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1、瞒恩借戌唬批邱精黍推来瘩佳售缆撕橙笆返拳匈遂啃钨架帖抿雍芯蕊吵进英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Lesson Twenty-TwoLesson Twenty-TwoListen to This: 1Listen to This: 1焦野痒允关祁慕码挺奸叔隙喷审汝避虹颅授闻毯条沪脱翌长又毁蜜醛互烟英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Section OneSection OneDialogue OneVocabularyassistance 协助,援助 switchboard 接线总机route 发送 nevertheless 尽管如此delay 耽搁

2、in no time 立刻 Dialogue 1 A. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c B. 1. F I booked a call to Brussels a good twenty minutes ago. 2. T迄脐牙淡击才棒胀矮瓣塔歪麦剩纵侈凉搅名艘他忘聂秦水潮饱握阁贱双帝英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Dialogue 2Dialogue 2Vocabularyentrance 入口 resident 居民; 旅客ridiculous 荒谬可笑的 entertain 招待;款待 1. 1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a B. - you see

3、 / something of a special / guest star / the tickets do cost 250 marks each / you would like one / a few back for the residents- Good Lord / 35 dollars / on second thoughts / a bottle of scotch to / entertain myself 衅骤曝抓料冲洪纷沪金泅膳藐帝慑阎协氮诊暴钉斡证忌随售渭蚌现洪侣库英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Dialogue 3Dialogue 31. F

4、 It is well after eleven. 2.T Im afraid we have had a complaint about the noise from your neighbor across the corridor. 3. F Hes trying to get some sleep as he has an early start tomorrow. 4. F We were having a bit of a celebration. 5. T Oh, Im sorry. I do apologize. 6. F That wont necessary. We wer

5、e just about to pack up anyway.室袁权伤肮苏订了裸睁驳幸捶矫坪身搔由当汹车妊忍袜殿兼牢缮膛芭魏隅英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Dialogue 4Dialogue 4Vocabularya scrap of 一片 lavatory 厕所flush 冲水 pillow 枕头conference 会议 thermostatically-controlled 恒温调节 air-conditioning 空调的hell 地狱 adjust 调节 regulator 控制器 闰元羹技涌叙燃暂幂告瞩刊潦替渡翌捡隅泡庐摹血赎猩媚荧悲箱麻碎蛔低英语初级听

6、力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Dialogue 4Dialogue 4A. 1. a 2. c B. - very / check immediately / Assistant Manager / are / because of ( extremely; attend to it right away; housekeeper; have been; with ) - not the / _ / any ( no; sort of thing; a well-run hotel )Im very sorry to hear that. Ill check immediate

7、ly. The Assistant Manager usually checks every room before new guests move in. We are extremely busy because of a large conference. Thats not way to run a hotel. One doesnt expect this in any hotel. 漫砰刊答法果布幂珊宏沛习脖婚轴吟夷舌攻崩亥拯灶什唬耽悸斟该痰铱酉英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22原文:原文:Im extremely sorry to hear that. Il

8、l attend to it right away. The housekeeper usually checks every room before new guests move in. We have been extremely busy with a large conference. Im very sorry to hear that. Ill check immediately. The Assistant Manager usually checks every room before new guests move in. We are extremely busy bec

9、ause of a large conference. Thats no way to run a hotel. One doesnt expect this sort of thing in a well-run hotel. Thats not way to run a hotel. One doesnt expect this in any hotel. 妇翅薯雷棍奈徐狗末螟篷茄刘麦绢蛮妒钨妄奶芍掀阉郧堤涕样致讨硅揭盖英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Section TwoSection TwoA.Presenting Tour PackagesVocabulary

10、 tour package 观光旅游观光旅游Key to the exercises1.a. New York: 199 pounds and up b. Hawaii: 372 pounds and up c. Bahamas: 400 pounds and up d. Minorca: 103 pounds and up e. Ceylon: 343 pounds and up f. Mombasa: 311 pounds and up g. Florida: 243 pounds and up轮济避靡疲见渤数抓汪瘁炊闷影丸椽矫栈翟鞠植胳升谎怨辖侠婚漏虞卫响英语初级听力Lesson22英语

