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1、E Environmental nvironmental D Design esign Xi an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi an,ChinaHan Yi1. Harmony with the Living Earth By John Ormsbee SimondsWe are the victims of our own building. We are trapped, body and soul, in the mechanistic surroundings we have constructed about oursel

2、ves. Somewhere in the complex process of evolving our living spaces, cities, and roadways, we have become so absorbed in the power of machines, so absorbed in the pursuit of new techniques of building, so absorbed with new materials the we have neglected our human needs. Our own deepest instincts ar

3、e violated. Our basic human desires remain unsatisfied. Divorced from our natural habitat, we have almost forgotten the glow and exuberance of being healthy animals and feeling fully alive.1. Harmony with the Living Earth我们是自身建设的受害者。我们的身与灵都被困在了自己建造的机械环境中。在生活空间、城市和道路逐步开展的复杂进程中,我们太过于依赖机械的力量,太过于追求新的建造技

4、术和新的材料,以至于反而无视了人的需求。这种最深处的本能被违反了。最根本的人类欲望也得不到满足。远离了自然生境的我们几乎忘却了作为一种健康的动物感受生命意义时的那种活力与激情。Victim:n. 牺牲者,受害者;Trap:vt. 诱骗; 使受限制; 困住;Evolve:vt. 使开展; 使进化;Violate:vt. 违反; 阻碍; 侵犯Divorce:vt. 与离婚; 别离Glow:n. 白热,炽热; 色彩鲜艳,尤指红光; 激情; 热烈 Exuberance:n. 繁茂,丰富; 充分,充溢 1.Harmony with the Living EarthMany contemporary ai

5、lmentsour hypertensions and neuroses are no more than the physical evidence of rebellion against our physical surroundings and frustration at the widening gap between the environment we yearn for and the stifling, artificial one we planners have so far contrived.这一时代的许多疾病,譬如高血压和神经衰弱,正是我们的身体对抗外界环境的表现

6、,而我们所渴望的的环境与我们作为规划师规划的那种沉闷的人工环境之间不断增大的裂痕也令人沮丧.ailments: n. eilmnts 疾病尤指慢性病,不适( ailment的名词复数 ) hypertensions : n. 高血压; 过度紧张 neuroses : n. 神经机能病,神经官能症 neurosis的名词复数 rebellion : n. 造反,叛乱; 对抗 frustration: n. 挫折; 失败; 挫败; 失意yearn for: vi. 渴望,切盼,向往; 想念stifling: adj. stafl 令人窒息的; 沉闷的 artificial : adj. 人造的;

7、人工的; 虚假的,非原产地的; 人为的contrived:adj. kntravd 不自然的; 勉强的; 人为的; 非天然的1.Harmony with the Living EarthLife itself is dictated by our moment-by-moment adjustment to our environment. Just as the bacterial culture in the petri dish must have its scientifically compounded medium for optimum development and the p

8、otted geranium cutting its proper and controlled conditions of growth to produce a thriving plant, so weas complicated, hypersensitive human organismsmust have for our optimum development a highly specialized milieu. It is baffling that the nature of this ecological framework has been so little expl

9、ored. Volumes have been written on the conditions under which rare types of orchids may best be grown; numerous manuals can be found on the proper raising and care of guinea pigs, white rats, goldfish, and parakeets, but little has been written about the nature of the physical environment best suite

10、d to human culture. Here is a challenging field of research.1.Harmony with the Living Earth生活取决于我们每时每刻对环境的适应。就像培养皿中培养的细菌,必须具备科学的复合介质才能促进其繁殖;亦或是盆栽的天竺葵扦插条,也必须在适合的、可控的条件下才能生长茂盛。我们作为复杂且高度敏感的人类有机体,也必须有适合我们开展的高度专业化环境。令人费解的是,这种生态框架的本质却很少被人探寻。有关于稀有兰花在什么环境下生长最好的研究写了一卷又一卷,介绍如何正确的饲养几内亚的猪、白老鼠、金鱼以及长尾小鹦鹉的手册更是数不胜数

11、。然而却几乎没有一本书来介绍什么样的物质环境最适合人类开展。这是一块非常具有挑战性的研究领域。dictated:v. 大声讲或读( dictate的过去式和过去分词 ); 口授; 支配; 摆布bacterial bktrl :adj. 细菌的; 细菌性 mediumoptimum :ptmm :adj. 最适宜的 ; n. 最正确效果; 最适宜条件; 生物学 最适度 potted: adj. 盆栽的,瓶或罐装的,浓缩的; 封闭式 milieu mi:lj: :n. 周围; 环境 ;周围;社会环境;背景; 复数: milieus milieux baffling: adj. 令人困惑的,难对付的

12、,难解的 ;v. 使困难,使为难( baffle的现在分词 ) manuals mnjlz :n. 说明书( manual的名词复数 ); 风琴等的键盘;1.Harmony with the Living EarthThe naturalist tells us that if a fox or a rabbit is snared in a field and then kept in a cage, the animals clear eyes will soon become dull, its coat will lose its luster, and its spirit will

13、 flag. So it is with humans too long or too far removed from nature. For we are, first of all, animals. We are creatures of the meadow, the forest ,the sea, and the plain. We are born with a love of fresh air in our lungs, dry paths under our feet, and the penetrating heat of the sun on our skin. We

14、 are born with a love for the feel and smell of rich, warm earth, the taste and sparkle of clear water, the refreshing coolness of foliage overhead, and the spacious blue dome of the sky. Deep down inside we have for these thingsa longing, a desire sometimes compelling, sometimes quiescent but alway

15、s it is there.1.Harmony with the Living Earth自然博物学家告诉我们,如果狐狸或兔子被捕以后关在笼子里,他们清澈的眼睛很快会变得灰暗,皮毛会失去光泽,精神也会萎靡不振。人类远离大自然也会如此,因为人类首先是一种动物。我们是草地、森林、海洋还有平原的动物。我们在出生之时,肺里就充满了爱的新鲜空气,脚下踏着枯燥的小路,阳光普照于我们的肌肤之上。我们天性有爱,那是一种感受大地的富饶温暖的爱,那是一种品味清澈水源的爱,那是一种对头顶的枝叶带来的丝丝凉爽的爱,那是一种对广阔的蓝色苍穹的爱。我们内心深处的这这些渴望,有时是明显的,有时又是含蓄的,但是它总是一直在那

16、里。snared: v. 用罗网捕捉,诱陷,陷害( snare的过去式和过去分词 )luster: lst n. 光泽; 光辉; 荣耀; 荣耀 ;vt. 使有光泽,使有荣耀flag: n. 旗 旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲;vt. 标示 ;vi. 疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 meadow: n. 草地; 牧场 ;草甸;草地上penetrating: adj. 敏锐的; 有洞察力的; 聪明的; 响亮的 sparkle: vi. 闪耀,闪烁; 活泼,焕发活力和才智;n. 光亮; 活力 foliage: flid n. 植物的叶子总称,叶子及梗和枝; 树叶 spacious:adj. 宽敞的; 广阔的; 知识广博的

