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1、Changes ofBeforeadjustmentChanges ofBeforeadjustment-14.46%China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.The First Quarterly Report 20121. Important Notes1.1 Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee

2、 of China National Accord MedicinesCorporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and seniorexecutives hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, orimportant omissions carried in this report, and shall take all respons

3、ibilities, individual and/or joint,for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.1.2 The First Quarterly Financial Report of 2012 has not been audited by CPAs.1.3 All directors attended the voting meeting of the board of directors for examining the quarterlyreport by communication.1

4、.4 Mr. Wei Yulin, Chairman of the Company; Mr. Yan Zhigang, Director General Manager; Mr.Wei Pingxiao, CFO and Mr. Chi Guoguang, Financial Manager hereby confirm that the FinancialReport of the First Quarterly Report is true and complete.2. Company Profile2.1 Main accounting highlights and financial

5、 indexesUnit: RMBAt the end of thereport periodAt the period-end of the last yearAfter adjustment increase/decrease (%)Total assets (RMB)8,069,831,512.29 7,665,759,761.04 7,680,629,146.675.07%Ownersequityattributabletoshareholders of the listed company(RMB)Total share capital (Share)1,467,647,406.10

6、288,149,400.001,350,217,871.35288,149,400.001,350,093,276.86288,149,400.008.71%0.00%Net asset per share attributable toshareholdersoflistedcompany5.0934.6864.6858.71%(RMB/Share)In the report periodThe same period of last yearAfter adjustment increase/decrease (%)Total operating income (RMB)4,274,691

7、,013.50 3,526,818,451.42 3,534,426,881.4720.94%Net profit attributable to shareholders ofthe listed company (RMB)121,822,129.2487,259,288.1787,197,481.0239.71%Net cash flow arising from operatingactivities (RMB)-271,437,536.92 -316,947,045.11 -317,332,260.53Net cash flow arising from operatingactivi

8、ties per share (RMB/Share)Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)Weighted average return on equity (%)-0.9420.4230.4238.63%-1.1000.3030.3037.96%-1.1010.3030.3037.94%-14.44%39.60%39.60%0.69%Weighted average return on equity afterdeducting non-recurring gains and8.58

9、%7.70%7.69%0.89%losses (%)Items of non-recurring gains and losses Applicable InapplicableUnit: RMBItems of non-recurring gains and lossesAmount fromRemarks (If1-China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012year-begin toperiod-endapplicable)Gains and los

10、ses from the disposal of non-current assetsGovernmental subsidy reckoned into current gains and losses,but closely relevant to the Companys business except for thegovernmental subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according tothe national general standardsCurrent net gains/losses of subsidiary generate

11、d fromperiod-begin to consolidation date by enterprise merger undersame controlImpairment provision reversal on account receivable whichconducting impairment testing separatelyOther non-operating income and expenditure except for theabove itemsInfluenced amount of minority shareholders equityInfluen

12、ced amount of income taxTotal-35,049.591,284,500.28-175,050.36242,309.84199,552.20-440,050.00-268,622.84807,589.532.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the topten shareholders with unrestricted conditionsUnit: ShareTotal number of shareholdersat the end

13、of report period18,481Particulars about the shares held by the top ten tradable shareholders with unrestricted conditionsAmount of tradable shares withFull name of shareholderSINOPHARM GROUP CO., LTD.ICBCGUANGFA JUFENGSTOCK FUNDICBCHARVEST THEME NEWPOWER STOCK FUNDHTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRSTSTATE CHIN


15、the end of report period110,459,74813,285,47710,290,2927,032,7207,000,0004,256,0424,001,4813,996,4863,721,2913,292,879Type of sharesRMB common shareRMB common shareRMB common shareDomestically listed foreignshareRMB common shareRMB common shareRMB common shareRMB common shareRMB common shareRMB comm

16、on share3. Significant Events2China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 20123.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financialindex, and explanations of reasonsApplicableInapplicable1. Account paid in advance at pe

17、riod-end increase 48.18 million yuan over that of period-begin withrate of 73.15 percent up. Mainly because the projects and equipment amount paid in advanceincreased from Zhijun Pharmaceutical, subsidiary of the Company; meanwhile, amount paid for goodpurchasing in advance increased due to soaring

18、sales.2. Other account receivable at period-end increase 10.59 million yuan over that of period-begin withrate of 36.96 percent up. Mainly because acquisition of subsidiary Sinopharm Zhaoqing in this periodand amount of office establishment of Sinopharm Guangxi, subsidiary of the Company pre-paid.3.

