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1、新概念英语Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living roomTeacher:SofiaWarm upvLook,look,vWhats in the tree?vTheres a bird in the tree.vLook,look,vWhats under the tree?vTheres a lion under the tree.vLook,look,vWhats near the tree?vTheres a tiger watching TV!课文注释vThere is-there beam,is,are句型,此句型表示某地存在着某物,译为“有”。be由其后的名词决

2、定。vMrs.Smiths living room-史密斯太太的客厅。 Mrs.Smiths 是名词所有格,表示某物归属于某人,类似的还有 Lilys bag Toms father Jims pen 注:如果主语是无生命的东西,表示所属关系时要用of. 例如 the legs of the table a map of ChinavNear the window-介词短语,表位置位置,在句中做表语,类似的还有 on the wall in the room on the table near the door on the stereo表示位置的介词vin 在里面von 在上面。两物体表面紧

3、挨着vover 在上方 指空间vunder 在下面vbehind 在后面vnear 在附近,旁边vnext to 在旁边两物体紧挨着,靠着vbetween 在之间vin the middle of在和 中间Exercises英汉互译 在椅子下面 在桌子上方在天空中 在桥上在树和房子之间 在汽车后面In the middle of the 2 desksBehind the computerNext to the ball near the windowBetween the blackboard and the desk名词的复数v当名词多于一个时,需用此名词的复数形式。v名词变复数的规则:1

4、.一般情况下加s book-books pen-pens bag-bags school-schools2. 以s, x, sh, ch, o 等结尾的加es bus-buses box-boxes fish-fishes 3. 以辅音字母加y结尾的将y-ies baby-babies story- stories 元音字母加y直接加s monkey-monkeys4. 以f, fe结尾的需将f/fe-ves wife-wives wolf- wolves leaf-leaves 5.不规则名词复数 man-men woman-women child-children foot-feet to

5、oth- teeth mouse-mice重点vThere be 结构。表示某地有某物,句子基本顺序是there be 某物位置。某物位置。Eg:There is a football under the table. There are some apples in the tree.v注:there be 结构的就近原则结构的就近原则Eg:There is a book and some pens on the desk.练习练习v我的书包里有十支钢笔。我的书包里有十支钢笔。v苹果树上有两只鸟。苹果树上有两只鸟。v地板上有一个漂亮的书包。地板上有一个漂亮的书包。用适当的be动词填空1.Th

6、ere- a small television on the table.2.There-an apple and two pears on the plate.3.There-some water in the cup.4.There - many students in the classroom.5.There - a tiger in the zoo.6.There - some milk in the bottle.7.There- some orange juice and a cake on the table.8.There-8 story books on the shelf.v Lets have a rest!



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