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1、Section A New York City.go to New York City.Where did she go on vacation?She went to New York City.go to the beachWhere did you go on vacation?We went to the beach.visit museumsWhere did they go on vacation?They visited museums.examstudied for examsThey visited their teacher.Where did they go on vac

2、ation?teacherWhere did she go on vacation?She stayed at home.Listen. Where did Grace, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation? Match the person with the place.People Places1. Grace2.Kevin3.JulieNew York Citythe beachhome Listen again. For each question check ()“Yes, I did.” or “ No, I didnt.” as you hear th

3、em talk.DidyouYes,IdidNo,IdidntGracegowithanyone?gotoCentralPark?buyanythingspecial?Kevinplayvolleyball?swim?meetanyoneinteresting?Juliedoanythinginteresting?studyfortests?gooutwithanyone?PlacesDid you Yes NoGrace New York Citygo to Central Park?Kevinplay volleyball?swim?Juliego to the movies?study

4、for exams? homethe beachA: Grace, where did you go on vacation ?B: I went to New York City.A: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone?B: Yes, I went with my mother .HuangguoshuWaterfallHuangguoshu Waterfall is an interesting and wonderful place in Guizhou. You can see quite a few waterfalls in China,but

5、Huangguoshu Waterfall is very special. Its special because its great and beautiful. Its the biggest waterfall in China. People take lots of photos of this waterfall and heres one.Answerthequestions.1.DidHelengoanywhereinteresting?2.Didsheseeanythingwonderful?3.Didshetakeanyphotos?4.DidRickdoanything


7、treally.Ijuststayedathomemostofthetimetoreadandrelax.复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法 1.构成:由some, any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one 构成的不定代词叫做复合不定代词;加上-where构成副词。 2.用法:(1)合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。 Nobody will listen to him. He wants something to eat.(2)不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 Something is wrong with

8、my watch . Everybody likes to be free.Notes(3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。Someone called her last week.There isnt anyone else there.Is anybody over there?Could you give me something to eat?(4)形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后There is something wrong with your

9、 eyes.Notes形容词后置形容词后置Notesafew,alittle:有一些,含肯定意义。few,little:很少,几乎没有,含否定意义。但afew,few代替或修饰可数名词复数;alittle,little代替或修饰不可数名词。e.g.Wetookquiteafewphotosthere.我们在那照了几张相。Wetookfewphotosthere.我们在那几乎没照相。 few, a few 作代词:Ihavealotofbooks,butIreadfew.我有很多书,但几乎没读。Fewknowhim.几乎没人认识他。Iboughtmanyhats,butIonlylikeafew










19、entstartedtookfoundWerentweretoldwentjumpedstartedforgotSummary1、Thenewwords:NewYorkcity,camp,summercampMuseum,guide,central,exam,really2、Where did you go on vacation? Where did go ? “去了哪儿?去了哪儿?” go to (+地点名词)地点名词) “去了去了”Didyou/he/she/theygoto?Yes,I/he/she/theydid./No,I/he/she/theydidnt.1.Readandcop

20、ythenewwordsinSectionA2.ReadthesentencepatternsinGrammarFocus.3.Role-playtheconversationin2d.Unit 1Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Where did you go on vacation?SectionBNew words delicious 美味的美味的New words expensive 昂贵的;价高的昂贵的;价高的300,000RMBcheap 廉价的;便宜的廉价的;便宜的New words 点击查看点击查看动画词汇动画词汇下一页下一页New wo

21、rds crowded拥挤的How was the hamburger?It was delicious.PracticeB:It was exciting.A:How was the movie?A:How were the movies?B:They were exciting.一句话辨义!Iwas_atthe_news.(excited/exciting)excitedexcitingStillnooneseemedtobe_(bored/boring)boredB:It was delicious.A:How was the strawberry?A:How were the stra

22、wberries?B:They were delicious.How were the apples?They were terrible.PracticeHow was the bus?It was crowded.PracticeHow was the ice cream?It was expensive.100$PracticeHow was the class.It was boring.How were the bananas?They were cheap.1$Practice1aMatch the words with the pictures.1. _ delicious 3.

