译林牛津版 9A Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar---Defining relative clauses 公开课教学课件共50张PPT

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1、Learning aims1.To learn to use defining relative clauses2. To learn to use relative pronouns who,which,that 翻翻译下列短下列短语。1.一位一位25岁男子的尸体岁男子的尸体2.发生;举行发生;举行3.在案发现场在案发现场4.在案发时在案发时thebodyofa25-year-oldmantakeplaceatthesceneofthecrimeatthetimeofthecrime5.在他被发现的地方在他被发现的地方6.看到不寻常事情的人看到不寻常事情的人7.好莱坞空前最好的明星好莱坞空前


3、hargesb.withdoingsth.makesb.someenemies什么是定语?I like the job.What job?well-paidWe use adjectives to describe someone or something.Have A Look1.Were asking anyone who saw anything unusual.2.Were now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case.3.The victims parents have offered a r

4、eward for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer. It is quiet and gentle.I like the music which/ that is quiet and gentle. I like the music.B:I like the groups that /who are_. young beautiful coolA:What kind of groups do you like? dance wellwrite their own songs sing well B:I like

5、the singerswho/that_.A:What kind of singers do you like? I like the music which/ that is quiet and gentle.I like the singers who/ that dance well.I like the singers who/ that write their own songs.Defining relative clausesAttributive clauses 定定语从句从句 一个句子充当定一个句子充当定语I like the pen. ( which one ?)The p

6、en cost me 10 yuan.I like cost me 10 yuan.which/that 先行词 关系代词关系代词就是用来代替先行词的 the pen = which/thatThe pen the pen.We use a sentence to describe someone or something. My dad has a friend who/that is good at English.Attributive clause关系代词who/that为引导词,在从句中代替friend.先行词先行词:是被定语从句所修饰的词,通 常是名词或代词。 关系代词: 是引导定

7、语从句的词,在从 句中替代先行词。 注意: 从句必须紧跟在先行词后。.先行词(名词/代词)+关系代词(who/whom/which/that)+ .The boy who is playing ping-pong is my classmate.Millie is writing down some sentences about the murder case. Help her decide whether they contain defining relative clauses. Underline the defining relative clauses. 1.Theyoungm


9、eenrunningdownCornStreet.6.Peoplehopethatthepolicewillcatchthemurderersoon._How to make a defining relative clause ?which代替事物,在从句中充当代替事物,在从句中充当主主语和和宾语1.I cant find the letter. The letter came this morning. 2.Please give me the book. The book is about travel.3.This is the bag. My mother bought it las

10、t week.4. The house is made of wood. Jack built the house. This is the bag which my mother bought last week.I cant find the letter which came this morning.Please give me the book which is about travel.The house which Jack built is made of wood. 关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略,做主语时,不能省略。 / /thatthatthatthatthat代替人

11、或物,在从句代替人或物,在从句中充当中充当主主语和和宾语。1.The boy is called Tom. The boy broke the window.The boy that broke the window is called Tom.2.Mr. Li is the person. You talked with the person on the bus.Mr. Liu is the person that you talked with on the bus. 关系代关系代词在从句中作在从句中作宾语时,可以省略。,可以省略。 /who代替人代替人.在从句中可充当在从句中可充当 主

12、主语。Do you know the girl?(which girl?)1.The girl is running on the grass.2. The girl likes singing very much.1.Do you know is running on the grass. 2.Do you know likes singing very much. who whothe girl The girlthe girlThe girl?who / whom代替人代替人,在从句中充当在从句中充当宾语。 He is the man. I told you about him. He

13、is the man I told you about . The man is a teacher. I saw the man just now.The man is a teacher. whoI saw just now whomthe man whowhomhim. How to use Relative pronouns?Discuss指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语that whichwho指人指人指物指物主语主语宾语宾语that whichwhoSummary 关系代词的用法 关系代词在从句的用法何时可以省略?做宾语时可以省略Simon and his friends are

