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1、上海易恒广告有限公司网络广告术语汇总网络广告术语网络广告术语Ad ViewsAd Views(广告浏览):(广告浏览):横幅广告被用户下载、显示的的次数,一般以一段时间内的次数来衡量,等同于Impression。 Advertising NetworkAdvertising Network(广告网络)(广告网络): :指利用会员站点的固定空间,通过单独的服务器统一传递广告图像的网络广告经营企业,一个广告网络可以拥有大量会员站点,并通过广告显示或点击次数付酬给广告站点,或与广告站点分享销售后的收入。 Advertisement ManagementAdvertisement Management

2、(广告管理)(广告管理): :指利用特定的系统管理网站或广告网络播发的网幅广告,同时提供即时的显示数、点击数统计,高级的广告管理系统还要能根据访问者的特点和时间选择出现不同的网幅广告。 BannerBanner(网幅广告)(网幅广告): :以GIF,JPG等格式建立的图象文件,定位在网页中,大多用来表现广告内容,同时还可使用Java等语言使其产生交互性,用Shockwave等插件工具增强表现力,标准GIF格式以外的网幅广告被成为Rich Media Banner。 LOGO(图标)(图标):常用来宣传商家的商标或特定标志,通常标准banner为468*60。Click Throughs (点进

3、次数)(点进次数):网上广告被用户点击、浏览的次数。Clicks(点击次数)(点击次数):每一次当访客通过点击这个横幅广告访问一次商家网页,称点击一次。点击次数可以客观准确地反映广告效果。Clicks Rate 点击率)点击率):是广告吸引力的一个标志。如果这个网页出现了一万次,而网页上的广告的点击次数为五百次,那么点击率即为5%。Log FileLog File(访客流量统计文件)(访客流量统计文件): :由服务器产生的,记录所有用户访问信息的文件。 Page viewsPage views(综合浏览量)(综合浏览量): :网站各网页被浏览的总次数。一个访客有可能创造十几个甚至更多的PAGE

4、VIEWS。 Search EngineSearch Engine(搜索引擎)(搜索引擎) : :提供网络资源搜索和列名服务,网站可以向搜索引擎提交自己的网址,让访问者可能通过关键字检索到该网站。 什么是什么是PVPV PV(page view),即页面浏览量,或点击量;通常是衡量一个网络新闻频道或网站甚至一条网络新闻的主要指标。 一个访问者在24小时(0点到24点)内到底看了你网站几个页面。这里需要强调:同一个人浏览你网站同一个页面,不重复计算pv量,点100次也算1次。说白了,pv就是一个访问者打开了你的几个页面。 pv的计算:当一个访问者访问的时候,记录他所访问的页面和对应的IP,然后确

5、定这个IP今天访问了这个页面没有。如果你的网站到了23点,单纯IP有60万条的话,每个访问者平均访问了3个页面,那么pv表的记录就要有180万条。 alexa工具条可以随时查看PV流量以及你的网站世界排名。PV&UV&PR什么是什么是UVUV uv(unique visitor),指访问某个站点或点击某条新闻的不同IP地址的人数。在同一天内,uv只记录第一次进入网站的具有独立IP的访问者,在同一天内再次访问该网站则不计数。独立IP访问者提供了一定时间内不同观众数量的统计指标,而没有反应出网站的全面活动。 什么是什么是PRPR值值 PR值,即PageRank,网页的级别技术。取自Google的创

6、始人Larry Page,它是Google排名运算法则(排名公式)的一部分,用来标识网页的等级/重要性。级别从1到10级,10级为满分。PR值越高说明该网页越受欢迎(越重要)。例如:一个PR值为1的网站表明这个网站不太具有流行度,而PR值为7到10则表明这个网站非常受欢迎(或者说极其重要)。我们可以这样说:一个网站的外部链接数越多其PR值就越高;外部链接站点的级别越高(假如Macromedia的网站链到你的网站上),网站的PR值就越高。CPA (Cost-per-Action) CPA (Cost-per-Action) :每行动成本:每行动成本 每次行动的费用,即根据每个访问者对网络广告所采

7、取的行动收费的定价模式。对于用户行动有特别的定义,包括形成一次交易、获得一个注册用户、或者对网络广告的一次点击等。 CPA=总成本/转化次数 CPA计价方式是指按广告投放实际效果,即按回应的有效问卷或定单来计费,而不限广告投放量。CPA的计价方式对于网站而言有一定的风险,但若广告投放成功,其收益也比CPM的计价方式要大得多。广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有当网络用户点击旗帜广告,链接广告主网页后,才按点击 次数付给广告站点费用。 计价模式计价模式 每次点击的费用。根据广告被点击的次数收费。如关键词广告一般采用这种定价模式。 CPC=总成本/广告点击次数 以每点击一次计费。这样的方法加上点击率限制

8、可以WX)加强作弊的难度,而且是宣传网站站点的最优方式。但是,此类方法就有不少经营广告的网站觉得不公平,比如,虽然浏览者没有点击,但是他已经看到了广告,对于这些看到广告却没有点击的流量来说,网站成了白忙活。有很多网站不愿意做这样的广告,据说,是因为传统媒体从来都没有这样干过。 CPC (Cost-per-click / Cost Per Thousand Click-CPC (Cost-per-click / Cost Per Thousand Click-Through) Through) 每点击成本每点击成本 每千次印象费用。广告条每显示1000次(印象)的费用。CPM是最常用的网络广告定

9、价模式之一。 CPM(千人成本)指的是广告投放过程中,听到或者看到某广告的每一人平 均分担到多少广告成本。传统媒介多采用这种计价方式。 CPM=总成本/广告曝光次数*1000 至于每CPM的收费究竟是多少,要根据以主页的热门程度(即浏览人数)划分价格等级,采 取固定费率。国际惯例是每CPM收费从5美元至200美元不等。 CPM(Cost Per MilleCPM(Cost Per Mille,或者,或者Cost Per ThousandCost Per Thousand;Cost Per Cost Per Impressions) Impressions) 每千人成本每千人成本 也称为Cost

10、-per-Transaction,即根据每个订单/每次交易来收费的方式。 CPO (Cost-per-Order) CPO (Cost-per-Order) : 广告主为规避广告费用风险,只有在网络用户点击旗帜广告并进行在线交易后,才按销售笔数付给广告站点费用。 CPP(Cost Per Purchase) CPP(Cost Per Purchase) 每购买成本:每购买成本: 无论是CPA还是CPP,广告主都要求发生目标消费者的“点击”,甚至进一步形成购买,才予付费:CPM则只要求发生“目击”(或称“展露”、“印象”),就产生广告付费。 以浏览者的每一个回应计费。这种广告计费充分体现了网络广

11、告“及时反应、直接互动、准确记录”的特点,但是,这个显然是属于辅助销售的广告模式,对于那些实际只要亮出名字就已经有一半满足的品牌广告要求,大概所有的网站都会给予拒绝,因为得到广告费的机会比CPC还要渺茫。 CPR(Cost Per Response) CPR(Cost Per Response) 每回应成本每回应成本 基于业绩的定价计费基准有点击次数、销售业绩、导航情况等等。著名市场研究机构福莱斯特(Forrerster)研究公司最近公布的一项研究报告称,在今后4年之内,万维网将从目前的广告收费模式即根据每千次闪现(impression)收费CPM(这亦是大多数非在线媒体均所采用的模式)变为按