23、 _ exciting 5. _terrible2. _expensive 4. _ cheap 6. _boringbecdaf1b words and words. words wordsdeliciouscheap excitingterribleexpensiveboring1c . Listen . Lisa is talking abut her vacation. Answer the questions.1.Where did Lisa go on vacation?She went to Hong Kong.2.Did she do anything special ther

24、e? What was it?Yes, she did. It was a fun park3. Did she buy anything for her best friend?Yes ,she did.4. Did Lisa like her vacation?Yes ,she did.Listen again and fill in the blanks.What did Lisa say about?her vacationgreatthe fun parkthe storesthe peoplethe foodexcitingexpensivefriendlydelicious1d1

25、eAsk and answer questions about Lisas vacation.Begin your question with:Wheredid?Whatdid?Didshe?Howwas.?Howwere?123456复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法复合不定代词和不定副词的构成及其用法 1.构成:由some, any, no, every分别加上-body, -thing, -one 构成的不定代词叫做复合不定代词;加上-where构成副词。 2.用法:(1)合成不定代词在句中可以作主语,宾语或表语等。 Nobody will listen to him. He want

26、s something to eat.(2)不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。 Something is wrong with my watch . Everybody likes to be free.NotesA: Where did you go on vacation, Lily?B: I went to the beach with my sister.A: Did you have sea food there?B: Yes, we did. A: What did you do there?B: We went swimming there.A: How was the bea

27、ch?B: it was wonderful.(3)some-不定代词,通常用于肯定句中;any-不定代词则多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句中。但some-可用于表请求、邀请、预料对方会作肯定回答时的疑问句中。Someone called her last week.There isnt anyone else there.Is anybody over there?Could you give me something to eat?(4)形容词修饰不定代词时,通常要放在不定代词之后。There is something wrong with your eyes.Notes形容词后置形容词

28、后置Notesafew,alittle:有一些,含肯定意义。few,little:很少,几乎没有,含否定意义。但afew,few代替或修饰可数名词复数;alittle,little代替或修饰不可数名词。e.g.Wetookquiteafewphotosthere.我们在那照了几张相。Wetookfewphotosthere.我们在那几乎没照相。 few, a few 作代词:Ihavealotofbooks,butIreadfew.我有很多书,但几乎没读。Fewknowhim.几乎没人认识他。Iboughtmanyhats,butIonlylikeafew.我买了许多顶帽子,但只喜欢一些。意义




32、ofthetimestayathomeofcourseseemtobeboredkeepadiary1.和家人去2.去有趣的地方3.黄果树瀑布4.相当多,不少5.做些特别的事情6.大部分时间7.呆在家里8.当然9.似乎很厌倦10.写日记2a Discuss the questions with your partner.1.What do people usually do on vacation?2a Discuss the questions with your partner.2. What activities do you find enjoyable?( The job is en

33、joyable.)Going boating is enjoyable.Going paragliding is enjoyable. Visiting the countryside is enjoyable. 2b. Read Janes diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions.1.Did Jane have a good time on Monday?2. What about on Tuesday?Monday,July15thIarrivedinPenanginMalaysiathismorningwithm




37、nglish,weshouldtry_(study)English.姐姐和我尝试了滑翔运动。姐姐和我尝试了滑翔运动。尽力做某事尽力做某事尝试做某事尝试做某事studyingto study4.IfeltlikeIwasabird.(翻译)_.feellike意为_后常接_.另外feellike还意为_Doyoufeellikeacupoftea?我感觉到自己就像一只小鸟。我感觉到自己就像一只小鸟。感觉到感觉到从句从句想要想要5.Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast.(翻译)_wonder为及物动词,意为“想知道”,后常接疑问词(who,what,why)引导的

38、从句。Iwonder_youaredoing.(我想知道你正在做什么。)我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。whathave fun的意思相当于的意思相当于enjoy oneself, have a good time,意为,意为“玩得高兴玩得高兴”。have (great / a lot of .) fun doing sth. 意为意为“做某事(很)有趣做某事(很)有趣”。 如:如:I have great fun talking with you. 跟你谈话我很快乐。跟你谈话我很快乐。ExplanationWe had great fun playin

39、g in the water.Tuesday,July16thWhatadifferenceadaymakes!MyfatherandIdecidedtogotoPenangHilltoday.Wewantedtowalkuptothetop,butthenitstarted rainingalittlesowedecidedtotakethetrain.Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecausethereweretoo manypeople.Whenwegottothetop,itwasrainingreallyhard.Wedidnthaveanumbrell

40、asowewerewetandcold.Itwasterrible!Andbecause ofthebadweather,wecouldntseeanythingbelow.Myfatherdidntbringenough money,soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish.ThefoodtastedgreatbecauseIwassohungry!点拨提升1.Whatadifferenceadaymakes!感叹句,结构为What+名词+主语+谓语!How+形容词+主语+谓语!2.Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecausether


