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1、上海牛津高二第二学期unit2-unit-2-Language-pointsReadingLaughter healsLanguage pointsImportant phrasesFind out the English phrases for them in the passage.1. 恶作剧恶作剧2. 视视.为为3. 开玩笑开玩笑4. 使他感到谦虚使他感到谦虚5. 把帽子挂在钉把帽子挂在钉 子上子上6. 走到他桌边走到他桌边7. 颠倒过程颠倒过程8. 离开回家离开回家9. 用用换换10. 掉到眼睛上方掉到眼睛上方a practical joke regard as play a jok

2、e on make him feel more humblehang ones hat on a peg proceed to his desk reverse the process depart for home exchange for drop down over ones eyes 11. 狂笑狂笑12. 让大家吃惊让大家吃惊 的是的是13. 出现出现14. 在正常的在正常的 位置位置15. 对对困惑困惑16. 减少直径减少直径17. 像往常一样像往常一样18. 隔天交替隔天交替19. 最后最后20. 每天换型号每天换型号roar with laughter to everyones

3、 surprise turn up in normal position be puzzled by reduce its diameter as usual on alternate days in the end change size from day to day 1.A practical joke is a trick that is played on an 2. unsuspecting victim to make him or her look silly or embarrassed. trick(1) n. 诡计,窍门,骗局局 play a trick on . 戏弄,

4、开弄,开的玩笑的玩笑Though he knew they were playing a trick on him, he pretended not to notice it. 他心里明白他他心里明白他们是在捉弄他,可是他佯装不是在捉弄他,可是他佯装不知道。知道。 (2) v. 欺欺骗,诱骗Mother tricked me into taking the medicine. 妈妈骗我吃了我吃了药。He did not believe you had the courage to trick him. 他不相信你有胆量欺他不相信你有胆量欺骗他。他。 2. The impression tha

5、t Mr Potts regarded his colleagues as inferiors made him unpopular. 句中的句中的that Mr Potts regarded his colleagues as inferiors是同位语从句,来说明是同位语从句,来说明the impression的具体内容的具体内容 ,注意引导词,注意引导词that不能省略。不能省略。 The fact that he didnt pass the college entrance examination disappointed his parents. The king made a p

6、romise that he would make anyone rich if one could cure his illness. 3. Now it so happened that Mr. Potts always wore the same hat to work. It happened that 意为意为“碰巧碰巧”,句首的,句首的 it 可视为形式主语。可视为形式主语。 1) It happened that the ferry service was canceled. 碰巧渡船服务取消了。碰巧渡船服务取消了。 2) It happened that her parents

7、 were both out. 有时刚好她父母会同时不在家。有时刚好她父母会同时不在家。 3) It happened that the harvest was bad that year. 恰好那年收成不好。恰好那年收成不好。 happen是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。1、(偶然偶然)发生发生 The accident happened outside my house. 这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。2、“(某事某事)发生在发生在”,使用词组,使用词组happen to(to是是介词介词),可根据实际情况灵活翻译。,可根据实际

8、情况灵活翻译。 What has happened to your leg? 你的腿怎么了?你的腿怎么了?3、(与与on,upon连用连用)巧遇;偶然发现巧遇;偶然发现 I happened on just the thing I had been looking for. 我偶然发现了我所要找的东西。我偶然发现了我所要找的东西。如何使用动词如何使用动词happen? 4、碰巧、碰巧 与不定式连用与不定式连用 Do you happen to know his new telephone number? 你可知道他的新电话号码?你可知道他的新电话号码? 用于用于It happened that

9、句型。句型。It做形式主语,做形式主语,that引导主语从句,引导主语从句,that可以省略,可以省略,it后面还可以后面还可以加上加上so,意义上没有变化。,意义上没有变化。 It (so) happened that we were neighbors at that time. 那时我们恰好是邻居。那时我们恰好是邻居。 as it happens / happened:做定语从句,:做定语从句,“碰巧,恰好碰巧,恰好” As it happened (=Although it was not planned), I had a few minutes to spare. 碰巧我有几分钟闲

10、暇时间。碰巧我有几分钟闲暇时间。 Translate the sentences.1、昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。、昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。 I happened to see Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.2、他来访时,恰巧我出去了。、他来访时,恰巧我出去了。 I happened to be out when he called.3、那个家庭发生了不幸的事情。、那个家庭发生了不幸的事情。 A bad accident happened to that family.4、事故发生在昨天。、事故发生在昨天。 The ac

11、cident happened yesterday.4. When they returned to the office, Mr. Potts was still out, so they exchanged the new hat for the old one.exchange (1) n. 交交换;交流;互;交流;互换 They have offered to release the reporters,but what do they want in exchange? 他他们提出可以提出可以释放放记者,但他者,但他们想要什么作想要什么作为交交换?(2) vt. & vi.调换;交换

12、调换;交换 1. Where can I _ my dollars _ pounds? 我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑?我在哪里可以用美元兑换英镑? 2. Shall I _ seats _ you? 我和你换一下座位好吗?我和你换一下座位好吗?exchangeforwithexchangeI have offered to paint the house _ a weeks accommodation. (2007年年 山山东卷卷) A. in exchange for B. with regard to C. by means of D. in place of【解析】【解析】in excha

13、nge for意为意为“交换,以此易交换,以此易彼彼”。根据句意可判断出通过油漆房屋来换一。根据句意可判断出通过油漆房屋来换一周的膳宿。周的膳宿。with regard to意为意为“关于关于”;by means of意为意为“用,凭借用,凭借”;in place of意为意为“代代替替”。A5. The next day, to everyones surprise, Mr. Potts turned up with his hat in its normal position. turn up(1)来来(开会开会);出;出现 He said he would come, but hasnt