17、 dome: n. 圆屋顶; 像圆屋顶一样的东西; 圆顶体育场 compelling: adj. 引人入胜的; 扣人心弦的; 非常强烈的; 不可抗拒的 quiescent: kwiesnt adj. 不活动的,静态的; 休眠的 1.Harmony with the Living EarthIt has been proposed by many sages that, other things being equal, the happiest person is one who lives in closest, fullest harmony with nature. It might t

18、hen be reasoned: why not restore humans to the woods? Let them have their water and earth and sky, and plenty of it. But is the primeval forest-preserved, untouched, or simulatedour ideal environment? Hardly. For the story of the human race is the story of an unending struggle to ameliorate the forc

19、es of nature. Gradually, laboriously, we have improved our shelters, secured a more sustained and varied supply of food, and extended control over the elements to improve our way of living.1.Harmony with the Living Earth许多圣人都谈到:在其他条件都相同的情况下,最开心的人是那些最能与自然和谐共处之人。按照这种说法,为何不使人类回归自然?让他们拥有充分的水源、土地和天空呢。但是这

20、种原始的、未经开发的森林保护地会是我们理想的生存环境吗?很难这么说。因为人类的历史就是一部通过无休止的斗争来改善自然的历史。在经历了一个逐步的、充满艰辛的过程之后,我们改善了我们的住所,获得了源源不断的、各式各样的食物供给,也通过增强对其他事物的控制力改进了我们生活的方式。 propose: vt. 提议,建议; 打算,方案; 推荐,提名; 求婚 reasoned: adj. 符合逻辑的,经过周密思考的 v. 推理,思考( reason的过去式); 争辩; restore: vt. 归还; 交还; 使恢复; 修复 primeval :prami:vl adj. 原始的; 太古的,太初的 sim

21、ulated: adj. 假装的; 冒充的; 仿造的; 模仿的 ameliorate: mi:liret vt. 使改善,改进; 减轻痛苦等; 改进laboriously: lb:rsl adv. 艰苦地; 费力地; 辛勤地secured: v. 保护( secure的过去式和过去分词 ); 使获得; 使平安; 担保sustained: adj. 持久的,持续的; v. 维持( sustain的过去式和过去分词 ); 支撑; 忍受 1.Harmony with the Living EarthWhat alternatives, then, are left? Is it possible t

22、hat we can devise a wholly artificial environment in which to better fulfill our potential and more happily work out our destiny? This prospect seems extremely doubtful. A perceptive analysis of our most successful ventures in planning would reveal that we have effected the greatest improvements not

23、 by striving to subjugate nature wholly, not by ignoring the natural conditioning or by the thoughtless replacement of the natural features, contours, and covers with our constructions, but rather by consciously seeking a harmonious integration. This can be achieved by modulating ground and structur

24、al forms with those of nature, by bringing hills, ravines, sunlight, water, plants, and air into our areas of planning concentration, and by thoughtfully and sympathetically spacing our structures among the hills, along the rivers and valleys, and out into the landscape.1.Harmony with the Living Ear

25、th还有其他的选择吗?我们有可能通过创造一个完全人工的环境来更好的满足我们的潜在需求和掌控我们的命运吗?这种前景令人质疑。通过深入分析那些最成功的规划,可以看出:我们的成功之处在于有意识的寻求一种和谐的整体而不是粗暴的征服自然,不是忽略自然条件,也不是武断的用人工建筑掩盖自然特征和外观。而这种和谐是通过调整土地和结构形式以适应自然,是通过将丘陵,沟壑,阳光,水,植物,空气引入集中规划区域,是通过将构筑物间筑于群山之间,河流和山谷沿线以及风景之中来完成的。devise dvaz :vt. 想出,设计; 遗赠给; 图谋 potential: adj. 潜在的,有可能的;destiny: n. 命运

26、; 天命,天数; prospect: n. 前景; 期望; 眺望处; 景象 ; vi. 勘探; 勘察; 矿等有希望; 有前途 doubtful: adj. 难以预测的; 难以预料的,未定局的; 疑心的,拿不准的; 不明不白 ventures: v. 敢于,冒险( venture的第三人称单数 ); 冒的危险; 拿冒险; 用进行投机 reveal :vt. 显露; 揭露; 泄露; 神启示 ; n. 揭示,展现; 建门侧,窗侧 effected:v. 产生;造成;招致(effect的过去分词); adj. 实现了的;受影响的 striving: v. 努力奋斗,力求( strive的现在分词 )s

27、ubjugate sbduget : vt. 征服,降伏 thoughtless : adj. 欠考虑的; 轻率的; 自私的,不体贴人的; 没有思想的 consciously : adv. 有意识地; 自觉地integrationmodulating : v. 调整( modulate的现在分词 ); 对波幅、频率的调制;ravines: rvi:nz n. 既深又狭、坡度很大的山谷( ravine的名词复数 ) sympathetically: smpetkl adv. 悲怜地,富有同情心地 1.Harmony with the Living EarthWe are perhaps uniq

28、ue among the animal in our yearning for order and beauty. It is doubtful whether any other animal enjoys a “view, contemplates the magnificence of a venerable oak, or delights in tracing the undulations of a shoreline. We instinctively seek harmony; we are repelled by disorder, friction, ugliness, a

29、nd the illogical. Can we be content while our towns and cities are still oriented to crowded streets rather than to open parks? While highways slice through our communities? While freight trucks rumble past our churches and our homes? Can we be satisfied while our children on their way to school mus

30、t cross and recross murderous traffic ways? While traffic itself must jam in and out of the city, morning and evening, through clogged and noisy valley floors, although these valley routes should, by all rights, be green free-flowing parkways leading into spacious settlements and the open countrysid

31、e beyond. 1.Harmony with the Living Earth 就我们对秩序和美丽的渴望来看,我们可能是动物中独一无二的。是否有其他动物能够欣赏风光,对古老橡树带来的壮观景致产生思考,或者喜欢追逐海水的潮起潮落,这是令人疑心的。我们本能的寻求和谐,并对混乱、丑陋和毫无逻辑避之不及。当我们的乡村与城市被拥挤的街道而非开放性的公园占据,我们会感到满意吗?当高速公路穿越我们的社区,我们会感到满意吗?当我们的孩子在上学时需要来回穿过危险的交通道路,我们会感到满意吗?从早到晚,来往的车辆在这个堵塞且嘈杂的、高楼林立的城市山谷中川流不息,虽然这条山谷的路线本应是绿意怅然、畅行无阻的景观

32、道路,而周边尽是宽敞的社区和开阔的乡间景色的。contemplates:v. 深思,细想,仔细考虑( contemplate的第三人称单数 ); 注视,凝视magnificence:n. 华美,华美堂皇 venerable oak venrbl:adj. 令人尊重的; 庄严的,珍贵的; 副主教 undulation ndjulen :n. 波动; 波荡 repelled: v. 击退( repel的过去式和过去分词 ); 使厌恶; 排斥; 推开friction: n. 摩擦; 冲突,不和; 摩擦力 orientslice: vt. 切成片; 切下; 划分; n. 薄片; 一局部;be cont

