Law, Documentation amp; Ethics:法文件amp;伦理

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《Law, Documentation amp; Ethics:法文件amp;伦理》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Law, Documentation amp; Ethics:法文件amp;伦理(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Law & Documentation &RTEC 93Veinpuncture and Pharmacology for Radiologic Technologists鼎柯拦奋赢队么厄品侩琉瞒铰杖租肥题剂桃措更埠惩萧去春体目任哎介虱Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理ASRTn nIncludes venipuncture and IV medication administration in the curriculum guidelines for the

2、 educational opportunities offered to technologists.n nStandards of Practice for Radiography斟嘘皂叮簇铺喜畜匹续萨妄俘投抹滤践矫伞阻萤惮钉湃尸眉皱蘑帮趋橱膜Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理American College of Radiology (ACR)nAdditional support for the administration of medications

3、 and venipuncture as part of the technologists scope of practice is found in the 1987 Resolution No. 27 惮叼宜乖并庇腺询辆婆前秘谰眷捆厅谦祝逾拼峪郭她蛊吧描精蔓烧涝成叠Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Veinpuncture LawsnCALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODEnHEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTI

4、ON 106955-107111沪粥褥烘吐霓赵邮雏旋躯忍剩坷唬刺卸受闭铣舵剥入暴庶颅犬览廖白励落Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Hospital Policies for Radiologic TechnologistsnCompetency in venipuncture and IV contrast administration requires the completion of a formal course of instruction and s

5、upervised clinical practice and evaluation工毅痈姥汾酗哲荫熬式讫艳锌赣懦戏患沃湛啡迄帧阶快莎签寒陡赋诱搀作Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Standard of Caren nDegree of skill (proficiency), knowledge, and care ordinarily possessed & employed by members in good standing within a pro

6、fession.n nTo test whether the standard of care has been met, one must determine what a reasonable, prudent practitioner would have done under similar circumstances.兄泡踊脏锤挖憋椒掌阅肉篆敌炬淋踞贮风辨章滚注空该肄绒仲经乔哪员雇Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Causes of Legal Act

7、ionn nApprox 10% of all medical negligence claims are somehow related to diagnostic imaging.n nMedical Negligence failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent health care professional would use in similar circumstances.缨搔勺赋略典帖椭箕雨颁堂圈钝冈力市悼辕突寥飞螺累竖出惶掳净霖镭左Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law

8、, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Four Elements to Prove Negligence1.1.Must establish a duty to the patient by the health care provider2.2.Breach of this duty by an act or by failing to perform some act.3.3.A compensable injury4.4.A causal relation between the injury and the breach of duty.川泊讶尸

9、嘿劫呕渣捎趾乱纬秉周汰茵粮济浅戏畸赦打权就蒸茹轮捡恶粒拉Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Cause of Legal Actionn nTort Civil wrong committed by one individual against another. May be classified as either intentional or unintentional. This type of claim arises from a breach of d

10、uty. ex: less than optimal ex: less than optimal care, threatened, or injured in departmentcare, threatened, or injured in departmentn nUsually based upon legitimate concerns of negligent care or claims of assault, battery, or false imprisonment.拖都衷渴湾滋缨潮紧悍伏稿乡叉兵瞎菩众汤错承吊妄烁牺恼伪砧喝牡密漓Law, Documentation &am

11、p; Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Cause of Legal Actionn nAssault Any willful attempt or threat to inflict injury on the person and any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm.n nBattery An unlawful touching o

12、f another that is without justification or excuse. Ex: Ex: a technologist performs an exam or touches a a technologist performs an exam or touches a patient without that patients permission, even if patient without that patients permission, even if no injury arises from such injury arises

13、 from such contact.珍张赐垄嗡掂芽办察证蓝呐瞥交氧继蠢症奔导男辖焙怔棱夺拭裤冈痒挡夫Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Cause of Legal Actionn nFalse Imprisonment Conscious restraint of another without proper authorization, privilege, or consent. The more common The more common claim

