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1、序数词序数词ordinal number授课老师:张白美Michelle Lets enjoy a piece of music and review numbers togetherTen little Indians数词可分为基数词(cardinal numbers) 和序数词(ordinal numbers)one, two, three, ten.等表示数目多少的叫基数词,基数词可以用来表示数目、时间、年龄、价格、班级、电话号码、公车等。e.g.There are forty students in our class. We get up at six oclock. I am ni

2、ne years old. A hamburger is ten dollars. I am in Class four Grade three. telephone number 204-2244 读作 two zero four two two four four Bus (No.) 11How many +复数+ are there? “有多少?”How many classrooms are there in your school?Twelve.There are twelve.There are twelve classrooms in my school.How many stu

3、dents are there in your class?How many seasons are there in a year?躲炸弹 Bomb game 游戏说明:老师将一个数字单词设为炸弹,然后开始单词操练,点到“炸弹”(3的倍数)时学生不能跟读,而应抱头趴在桌上并说Bomb. Are you ready?one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-on

4、e twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty.Whats ordinal number? 什么叫序数词? 表示“第几”顺序的词叫序数词。 一般与与之相应的基数词加词尾-th构成。请将基数词转换成序数词one twothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenfirstsecond third fourth fifthsixth seventheighthninthtentheleventwelvethirte

5、enfourteenfifteentwentythirtytwenty-one twelfth twentieth thirtieth twenty - first序数词有时用缩写形式first-1stsecond-2ndthird-3rd fourth-4thtwenty-first -( )forty-third-( )fifty-fifth-( )sixty-second-( )序数词有时用缩写形式first-1stsecond-2ndthird-3rd fourth-4thtwenty-first -( 21st )forty-third-( 43rd )fifty-fifth-(55

6、th )sixty-second-( 62nd )基数词基数词 序数词序数词 序数词缩写序数词缩写 twenty-one twenty-first 21st twenty-two twenty-second 22nd twenty-three twenty-third 23rd twelve twelfth 12thtwenty twentieth 20th thirty thirtieth 30th five fifth 5th eight eighth 8th nine ninth 9th one first 1st two second 2nd three third 3rd 基数词和序

7、数词对照,你能看出什么规律吗?一、二、三,特殊记一、二、三,特殊记, ,词尾字词尾字t,d,dt,d,d;thth要从四加起;要从四加起;六、七同四守规律六、七同四守规律; ;八少八少t,t,九去九去e e;f f来把来把veve替替,ty,ty变成变成tie;tie;若是遇到几十几,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。只变个位就可以。基数词变序数词的基数词变序数词的规律是:规律是:Write the right form of the words.写出下列单词的正确形式. 1. twelve(序数词)_ 2. thirteen(序数词)_3. ninth(基数词)_ 4. eighteenth(

8、基数词)_5. second(基数词)_ 6. three(序数词)_7. fifth(基数词)_ 8. one(序数词)_9. nineteen(序数词)_10. twenty-four(序数词)_11. thirty(序数词)_ 12. forty-second(基数词)_13. fiftieth(基数词)_ 14. thirty-one(序数词)_15. twenty(序数词)_ 16. twenty-three(序数词)_Check answers. 1. twelve(序数词) ( twelfth ) 2. thirteen(序数词) ( thirteenth ) 3. ninth(

9、基数词) (nine ) 4. eighteenth(基数词) (eighteen )5. second(基数词) (two ) 6. three(序数词) ( third )7. fifth(基数词) ( five ) 8. one(序数词) ( first )9. nineteen(序数词)( nineteenth ) 10. twenty-four(序数词)( twenty-fourth )11. thirty(序数词)( thirtieth ) 12. forty-second(基数词)( forty-two )13. fiftieth(基数词)( fifty ) 14. thirty

10、-one(序数词)( thirty-first )15. twenty(序数词)( twentieth ) 16. twenty-three(序数词)( twenty-third )4. 百、千、万的序数词由hundred、thousand、million等加-th,前面加相关的基数词构成。one hundredthtwo thousandththree millionth Attention:序数词hundred、thousand、million、billion之前的“一”只能用one,不可用a.序数词在生活中的应用序数词的用法如下:A表示次序,即第几egSam is the second

11、in the exam(考试) There are four seasons, the first season is Spring.B表示日期egJune the first / the first of June is Childrens Day Finish the sentences看图完成句子3/F Mark2/F Cindy1/F TomG/F Janeground floor / first floor / second floor / third floor(1)Mark is on the_(2)Cindy is on the_(3)Jane is on the _(4)To