19、 Other current assets at period-end decrease 5.16 million yuan over that of period-begin with rate of-67.44 percent up. Mainly because excess payable VAT and income tax decreased.4. Account paid in advance at period-end increase 29.61 million yuan over that of period-begin withrate of 50.44 percent

20、up. Mainly because Zhijun Pharmaceutical, subsidiary of the Company, showsfavorable condition in aspect of sales, amount for goods received in advance increased.5. Wages payable at period-end decrease 43.8 million yuan over that of period-begin with rate of-30.75 percent up. Mainly because some of t

21、he remuneration, accrual last year, have been paid in thisperiod.6. Taxes payable at period-end increase 28.09 million yuan over that of period-begin with rate of44.17 percent up. Mainly because vary taxes growth due to soaring sales and higher profitability.7. Long-term loans at period-end increase

22、 37.12 million yuan over that of period-begin with rate of39.88 percent up. Mainly because the new loans for Sinopharm Guangxi Logistic Park project,subsidiary of the Company, and phase II, Guanlan, Medicine R & D base of Zhijun Pharmaceutical,subsidiary of the Company.8. Capital reserve at period-e

23、nd decrease 3.06 million yuan over that of period-begin with rate of-35.52 percent up. Mainly because Sinopharm Wuzhou Company was merged by the Company undersame control, the make a retroactive adjustment on amount at year-begin.9. Financial expense has a y-o-y growth of 19.29 million yuan with 73.

24、78 percent up. Mainly becauseon one hand, lending rates growth affected by monetary tightening policy of the State; on the otherhand, financing cost increased due to financing scale enlarged.10. Loss of assets impairment has a y-o-y decrease of 5.17 million yuan with -95.92 percent up.Mainly because

25、 strictly control in inventory management and rapid up turnover of the inventory, anddepreciation provision for inventory accrued decreased.11. Non-operating income has a y-o-y decline of 0.95 million yuan with -33.57 percent up. Mainlybecause government subsidy obtained in this period decreased ove

26、r same period of last year.12. Non-operating expenses have a y-o-y growth of 0.4 million yuan with 1,097.66 percent up.Mainly because external donation and losses from disposal of non-current assets show an increaseover same period of last year.13. Net profit has a y-o-y growth of 33.91 million yuan

27、 with 38.14 percent up. Mainly because salesscale enlarged, and by controlling reasonable expenses and adjusted products structure forsubordinate subsidiaries of the Company, profitability gains a more room for growth.14. Minority interest income has a y-o-y decline of 0.72 million yuan with -42.30

28、percent up. Mainlybecause Zhijun Wanqing, subsidiary of the Company, has a lower net profit than same period of lastyear.15. Taxes returned received have a y-o-y growth of 90,000 yuan with 116.38 percent up. Mainlybecause Zhijun Medicine Trade Company, subsidiary of the Company, has a higher export

29、return taxthan same period of last year.16. Other cash received from operating activities have a y-o-y decline of 10.45 million yuan with-36.99 percent up. Mainly because government subsidy and other items obtained in this period havelower amount than same period of last year.3China National Accord

30、Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 201217. Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets havea y-o-y decline of 0.3 million yuan with -58.85 percent up. Mainly because Zhijun Pharmaceutical,subsidiary of the Company, disp

31、osed some of the vehicle at same period of last year while no suchbusiness occurred in this period.18. Other cash received from investment activities have a y-o-y decline of 1.91 million yuan with-100 percent up. Mainly because Sinopharm Guangxi Logistic, subsidiary of the Company, obtainedsupportin

32、g grant for logistic projects from Nanning Economy Development Zone at same period oflast year while no such business occurred in this period.19. Acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units,net cash have a y-o-y growth of 5.09 millionyuan with 100 percent up. Mainly because Sinopharm Zhaoqi

33、ng and Sinopharm Wuzhou wereacquired by the Company in this period whiles no such business occurred at same period of last year.20. Other cash paid for investment activities have a y-o-y decline of 9.7 million yuan with -100percent up. Mainly because Sinopharm Guangxi paid balance of business acquis

34、ition of NanningMedicine at same period of last year while no such business occurred in this period.21. Other cash received from financing activities have a y-o-y growth of 326.42 million yuan with1,732.72 percent up. Mainly because entrusted loans were increased and application of financinginstrume