14、 turned up yet. 他他说他会来的,但是他会来的,但是还没有到没有到。(2)被找到,被被找到,被发现,被,被证明明 Dont worry about the necklace. Itll turn up sooner or later. 不要担心那条不要担心那条项链,我,我们迟早会早会找到它的找到它的。(3) 开大灯火开大灯火/煤气等,开大收音机煤气等,开大收音机 Please turn the radio up; Id like to listen to the news. 请把收音机音量请把收音机音量开大开大些,我想听听新闻。些,我想听听新闻。(4) 卷起卷起(衣袖衣袖);翻起

15、;翻起(衣领衣领) Father came back from the fields, the bottom of his trousers turned up. 父亲从田间回来了,裤腿父亲从田间回来了,裤腿挽着挽着。 turn down 关小;关小;调低;拒低;拒绝 turn in 上交,欺上交,欺骗 turn off 关上;关上;转弯弯 turn out 关上;生关上;生产;制造;制造;结果是果是 turn over 翻翻转;交付;反复考;交付;反复考虑 turn to 求助于;求助于;转向向 turn on 打开;打开;转开开1.You may _your exam paper now.

16、 现在你可以把在你可以把试卷翻到另一面。卷翻到另一面。2. Im sure it will _well in the end. 我确信我确信这件事最件事最终会有好会有好结局的。局的。turn overturn out1). I will not wait for him for a second - he may have something else to do, so he could not _ here. A. come up B. come out C. turn out D. turn up【解析】短语短语turn up表示表示“到场;露面到场;露面”的意的意思。思。D 2). W

17、ith no one to _ in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless. A. turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn over【解析】【解析】turn to转向转向求助;求助;turn on打打开;开;turn off关闭;关闭;turn over翻转,翻身。翻转,翻身。根据句意根据句意“在可怕的环境下她没人可求助,在可怕的环境下她没人可求助,她感到非常绝望她感到非常绝望”。A6. They made it smaller in the same way, and replaced t

18、he new hat with the old one. replace vt.(1) put back in its place放回,置于原处放回,置于原处 1) All books _on the shelves. 所有的书必须放回到书架上。所有的书必须放回到书架上。 2) He _and hurried out of the room. 他放下电话听筒,急忙走出了房间他放下电话听筒,急忙走出了房间。(2) take the place of代替,取代代替,取代 1) Can anything _ a mothers love and care? 什么东西能取代母爱呢?什么东西能取代母爱呢

19、?must be replacedreplaced the receiverreplace2) He has _ Mr Brown _President. 他取代布朗先生当了董事长。他取代布朗先生当了董事长。3) Nothing could _ _ _ _the family he had lost. 他失去了家庭,这种损失是无法弥补的。他失去了家庭,这种损失是无法弥补的。replacedastake the place of(1)take the place of 取代,代替取代,代替(replace) Tom has taken the place of/replaced John as

20、captain of the team. 汤姆已取代姆已取代约翰成翰成为该队的的队长。(2) in place of 取代,代替取代,代替(介介词短短语) He is not fit for the job. Weve hired a new one in place of him. 他不适合他不适合这项工作,我工作,我们另雇了个人代替他。另雇了个人代替他。(3) instead of 代替,而不是代替,而不是(介介词短短语) He came here by bus instead of by train. 他是乘汽他是乘汽车来的而不是乘火来的而不是乘火车。in place of,instea

21、d of,take the place of与与replace1) John is not here today. Who can _him in the game? A. replace B. take the place C. instead of D. in place of【解析】【解析】replace sb.take the place of sb.意为意为“代替代替”。A2) When you have finished the book, please _ it on the shelf. A. replace B. take place C. take place of D.

22、in place of【解析】【解析】replace意为意为“放回原处放回原处”。A7. In the end, the belief that an illness was making his head change size from day to day led Mr Potts to go to a doctor. lead sb. to do sth. 使得某人做使得某人做,领着某人,领着某人做做 1) 到底是什么使你离家出走到底是什么使你离家出走? What on earth led you to leave home? 2) 什么使你这样想?什么使你这样想? What led

23、you to think so?lead to+ n. / v-ing意思是意思是“导致导致 .,通向,通向.” Smoking can lead to lung cancer. Hard work leads to success. Laziness leads to failing the exam. There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness. This road leads to the hotel.We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It onl

24、y _violence. (2007年浙年浙江卷江卷) A. runs into B. comes from C. leads to D. begins with【解析】【解析】句意为:我们坚信战争永远不能解句意为:我们坚信战争永远不能解决任何事情,它只能导致暴力。决任何事情,它只能导致暴力。lead to (导导致致)符合题意。符合题意。CPractice1.我们应尽快买把新椅子来替换那把破的。我们应尽快买把新椅子来替换那把破的。( replace) 2.看,你的手提箱上还贴着一张标签。看,你的手提箱上还贴着一张标签。 (stick )We should buy a new chair as

25、 soon as quickly to replace the old one.Look! A label still sticks on your suitcase.3. 这位流行歌星很受年轻人的喜爱。这位流行歌星很受年轻人的喜爱。(popular)4.老师的话让他很困惑,也让他在大家面老师的话让他很困惑,也让他在大家面前感到很尴尬。(前感到很尴尬。(puzzle)The pop singer is popular with / among young people.The teachers words made him puzzled and also made him feel embarrassed in front of everyone.5. 他跟我开了个玩笑,假装丢了火车票。他跟我开了个玩笑,假装丢了火车票。(play a joke on)6. 我在数学方面不如我的同桌。我在数学方面不如我的同桌。(inferior)He played a joke on me by pretending he had lost the train ticket.I am / feel inferior to my desk mate in maths.谢谢观赏谢谢观赏



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