12、业绩收费(pay-for-performance)的模式。 PFP(Pay-For-Performance) PFP(Pay-For-Performance) 按业绩付费按业绩付费PPCPPC(Pay-per-ClickPay-per-Click):): 是根据点击广告或者电子邮件信息的用户数量来付费的一种网络广告定价模式。 PPLPPL(Pay-per-LeadPay-per-Lead):): 根据每次通过网络广告产生的引导付费的定价模式。例如,广告客户为访问者点击广告完成了在线表单而向广告服务商付费。 PPSPPS(Pay-per-SalePay-per-Sale):): 根据网络广告所产

13、生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式 。CPTM (Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) CPTM (Cost per Targeted Thousand Impressions) : 经过定位的用户(如根据人口统计信息定位)的千次印象费用。CPTM与CPM的区别在于,CPM是所有用户的印象数,而CPTM只是经过定位的用户的印象数。包月方式包月方式 : 很多国内的网站是按照“一个月多少钱”这种固定收费模式来收费的,这对客户和网站都不公平,无法保障广告客户的利益。虽然国际上一般通用的网络广告收费模式是CPM(千人印象 成本)和CPC(千人点击成本),但在

14、我国,一个时期以来的网络广告收费模式始终含糊不清, 网络广告商们各自为政,有的使用CPM和CPC计费,有的干脆采用包月的形式,不管效果好坏 ,不管访问量有多少,一律一个价。尽管现在很多大的站点多已采用CPM和CPC计费,但很多中小站点依然使用包月制。 相比而言,相比而言,CPMCPM和包月方式对网站有利,而和包月方式对网站有利,而CPCCPC、CPACPA、CPRCPR、CPPCPP或或PFPPFP则对广告主有利。目前则对广告主有利。目前 比较流行的计价方式是比较流行的计价方式是CPMCPM和和CPCCPC,最为流行,最为流行的则为的则为CPMCPM。 Thank YouTHE END AD:

15、 肇嘉浜路288号18楼E座 Tel: 021-6431 8209 Fax: 021-6431 8249-801 Web: Integrating All Direct Marketing Channels to Build Customer Loyalty整合直销渠道整合直销渠道 建立顾客忠诚度建立顾客忠诚度A BMW Case StudyKay Madati, Relationship Marketing Manager BMWArthur Middleton Hughes, VP for Strategic Planning MS Database MarketingThe DMA 84

16、th AnnualMcCormick Place, ChicagoTuesday, October 30th 2001 10:00 AM 11:15 AM1950 - 2000 Brands built by mass advertising大众广告建立品牌1985 - 2000 Database Marketing arrived, but not integrated with mass advertising.数据营销时期到来,但是未与大众广告整合1996 - 2000 The Internet arrived, but not integrated with DBM or mass a

17、dvertising互联网时代到来,但未与数据库营销/大众广告整合2001 BMW brings them all together宝马将三者整合How brand marketing has evolvedBMW customers want:宝马的顾客需要A realization of the brand promise品牌承诺的实现Performance, safety, technology, innovation操控性、安全、技术、创新Recognition赞誉Service服务Information信息Convenience便利Helpfulness帮助BMW Buyers No

18、t Necessarily Driven by PricePersonal Profit from Purchase= a (usefulness of product) +b (perceived brand value)- c (money cost)- d (time or inconvenience)How BMW Buyers Make Purchase Decisions宝马的购买车如何决定购买个人从购买得到的利益 =有用的产品+感知的品牌价值-使用成本-耗时和不便Constructors构造者构造者 People who build databases建造数据库的人 Merge/

19、Purge, Hardware, Software数据输入/数据分选、硬件、软件Creators策略制定者策略制定者 People who understand strategy理解策略的人 Build loyalty and repeat sales建立忠诚,重复销售You need both kinds!你需要这两种人Two kinds of database marketing people数据库营销的两种不同类型的人In 2000, BMW built a robust customer and prospect database designed to:2000年,宝马建立了一个庞大

20、的现有和潜在用户的数据库,意在:Provide a comprehensive view of the automotive and financial services to BMW customer提供全面的汽车和财务服务给宝马的用户Deliver short term, incremental revenue through opportunistic marketing programs通过机会营销计划陈述短期、增值的利益Increase customer loyalty through understanding and ability to deliver relevant, ti

21、mely communication通过理解和提供相关、及时信息的能力以提高客户忠诚度Secure BMWs place in its customers lives by identifying which households are good targets for additional BMW purchases 通过辨别目标家庭认为宝马能提供额外的价值,保证宝马在用户生活中的地位Situation Analysis状况分析BMW now has a central system of measurement现在宝马有一个核心的评价系统The BMW Report Center mon

22、itors communications and response from prospects and customers宝马的汇报中心监控从现有用户和潜在用户的信息和反馈Measurement includes cost per response and cost per sale评价标准包括每个反馈的成本和每个销售的成本BMW now has the ability to view prospects as well customers in its universe现在,在宝马的这个系统里,有能力观察他的现有用户和潜在用户们This allows BMW to view the ful

23、l shopper-owner cycle from first point of contact, through sale and cross sale宝马能够观察从购买到拥有的整个过程:从第一次联系、销售反复销售过程。The new marketing database contains a broad range of information on the BMW consumer新的营销数据库包括一个宽泛的关于宝马用户的信息Campaign, response, and financial service data 活动、反应、财务服务190 appended individual

24、and household data points填加190个人和家庭的数据BMW Situation II宝马状况IIAllowing a full view of the BMW customer delivers smarter targeting and profit-generating up sell and cross sell opportunities允许对宝马的消费者有个全面的认识,在销售和交叉销售的机会中瞄准目标和利益创造者Which vehicle owners are best targets for credit cards?哪类汽车拥有者是最好的信用卡消费者How

25、 can BMW card owners increase the lifetime value of the vehicle owners?宝马卡的拥有者是如何提高拥有汽车的生活价值Where are the pockets of our most profitable customers?哪里是我们最有利可图的消费者的聚集点Which customers will deliver additional revenue through financial services products after they have disposed of their BMW?哪些消费者能给宝马带来额外

26、的收入,通过在处理他们的宝马车后的财务服务BMW Situation III宝马状况IIIImprove the effectiveness of marketing programs in the years 2001 2003 in order to:在2001-2003年提高营销计划的效力目的在于:Return to BMW the cost of the database build回到宝马建立数据库的成本状态Pay for database maintenance going forward支付数据库维持发展的费用Increase the revenue per customer o

27、ver time随着时间的推移,提高每个消费者(带来的)收入Increase the profit per customer提高每个消费者的利益Increase the lifetime value of the combined BMW automobile and financial services customer提高接受宝马汽车和财务服务的消费者的生活价值BMW Database Marketing Goals宝马数据库营销的目标Consistent measurement and enhancement of BMW marketing programs一致的标准和宝马营销计划的增