35、nt of supplying chains for purpose of supporting business development.22. Cash paid for debt settlement have a y-o-y growth of 108.73 million yuan with 105.60 percent up.Mainly because loans growth that debt payment correspondingly increased.23. Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or inte

36、rest settlement have a y-o-y growth of 18.36million yuan with 97.12 percent up. Mainly because financing cost increased due to financing scaleenlarged.24. Other cash paid for financing activities have a y-o-y growth of 284.62 million yuan with 869.66percent up. Mainly because entrusted loans were pa

37、id in this period and financing from supplyingchains increased over same period of last year.25. influence on cash and cash equivalent from exchange rate movement has a y-o-y decline of 2,800yuan with -1,528.95 percent up. Mainly because of the amount of foreign currency held increased.3.2 Analysis

38、and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions3.2.1 Particular about Qualified OpinionApplicableInapplicable3.2.2 Particular about fund offered to shareholder or its related parties by the Company andexternal guarantee with procedure violationApplicableInapplicable3.2.3 Part

39、icular about the significant contract of routine operation signed and implementedApplicable3.2.4 OtherApplicableInapplicableInapplicableThe Company purchased Sinopharm Wuzhou Co., Ltd. under same control in March 2012, madeadjustment on comparison statements dated March 2011 in line with relevant re

40、gulations of“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 20 Business Combination”. Income fromJanuary to March for year of 2011 increased 7.69 million yuan, net profit increased -60,000 yuan andnet cash flow arising from operating activities increased -390,000 yuan while combined SinopharmWuzh

41、ou Co., Ltd.3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company, shareholders and actual controllerCommitments make within the report period or persisted to the period by listed company and itsdirector, supervisor and senior executives, shareholder with over 5 percent shares held and its actualcontrol

42、lerApplicableInapplicable4ItemsinChina National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 20123.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of nextreport period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared wit

43、h thecorresponding period of the last year and explanation of reasonApplicableInapplicable3.5 Other significant events which need explanations3.5.1 Particulars about securities investmentApplicableInapplicable3.5.2 Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the reportpe

44、riodNo acceptation of research, communication and interview in this report period.3.6 Particulars about derivatives investmentApplicableInapplicable3.6.1 Particulars about derivatives investment held at the end of report periodApplicableInapplicable4. Appendix4.1 Balance sheetPrepared by China Natio

45、nal Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. March 31, 2012 Unit: RMBCurrent assets:Balance at period-endConsolidation Parent CompanyBalance at year-beginConsolidation Parent CompanyMonetary funds769,068,141.00123,315,486.70952,950,167.56164,840,499.86Settlement provisionsCapital lentassetTransactionfinanc

46、eNotes receivableAccounts receivable645,659,095.894,089,854,384.9116,583,240.02383,292,855.69534,922,741.303,580,559,211.658,718,971.96295,227,856.20Accountsadvancepaid114,035,437.988,264,618.7765,857,961.313,148,580.55Insurance receivableReinsurance receivablesContract reserve ofreinsurance receiva

47、bleInterest receivableDividend receivableOther receivablesPurchaserestituted624,957,803.7328,656,020.58704,287,016.32finance assetInventories1,225,868,343.4791,141,533.791,313,213,414.68125,157,825.01Non-current asset duewithin one yearOther current assets2,492,195.257,653,736.2139,482.38Total curre

48、nt assets6,886,224,450.231,247,555,538.706,483,813,253.291,301,420,232.28Non-current assets:GrantedloansandadvancesFinance asset availablefor salesHeld-to-maturityinvestmentLong-termreceivableaccountLong-termequity102,932,656.931,339,732,151.3195,799,627.421,332,527,041.515China National Accord Medi

49、cines Corporation Ltd.investmentFull Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012Investment propertyFixed assetsConstruction in progress94,558,835.15593,160,565.88116,447,937.538,344,418.5131,957,371.72253,886.2486,164,929.70602,205,927.87131,042,772.598,841,071.5032,866,561.06253,886.24Engineering mater

50、ialDisposal of fixed assetProductivebiologicalassetOil and gas assetIntangible assetsExpense on Researchand DevelopmentGoodwillLong-term expenses tobe apportioned112,376,817.024,183,565.9956,150,018.6219,203,366.4127,202,516.258,745,948.62119,601,478.863,998,433.6953,555,677.0920,103,138.9927,426,55

