken English is poor, what -My spoken English is poor, what shall I do ? shall I do ? -Join an English language club to practice, -Join a

16、n English language club to practice, and youll and youll_ _ _it._it. A. be good at B.drop in C.deal with A. be good at B.drop in C.deal with BA3.Why _ _( 编造编造)this whole lawyer story.makeup4.He was joking, but your sister _him _. ( )A. take serious B. took seriousC. take seriously D. took seriously

17、5.Who is the winner ? that _ _ _ you.(取决于取决于) DisuptoSummary1.have got 具有;具备具有;具备2.have .in common有相同特征;(想有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方)相同法、兴趣等方)相同3.be up to 由由.决定;是决定;是.的职责的职责4.play a role扮演某一角色;起到某种作扮演某一角色;起到某种作用用5.make up 编造编造6.take. seriously认真对待某人或某事;认真对待某人或某事;把某人或某事当真把某人或某事当真7.all kinds of 各种类型的;各种各样的各种类型的;各种各样的Homework1. Read the passage after class.2. Write report according to the chart in 2e. Thank you!谢谢



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