28、进Ability to prioritize prospects and customers based on their likelihood to buy有能力根据购买的可能性区分现有和潜在用户的优先顺序Identification of “low hanging fruit” programs that can be quickly implemented to generate revenue in the short term证明“low hanging fruit” 程序能快速实现短期收入的产生Refinement of customer communications消费者信息精确

29、Testing results against Control Groups依据控制群体测试结果(成交结果)How BMW measures return on investment宝马的标准如何反应在投资获利方面Control groups measure the effectiveness of each program控制群体测试每一个计划的效力Non-mailed groups that are measured against the mailed groups 未邮寄组与邮寄组的测试对比Reports on the BMW Report Center provide a consi

30、stent form of measurement依据宝马汇报中心的汇报提供一致的计量方式Cost per lead, response and sale measurement每次领导、回馈和销售测算的成本Cross-penetration of product purchases产品购买的交叉渗透Controls and Measurement控制和标准Increased communication effectiveness增加的沟通成效Integrated database used by all groups全组成员对整合数据库的利用Increased efficiency The

31、right information to the right customer at the right time增加的效率恰当时间对恰当客户传达恰当信息Reduced communication expense减少的沟通费用 Fewer pieces mailed with higher effectiveness更精少的内容得到更好效果的传达Increased customer participation 增加的客户参与度Increased customer satisfaction增加的客户满意度Increased corporate and center profits 公司与中心增加

32、的赢利A higher level of data from and about BMW customers从宝马客户处得到与其相关的更高层次数据资料Benefits to BMW给宝马带来的利益Relationship Marketing Strategy关系营销策略All programs are built on a state-of-the-art customer relationship management database which provides:所有项目基于一个艺术性的客户关系管理数据库,提供:More information on owners and prospec

33、ts than BMW has ever assembled before比宝马以前整合过的更多关于现有用户和潜在用户的信息Powerful tools to support BMW loyalty and prospect conversion programs强大工具以支持现有用户对宝马的忠诚度并吸引潜在用户转换的计划Automated communication that supports the Owner Experience支持用户体验的自动化信息沟通The DatabaseIncrease customer loyalty增加客户忠诚度Increase prospect conv

34、ersion to sales ratio增加潜在用户转化(成实际用户)在销售中的比例Increase vehicle sales through existing customers通过现有客户增加汽车销售Maintain existing BMW household records保持现有宝马家庭的记录Keep communication costs down while increasing effectiveness在效力增长的同时保持沟通成本的减低Develop a consistent process of program measurement发展一致的项目测试程序2001 Da

35、tabase Marketing Goals数据营销目标Use the marketing database to realize a communications dialogue with both our prospects and our customers利用数据营销实现与现有客户及潜在客户的沟通对话Systematic use of customized information to attract and retain customers系统地利用为客户定制的信息吸引并保留客户Facilitate mutually beneficial and relevant informat

36、ion exchanges帮助交换互利的相关信息Increase owner loyalty and customer acquisition rates增加用户忠诚度和客户占有率Strengthen BMW brand perception at the individual customer level加强个体用户层的宝马品牌意识BMW Relationship Marketing ObjectivesConsumer Communications沟通消费者Welcome Kit受欢迎的配套服务Loyalty Communications忠诚度的交流Prospect Prioritizat

37、ion/Extending the Dialogue扩展对话,潜在用户优先BMW Magazine Enhancements改进宝马企业杂志BMW Owners Circle宝马用户群Financial Services Programs财务服务项目Credit Card & Banking Customer Acquisition信用卡用户及银行用户的获得Cross Sell and Up Sell Marketing交叉销售及 销售市场Opportunistic “Quick Win” Programs抓住机会的“速赢”计划Core Communications ProgramThe Ow

38、ner Welcome KitA static kit呆板的配套服务Information on信息相关于BMW, the Brand品牌BMW, the Company公司BMW, the Products产品It welcomed people to the brand, but offered no real taste of the BMW Experience欢迎人们加入品牌,但不提供宝马体验的真正尝试The old welcome kit was:A personal welcome kit that owners realize was created just for them

39、受欢迎的个人配套服务让用户意识到这专为他们设计It arrives within the first 30 days在前30天内到达It is a dialogue opener, an invitation to the BMW experience that extends over a full year开启对话,体验宝马的邀请延展到全年Each of the kit pieces enhance your perception of the BMW Brand and the Experience每个设备的部件都提高你对宝马品牌和经历的认识Multiple calls to actio

40、n which lead you deeper into the Experience多方号召,引领你深入宝马经历It inherently fosters the collection of information needed for further relationship dialogue固有地收集信息以利进一步对话增进关系The new BMW welcome kitWeekly feed of new owners from the database每周从数据库提供新用户Rapid record cleanup for mailing为邮寄而快速地清除记录Weekly fulfil

41、lment of corrected names, addresses and data to the welcome kit program据受欢迎配套服务计划每周修正名字、地址和数据Monthly maintenance of the database which supports all owner and prospect communications每月维护数据库,支持与现有及潜在客户的沟通交流The Database Supports the Welcome KitTask: 任务 Provide individual customer data for personalized

42、welcome kit fulfillment为个性化受欢迎配套服务满意度而提供个体客户的数据Strategy:目标Provide new owner personalized fulfillment information on a weekly basis以周为基础提供新用户个人满意度信息Recover key information requested更新需要的关键信息Maintain owner files based on collected information for future programs为了将来的项目,在收集信息的基础上保留所有者的文件Identify custom

43、ers by model, financial status, and preparatory segmentation (i.e. loyalty, activity, etc.)通过范例、财务状况,及初步分割确定用户群Welcome Kit Fulfillment ProcessLoyalty and Owner CommunicationsBMW customers are fiercely loyal to their brand宝马用户热诚地忠于该品牌Loyalty can be measured: it is the repurchase rate忠诚度是可测试的:用再次购买的比率

44、Successful loyalty is a two way street好的忠诚是双向的Customer loyalty can be strengthened by relevant personal communications客户的忠诚可由相关的个人交流加强BMW Loyalty initiatives cover the entire ownership experience宝马的忠诚主动覆盖了整个拥有经历的过程Welcome Kit, Newsletters, BMW Magazine, Multiple Vehicle Owner programs如受欢迎的配套服务、时事通讯、

45、宝马企业杂志、多车用户计划The Loyalty SituationIncrease BMW profits through:增加利润应通过:Increased repurchase by existing owners增加现有客户的再买量Increasing the number of BMWs household增加每个宝马家庭的宝马数量Increased sales of BMW previously owned vehicles增加宝马原有车型的销售Increased use/purchase of BMW FS products增加宝马节油产品的使用和购买Each program e

46、ffectiveness measured by control groups:每个项目的效力由操控组测试 Control Group: Owners who are not sent the communications 控制组:未得到发送信息的所有者Test Group: Owners who get the communications测试组:得到信息的所有者Owner Communication GoalsGeneral Goals:总体目标Immersion in the BMW Experience热中于宝马经历Promotion of Owners Circle 提升用户圈Pur

47、chase of BMW accessories购买宝马配件To 3 and 4 years BMW owners. Goals:对拥有宝马3至4年的客户,目标是:Increase the repurchase rate增加再买比率Multiple BMWs in each household每个家庭多辆宝马Widespread use of BMW Financial Services products宝马财务服务产品的广泛使用To new BMW owners, Goals:对新的宝马客户,目标是:Purchase BMW financial services products购买宝马财务