51、1.449,030,726.77assetDeferred income tax44,676,068.395,335,693.5244,070,064.255,335,693.52Other non-current assetTotal non-current assetTotal assets39,917,230.141,183,607,062.068,069,831,512.297,000,000.001,428,571,986.172,676,127,524.8740,273,842.921,196,815,893.387,680,629,146.677,000,000.001,423,

52、281,532.042,724,701,764.32Current liabilities:Short-term loans1,951,710,994.95510,000,000.001,839,838,065.68417,648,980.60Loan from central bankAbsorbing deposit andinterbank depositCapital borrowedTransactionliabilitiesfinancialNotes payableAccounts payableAccounts received inadvance878,933,610.432

53、,764,184,066.1688,314,508.5891,038,325.49305,762,959.6254,746.651,059,426,952.842,496,808,221.2558,705,230.49120,293,155.72343,946,734.72249,535.25Selling financial asset ofrepurchaseCommission charge andcommission payableWage payableTaxes payableInterest payable98,619,809.6991,693,793.4610,340,819.

54、3321,715,165.043,237,625.01355,514.19142,414,446.0663,600,830.1110,451,229.0324,966,511.901,640,177.39868,585.17Dividend payableOther accounts payable358,519,769.29786,569,133.38346,965,182.34865,237,491.48Reinsurance payablesInsurancecontractreserveSecurity trading ofagencySecurity sales of agencyN

55、on-current liabilitiesdue within 1 yearOther current liabilities21,500,000.0023,960,000.00Total current liabilities6,263,817,371.891,718,733,469.386,042,170,157.801,774,851,172.23Non-current liabilities:Long-term loansBonds payable130,203,295.3193,082,967.96Long-termaccount34,225.8035,536.206toItems

56、China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.payableFull Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012Specialpayableaccounts4,287,000.00800,000.004,519,000.001,032,000.00Projected liabilitiesDeferredliabilitiesincometax19,551,637.483,773,319.0019,900,787.303,773,319.00Otherliabilitiesnon-current106,727

57、,577.5694,245,023.54Total non-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesOwnersequity(or260,803,736.156,524,621,108.044,573,319.001,723,306,788.38211,783,315.006,253,953,472.804,805,319.001,779,656,491.23shareholders equity):Paid-in capital (or sharecapital)Capital public reserve288,149,400.005,550,338.572

58、88,149,400.0014,348,726.93288,149,400.008,608,438.57288,149,400.0014,116,726.93Less: Inventory sharesReasonable reserveSurplus public reserve63,480,745.1663,480,745.1663,607,611.6363,480,745.16Provision of general riskRetained profit1,110,466,922.37586,841,864.40989,727,826.66579,298,401.00Balance d

59、ifference offoreign currency translationTotalownersequityattributableparent1,467,647,406.10952,820,736.491,350,093,276.86945,045,273.09companyMinority interests77,562,998.1576,582,397.01Total owners equityTotal liabilities and ownersequity1,545,210,404.258,069,831,512.29952,820,736.492,676,127,524.8

60、71,426,675,673.877,680,629,146.67945,045,273.092,724,701,764.324.2 Profit statementPrepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Jan.-Mar. 2012Unit: RMBAmount in this periodConsolidation Parent CompanyAmount in last periodConsolidation Parent CompanyI. Total operating incomeIncluding:

61、Operating income4,274,691,013.504,274,691,013.50525,423,059.94525,423,059.943,534,426,881.473,534,426,881.47453,841,194.44453,841,194.44Interest incomeInsurance gainedCommission charge andcommission incomeII. Total operating costIncluding: Operating cost4,128,175,649.523,880,365,134.83525,426,697.28

62、498,089,934.803,428,078,335.113,190,422,022.92464,486,312.67433,808,415.71Interest expenseCommission charge andcommission expenseCash surrender valueNet amount of expenseof compensationNetamountofwithdrawal of insurancecontract reserveBonusexpenseofguarantee slipReinsurance expenseOperating tax and

63、extras10,249,357.931,330,854.188,177,784.52911,988.517toItemsChina National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012Sales expensesAdministrationexpensesFinancial expenses115,542,181.9076,371,797.8845,427,279.119,591,216.169,925,545.346,891,875.19117,886,305.8580,