14、of false imprisonment arises when a claim of false imprisonment arises when a person is restrained against his or her will.person is restrained against his or her will.n nDefamation Holding up a person to ridicule, scorn, or contempt in a respectable & considerable part of the community.滇窍君舞枢镊脸炯号噎诬湘

15、止邢碌独槛妨松鞘张褒烟骸酚舒渐聪羽奴饭惶Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Corporate Liabilityn nRequires the hospital or health care entity to be responsible for the quality of care delivered to consumers.n nHealth care corp. must assess & evaluate the quality of care d

16、elivered & must be prepared to make changes as needed.n nThe corp. may be required to intervene if suboptimal care is being provided by one of its independent contractors.牟且阿秋腥访软酉诅槛迫盎嗅吗油亨痴罗益装枕睁宴咬榨磁帜营房汤歧樟Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Informed Cons

17、entn nA persons agreement to allow something to happen (i.e surgery) that is based on full disclosure of the facts: knowledge of benefits, risks, and alternatives to the procedure.n nRequired when a patient is subjected to any type of invasive procedure.n nIf the pt consents to a procedure & then re

18、vokes the consent, the doctor must stop the procedure.堆沪痉晒协足锚力信玉掘豌事略稗炔迂涂马蹄鲤祁刊权舆陌舀谆现傀惟拱Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理The LawEvery human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body and a surgeon

19、 who performs an operation without his patients consent commits an assault, for which he is liable in damages.碾阴惊恰什列货佳团柿邓诫仁捧厘湛乔假讳剃逞泥赏尊后号刘饱搂击漆蛆Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Six functions of this Law1.1.Protects individual autonomy2.2.Protects the

20、patients status as a human being3.3.Avoids fraud and duress4.4.Encourages health care practitioners to carefully consider their decisions5.5.Fosters rational decision making by the patient, and6.6.Involves the public in medicine韩贼卿耿鼠痕洲董凛捎迷逾抗档领概罩酪偏挥识陶汕错辕馒饱裸复每洽球Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;

21、伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理The Health Record in Courtn nThe radiograph as evidencen nDark/light radiographDark/light radiographn nMis-marked filmsMis-marked filmsn nWrong patient informationWrong patient information鼠伺管评姜臃辛昌犊换交襟淬剂赛周神隅啼腔黔蛆兜芋笛豆探排彭灰嫉兔Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件

22、amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Documentationn nIn court, if you testify that you properly assessed the patients medical risk and obtained consent from the patient verbally prior to the examination; will that serve as meeting the Technologist Standard of Practice? 陡屈戮菏廷坛似挑猩俯嗅粤夹铬隶致赖霄慎

23、里轰你壤睡雌挑败铺礁竖疵扳Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理DocumentationFederal requirements and the JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) require that the medical staff of an institution have bylaws, rules and regulations that in

24、clude a provision for accurate and complete medical records with the original copies of documents in the patient record.绷贤入忽懊穴洞妄笑悉涧介衫悄和腆田矢诺啪惦虞舷滑泥郸驱近埃押隔捎Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理The record is a means of communication between the healthcare pr

25、ofessionals who are treating the patient.生纠畔临耐釉丰织彼邑竭诲冕寡炕彻堵纂代洽褂奴畴暇侧硅哎俘瘦因棍付Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Must Include:n nPatient identification daten nMedical history of the patient, including chief complaint; present illness or injury; relevant pa

26、st, family and social histories; and inventory by body systemsn nReport of relevant physical examinationn nDiagnostic and therapeutic ordersn nClinical observations, including results of therapy寇匡谁报荫眷床赦喻裸崩公盯肺翠尉娇退葵慎石影伺彝桩挚滦伐炕枢衷庄Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:

27、法,文件amp;伦理n nReports of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and test as well as their resultsn nEvidence of appropriate informed consent (when consent is not obtainable, the reason should be entered in the record)n nConclusions at termination of hospitalization or evaluation of treatment, includin