48、服务的产品Capture information about their preferences, lifestyles, automobile interests, etc. useful for further dialog捕获有关用户的操作、生活方式、爱车兴趣等等的信息,为将来对话提供帮助Loyalty Building NewslettersOngoing collection of news and information of interest to BMW owners进行中的新闻收集和宝马用户兴趣的信息Owner surveys to determine preferences

49、 for:用户调查决定以下相关操作:News, information, and topics新闻、信息和话题Communication Channel (email or print)沟通渠道(电邮或印刷)Frequency频率Begin with a printed newsletter to gather email addresses由出版的时事通讯开始收集电邮地址Move to email newsletters as quickly as possible尽多地转移到电邮地址Multiple offers to generate owner response为一般用户的回馈提供多种

50、建议Promote the use of Owners Circle促进对用户群的利用Newsletter StrategyNew products新产品BMW awards奖励Sports stars that drive BMWs驾驶宝马的运动明星Ratings by leading car magazines主流汽车杂志的打榜Why the BMW engines are superior宝马引擎之优越的原因The history of BMW宝马历史Event calendar事件时间表Magazine reprints再版杂志Sponsorships赞助商BMW Brand Valu

51、es品牌价值Roadside Assistance路边援助站Servicing requirements服务需求BMW Insurance保险BMW credit cards信用卡BMW Accessories配件Driving Events推动性事件BMW trade in prices交易价格BMW Owner Clubs车主俱乐部Owners Circle客户群World news featuring BMW世界新闻特写宝马Newsletter ContentBMW MagazineBMW publishes a high-value magazine to its owners in

52、the first two years after their purchase宝马在顾客买车后的两年给予其自身出版的高质量杂志Because of its universal distribution, the magazine can be more than a magazine由于它的普遍发行,杂志的意义不再普通It can be a data collection tool for further personalized communications为将来个性化沟通交流提供的数据收集工具Magazine Strategy - BeforeCapture additional inf

53、ormation on customers捕获顾客的额外信息Email Addresses 电邮地址Purchase Intentions: owners identifying themselves as entering the purchase cycle购买意向:用户定义自己为进入购买周期Allow BMW owners to purchase merchandise允许宝马用户购买商品Provide direction to BMW Online Store for purchase为购买提供直接的在线商库Push registration on Owners Circle推动用户群

54、注册Each program effectiveness measured by control groups前面有完全一样的,重复么? Control Group: Owners who are not sent the communications Test Group: Owners who get the communicationsMagazine Strategy TodayExtending the Dialogue Prospect MessagesIncrease prospect conversion to sell more BMW automobiles增加潜在用户的转

55、变以销售更多宝马汽车Provide a steady flow of “qualified” leads to BMW Centers为宝马中心提供审核的稳定流程Make communications interactive使交流互动Continually improve the conversion rates by better prospecting以更好的调查持续促进转变率Measure the conversion rate by Center, Region, Prospect Lifestyle, Income由中心、行政区、预期生活品质和收入测算转换率Goals of the

56、Prospect Management SystemProspects developed from all contact sources:各种接触源发展出的潜在客户Telephone, Direct Mail, Auto Shows, Events, Internet电话销售,直接邮寄,车展,事件,网络Rapidly qualified and scored快速胜任和评分Centers receive qualified leads electronically within 48 hours of receipt中心电子仪器在48小时内收到胜任的领导Prospects get BMW m

57、essage within 48 hours恰在用户在48小时内得到宝马的信息Every lead tracked electronically, with daily, weekly, & monthly reports for BMW management on the web每位领导沿循电子信息,按每天、每周、每月的报告在网上经营管理Automated Database ProcessesScoring models for incoming prospect requests determine priority评分示例到来的预期需求和抉择的优先次序Focus on priority

58、A & B prospects聚焦A和B的优先权展望Moving to lower priorities as the systems proves itself转移到该系统提供的较低优先级Fully integrated creative implementation in both electronic and paper media as well as events彻底整合在电子及平面媒体上的创造性执行Test scoring models against anticipated response and adjust as needed测试与不相符的预期反应评分示例,按需要调整Uti

59、lize a 5% control group for a period of one year for reporting comparisons在一年的时间里利用5%的控制组做报告比对Testing and Implementation StrategySales销售Response反馈To electronic vs. paper电子媒体vs.平面媒体Predetermined vs. Relational预定vs.相关Offers and incentives 报价和诱因Modeling success成功示例% prospect conversion (historical) %的预

60、期转换(历史资料)Media preference automated system自动化媒体操控系统Cost of program项目成本Cost of sales销售成本Measurements of the Prospect ProgramMeasuring success through the dealersScored leads sent to each dealer评分领导到各个经销商Conversions are measured monthly转换的测算每月进行Each dealer conversation ratio calculated每个经销商细心审核转换率Prog

61、ram success measured by comparing dealer to dealer conversion ratio成功项目由对比经销商与经销商转换率来测算Dealer, Market, Region and National average conversion ratios create measurable benchmarks经销商、市场、行政区和全国性平均转换率创造了客测量的基准Above average dealers manage their leads better过半的经销商管理较好Direct Mail and E-mail integrated comm

62、unication plan直接邮寄与电邮的整合沟通计划Alternating content delivery mediums交互的内容递送媒介Each reinforcing the one that came before it互相补充Use of database information to drive customization and relevance利用数据库信息推动专业化和实用性Each communication introducing a new piece of the BMW Experience每次交流都引出新的宝马体验All communications tie

63、 in to web activities所有交流都结合了网络活动Integration with off-line and online marketing activities整合线下和线上的营销活动Prospects given the opportunity to opt-out at any point从任何点上来说潜在用户都有机会脱离Prospects removed from program if they purchase a vehicle如果他们已购买汽车则潜在用户远离该计划Prospect Program Communications StrategyImmerse an

64、d invite the prospect into the BMW Experience邀请潜在用户并使其热中于宝马体验Reinforce the initial contact with BMW加强其与宝马的主动联系Educate as to the depth of the Brand培养品牌深度Products and Services产品和服务Point the prospect towards a test drive and the dealer吸引潜在用户接近试驾活动和经销商Reinforce core marketing communication objectives ab

65、out:加强核心营销沟交流,目标在于:Brand Values品牌价值Brand Heritage品牌传承Product attributes产品特性The BMW Ownership Experience宝马车主体验Program Communications ObjectivesNew products新产品BMW in the News新闻中的宝马BMW Technology and Innovation宝马技术与革新BMW Safety安全性能The history of BMW and BMW Brand Values宝马历史与其品牌价值Event invitations邀请Test

66、 drive incentives鼓励试驾BMW gifts赠品Magazine reprints再版杂志BMW Financial Services products宝马财务服务产品Program Content ObjectivesSell more cars by:通过以下方式销售更多汽车Immediate Scoring of Prospects直接由潜在用户评分Immediate electronic Center notification of leads直接由领导在电子中心发布信息Immediate communications with the prospect直接与潜在用户交