64、064,449.1526,140,058.407,538,568.3015,490,744.577,050,860.61assetLosses of devaluation of219,897.87-402,728.395,387,714.27-314,265.03Add: Changing incomeof fair value(Loss is listedwith “-”)Investment income(Loss is listed with “-”)7,133,029.517,569,709.806,273,433.126,273,433.12Including: Investmen

65、tincomeonaffiliated7,133,029.517,133,029.516,273,433.126,273,433.12company and joint ventureExchange income (Lossis listed with “-”)III. Operating profit (Lossis listed with “-”)153,648,393.497,566,072.46112,621,979.48-4,371,685.11Add:incomeLess:expenseNon-operatingNon-operating1,880,398.82431,395.9

66、3246,516.01269,125.072,830,817.2236,019.88-7.85Including: Disposal lossof non-current asset81,021.9769,125.078,067.76IV. Total Profit (Loss islisted with “-”)Less: Income taxV. Net profit (Net loss islisted with “-”)155,097,396.3832,294,666.00122,802,730.387,543,463.407,543,463.40115,416,776.8226,51

67、9,899.5788,896,877.25-4,371,692.961,635,778.25-6,007,471.21Net profit attributable toowners equity of parent121,822,129.247,543,463.4087,197,481.02-6,007,471.21companyMinority shareholdersgains and lossesVI. Earnings per sharei. Basic earnings per shareii. Diluted earnings per shareVII. Other consol

68、idatedincome980,601.140.4230.4231,699,396.230.3030.303VIII. Total consolidatedincome122,802,730.387,543,463.4088,896,877.25-6,007,471.21Total consolidated incomeattributable to owners of121,822,129.247,543,463.4087,197,481.02-6,007,471.21parent companyTotal consolidated incomeattributableminority980

69、,601.141,699,396.23shareholdersConcerning the enterprise consolidation under common control occurred in the period; the mergeredparty realized net profit before consolidation amounting to -240,695.14 yuan.4.3 Cash flow statementPrepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Jan.-Mar. 2

70、012 Unit: RMBAmount in this periodConsolidation Parent CompanyAmount in last periodConsolidation Parent CompanyI. Cash flows arising fromoperating activities:8China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Cash received fromFull Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012selling commodities and3,779,49

71、8,907.42484,645,217.073,421,356,628.79512,728,220.34providing labor servicesNetcustomerincreasedepositofandinterbank depositNet increase of loanfrom central bankNet increase of capitalborrowedfromotherfinancial institutionCash received fromoriginal insurance contractfeeNet cash received fromreinsura

72、nce businessNet increase of insuredsavings and investmentNet increase of disposalof transaction financial assetCashreceivedfrominterest, commission chargeand commissionNet increase of capitalborrowedNet increase of returnedbusiness capitalWrite-backreceivedoftax163,222.8975,431.82Other cash received

73、concerningoperating17,797,483.613,557,267.6128,247,629.3310,330,297.16activitiesSubtotal of cash inflowarisingfromoperating3,797,459,613.92488,202,484.683,449,679,689.94523,058,517.50activitiesCashpaidforpurchasing commodities and3,725,221,147.10479,168,053.993,439,887,798.75603,678,760.41receiving

74、labor serviceNetincreaseofcustomer loans and advancesNet increase of depositsin central bank and interbankCash paid for originalinsurancecontractcompensationCash paid for interest,commission charge andcommissionCash paid for bonus ofguarantee slipCash paid to/for staffand workersTaxes paidOthercashp

75、aid139,233,755.22103,980,345.4915,761,713.235,045,537.47137,875,108.1184,541,630.6915,146,125.236,592,520.64concerningoperating100,461,903.0327,322,022.51104,707,412.9215,948,200.18activities9China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Subtotal of cash outflowFull Text of First Quarterly Report

76、for 2012arisingfromoperating4,068,897,150.84527,297,327.203,767,011,950.47641,365,606.46activitiesNet cash flows arisingfrom operating activities-271,437,536.92-39,094,842.52-317,332,260.53-118,307,088.96II. Cash flows arising frominvesting activities:Cash received fromrecovering investmentCash rece

77、ived frominvestment incomeNet cash received from9,752,052.28disposal of fixed, intangible207,915.00207,900.00505,236.40and other long-term assetsNet cash received fromdisposal of subsidiaries andother unitsOther cash received5,424,600.00concerninginvesting125,500,000.001,908,000.00activitiesSubtotal