33、ent: 感到满足;要满足;知足;oriented: adj. 导向的; 以为方向的; 定向的; 定方向freight: n. 货运,货物; 运费; 船运货物; 货运列车 rumblemurderous:adj. 蓄意谋杀的; 杀人的,残忍的; 凶残的 ;rumble: vi. 隆隆作响; 车辆辘辘行驶 clog : v. 阻碍; 堵塞 parkways: n. 有草木的大路,绿化道路,林阴大道( parkway的名词复数 ) 1.Harmony with the Living EarthWe of contemporary times must face this disturbing fa

34、ct: our urban, suburban, and rural diagrams are for the most part ill-conceived. Our community and highway patterns bear little logical relationship to one another and to our topographical, climatological, physiological, and ecological base. We have grown, and often continue to grow, piecemeal, haph

35、azardly, without reason. We are dissatisfied and puzzled. We are frustrated. Somewhere in the planning process we have failed.1.Harmony with the Living Earth 我们这一时代的人必须直面这个令人不安的事实,即:我们的城市、城郊甚至于农村地区的规划在很大程度上都是考虑欠周的。我们的社区与高速公路二者之间几乎没有任何逻辑关系,并且这二者的规划与相关的地形学、气象学、生理学、生态学根底亦无联系。我们已经长大,并将继续成长,逐步的、无规那么的,无任何

36、理由。我们并不满足,而且迷惑。我们感到沮丧。规划过程中的某些局部,我们确实失败了。 disturbing: adj. 烦扰的; 令人不安的 diagrams: n. 图解,简图,图表( diagram的名词复数 ) ill-conceived: adj. 设想拙劣的;打错算盘的;错误的想法 topographicaltprfkl: adj. 地志的,地形学的 climatological: adj. 气象学与气候学有关的 physiologicalfzldkl : 生理;生理的;生理学的;生理上 ecological: adj. 生态学的 haphazardly: adv. 偶然地,随意地,杂

37、乱地 frustrated: adj. 挫败的,失意的,泄气的 1.Harmony with the Living EarthSound planning, we can learn from observation, is not achieved problem by problem or site by site. Masterful planning examines each project in the light of an inspired and inspiring vision, solves each problem as a part of a total and co

38、mpelling concept which, upon consideration, should be self-evident. Stated simply, a central objective of all physical planning is to create a more salubrious living environmenta more secure, effective, pleasant, rewarding way of life. Clearly, if we are the products of environment as well as of her

39、edity, the nature of this environment must be a vital concern. Ideally it will be one in which tensions and frictions have been in the main eliminated, where we can achieve our full potential, and where, as the planners of old Peking envisioned, man can live and grow and develop“in harmony with natu

40、re, God, and with his fellow man.1.Harmony with the Living Earth一个我们能够通过观察来学习的合理规划,并不是靠着对逐个问题或者场所的解决来完成的。这样巧妙的规划能够根据一种具有启发性的和鼓舞人心的愿景来检验每一个工程,也能够把每一个问题作为一种整体且合理的概念中的一局部来予以解决。简而言之,所有物质规划的中心目标都是创造一个更加有益健康的生活环境一种更平安、更有效、更愉悦、更有益的生活方式。很显然,如果我们是环境与遗传共同作用下的产物,那么这种环境的性质就必然是关键性的问题。而这种理想化的环境正是:那种能够消除我们的大局部紧张与摩

41、擦的环境,那种能够使我们的潜能全部发挥的环境,那种如古代北京的规划师所设想的,人们可以在“与自然、神以及其他同伴和谐共处 中生存和开展的环境。masterful: adj. 善于控制别人的; 善于控制形势的; 熟练的; 娴熟的 inspired: adj. 有创造力的; 品质优秀的; 有雄心壮志的inspiring: adj. 鼓舞人心的; 鼓励的; 启发灵感的 compelling: adj. 引人入胜的;扣人心弦的; 非常强烈的; 不可抗拒的 salubriousslu:bris: 健康的;有益健康的;有益于健康的rewarding: adj. 值得的; 有报酬的 heredityhred

42、ti: n. 遗传; 遗传性 vital: adj. 维持生命所必需的;至关重要的;生死攸关的;生气勃勃的 tensions: n. 情绪上的紧张( tension的名词复数 );张力;紧张的状态;eliminated: v. 排除( eliminate的过去式和过去分词 ); 消除; 除掉;envisioned: v. 想像,展望( envision的过去式和过去分词 ) 1.Harmony with the Living EarthAs planners, we deal not only with areas, spaces, and materials, not only with i

43、nstincts and feeling, but also with ideas.They must fulfill hopes and yearnings. By empathetic planning, one may be brought to ones knees in an attitude of prayer, or urged to march, or even elevated to a high plane of idealism. It is not enough to accommodate. Good design must delight and inspire.作

44、为一名规划师,我们不单单要和场所、空间、材料打交道,也不单单要考虑到人的本能和感受,更要具有能够实现人们的希望和渴望的观念。带有感情色彩的规划可以使人如祈祷般的虔诚,或者充满了前进的斗志,或者甚至被提升到了理想主义的境界。因此,仅仅适应满足需求是不够的,好的设计应当让人愉悦和激发人们的灵感。empatheticempetk: adj. 移情作用的,感情移入的 urged: v. 力劝( urge的过去式和过去分词 ); 强烈要求; 推进; 驱策 march: vi. 坚决地向某地前进; 行军,进军; 游行示威;进展elevated: adj. 升高的; 高层的; 高尚的 accommodate

45、: vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向提供住处; 帮助 1.Harmony with the Living EarthSuch an environment can never be created whole; once created, it could never be maintained in static form. By its very definition it must be dynamic and expanding, changing as our requirements change. It will never, in all probability, be achie

46、ved. But striving toward the creation of this ideal environment must be, in all landscape design, at once the major problem, the science , and the goal.这样的环境永远也不可能被完全创造出来,即便创造出来了,也不可能以一种稳固的形式永存。根据它的定义,它必须是动态的、扩展的,随我们的要求的变化而变化。它多半永远也不可能完成。但是在所有的园林设计中,创造这样一个理想环境,必定成为一个重要的问题,一门科学以及一个目标。staticsttk: adj.

47、 静止的; 不变的; 静电的; 物静力的dynamic: adj. 动态的; 动力的,动力学的; 充满活力的,精力充分的;striving: v. 努力奋斗,力求( strive的现在分词 ) 1.Harmony with the Living EarthAll planning must, by reason, meet the measure of our physical dimensions. It must meet the rest of our senses: sight, taste, hearing, scent, and touch. It must also consid

48、er our habits, responses, and impulses. Yet it is not enough to satisfy the instincts of the physical animal alone. One must satisfy also the broader requirements of the complete being.根据推理,所有的规划都必须符合我们的身体尺度。它必须满足我们在感觉上,比方视觉、味觉、听觉、嗅觉和触觉上的需求。它还必须仔细考虑我们的习惯、反响和冲动。然而,只满足这些动物的生理本能也是不够的,它还必须满足我们作为一个完整个体的更