67、流Continually engage the customer in the Experience使用户持续参与体验Provide more information on the depth of the Brand提供深层次的品牌信息Reduce the cost per car sold减少每辆车的销售成本Provide Management with accurate & timely knowledge of the prospect and sales process提供对潜在用户和销售过程精确而及时的管理Increase the overall effectiveness of

68、future prospecting programs by learning from this one学习研究此例以增加将来预期计划的整体效力Prospect System BenefitsQuick wins: X factor programs The BMW Database offers a huge opportunity to utilize information to refine BMW programs宝马数据库提供巨大的机会来利用信息提升宝马项目X Factor programs are built on data mining, and deliver:不确定因素项

69、目建立在数据开发的基础上,呈递出Highly effective marketing programs高效的营销计划Incremental revenue opportunities增加收入的机会Low cost per sale每次销售的低成本Increased customer/prospect contact and satisfaction增加的与现有和潜在用户的接触及其满意度X Factor SituationThe Loyalty and Prospect Programs, combined with the database, offer great potential for

70、 creative, interactive X factor programs:忠诚度和预期计划与数据库联系在一起,为具创造性兼互动性的不确定因素计划提出巨大潜力Contests争论性Programs for Women/Minorities为女性/少数派(特殊群体)设置的计划Special Events特殊事件Referral Programs推荐计划Certified Previously Owned Cars早前执有的车Second BMWs in every home每家的第二辆宝马Lifestyle Programs安全性计划Congratulatory Mailings to 3

71、+ BMW Owners给有3辆以上的宝马用户的感谢邮件X Factor InitiativesPlus improved reporting, query developmentand a half dozen new ideas to be developed and implemented during the year年内增加改善报告,提问发展,年内增加改善报告,提问发展,一系列新点子有待发展成型以得到实行一系列新点子有待发展成型以得到实行X Factor: something new every quarter 用户推荐 车(主)生日 (策划)投放市场Identify ways to

72、 build relationships with female owners:确定与女性用户建立关系的方式Bring them to the Brand, and keep them longer用品牌吸引她们,引起购买欲望Appeal to their unique needs迎合其独特要求Recognize the purchasing power and influence that automotive marketers typically ignore充分认识汽车时常一贯忽略的她们的购买力与影响力Provide tools that reduce pre-dealer visit

73、 anxiety供给能减少前期经销商焦虑的工具、方法Tailored communications that highlight what women are looking for考究的交流信息凸显女性真正欲求Live chat support by females女性日常生活中的闲谈Develop a network of female sales reps发展针对女性的销售网X1 Womens ProgramIdentify households that are prime prospects to purchase a second BMW确定可能购买第二辆宝马的首要潜在用户家庭An

74、alyze multiple purchase households分析多次购买的家庭Target groups most likely to purchase a CPO vehicle最可能再次买车的对象组Households with teenagers or young adults家里有青少年Identify seasonality graduation, etc.确定季节性因素,如毕业潮Test the program on current BMW owners, then roll out to prospects在当前宝马用户中测试计划,再投放到潜在用户市场X2: Certif

75、ied Previously Owned ProgramIdentify those current owners who are most likely to purchase a new 7 Series BMW确定当前用户中哪些最可能购买宝马7系列Invite these special people to be among a small group who are allowed to preview the new 7 series请嘉宾组团参加宝7的预先发布会Appeal to their appreciation of inclusion by asking for their

76、 feedback and opinion请求他们反馈意见和建议,收集评价Allow them to be among the first to test drive使其成为第一批试驾者Notify them periodically of the status of the vehicle定期通告其汽车情况X3: Series 7 LaunchIdentify those current owners who are most likely to purchase the MINI确定当前用户中哪些最可能购买迷你车型Create a unique lifestyle message to t

77、hese owners为其策划独特的生活风尚讯息Appeal to the early adapter配合早期改造Focus on active lifestyles聚焦活力生活形态Get them to preview on the web and opt in to marketing messages使其参与网上预览和营销传讯X4: Mini LaunchDevelop a program that uniquely appeals to the BMW owner针对宝马用户制定特别计划Communicate the personality of the brand联系品牌名人Rein

78、force the relationship that the BMW owner has with their car增进宝马用户与其坐驾的关系At the anniversary of purchase, send an e-card to owners在购买周年,发送网卡给用户Direct them to a micro site to get an e-birthday gift引领他们到微机站点领取电子礼物X5: Birthday CardsDatabase provides the central focus for数据库为中枢中心提供Owner loyalty communica

79、tion programs拥护忠诚度交流计划Prospect communications沟通潜在用户Opportunistic “Quick Win” Programs抓住机会的“速赢”计划Measurement of success成功的测算标准Building BMW Brand Loyalty建立宝马品牌忠诚度Summary: BMW has put it all togetherIntegrating All Direct Marketing Channels to Build Customer Loyalty整合直销渠道整合直销渠道 建立顾客忠诚度建立顾客忠诚度A BMW Case

80、 StudyKay Madati, Relationship Marketing Manager BMWArthur Middleton Hughes, VP for Strategic Planning MS Database MarketingThe DMA 84th AnnualMcCormick Place, ChicagoTuesday, October 30th 2001 10:00 AM 11:15 AM1950 - 2000 Brands built by mass advertising大众广告建立品牌1985 - 2000 Database Marketing arrive

81、d, but not integrated with mass advertising.数据营销时期到来,但是未与大众广告整合1996 - 2000 The Internet arrived, but not integrated with DBM or mass advertising互联网时代到来,但未与数据库营销/大众广告整合2001 BMW brings them all together宝马将三者整合How brand marketing has evolvedBMW customers want:宝马的顾客需要A realization of the brand promise品牌

82、承诺的实现Performance, safety, technology, innovation操控性、安全、技术、创新Recognition赞誉Service服务Information信息Convenience便利Helpfulness帮助BMW Buyers Not Necessarily Driven by PricePersonal Profit from Purchase= a (usefulness of product) +b (perceived brand value)- c (money cost)- d (time or inconvenience)How BMW Buy

83、ers Make Purchase Decisions宝马的购买车如何决定购买个人从购买得到的利益 =有用的产品+感知的品牌价值-使用成本-耗时和不便Constructors构造者构造者 People who build databases建造数据库的人 Merge/Purge, Hardware, Software数据输入/数据分选、硬件、软件Creators策略制定者策略制定者 People who understand strategy理解策略的人 Build loyalty and repeat sales建立忠诚,重复销售You need both kinds!你需要这两种人Two

84、kinds of database marketing people数据库营销的两种不同类型的人In 2000, BMW built a robust customer and prospect database designed to:2000年,宝马建立了一个庞大的现有和潜在用户的数据库,意在:Provide a comprehensive view of the automotive and financial services to BMW customer提供全面的汽车和财务服务给宝马的用户Deliver short term, incremental revenue through

85、 opportunistic marketing programs通过机会营销计划陈述短期、增值的利益Increase customer loyalty through understanding and ability to deliver relevant, timely communication通过理解和提供相关、及时信息的能力以提高客户忠诚度Secure BMWs place in its customers lives by identifying which households are good targets for additional BMW purchases 通过辨别