78、 of cash inflowfrom investing activitiesCashpaidfor207,915.00140,884,552.282,413,236.40purchasing fixed, intangible45,372,897.36942,800.0041,755,033.011,613,807.64and other long-term assetsCashinvestmentNetpaidincreaseforof49,600,000.00mortgaged loansAcquisitionofsubsidiariesandother5,085,907.613,54

79、2,000.00business units,net cashOthercashpaidconcerninginvesting48,880,000.009,698,496.42activitiesSubtotal of cash outflowfrom investing activitiesNet cash flows arisingfrom investing activities50,458,804.97-50,250,889.9753,364,800.0087,519,752.2851,453,529.43-49,040,293.0351,213,807.64-51,213,807.6

80、4III. Cash flows arising fromfinancing activitiesCash received fromabsorbing investmentIncluding:Cashreceived from absorbingminorityshareholdersinvestment by subsidiariesCash received fromloans356,403,865.7870,000,000.00474,340,000.00280,000,000.00Cash received fromissuing bondsOther cash receivedco

81、ncerningfinancing345,255,690.18228,648,356.6418,838,396.82211,336,940.75activitiesSubtotal of cash inflowfrom financing activities701,659,555.96298,648,356.64493,178,396.82491,336,940.7510China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012Cash paid for settli

82、ngdebts211,686,102.1890,062,726.66102,958,420.8840,000,000.00Cash paid for dividendand profit distributing or37,264,660.3816,534,200.8418,904,425.6814,210,318.24interest payingIncluding: Dividend andprofitofminorityshareholdersubsidiariesOtherpaidcashbypaidconcerningfinancing317,345,129.32282,001,35

83、2.0632,727,621.72204,722,807.48activitiesSubtotal of cash outflowfrom financing activitiesNet cash flows arisingfrom financing activities566,295,891.88135,363,664.08388,598,279.56-89,949,922.92154,590,468.28338,587,928.54258,933,125.72232,403,815.03IV. Influence on cash andcash equivalents due toflu

84、ctuation in exchange rate-2,940.42-180.51V. Net increase of cash andcash equivalents-186,327,703.23-41,525,013.16-27,784,805.5362,882,918.43Add: Balance of cashand cash equivalents at the907,884,162.14164,840,499.86684,764,869.84135,498,819.87period -beginVI. Balance of cash and cashequivalents at t

85、he period -end721,556,458.91123,315,486.70656,980,064.31198,381,738.304.4 Auditor reportAuditors opinions: Un-audited4.5 Other eventsProgress of establishment of internal control for first quarterly of 2012 under the name of NationalAccordUnder requirement of “Basic Norms of Internal Control for Ent

86、erprises” and relevant regulationsand document requirements of “Notice of Standard Pilot for Internal Control of Listed Companiesin Shenzhen issued by Shenzhen Security Regulatory Bureau”, National Accord, in first quarterly of2012, has its internal control construction as:I. Particular about progre

87、ss based on establishment of internal control1. Organizing and completed self-assessment on internal control dated 31 December 2011,coordinate with PwC for auditing on internal control of the Company.2. The annual self-assessment report of internal control, without major defect of internal controlbe

88、en found, which have concerned with financial report and non-financial report, for year of 2011,has been issued outside by the Company. PwC carried out an auditing report for financial reportinternal control for year of 2011, in all major aspect of the Company, relevant notice has releasedexternally

89、.3. Combining with adjustment of structure and functions of the Company, organizing andcompleted the amendment of manual for system procedures for year of 2012 and self-assessment ofinternal control.4. Compiled and completed the working plans of risk control and process management for year of2012, m

90、ore details are:a. improved risk management system, standardized risk evaluation and analysis mechanism,well-defined and implemented integrity solution plan for major risks, renewal and perfected libraryof risk events and upgrade ability of risk prevention;b. continuous to optimized and improved sys

91、tem process (internal control) mechanism in11China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.Full Text of First Quarterly Report for 2012headquarters and vary business division, achieving full coverage of standards of self-assessment ofinternal control and compacting fundamental management;c. establ

92、ished and perfected internal control inspection and self-evaluation mechanism, completedself-assessment of internal control within the year and upgrade entirety execution.d. analysis and evaluated the feasibility of introduction of information technology means forinternal control mechanism.II. Compa

93、rison, reasons of differences and solutions with progress in working planBeing compared with plans involved in “implementation of Basic Norms of Internal Control forEnterprises”, the Company completed relevant works by strictly in line with the planning.Chairman: Wei YulinChina National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.23 April 201212



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