49、多需求。measure:n. 测量,测度; 措施; 程度; 尺寸; vt. 测量; 估量 dimensions:vt. 在上标尺寸;n. 面积; 特点; 长、宽、厚、高等的尺寸; 重要性; 尺寸( dimension的名词复数 ); 方面; 长、宽、高的量度; 规模 meet the rest of our senses:满足感官需求impulses:n. 凭冲动行事( impulse的名词复数 ); 突如其来的念头; 推动; 冲量broader: adj. 较广阔的,较广泛的; 宽的( broad的比较级 );1.Harmony with the Living EarthAristotle,

50、 in teaching the art and science of persuasion, held that to appeal to any person an orator must first understand and know that person. He described in detail the characteristics of men and women of various ages, stations, and circumstances and proposed that not only each person but also the charact

51、eristics of each person be considered and addressed. A planner must also know and understand. Planning in all ages has been an attempt to improve the human condition. It has not only mirrored but actively shaped our thinking and civilization.Harmony with the Living Earth亚里士多德在教授说服力的艺术和科学之时,认为一个演讲者要想

52、吸引某一个人必须首先对这个人进行了解和熟悉。他在仔细的描述了不同年龄、地位、环境的男人和女人的特征之后提出,应该对每一个人的各种特征,而不仅仅是人的个体进行考虑。一个规划者也必须知道和熟悉这一点。各个时期的规划都是一种试图改善人们生存条件的尝试。它不仅能够反映、而且还积极的影响着我们的思想和文明。persuasionpswen: n. 劝说,说服力; 信仰 held: v. 拿 hold的过去式和过去分词 ; 举行; 保存 appeal to: n. 上诉; 体育诉请; 呼吁; 迫切的要求帮助、同情等恳求 vi. 迫切要求; 有吸引力; 求助于; 提请注意 oratorn: n. 演说者,演讲

53、家 address: n. 地址; 通信处; 演说; 称呼 v. 写姓名地址; 演说; 向说话; 称呼 mirror: n. 镜子,反光镜; 真实的写照; 反映,借鉴; 典范; vt. 反映; shaped: adj. 适宜的; 成某种形状的; 有方案的; 有目标的 v. 成形(shape的过去分词和过去式); 开展 1.Harmony with the Living EarthWith our prodigious store of knowledge, we have it within our power to create on this earth a veritable garde

54、n paradise. But we are failing. And we will fail as long as our plans are conceived in heavy-handed violation of nature and natures principles. The most significant feature of our current society is not the scale of our developments but rather our utter distain of nature and our seeming contempt for

55、 topography, topsoil, air currents, water sheds, and our forests and vegetal mantle. We think with our bulldozers, plan with our 30 yard carryalls. Thousands upon thousands of acres of well-watered, wooded, rolling ground are being blithely plowed under and leveled for roads, homesites, shopping cen

56、ters, and factories. Small wonder that so many of our cities are (climatologically speaking) barren deserts of asphalt, masonry, glass, and steel.1.Harmony with the Living Earthprodigious prdds: adj.异常的,惊人的,巨大的,非常的veritable: adj. 名副其实的; 真正的 conceived: v. 想出( conceive的过去式和过去分词 ); 设想; 设想; 怀孕heavy-hand

57、ed: adj. 笨手笨脚的,拙劣的; 严厉的; 暴虐的; 手辣的 violation: n. 违反,阻碍,侵犯; 违犯,违背; 体违例,犯规;utter distain: 完全不屑contempt: n. 轻视; 轻蔑; 对规那么、危险等的藐视; 不顾 topography, topsoil, air currents, water sheds:地质、土壤、气流、水流vegetal mantle:植物覆盖bulldozersbldzz: n. 推土机( bulldozer的名词复数 ); 恐吓者,威胁者carryalls: n. 单马马车,旅行提袋 ; 轮式铲运机;acres: n. 英亩(

58、 acre的名词复数 ) blithely : 愉快地;无忧无虑地;轻率地;悠然自得地climatologically: 气候学barren: adj. 贫瘠的; 不结果实的; 不孕的; 无价值的asphalt, masonry: n. 沥青,柏油; n. 石工工程,砖瓦工工程; 砖石建筑1.Harmony with the Living Earth我们拥有着巨大的知识储藏,在能力范围之内我们能够创造一个名符其实的地球的花园天堂。但是我们却失败了。并且只要我们的规划是严重违背了自然以及自然规律的,我们还将继续失败。我们当前社会的最重要特征不是我们的开展规模,而是我们对于自然的极度不屑和对地形、

59、表层土、气流、水流和森林和植物覆盖等条件的不尊重。我们通过我们的推土机来思考,并通过我们30码的铲运机来规划。成千上万的亩水源充分、森林繁茂、地形起伏的土地被不假思索的夷为平地用以建造道路、住所、购物中心和工厂。难怪我们如此多的城市从气候学上讲都成为了充满着沥青、砖石、玻璃和钢铁的不毛之地。1.Harmony with the Living EarthFor the moment, it seems, we have lost touch. Perhaps, before we can progress, we must look back. We must regain the old in

60、stincts, relearn the old truths. We must return to the fundamental wisdom of the gopher building a home and village and the beaver engineering a dam. We must apply the planning approach of the farmer working from day to day in the fields, fully aware of natures forces, forms, and features, respectin

61、g and responding to them, adapting them to a purpose. We must develop a deeper understanding of our physical and spiritual ties to the earth. We must rediscover nature.gopher: 地鼠beaver: 海狸1.Harmony with the Living Earth这一刻意味着我们已经丧失了触觉。也许我们在前行之前,有必要回望过去。我们必须重新获得那种古时的本能,重新学习过去的真理。我们必须回归到那种囊地鼠建造住所和海狸建造

62、大坝的最根底的智慧中去。我们必须学习那些农民们日复一日在田间工作的规划方式,即充分的认识到大自然力量、形式和特征,尊重和回应它们,并使它们适应人类的目的。我们需要更深的去理解我们的身心与地球之间的联系。我们需要重新认识自然。 It is believed that the lifetime goal and work of the landscape architect is to help bring people, the things they build, their communities, their citiesand thus their livesinto harmony w

63、ith the living earth. By John Ormsbee Simonds人们普遍认为,风景园林师的终身目标和工作是引领人类以及他们的作品、社区和城市也就是他们的生活与地球的和谐共处。 约翰O西蒙兹 Word Review Examples 2.Definition of the profession of landscape architect By IFLA Landscape architects conduct research and advise on planning, design and stewardship of the outdoor environme

64、nt and spaces, both within and beyond the built environment, and its conservation and sustainability of development. For the profession of landscape architect, a degree in landscape architecture is required. Tasks include:风景园林学是一门研究规划、设计、管理室外环境和空间以及环境保护和可持续开展的学科。它所涉及的领域既包括人工环境也包括自然环境。对于风景园林行业而言,一定的研

65、究程度是必须的。它所包含的任务有:conduct: vt.& vi.引导; 带着; 控制; 传导stewardshipstju:dp: n.管事人之职位及职责; 管理工作conservation: n.保存; 保护; 防止浪费; 对自然环境的保护IFLA: International Federation of Landscape ArchitectsDefinition of the profession of landscape architect1) Developing new or improved theories, policy and methods for landscape

66、 planning, design and management at local, regional, national and multinational levels;在地区、区域、全国乃至跨国的层面上为风景园林规划、设计和管理制定出一种新的或更好的理论、政策和方法。2) Developing policy, plans, and implementing and monitoring proposals as well as developing new or improved theories and methods for national parks and other cons