86、目标家庭认为宝马能提供额外的价值,保证宝马在用户生活中的地位Situation Analysis状况分析BMW now has a central system of measurement现在宝马有一个核心的评价系统The BMW Report Center monitors communications and response from prospects and customers宝马的汇报中心监控从现有用户和潜在用户的信息和反馈Measurement includes cost per response and cost per sale评价标准包括每个反馈的成本和每个销售的成本BM

87、W now has the ability to view prospects as well customers in its universe现在,在宝马的这个系统里,有能力观察他的现有用户和潜在用户们This allows BMW to view the full shopper-owner cycle from first point of contact, through sale and cross sale宝马能够观察从购买到拥有的整个过程:从第一次联系、销售反复销售过程。The new marketing database contains a broad range of i

88、nformation on the BMW consumer新的营销数据库包括一个宽泛的关于宝马用户的信息Campaign, response, and financial service data 活动、反应、财务服务190 appended individual and household data points填加190个人和家庭的数据BMW Situation II宝马状况IIAllowing a full view of the BMW customer delivers smarter targeting and profit-generating up sell and cros

89、s sell opportunities允许对宝马的消费者有个全面的认识,在销售和交叉销售的机会中瞄准目标和利益创造者Which vehicle owners are best targets for credit cards?哪类汽车拥有者是最好的信用卡消费者How can BMW card owners increase the lifetime value of the vehicle owners?宝马卡的拥有者是如何提高拥有汽车的生活价值Where are the pockets of our most profitable customers?哪里是我们最有利可图的消费者的聚集点W

90、hich customers will deliver additional revenue through financial services products after they have disposed of their BMW?哪些消费者能给宝马带来额外的收入,通过在处理他们的宝马车后的财务服务BMW Situation III宝马状况IIIImprove the effectiveness of marketing programs in the years 2001 2003 in order to:在2001-2003年提高营销计划的效力目的在于:Return to BMW

91、 the cost of the database build回到宝马建立数据库的成本状态Pay for database maintenance going forward支付数据库维持发展的费用Increase the revenue per customer over time随着时间的推移,提高每个消费者(带来的)收入Increase the profit per customer提高每个消费者的利益Increase the lifetime value of the combined BMW automobile and financial services customer提高接受

92、宝马汽车和财务服务的消费者的生活价值BMW Database Marketing Goals宝马数据库营销的目标Consistent measurement and enhancement of BMW marketing programs一致的标准和宝马营销计划的增进Ability to prioritize prospects and customers based on their likelihood to buy有能力根据购买的可能性区分现有和潜在用户的优先顺序Identification of “low hanging fruit” programs that can be qui

93、ckly implemented to generate revenue in the short term证明“low hanging fruit” 程序能快速实现短期收入的产生Refinement of customer communications消费者信息精确Testing results against Control Groups依据控制群体测试结果(成交结果)How BMW measures return on investment宝马的标准如何反应在投资获利方面Control groups measure the effectiveness of each program控制群

94、体测试每一个计划的效力Non-mailed groups that are measured against the mailed groups 未邮寄组与邮寄组的测试对比Reports on the BMW Report Center provide a consistent form of measurement依据宝马汇报中心的汇报提供一致的计量方式Cost per lead, response and sale measurement每次领导、回馈和销售测算的成本Cross-penetration of product purchases产品购买的交叉渗透Controls and Me

95、asurement控制和标准Increased communication effectiveness增加的沟通成效Integrated database used by all groups全组成员对整合数据库的利用Increased efficiency The right information to the right customer at the right time增加的效率恰当时间对恰当客户传达恰当信息Reduced communication expense减少的沟通费用 Fewer pieces mailed with higher effectiveness更精少的内容得

96、到更好效果的传达Increased customer participation 增加的客户参与度Increased customer satisfaction增加的客户满意度Increased corporate and center profits 公司与中心增加的赢利A higher level of data from and about BMW customers从宝马客户处得到与其相关的更高层次数据资料Benefits to BMW给宝马带来的利益Relationship Marketing Strategy关系营销策略All programs are built on a sta

97、te-of-the-art customer relationship management database which provides:所有项目基于一个艺术性的客户关系管理数据库,提供:More information on owners and prospects than BMW has ever assembled before比宝马以前整合过的更多关于现有用户和潜在用户的信息Powerful tools to support BMW loyalty and prospect conversion programs强大工具以支持现有用户对宝马的忠诚度并吸引潜在用户转换的计划Auto

98、mated communication that supports the Owner Experience支持用户体验的自动化信息沟通The DatabaseIncrease customer loyalty增加客户忠诚度Increase prospect conversion to sales ratio增加潜在用户转化(成实际用户)在销售中的比例Increase vehicle sales through existing customers通过现有客户增加汽车销售Maintain existing BMW household records保持现有宝马家庭的记录Keep communi

99、cation costs down while increasing effectiveness在效力增长的同时保持沟通成本的减低Develop a consistent process of program measurement发展一致的项目测试程序2001 Database Marketing Goals数据营销目标Use the marketing database to realize a communications dialogue with both our prospects and our customers利用数据营销实现与现有客户及潜在客户的沟通对话Systematic

100、 use of customized information to attract and retain customers系统地利用为客户定制的信息吸引并保留客户Facilitate mutually beneficial and relevant information exchanges帮助交换互利的相关信息Increase owner loyalty and customer acquisition rates增加用户忠诚度和客户占有率Strengthen BMW brand perception at the individual customer level加强个体用户层的宝马品牌

101、意识BMW Relationship Marketing ObjectivesConsumer Communications沟通消费者Welcome Kit受欢迎的配套服务Loyalty Communications忠诚度的交流Prospect Prioritization/Extending the Dialogue扩展对话,潜在用户优先BMW Magazine Enhancements改进宝马企业杂志BMW Owners Circle宝马用户群Financial Services Programs财务服务项目Credit Card & Banking Customer Acquisitio

102、n信用卡用户及银行用户的获得Cross Sell and Up Sell Marketing交叉销售及 销售市场Opportunistic “Quick Win” Programs抓住机会的“速赢”计划Core Communications ProgramThe Owner Welcome KitA static kit呆板的配套服务Information on信息相关于BMW, the Brand品牌BMW, the Company公司BMW, the Products产品It welcomed people to the brand, but offered no real taste o

103、f the BMW Experience欢迎人们加入品牌,但不提供宝马体验的真正尝试The old welcome kit was:A personal welcome kit that owners realize was created just for them受欢迎的个人配套服务让用户意识到这专为他们设计It arrives within the first 30 days在前30天内到达It is a dialogue opener, an invitation to the BMW experience that extends over a full year开启对话,体验宝马的

104、邀请延展到全年Each of the kit pieces enhance your perception of the BMW Brand and the Experience每个设备的部件都提高你对宝马品牌和经历的认识Multiple calls to action which lead you deeper into the Experience多方号召,引领你深入宝马经历It inherently fosters the collection of information needed for further relationship dialogue固有地收集信息以利进一步对话增进关

105、系The new BMW welcome kitWeekly feed of new owners from the database每周从数据库提供新用户Rapid record cleanup for mailing为邮寄而快速地清除记录Weekly fulfillment of corrected names, addresses and data to the welcome kit program据受欢迎配套服务计划每周修正名字、地址和数据Monthly maintenance of the database which supports all owner and prospect