42、: I felt very happy when I heard the good news. 听到这个好消息时我感到很高兴。听到这个好消息时我感到很高兴。 类似的感官动词还有:类似的感官动词还有:sound, smell,taste, look,等。等。ExplanationThings Jane did or sawDid she like it ?( Yes / No)Why or why not?Tried paraglidingThey were delicious.It was so exciting.2c. Read Janes diary entries again. Fill

43、 in the chartYes .had Malaysian yellow noodlesYes .Walked around GeorgetownWent to Penang Hill It tasted great because she was hungry.No Yes Because she could think the life there in the pastBecause its raining and they didnt take an umbrella.had one bowl of rice and some fishYes 2d Complete the con

44、versation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.Anna: Hi , Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane: I _ to Penang in _.Anna: Who _ you go with ?Jane: I went with my _.Anna: What did you do?wentMalaysia didfamilyJane: The weather was hot and _ on Monday, so w

45、e went _ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _bicycles to Georgetown .Anna: Sounds great!Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good . My _ and I went to Penang Hill , but the weather _really bad and rainy. We _a long time for the train and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _.sun

46、nyparaglidingrodefatherwaswaitedwetumbrellaAnna: Oh, no!Jane: And thats not all! We also didnt bring _ money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.enough2e. Imagine Jane went to Penang again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entries with the correct forms of the verbs in

47、brackets. Thursday , July 18thToday _ (be)a beautiful day. My father and I _ (go) to Penang waswentHill again, but this time we_(walk) to the top.We _ (start) at 9:30 a.m. and _(see) lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way. About one hour later, we _(stop) and _ (drink) some tea.Then we _ (w

48、alk) for another two hours before we _ (get) to the top. I _ (be) quite tired, and the city _ (look) wonderful from the top of the hill! walkedstartedsawstoppeddrankwalkedgotwaslooked3aComplete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. Wed

49、nesday , _ 20thToday the weather was _.I went to _. It was .WeI liked this place because _ . For dinner we had _ . It was _.In the evening , I felt really _. August hot and sunnyTiananmen Squarebeautifultook some photos and bought something special.I learned something importantBeijing duckdelicioust

50、ired3b . Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took.1.Where did you go?I went to Hong Kong.2.Did you go with anyone?Yes, I did. I went with my friend.3. How was the weather?It was sunny.4. What did you do every day?I took quite a few photos.5.What food did you eat?I ate some seafoo

51、d.2.What did you like best?I like the beach best.3. Did you dislike anything?No , I didnt.4. How did you feel about the trip?I liked it so much.3cWrite a travel diary like Janes on page. Use your notes in 3b.Thursday,August1stTodayIwenttothePalaceMuseum.Itwascool.ThenIwalkedalongChanganStreettillTia


53、obedearly.点拨提升1.What a difference a day makes! 由由what引导的感叹句引导的感叹句what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式:修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式: A:What+a(an)+(形容词)(形容词)+单数可数名词单数可数名词+主语主语+谓谓语!如:语!如: What an apple this is! What a fine day it is! B:What+(形容词)形容词)+可数可数名词复数名词复数或或不可数名词不可数名词+主主语语+谓语!谓语! What kind women they are! What nice music

54、 it is!由由How引导的引导的感叹句感叹句 how用来修饰形容词、副词或用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。动词。其结构是:其结构是:How+形容词(副词)形容词(副词)+主语主语+谓语!谓语! How hard the worker are working! How clever the girlis! How quickly the boy is writing! 注意:当注意:当how修饰动词时,动词不跟着修饰动词时,动词不跟着感叹词感叹词提到提到主语之前。主语之前。 How the runner runs! what与与how引导的引导的感叹句感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转,一般情况下可以

55、相互转换,转换后意义不变。如:换,转换后意义不变。如: What an interesting story it is!=How interesting the story is!what a beautiful bulding it is!=How beautiful the building is! Thursday,July18thToday_(be)abeautifulday.MyfatherandI_(go)toPenangHillagain,butthistimewe_(walk)tothetop.We_(start)at9:30a.m.and_(see)alotsofspecialMalaysiaflowersalongtheway.Aboutonehourlater,we_(stop)and_(drink)sometea.Thenwe_(walk)foranothertwohoursbeforewe_(get)tothetop.I_(be)quitetired,butthecity_(look)wonderfulfromtheofthehill!waswentwalkedstartedsawstoppeddrankwalkedgotwaslooked



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