67、ervation and recreation areas.制定政策和规划,执行并予以监控;为国家公园和其他保护区和游憩区制定出一种新的或更好的理论和方法。multinational: adj.多国的; 跨国的; n.跨国公司implementing: v.实现( implement的现在分词 ); 执行; 贯彻; 使生效monitoring: n.监视; 控制; 监测; 追踪proposal: n.提议; 建议; 求婚; 美投标recreation: n.消遣方式; 娱乐方式; 重建,重现2.Definition of the profession of landscape architec

68、t3) Developing new or improved theories and methods to promote environmental awareness, and undertaking planning , design, restoration, management and maintenance of cultural and or historic landscapes, parks, sites and gardens.制定出一种新的或更好的理论和方法以促进环保意识;规划、设计、修复、管理和维护文化或历史景观、公园、遗址和花园。undertake: vt.承担,

69、从事; 保证; 同意,容许; 承诺4) Planning ,design, management, maintenance and monitoring functional and aesthetic layouts of built environment in urban, suburban, and rural areas including private and public open space, parks, gardens, streetscapes, plazas, housing developments, burial grounds, memorials; touri

70、st, commercial, industrial and educational complexes; sports grounds, zoos, botanic gardens, recreation areas and farms.在功能和美学这两个层面上对城市、城郊和农村地区的人工环境进行规划、设计、管理、修复和监控。其涉及的领域包括:私人或公共开放空间、公园、花园、街景、广场、房地产开展、墓园、纪念性景观、旅游、商业、工业与教育的综合区域、运动场、动物园、植物园、游憩区和农场庄园。 layouts: n.布局,安排,设计; 布置图,规划图burial beril: n.葬,掩埋;

71、葬礼complexes: adj.复杂的; 难懂的; 复合的; n.建筑群; 相关联的一组事物; botanicbtnk: adj.植物的,植物学的2.Definition of the profession of landscape architect5) Contributing to the planning , aesthetic and functional design, location, management and maintenance of infrastructure such as roads, dams, energy and major development p

72、rojects.为规划、美学与功能兼顾的设计、定位、管理和维护根底设施例如道路、大坝、能源和其他重要的开展工程等奉献力量。infrastructure: n.根底设施; 根底建设6) Undertaking landscape assessments including environmental and visual impact assessments with view to developing policy or undertaking projects.为了制定政策或开展工程,应对环境和视觉影响进行评估。with view to: 考虑到,为了,目的在于2.Definition o

73、f the profession of landscape architect7) Inspecting sites, analyzing factors such as climate, soil, flora, fauna, surface and subsurface water and drainage; and consulting with clients and making recommendations regarding methods of work and sequences of operations for projects related to the lands

74、cape and built environment.调查现场,分析气候、土壤、植物、动物、地表和地下水以及排水等相关条件,咨询委托方的意见,对与工程中景观和人工环境相关局部的工作方式和步骤提出建议。flora, fauna: n.某地区或某时期的植物群;植物志;植物区系;n.动物群; 动物志subsurface: adj.外表下的,地下的drainage: n.排水,放水; 排水系统; 排走物,废水; 排水区域recommendation: n.推荐; 推荐信; 建议; 可取之处8) Identifying and developing appropriate solutions regar

75、ding the quality and use of the built environment in urban, suburban and rural areas and making designs, plans and working drawings, specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules.为城市、城郊以及农村地区的相关人工环境的品质和使用制定出适合的解决方式;进行设计、规划,绘制施工图、写设计说明、进行本钱估算、制定时间表。 specification: n.规格; 详述; 说明书2.Definitio

76、n of the profession of landscape architect9) Monitoring the realization and supervising the construction of proposals to ensure compliance with plan, specifications of work, cost estimates and time schedules.监测和监控建设实施过程,确保一切按照规划、设计说明、本钱估算和时间表进行。realization: n.认识,领会; 实现supervise: vt.& vi.监督; 管理; 指导co

77、mpliance: n.服从,听从; 承诺; 柔软度; 顺度10) Conducting research, preparing scientific papers and technical reports, developing policy, teaching, and advising on aspects regarding landscape architecture such as the application of geographic information systems, remote sensing, law, landscape communication, int

78、erpretation and landscape ecology.在与风景园林相关的,比方地理信息系统、遥感技术、法律、景观交流、景观阐释和景观生态学的应用等各个方面上,进行实验、准备科学论文和技术报告、制定政策、参与教学和提出建议。2.Definition of the profession of landscape architectapplication: n.适用,应用,运用; 申请,请求,申请表格;geographic: adj.地理学的,地理的remote: adj.时间上遥远的; 远离的; 远程的; 微小的sensing: n.感觉; 读出; 辨向; 指向interpretat

79、ion: n.解释,说明; 翻译; 表演,演绎; 理解11) Managing landscape planning and design projects.管理风景园林规划和设计工程。12) Performing related tasks.履行相关工程。13) Supervising other workers.监督其他工人。3. Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture 从传统建筑学走向广义建筑学从传统建筑学走向广义建筑学 During the past 50 years, the architects of the world

80、have met to debate over a large number of issues. These debates have much furthered our understanding in all branches of architecture. It is therefore appropriate to review the progress so far and redefine the limits, the contents, and the organisation of our discipline and profession.debate: n.讨论;

81、辩论; 争论; 辩论furthered: vt.促进,推动; 增进appropriate: adj.适当的; 恰当的; 适宜的review: n.复习; 回忆; 报刊的评论; 法复审 vt.检验; 复查; 复习; 评论redefine: v.重新定义; 再定义profession: n.职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰在过去的五十年里,世界建筑师已经聚首讨论了许多话题,这些讨论很大程度上拓展了我们对所有建筑学学科的理解。因此到目前为止是时候回忆我们所取得进步,并且重新定义其范围、内容,以及规那么和专业的构成。 3. Beijing charter: Towards An Integra

82、l Architecture1. The theoretical premises Over the centuries the role of an architect is constantly modified to suit the needs and requirements of its time. Where traditional methods are shown to be inadequate, new approaches are developed to take their place. Yet without exception, each redefinitio

83、n pushes the boundary of architecture outwards for a wider coverage, as well as inwards for higher degrees of specialisation in the component parts. The 20th century is perhaps the most exemplary in this regard. 3. Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecturewithout exception:毫无例外地,一律; 概; 一无例外;

84、 全都theoretical: adj.理论的; 推想的,假设的; 空论的premises: n.前提; 复数房屋; 复数合同、契约用语上述各点 inadequate: adj.不充足的; 不适当的; 缺乏胜任的; 信心缺乏的inwards: adv.向内地,向内部地specialisation: n.特殊化,专门化,特化作用component: adj.组成的; 合成的; 构成的; 成分的exemplary: adj.典型的; 示范的; 惩戒性的 1 根本前提 数百年来,建筑师的职责就是不断地调整以适应时代的需求。当传统的方法显得缺乏时,新的方法就会开展起来并取而代之。无一例外的是,每一次的