106、 communications每月维护数据库,支持与现有及潜在客户的沟通交流The Database Supports the Welcome KitTask: 任务 Provide individual customer data for personalized welcome kit fulfillment为个性化受欢迎配套服务满意度而提供个体客户的数据Strategy:目标Provide new owner personalized fulfillment information on a weekly basis以周为基础提供新用户个人满意度信息Recover key informa

107、tion requested更新需要的关键信息Maintain owner files based on collected information for future programs为了将来的项目,在收集信息的基础上保留所有者的文件Identify customers by model, financial status, and preparatory segmentation (i.e. loyalty, activity, etc.)通过范例、财务状况,及初步分割确定用户群Welcome Kit Fulfillment ProcessLoyalty and Owner Commun

108、icationsBMW customers are fiercely loyal to their brand宝马用户热诚地忠于该品牌Loyalty can be measured: it is the repurchase rate忠诚度是可测试的:用再次购买的比率Successful loyalty is a two way street好的忠诚是双向的Customer loyalty can be strengthened by relevant personal communications客户的忠诚可由相关的个人交流加强BMW Loyalty initiatives cover th

109、e entire ownership experience宝马的忠诚主动覆盖了整个拥有经历的过程Welcome Kit, Newsletters, BMW Magazine, Multiple Vehicle Owner programs如受欢迎的配套服务、时事通讯、宝马企业杂志、多车用户计划The Loyalty SituationIncrease BMW profits through:增加利润应通过:Increased repurchase by existing owners增加现有客户的再买量Increasing the number of BMWs household增加每个宝马家

110、庭的宝马数量Increased sales of BMW previously owned vehicles增加宝马原有车型的销售Increased use/purchase of BMW FS products增加宝马节油产品的使用和购买Each program effectiveness measured by control groups:每个项目的效力由操控组测试 Control Group: Owners who are not sent the communications 控制组:未得到发送信息的所有者Test Group: Owners who get the communic

111、ations测试组:得到信息的所有者Owner Communication GoalsGeneral Goals:总体目标Immersion in the BMW Experience热中于宝马经历Promotion of Owners Circle 提升用户圈Purchase of BMW accessories购买宝马配件To 3 and 4 years BMW owners. Goals:对拥有宝马3至4年的客户,目标是:Increase the repurchase rate增加再买比率Multiple BMWs in each household每个家庭多辆宝马Widespread

112、use of BMW Financial Services products宝马财务服务产品的广泛使用To new BMW owners, Goals:对新的宝马客户,目标是:Purchase BMW financial services products购买宝马财务服务的产品Capture information about their preferences, lifestyles, automobile interests, etc. useful for further dialog捕获有关用户的操作、生活方式、爱车兴趣等等的信息,为将来对话提供帮助Loyalty Building N

113、ewslettersOngoing collection of news and information of interest to BMW owners进行中的新闻收集和宝马用户兴趣的信息Owner surveys to determine preferences for:用户调查决定以下相关操作:News, information, and topics新闻、信息和话题Communication Channel (email or print)沟通渠道(电邮或印刷)Frequency频率Begin with a printed newsletter to gather email add

114、resses由出版的时事通讯开始收集电邮地址Move to email newsletters as quickly as possible尽多地转移到电邮地址Multiple offers to generate owner response为一般用户的回馈提供多种建议Promote the use of Owners Circle促进对用户群的利用Newsletter StrategyNew products新产品BMW awards奖励Sports stars that drive BMWs驾驶宝马的运动明星Ratings by leading car magazines主流汽车杂志的打

115、榜Why the BMW engines are superior宝马引擎之优越的原因The history of BMW宝马历史Event calendar事件时间表Magazine reprints再版杂志Sponsorships赞助商BMW Brand Values品牌价值Roadside Assistance路边援助站Servicing requirements服务需求BMW Insurance保险BMW credit cards信用卡BMW Accessories配件Driving Events推动性事件BMW trade in prices交易价格BMW Owner Clubs车主

116、俱乐部Owners Circle客户群World news featuring BMW世界新闻特写宝马Newsletter ContentBMW MagazineBMW publishes a high-value magazine to its owners in the first two years after their purchase宝马在顾客买车后的两年给予其自身出版的高质量杂志Because of its universal distribution, the magazine can be more than a magazine由于它的普遍发行,杂志的意义不再普通It ca

117、n be a data collection tool for further personalized communications为将来个性化沟通交流提供的数据收集工具Magazine Strategy - BeforeCapture additional information on customers捕获顾客的额外信息Email Addresses 电邮地址Purchase Intentions: owners identifying themselves as entering the purchase cycle购买意向:用户定义自己为进入购买周期Allow BMW owners

118、to purchase merchandise允许宝马用户购买商品Provide direction to BMW Online Store for purchase为购买提供直接的在线商库Push registration on Owners Circle推动用户群注册Each program effectiveness measured by control groups前面有完全一样的,重复么? Control Group: Owners who are not sent the communications Test Group: Owners who get the communic

119、ationsMagazine Strategy TodayExtending the Dialogue Prospect MessagesIncrease prospect conversion to sell more BMW automobiles增加潜在用户的转变以销售更多宝马汽车Provide a steady flow of “qualified” leads to BMW Centers为宝马中心提供审核的稳定流程Make communications interactive使交流互动Continually improve the conversion rates by bette

120、r prospecting以更好的调查持续促进转变率Measure the conversion rate by Center, Region, Prospect Lifestyle, Income由中心、行政区、预期生活品质和收入测算转换率Goals of the Prospect Management SystemProspects developed from all contact sources:各种接触源发展出的潜在客户Telephone, Direct Mail, Auto Shows, Events, Internet电话销售,直接邮寄,车展,事件,网络Rapidly qual

121、ified and scored快速胜任和评分Centers receive qualified leads electronically within 48 hours of receipt中心电子仪器在48小时内收到胜任的领导Prospects get BMW message within 48 hours恰在用户在48小时内得到宝马的信息Every lead tracked electronically, with daily, weekly, & monthly reports for BMW management on the web每位领导沿循电子信息,按每天、每周、每月的报告在网

122、上经营管理Automated Database ProcessesScoring models for incoming prospect requests determine priority评分示例到来的预期需求和抉择的优先次序Focus on priority A & B prospects聚焦A和B的优先权展望Moving to lower priorities as the systems proves itself转移到该系统提供的较低优先级Fully integrated creative implementation in both electronic and paper m

123、edia as well as events彻底整合在电子及平面媒体上的创造性执行Test scoring models against anticipated response and adjust as needed测试与不相符的预期反应评分示例,按需要调整Utilize a 5% control group for a period of one year for reporting comparisons在一年的时间里利用5%的控制组做报告比对Testing and Implementation StrategySales销售Response反馈To electronic vs. pa

124、per电子媒体vs.平面媒体Predetermined vs. Relational预定vs.相关Offers and incentives 报价和诱因Modeling success成功示例% prospect conversion (historical) %的预期转换(历史资料)Media preference automated system自动化媒体操控系统Cost of program项目成本Cost of sales销售成本Measurements of the Prospect ProgramMeasuring success through the dealersScored