12、m is on the _表示第几层楼用序数词Check answers.3/F Mark2/F Cindy1/F TomG/F Janeground floor / first floor / second floor / third floor(1)Mark is on the third floor(2)Cindy is on the second floor.(3)Jane is on the ground floor(4)Tom is on the first floor表示第几层楼用序数词1c. Pairwork When is your birthday, Mary?My bir

13、thday is January fifteenth.November 22写作写作:November 22nd/November 22 读作读作:November the twenty-second 比一比比一比 Can you say out the dates?2d. Pairwork 9.15Cindy: When is your birthday,Kimi?Kimi: My birthday is September 15th.A: When is her birthday?B: Her birthday is December 30th.1212月月月月30日日A: When is

14、 Jimmy Lins birthday? B: His birthday is October 15th. A: How old is he? B: He is 40.Jimmy Lin, a famous singer and race driver.Born: October 15, 1974Age: 40序数词基数词When is New Years Day(元旦元旦)?Its January 1st.When is Childrens Day(儿童节儿童节)?Its June 1st.When is Teachers Day(教师节教师节)?Its September 10th.Wh

15、en is National Day(国庆节国庆节)?Its October 1st.Practice with your partner.When is Tree Planting Day(植树节)?Its March 12th.When is April Fools Day(愚人节)?Its April 1st.When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)?Its December 25th.PracticePractice again. Use your own name, age and date of birth.A: When is your birthday, Jacki

16、e?B: My birthday is March 1st.A: How old are you?B: Im fifteen.Circle the correct answers 选择填空.(1)There are _ students in my classA、fourtyB、forty C、fourthD、fortieth(2)KiKi is in Class _Grade_ A、Second; ThirdB、Second;ThreeC、Two; ThreeD、Two; Third(3)Mother will come to pick me up at _A、fifthB、five C、f

17、ivethD、the fifth(4)There are _ months in a year and December is the _ month.A、twelve; twelfthB、twelfth; twelve C、twelveth; twelveD、twelfth; twelfth(5)Sunday is the _day in a weekA、sevenB、first C、one D、twoCheck answers.(1)There are _B_ students in my classA、fourtyB、forty C、fourthD、fortieth(2)KiKi is

18、in Class _C_Grade_ A、Second; ThirdB、Second;ThreeC、Two; ThreeD、Two; Third(3)Mother will come to pick me up at _B_A、fifthB、five C、fivethD、the fifth(4)There are _A_ months in a year and December is the _ month.A、twelve; twelfthB、twelfth; twelve C、twelveth; twelveD、twelfth; twelfth(5)Sunday is the _B_da

19、y in a weekA、sevenB、first C、one D、twoLook at the chart and answer the questions看下表完成句子4/F Library 3/F Artroom2/F Teacher1/F ChildrenG/F Canteen (小卖部)1、Where is the library?It is on the_2、Where is the canteen?_3、Where is the artroom?_4、Where is the teacher?_5、Where are the children?_6、How many floors

20、 are there?_Check answers.4/F Library 3/F Artroom2/F Teacher1/F ChildrenG/F Canteen (小卖部)1、Where is the library? 2、Where is the canteen?It is on the fourth floor. It is on the ground floor.3、Where is the artroom? 4、Where is the teacher? It is on the third floor. It is on the second floor. 5、Where ar

21、e the children? 6、How many floors are there? They are on the first floor. There are five floors. 1、Write the other forms of the numbers写出下列数字的序数词形式e.g. seven seventh (1)one _ (2)two _(3)three _ (4)four_ (5)five_(6)six _ (7)twenty _ (8)twenty-one_2、Circle the correct words圈出正确的单词.(1)There are (fiftee

22、nth/fifteen) students in our class(2)Can you see the (three/third) book from the left?(3)The (seventh/seven) student is Paul(4)I can see (twentieth/twenty) cars on the road(5)The (first/one) boy in the line is very short(6)I wrote (sixth/six) letters to my friend(7)The (second/two) day of this week is my birthday(8)There are (twelve/twelfth) months in a year(9)The (eight/eighth) month of the year is August(10)The (fourth/four) season in a year is winter(11)(Thirteen/Thirteenth) is an unlucky number(12)Please give me the (six/sixth) glassThank Thank you! you! Bye!Bye!



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