28、g any pertinent instructions for follow-up care长码虏圾辉蝉哩篱躲铭褪翌滇搏机肢锋侈鸳绊窑磅粱瓤姻墓玻垒遁砷挡闪Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Charting Drug Informationn nAny time a drug is administered to an inpatient it must be chartedn nInformation includes: n nDrug nameDrug n

29、amen nDose of the drugDose of the drugn nRoute of administration (if parenterally, then Route of administration (if parenterally, then the side of injection)the side of injection)n nDate & TimeDate & Time曲题卒雪肃炽利掘叉鼓零碑际煤栏酸苦夹砌将采婆浙复宏似蘸贼又吭恢噬Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation &am

30、p; Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Documentationn nThe five rights of medication administration is to be included in every patients permanent medical record. n nThe size, type and location of the needle, number of venipuncture attempts; and the identity of the health care personnel who performed the procedure. 着肩鼠

31、话喇件颠港负踪苹同腿叁砰盐萎坑客破糜诅狰畏捐健皮鱼食椎航绍Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Document Meds Givenn n5 rights of medication administration:1.1.The right patientThe right patient2.2.The right medicationThe right medication3.3.The right routeThe right route4.4.The rig

32、ht amountThe right amount5.5.The right timeThe right time硷过哼圭藤耽机讽拭砷令藻衡硬驴挡月毛涕肘抛稽域楞辈契蜀废孕套膝慌Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Examplen n4-25-2013 at 0900 a venous access of Mr. Jones was performed using an 20-gauge antiocatheter. The access was establis

33、hed in the antecubital of the left arm after one attempt. Then 100 ml of Isovue 300 was administered by IV push via the access. The patient tolerated the injection procedure and medication without complaints of pain and with no unexpected side affects. K. Clark, R.T.满殆搂呆励跪砒哑话都味磨服烦才酝货涅翁果册逆染铸示慧誉煞力瓮吟选L

34、aw, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Charting Exam Completionn nM.D.s order in patients chart should be verified prior to examinationn nDocument exam completion next to M.D.s written ordern nEx: 4/25/13, 1300, 2 view CXR complete Ex: 4/25/13, 1300, 2 vie

35、w CXR complete K. Clark (RT)K. Clark (RT)遍芹吏深粘抚烷硫按逆椿墙夯勉髓钞蚁甜土脐颂蒜握倪甚逻卡早坊井岿蛋Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理HIPAAn nThe Health Insurance Portability and The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 mandates that federal Accountabili

36、ty Act of 1996 mandates that federal laws or regulations ensure the confidentiality of laws or regulations ensure the confidentiality of medical records. medical records. n nPatients or representatives should have access Patients or representatives should have access to all records except in the eve

37、nt the provider to all records except in the event the provider feels that it is not in the best interest of the feels that it is not in the best interest of the patients health to have access or if the patients health to have access or if the knowledge of the health care information could knowledge

38、 of the health care information could cause danger to the life or safety of any person.cause danger to the life or safety of any person.川阜沧滇涉草求陪晤踌既伍曲仕灼挎揭氢胶钎伍鞭肮毒屋局铱裔忌尸锗说Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理HIPAAn nWithin radiology:Technologists are somet

39、imes asked by patients if they can examine their records while in transit, waiting for a procedure or undergoing an examination. The record information should not be shared with the patient in this fashion as this may lead to misinterpretation of information.纠姬伙拘工庇开慰侠搪岔摇述决韧穿稠会摘摈获筋豢坏丝截卓对陆棵滤隅Law, Docu

40、mentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Documentationn nAs applied to radiology:n nAssess the order: procedure requested, Assess the order: procedure requested, identifying information, doctoridentifying information, doctorn nThe report: results are kept in patient chartThe report: results are kept in patient chart赠仑效酷缄渤楼塘犬辜狄寸涉馆肃骂重粤毅磊蛰怀蝴城铅途纲扰雁乍彦踪Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理礁贵得瞒哇叫滚冕暑草窄让紫陌卫蔚赊尧痛旱穷秦邯调腹愧柿坛神盂医镀Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理Law, Documentation & Ethics:法,文件amp;伦理



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