125、 leads sent to each dealer评分领导到各个经销商Conversions are measured monthly转换的测算每月进行Each dealer conversation ratio calculated每个经销商细心审核转换率Program success measured by comparing dealer to dealer conversion ratio成功项目由对比经销商与经销商转换率来测算Dealer, Market, Region and National average conversion ratios create measurable

126、 benchmarks经销商、市场、行政区和全国性平均转换率创造了客测量的基准Above average dealers manage their leads better过半的经销商管理较好Direct Mail and E-mail integrated communication plan直接邮寄与电邮的整合沟通计划Alternating content delivery mediums交互的内容递送媒介Each reinforcing the one that came before it互相补充Use of database information to drive customiz

127、ation and relevance利用数据库信息推动专业化和实用性Each communication introducing a new piece of the BMW Experience每次交流都引出新的宝马体验All communications tie in to web activities所有交流都结合了网络活动Integration with off-line and online marketing activities整合线下和线上的营销活动Prospects given the opportunity to opt-out at any point从任何点上来说潜在

128、用户都有机会脱离Prospects removed from program if they purchase a vehicle如果他们已购买汽车则潜在用户远离该计划Prospect Program Communications StrategyImmerse and invite the prospect into the BMW Experience邀请潜在用户并使其热中于宝马体验Reinforce the initial contact with BMW加强其与宝马的主动联系Educate as to the depth of the Brand培养品牌深度Products and S

129、ervices产品和服务Point the prospect towards a test drive and the dealer吸引潜在用户接近试驾活动和经销商Reinforce core marketing communication objectives about:加强核心营销沟交流,目标在于:Brand Values品牌价值Brand Heritage品牌传承Product attributes产品特性The BMW Ownership Experience宝马车主体验Program Communications ObjectivesNew products新产品BMW in th

130、e News新闻中的宝马BMW Technology and Innovation宝马技术与革新BMW Safety安全性能The history of BMW and BMW Brand Values宝马历史与其品牌价值Event invitations邀请Test drive incentives鼓励试驾BMW gifts赠品Magazine reprints再版杂志BMW Financial Services products宝马财务服务产品Program Content ObjectivesSell more cars by:通过以下方式销售更多汽车Immediate Scoring

131、of Prospects直接由潜在用户评分Immediate electronic Center notification of leads直接由领导在电子中心发布信息Immediate communications with the prospect直接与潜在用户交流Continually engage the customer in the Experience使用户持续参与体验Provide more information on the depth of the Brand提供深层次的品牌信息Reduce the cost per car sold减少每辆车的销售成本Provide M

132、anagement with accurate & timely knowledge of the prospect and sales process提供对潜在用户和销售过程精确而及时的管理Increase the overall effectiveness of future prospecting programs by learning from this one学习研究此例以增加将来预期计划的整体效力Prospect System BenefitsQuick wins: X factor programs The BMW Database offers a huge opportun

133、ity to utilize information to refine BMW programs宝马数据库提供巨大的机会来利用信息提升宝马项目X Factor programs are built on data mining, and deliver:不确定因素项目建立在数据开发的基础上,呈递出Highly effective marketing programs高效的营销计划Incremental revenue opportunities增加收入的机会Low cost per sale每次销售的低成本Increased customer/prospect contact and sat

134、isfaction增加的与现有和潜在用户的接触及其满意度X Factor SituationThe Loyalty and Prospect Programs, combined with the database, offer great potential for creative, interactive X factor programs:忠诚度和预期计划与数据库联系在一起,为具创造性兼互动性的不确定因素计划提出巨大潜力Contests争论性Programs for Women/Minorities为女性/少数派(特殊群体)设置的计划Special Events特殊事件Referral

135、 Programs推荐计划Certified Previously Owned Cars早前执有的车Second BMWs in every home每家的第二辆宝马Lifestyle Programs安全性计划Congratulatory Mailings to 3+ BMW Owners给有3辆以上的宝马用户的感谢邮件X Factor InitiativesPlus improved reporting, query developmentand a half dozen new ideas to be developed and implemented during the year年内

136、增加改善报告,提问发展,年内增加改善报告,提问发展,一系列新点子有待发展成型以得到实行一系列新点子有待发展成型以得到实行X Factor: something new every quarter 用户推荐 车(主)生日 (策划)投放市场Identify ways to build relationships with female owners:确定与女性用户建立关系的方式Bring them to the Brand, and keep them longer用品牌吸引她们,引起购买欲望Appeal to their unique needs迎合其独特要求Recognize the purc

137、hasing power and influence that automotive marketers typically ignore充分认识汽车时常一贯忽略的她们的购买力与影响力Provide tools that reduce pre-dealer visit anxiety供给能减少前期经销商焦虑的工具、方法Tailored communications that highlight what women are looking for考究的交流信息凸显女性真正欲求Live chat support by females女性日常生活中的闲谈Develop a network of f

138、emale sales reps发展针对女性的销售网X1 Womens ProgramIdentify households that are prime prospects to purchase a second BMW确定可能购买第二辆宝马的首要潜在用户家庭Analyze multiple purchase households分析多次购买的家庭Target groups most likely to purchase a CPO vehicle最可能再次买车的对象组Households with teenagers or young adults家里有青少年Identify seaso

139、nality graduation, etc.确定季节性因素,如毕业潮Test the program on current BMW owners, then roll out to prospects在当前宝马用户中测试计划,再投放到潜在用户市场X2: Certified Previously Owned ProgramIdentify those current owners who are most likely to purchase a new 7 Series BMW确定当前用户中哪些最可能购买宝马7系列Invite these special people to be among

140、 a small group who are allowed to preview the new 7 series请嘉宾组团参加宝7的预先发布会Appeal to their appreciation of inclusion by asking for their feedback and opinion请求他们反馈意见和建议,收集评价Allow them to be among the first to test drive使其成为第一批试驾者Notify them periodically of the status of the vehicle定期通告其汽车情况X3: Series

141、7 LaunchIdentify those current owners who are most likely to purchase the MINI确定当前用户中哪些最可能购买迷你车型Create a unique lifestyle message to these owners为其策划独特的生活风尚讯息Appeal to the early adapter配合早期改造Focus on active lifestyles聚焦活力生活形态Get them to preview on the web and opt in to marketing messages使其参与网上预览和营销传

142、讯X4: Mini LaunchDevelop a program that uniquely appeals to the BMW owner针对宝马用户制定特别计划Communicate the personality of the brand联系品牌名人Reinforce the relationship that the BMW owner has with their car增进宝马用户与其坐驾的关系At the anniversary of purchase, send an e-card to owners在购买周年,发送网卡给用户Direct them to a micro s

143、ite to get an e-birthday gift引领他们到微机站点领取电子礼物X5: Birthday CardsDatabase provides the central focus for数据库为中枢中心提供Owner loyalty communication programs拥护忠诚度交流计划Prospect communications沟通潜在用户Opportunistic “Quick Win” Programs抓住机会的“速赢”计划Measurement of success成功的测算标准Building BMW Brand Loyalty建立宝马品牌忠诚度Summary: BMW has put it all together



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