85、重新定义都会将建筑学的学科边界向外拓展到更为广阔的范围,同时在内部专业构成的划分上也会到达更高的水平。这一点在上20世纪的开展可能更为典型。 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureA wider coverage of its contents and finer degrees of specialisation have empowered the 20th century architect with unprecedented professional opportunities and potential, yet at

86、 a personal level, an expanding profession with growing specialisation can seem elephantine. In a sense, the architects Tower of Babel appears to have fallen: it is increasingly difficult for one architect to grasp the expertise of a fellow colleague; although the body of knowledge has grown collect

87、ively, the outlook of any single designer tends to become paradoxically narrow and fragmented. The specialist expertise is brought together through financial ties and managerial skills, rather than a coherent intellectual framework. As a result, the role of an architect continues to be marginalised

88、in the decision making over the human habitat today.3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architectureempowered: v.被授权;充满力量;授予权利;赐能力unprecedented: adj.前所未有的,无前例的; 空前的; 无比的; potential: adj.潜在的,有可能的;elephantine: adj.象的; 巨大的; 笨拙的; 沉重的Tower of Babel: 摩天楼; 空中楼阁,空想的方案expertise: n.专门知识或技能; 专家的意见; 专家评价,鉴定c

89、ollectively: adv.全体地,共同地paradoxically: adv.反论; 荒唐; 自相矛盾;fragmented: adj.成碎片的;片断的;分立的managerial: adj.经理的; 管理上的coherent: adj.一致的; 连贯的; 条理清楚的; 清楚明白的intellectual: adj.智力的; 有才智的; n.知识分子; 脑力劳动者; marginalised: vt.使处于社会边缘; 使脱离社会开展进程; 无视; 更广阔的内容范畴及更精确的专业划分使得20世纪的建筑师具有前所未有的职业时机和潜能。然而在个人层面,日益专业化的职业开展看起来是笨拙的。在某

90、种意义上来说,建筑师的领袖作用看起来不行了,某个建筑师已经很难再领导其它专业的同事了。尽管知识体系都在共同开展,单个设计师的职业前景却是越来越狭窄和分化。专业技术人员都是被经济链条和管理手段联系在一起,而不是一致的知识体系构架。因此在做决定时,建筑师的职责习以为常地处于边缘地带。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureFrom the point of view of an architect, his or her ability

91、 to propose creative design solutions depends critically on the intellectual and professional spheres he or she commands. Narrow and fragmented individual outlooks cannot be made to work, however wonderfully the individual designers are managed externally. Nevertheless, any given person cannot and s

92、hould not attempt to master the whole body of knowledge of our profession. Quo vadis? From the point of view:从.的观点propose:vt. 提议,建议; 打算,方案; 推荐command:vt. 指挥,控制,命令;critically:adv. 批判性地; 苛求地; 危急地; 严重地spheres:n. 球体;兴趣或活动的范围; 势力范围; 天体,fragment:n. 碎片; 片段,未完成的局部; 将文件内容分段 vt. 使碎裂,破裂,分裂externally:adv. 在或从外部

93、,在或从外面,外表上 Nevertheless:conj. 然而; 尽管如此Quo vadis:is a Latin phrase meaning Where are you going?从建筑师的角度来说,他或她提出创新性设计的能力极大程度上依靠他所掌握的知识和专业范畴。狭隘和不完整的个人观点不能发挥作用,但是优秀的设计师会向外寻求出路。然而任何一个人不可能也不应该试图去掌握所有的专业知识体系。那么出路在哪里?Classical Chinese philosophers went to great pains to pinpoint the differences between metho

94、dology (alternatively translated as Dao or Tao) which concerns an intellectual framework, and methods (Fa) which deal with specific techniques. It is useful to draw on their wisdom in this matter. Whatever professional talents, expertise, or preferences an architect may have, these techniques can on

95、ly realise their true value when guided by a larger, intellectual perspective.3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture An architect may work in a specialised area by choice or chance, yet he or she must not lose sight of the profession as a whole and of the vast sphere of knowledge which

96、is potentially at his or her disposal.go to great pains:费大力;下功夫;费很大劲儿;pinpoint: vt. 确定,准确地指出; 精准定位methodology: n. 从事某一活动的一套方法; 方法学; 方法论draw on: 吸收;戴上;动用;凭借expertise: n.专门知识或技能; 专家的意见; 专家评价realise: vt. 实现; 了解,认识到 perspective: n. 透镜; 观点,看法; 远景,景色; 洞察力potentially: adv. 潜在地; 可能地;disposal: n. 事情的处置; 自由处置

97、权; 清理;3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture中国古典哲学家最终明确区分出“道知识体系与“技专业技能之间的不同。汲取这些智慧是有益的。不管一个建筑师拥有怎样的专业才华、技能或表现,只有当这些技能被更广阔、更智慧的观点引导时,才能认识到自身的价值。一个建筑师可能偶然或有时机在某个特定的领域工作,然而他不能丢掉职业的全局的眼光,这需要庞大的知识范畴,在他处理事务时潜移默化地发挥着作用。Past and contemporary masters have shown how their understanding of the Da

98、o of architecture has helped them to achieve magnificent heights in design and planning. However although such understanding could be regarded as a luxury enjoyed by the masters in the past, it will increasingly become goods of necessity for all architects in the age of information explosion.3.Beiji

99、ng charter: Towards An Integral Architecture In the rapidly expanding professional universe, an intellectual orientation that organises the body of knowledge and expertise and relates architecture to the wider processes that give shape to the built environment, is paramount. So what does this method

100、ology contain? explosion: n.爆炸,炸裂; 爆发; 扩张,激增universe:n.宇宙; 天地万物; 经验领域orientation: n.方向,定位,取向,organises: vt.& vi.组织; 筹备 ; 安排relates: vt.& vi.把联系起来; 讲,表达故事等paramountprmant: adj.最高的,至上的; 最重要的,主要的; 卓越的; 有最高权力的3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture过去和现代的大师都曾经表达过他们如何理解建筑学中“道,以及这种理解帮助他们做出了设计和规

101、划的杰出成就。但是,尽管这种理解对于过去的大师是一种非凡的际遇,但在知识快速开展的今天这种理解越来越成为建筑师所必须具备的。在迅速拓宽的专业领域,知识的开展方向是至关重要的,那就是有关知识和专业的内容构成,以及使建筑学拓展到更为宽广的建成环境领域。那么,这样的方法学由什么内容组成呢?2. A fusion of architecture, landscape architecture and city planning The professional identity of an architect in the wider world is focused on the built for

102、ms that are ultimately created.Basically, the general theory of architecture is an integration of architecture, landscape and urban planning with the core of city design. However, the increasing scale and scope of modern development provide architects with great opportunities to deal with architectu

103、re, landscape and urban planning as a whole. This tripartite composition enables the designer to search for solutions within a wider sphere. 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture fusion:n.融合; 熔解,熔化; 融合物; ultimately:adv.最后,最终; 根本上; 根本 integration:n.结合; 整合; 一体化; 不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的混合 tripar