14、playing a game. Each person has to say something about detective stories. Use who, which or that to help them complete their sentences.Simon:EdgarAllenPoewasthe man the man (1)_firstwrotedetectivestoriesinEnglish.Millie:Japanesewritershavewrittensomegreatstories(2)_requirereaderstocheckeverytinydeta

15、ilforpossiblecluestothecriminalcases.which/thatwho/thatDaniel:SherlockHolmesisacharacter (3)_wascreatedbyArthurConanDoyleasamasteratsolvingcrimes.Suzy:Conanisa detective (4)_appearsinacartoonseriespopularamongteenagersallovertheworld.Kitty:AgathaChristiewasafemalewriter(5)_isconsideredthequeenofcrim

16、enovels.who/thatwho/thatwho/that1.Ayoungmanwasmurderedyesterday./Hewassingle.Ayoungman_wasmurderedyesterday.A reporter is interviewing a police officer on TV about the murder in West Town. Millie is taking notes. Help her complete the sentences using relative clauses.who/thatwassingle2.Aknifewasfoun


18、_.who/thatmightbethemurdereroftheyoungmanA few days later, Millie is telling her dad about the murder. Complete their conversation with who, which or that and the expressions in the box.isnotallowedbythelawhisbosshadcommittedkilledtheyoungmanwasseenrunningdownthestreetDad:Hastherebeenanyprogressinth





23、n?that6)当主句以当主句以 who 或或 which开开头时,定,定语从句从句的关系的关系词用用 that, 而不用而不用 which 或或 who.Who is the girl that spoke to you just now?Which is the pen that you lost ?请从各从各题后所后所给的的A、B、C、D四个四个选项中中选出最佳答案。出最佳答案。1.Haveyoufoundthebook_youwant?A.whoB.thatC.whereD.when2.Idontknowthegirl_iswearingapairofsunglasses.A.whic

24、hB.whoC.whereD.when3.Themachine_Ihavelookedafterfortwentyyearsisstillworkingwell.A.whoB.whereC.whenD.which4. Do you know the man_ saved five people in the fire? A. who B. it C. when D. whom 5. Shirley is the girl _ taught me how to use Wechat(微信). A. whom B. which C. who 6. I like the writers _are p

25、opular among teenagers. Awho Bwhich Cwhom7. After Mandela was free (自由的) in 1990, he chose to shake hands with the people _ wanted to kill him. A. whose B. which C. / D. who8. I will never forget the day_ we spent in the old town with small houses. A. who B.whom C.that D.what9. People _ overweight n

26、eed more water than thin people. Awho is Bwhich are Cthat is Dwho areFill in the gaps.1.Theterribletyphoonkilledthepeopleandcattle_wereinthefields.2.Thewindblewdownthetallesttree_isinfrontofourschoolgate.3.Thisistheverything_Iwaslookingfor.thatthatthat4.Thisisthesecondnovel_Ihaveeverread.5.Thereisno

27、thingintheworld_canfrightenme.6.Whoistheman_isreadingunderthetree?7.Myhometownisnotthesameone_itusedtobetwentyyearsago.thatthatthatthat归纳:that,既指人又指物既指人又指物,作主作主语或或宾语。which,指物指物,作主作主语或或宾语。that指人指人时相当于相当于who或或whom,指物,指物时相当于相当于which。who指人,在从句中作主指人,在从句中作主语或或宾语。(whom指人,在从句中作指人,在从句中作宾语。)。)that,which,whom在定在定语从句中作从句中作宾语时,可省去。可省去。注意:注意:在含有定在含有定语从句的复合句中,如从句的复合句中,如果关系代果关系代词作从句的主作从句的主语,则从句中从句中谓语动词的人称和数与先行的人称和数与先行词保持一致。保持一致。1.Rememberwhatwehavelearnedaboutrelativeclauseinthislesson. 2.Dotheexercisesontheworkbook.



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