104、titetrap:tat:adj.三重的,分成三局部的; 三方2、建筑学、景观学、城市规划的融合在更广阔的外部世界看来建筑师的职业范畴重点在于最终形成的建筑形式。根本意义上来说,建筑学的普遍理论是包括建筑学、景观学、以及以城市设计为核心的城市规划的整体。然而,规模和范畴越来越大的现代化开展为建筑师提供了大量时机将建筑学、景观学、城市规划作为整体进行考虑。这三者的构成为设计师在更广阔的范围内寻求解决方案提供了可能。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3. Architecture as a Process for Human Ha

105、bitat 作为人居环境建造的建筑学 Metabolism is one of the fundamental rules in the development of human settlement. Architecture is the discipline that deals with human settlement, so it should regard the physical objectives of construction as a system of circulation. The life cycle of buildings should be regarde

106、d as a fundamental factor of design.habitat: n.动物的栖息地,住处; 产地;metabolismmtblzm: n.新陈代谢; 代谢作用circulation: n.流通,传播; 血液循环; 发行量;新陈代谢是人居环境开展的客观规律,建筑学着眼于人居环境的建设,就理所当然地把建设的物质对象看作是一个循环的体系,将建筑生命周期作为设计要素之一。 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture The life cycle of buildings not only includes the co

107、nstruction and running phases, but also includes processes aiming at lower resource costs, less pollution and grey energy consumption, recycling as much as possible, and reformation of environments.consumption: n.消费; 肺病; 耗尽;recycling: vt.回收利用; 使再循环reformation: n.改进; 改革; 改善建筑物的生命周期不仅结合建筑的生产与使用阶段,而且包括

108、以下过程:更低的资源消耗、更少的污染以及更少的“灰色能源消费、最大限度的循环使用和对环境加以整治。 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureOn the aspect of urban settlement, factors such as planning, architectural design, historical preservation, adapted re-use of old buildings, urban rehabilitation, city renewal and reconstruction, uti

109、lisation of underground facilities, etc., should be integrated into a dynamic circulation system. This is a system for better architecture in the modern space-times of architecture. It is also an exemplification of the sustainable approach in urban planning and architecture design. preservation:n.保存

110、,保存,保护,防腐,维护,保持rehabilitationri:blten: n.修复; 复兴; 复职; utilisation:n.利用etc:adv.等等及其他; 诸如此类 拉丁语et cetera常读作 and so forthdynamic: adj.动态的;动力学的; 充满活力exemplification: n.例证,范例3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture从城市聚居的层面来说,以下因素应该整合成一个动态循环的系统。这些因素包括城市规划、建筑设计、历史街区保护、旧建筑的再利用、城市复兴、城市更新与重建、地下设施的利用

111、等等。对于现代时空观念的建筑学来说这是一个更好的建筑学体系。同样也是一个在城市规划和建筑学领域的可持续开展方法的例证。4 Multiple Technology Rooted in Indigenous Cultures To utilise technological innovation to its full extent is one of our basic tasks in the coming century. Firstly, in the 21st century, various presentations of technology will co-exist, base

112、d on the fact that there are regional contrasts and imbalance in the development of technology. 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecturemultiple: adj.多重的; 多个的; 复杂的; 多功能的indigenousnddns: adj.土生土长的; 生来的,固有的; 本地的; 根生土长presentation: n.陈述; 报告; 介绍; 赠送co-exist: vi.共生共存;并存的现象;共现;文化共生contrast: n.比

113、照,对照; 差异; 对照物,对立面;imbalance: n.不平衡; 不安定; 失调4、根植于地方文化的多层次技术建构尽可能地利用技术革新的成果是未来世纪我们的根本任务之一。首先,在21世纪 ,多种技术共存的现象是以区域差异与不均衡为根底的。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture Theoretically, it is necessary to adopt new technology from foreign sources and integrate it with local conditions to improve

114、the local technological standards. If architects themselves can realise the ecological challenges mankind is facing, and adopt advanced technology creatively, then the buildings they design are bound to be sustainable and healthy.adopt: vt.采用,采取,采纳; 收养; 正式接受integrate:vt.使一体化; 使整合; 使完整;ecological:adj

115、.生态学的creatively:adv.创造性地,有创造力地are bound to :一定要; 终归; 不得不; 注定理论上讲,有必要从外来资源采纳新技术,并且将其与外乡环境整合,以提高外乡技术水平。如果建筑师本身能够意识到人类所面临的生态学挑战,并且创新性地采取先进的技术的话,那么他们所设计的建筑就一定是可持续的,是健康的。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureBecause of technological complexity, low-tech, light-tech and high-tech are differen

116、t in scale and level. For each project, the choice of technological approach should be made according to the specific conditions. In other words, for the progress of every building project, different forms of technology should be integrated, utilised and improved. complexity:n.复杂性,错综复杂的状态; 复杂的事物low-

117、tech, light-tech and high-tech:低技派、轻技派、高技派由于技术的复杂性,低技派、轻技派、高技派在不同的尺度和水平上是有区别的。在每一个工程中,有关技术方法的选择应该取决于其特定的工程环境背景。也就是说,对于所有的建筑工程工程来说,不同形式的技术应该整合起来,综合利用,共同开展。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureAs for the utilisation of technology, considerations on humanist, ecological, economic and regi

118、onal aspects should be integrated. Different levels of innovation should be carried out in order to improve the level of architectural creativity. Many theoretical and practical examples are available today, and it is obvious that much more progress will be made in the next century.utilisation:n.利用h

119、umanist: n.人道主义者,人文主义者regional:adj.地区的,区域的; 特定区域的available:adj.可获得的; 有空的; 可购得的;有关技术的利用,应该整体考虑人文的、生态的、经济的和地域的因素。为了提高建筑的创新水平,应该在不同水平上开展革新。今天我们可以看到许多技术的和实践的例子,显而易见的,在下个世纪将取得更多的多的进步。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureSecondly, todays progress includes both science and technology. The dev

120、elopment of technology must be related to human factors. As Alvar Aalto said, the preservation of difference should also be strengthened. The development of architecture should be rooted in the regional background, and take the local conditions as its starting point in the search for better solution

121、s. Based upon this, foreign ideas can be integrated into our own. This would finally lead to a human society showing both integrity and variety. preservation:n.保存,保存; 保护; 防腐;strengthen:vt.加强,稳固; 勉励,鼓励starting point:n.出发点; 起始点variety:n.多样; 种类; 杂耍; 变化,多样化3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architec

122、ture其次,现代化的进步包括科学进步和技术进步。技术的开展离不开人文因素,正如阿尔法阿尔托所说:“对区别和不同,也应该加强保护,建筑的开展应该根植于地域文化背景,并且应该将区域环境作为寻求更好解决问题方法的出发点。基于此,外来思想应该可以与我们自己的观念相结合。而这些将最终导致人类社会的整体性和多样性。5 Architecture of harmony instead of monotony Architecture is by definition a regional product: buildings serve, and derive their significance from

123、 local contacts. Regional architecture is yet by no means a mere product of a regions past. Rather, it is derived from the concerns for its future. The significance of our profession lies in the creative designs that bridge the past and the future. We use our professional knowledge to guide an infor

124、med choice amongst the options that are increasingly opened to local communities. 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architectureharmony:n.协调; 融洽,一致; 和谐; 音和声monotony:n.单调乏味,无聊definition:n.定义; 规定,明确; 物清晰度; 解释regional:adj.地区的,区域的; 特定区域的,特定地区的;derive:vt.& vi.得到,导出; 源于,来自; 从中提取by no means:绝不,一点也不; 并

125、不; 决不bridge:vt.在建桥,架桥于之上; 通过桥横跨informed:adj.了解情况的; 见多识广的; 有情报根据的; 消息灵通的option:n.选择(option的名词复数 ); 选项; 选择权,选择能力;community:n.社区; 社会团体; 共同体; 生态 群落5、用和谐的文化取代单一的文化建筑学是地区的产物,建筑物是地方文化的表现,也从地方文化中汲取其意义。然而地域建筑绝不仅仅是地区历史的产物,更要从地区的未来中寻求其意义。我们建筑师职业的意义在于为过去和未来搭建桥梁而进行的建筑创新。我们运用我们的专业知识在众多方案中做出明智的选择,使其越来越符合地区社会的开展。3.

126、Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureThe sharing of experiences among various countries and geographical regions must never be seen as a simple transfer of ready-made solutions, but as a means of stimulating local imaginations. The localisation of modern architecture and the modernisatio

127、n of local architecture is a common approach to be shared by all in the progress toward architectural proliferation.ready-made solutions:现成的解决方案stimulating:adj.刺激的,有刺激性的imagination:n.想像,想像力; 空想,妄想;localisation:外乡化;化处理;本地化设置;区域化modernisation:n.现代化; 现代化事物proliferation:n.增殖,分芽繁殖; 再育; 增生as a means of :以

128、资;作为的方法;作为的工具; 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture在不同的国家和地理区域间分享经验,从来不应被视为简单的依靠某些现成的解决方案,而是依靠激发地区想象力。现代主义建筑中的地域主义以及地域建筑中的现代主义是通往建筑繁荣兴盛的普遍途径中,大家所共有的开展模式。6 Art for the sake of the built environment After the industrial revolution, urbanisation of increasing speed resulted in dramatic c

129、hanges in urban structure and architecture forms. The physical environment has been led to anarchy. We should try to find order in the anarchy, to find beauty and harmony in the chaos. for the sake of :为了;为了起见;为了起见;为了的利益urbanisation:n.城市化进程;城市化;城镇化;城市化过程dramatic:adj.戏剧性的; 引人注目的; 冲动人心的 anarchynki:n.混

130、乱; 无秩序; 无政府状态chaos kes:n.混乱,紊乱; 天地未出现的浑沌世界 3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture6、为了建成环境的艺术工业革命以后,不断加快的城市化速度导致了城市结构和建筑形式的戏剧化的变化。周围环境被弄得杂乱无章,我们应努力在这种无序中寻找秩序,在混乱中发现美与和谐。To consider the relationship between architecture and its environments with traditional design methods is far from adeq

131、uate. We have to look at architecture from a massive and urban view. Architectural thoughts should shift from single buildings to building complexes, to urban and rural regional planning. The holistic relationship with nature is another important factor that should be considered. is far from远离;离远;距离

132、某处很远;远不是adequate:adj.足够的; 适当的,恰当的; 差强人意的;massive:adj.大的,重的; 大块的,大量的;holistichlstk:adj.全盘的,整体的; 功能整体性的3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture运用传统的观念来看待建筑及其环境的关系是远远不够的我们应该以宏观和城市的眼光来看待建筑。建筑学的思维方式应该从单体建筑转向建筑综合体,转向城市与乡村规划,还应该考虑另一个重要的因素,那就是与自然的整体关系。In the histories of all cultures, architectur

133、e became the ultimate manifestation of inseparable parts in fine arts, such as sculpture, painting, craftsmanship, etc. This should be one of our goals.ultimate:adj.最后的; 极限的; 首要的; 最大的manifestation:n.表示,显示; 示威inseparable:adj.不可分的,分不开的; 不能别离的craftsmanship:n.技术,技艺; 工力纵观所有文化开展史,建筑学变成了纯艺术最重要也最不可分割的一局部。例如

134、雕塑、绘画、手工艺等。这也将是我们的目标之一。3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.7 Architecture for all In many traditional societies, the architect played the part of master co-ordinator of all trades that built in towns and countries. Yet today, by the

135、 large majority, the architect is perceived as a style freak, irrelevant to real decision making. It is more appropriate to view architecture in its full socio-political context, rather than in the narrow techno-aesthetic sense of the term. Only in this way can architects participate at all levels o

136、f decision making as professionals. As social servers, architects should expand their professional services and visions. They should take an active part in social reform with a basic understanding of society and respect for the people. It is an architects destiny to make everyone a home, to provide

137、shelter for the poor and the homeless. The freedom of architectural design is by no means an excuse for ignorance of social responsibilities. Architecture is a science that serves the people. A society-wide understanding and participation in architecture would be very helpful in making better enviro

138、nments. Not only should the end users participate in the design process, but so should the decision-makers; support and policies from governments would be especially effective. The cultural and architectural education of a decision-maker is a determining factor for the quality of a building project.

139、 In this sense, the understanding of architecture should be emphasised in every society.3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.8 Learning architecture The progress of future architecture lies in the progress of architectural education,

140、 which results in the growth of a new generation of architects. Architects and architecture students must have a responsible professional spirit and a comprehension of environmental ethics. They shall work for the benefit of society as a whole, try to carry out strategies that contribute to the over

141、all quality of human settlements. Architectural education must expand its concerns. An open system of knowledge should be set up. It is the goal of architectural education to make a student able to learn, to research, to express and to organise. Each architectural student should be educated to be op

142、en-minded, to utilise new technological advances, and to create on the basis of professional knowledge. Architectural education is a life-long task. The education of environmental awareness should start at kindergarten, and continue in middle school, professional schools and adult education faciliti

143、es.3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral Architecture3.9 Towards an integral architecture Half a century later, it is necessary to re-emphasise words of Gropius, My idea of the architect is as a co-ordinator, whose business is to unify various formal, technical, social and economic problems that ar

144、ise in connection with buildings . I believe that new architecture is to dominate a far more comprehensive sphere than building means today. And from the investigation of the details, we shall advance towards an ever-wider and profounder conception of design as one great cognate whole. The developme

145、nt of architecture asks for both analysis and integration. But now, the focus should be on integration. The introduction of a general theory of architecture does not demand of architects that they be professionals with all abilities (which is impossible), but requires them to have better professiona

146、l knowledge, a better philosophical way of thinking, in order to be better problem-solvers and theory developers.3.Beijing charter: Towards An Integral ArchitectureWe are facing a world full of contradictions. The contrasts between globalisation and localisation, internationalism and nationalism, un

147、iversality and individuality, flexibility and stability, etc., are forever increasing. The future development of architecture needs our understanding and processing of these contradictions. Any contemporary building project can be regarded as a collection of the contradictions above. Every architect has to deal with these contradictions professionally, to decide between freedom and rules, art and science, traditional and modern, heritage and innovation, technology and place, assimilation and diversity, etc. The general theory of architecture is a dialectical process of these contradictions.



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