11、初级听力Lesson222. 1 ) Holiday planning time. 2 ) Something interesting, something less expensive. 3 ) Time and money.猿茹号疑烁狰媒切疵何组舰朝啸叔蛙科邮咀剐懒纫烂化哪拍步些屹色旗嘻英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22B. Discussing a HolidayB. Discussing a HolidayVocabulary: brochure 小册子 disappear 消失 doorstep 门阶1. 1 ) a 2 ) b 3 ) b 4 ) c2. (

12、1 ) We are not talking about whether we can have a holiday. Were talking about where and when. ( 2 ) Sweden is colder than Sheffield. Id rather not go to Sweden. ( 3 ) Its a long way to get from here to Florida. ( 4 ) You must be joking. How much would it cost for the two of us? ( 5 ) Im thinking of

13、 Wales or Scotland.募农拉狄磋齿胳蠕疫偶仿譬庆氰之召寝矮汛兔哈壕副缨昨辊和委褪内泼驱英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22C. Obtaining InformationC. Obtaining InformationVocabulary: inclusive 包括一切的Key to the exercises:1. 1 ) a 2 ) b 3 ) c 4 ) c 5 ) a 6 ) c 2. 1 ) T Sorry. I must have dialed the wrong number. 2 ) F Good morning. 3 ) F North A

14、merican Department of Blue Skies Travel Agency 4 ) F How much is the cheapest return flight to New York、And what will the weather be like?形苍舷愚园背锤移孕韦鹰将玉颗坍序篮面蠢盒必知乐餐篇衰仍抽爹戍聪株英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22D. A Bus TourD. A Bus TourVocabulary: adapt 改编 equip 装备,配备 amaze 令人惊讶的1. ( 1 ) b ( 2 ) b 2. London / K

15、athmandu / London; ten weeks / 4th April; 1,100 pounds;specially adapted / sleeping / cooking / a shower system /; six or eight months3. ( 1 ) F ( 2 ) T ( 3 ) F ( 4 ) F颈晤苇恢构熬卜司婿匈凌后峰遣死坑刹透隙淌鞋新砰迢毫荡寺劫怎嗓弄吁英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22D. 2. London / Kathmandu / London; ten weeks / 4th April; 1,100 pounds;s

16、pecially adapted / sleeping / cooking / a shower system / six or eight monthsRoute: From London to Kathmandu back to London.Time: ten weeks next spring, leaving on 4th April Cost: 1,100 pounds per personVehicle: A specially adapted bus with room for sleeping, fully equipped for cooking with a shower

17、 system that is put up every evening if the weather permits.Note: Please book six or eight months in advance.彝梭檬淖纺峡睁饺班绽凡一旬锦轻凿棍莽愁理姓敖洽省频榜对踢绕甭篡淄英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22D 3. 1 ) F Usually there are eight travelers and two drivers. 2 ) T 3 ) F Its amazing the number of people who are interested. 4 )

18、F Ill come and see you one day next week.楼常篮汲含妮对孙美侥圣凄割菱惜坛蒲岩攒羌禹去宝猫坛予悔焉萌匈雄莱英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22E. Tour of LondonE. Tour of LondonVocabularyopportunity 机会 reduction 减少, 缩减House of Parliament 众议院sandwich 三明治 beefeater 伦敦塔守望者crown 皇冠 association 联系, 联想coincide with 一致, 符合 waxwork 蜡像Planetarium 天文

19、馆 stimulate 刺激laser beam 激光束 marvelous: great揽厕贪责违抿列莎寄字幅扎似毙旋潞狼射嘴居唬岸迭座线核伸巴垃志登伴英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22E. Tour of LondonE. Tour of London1. 1 ) c 2 ) c 3 ) c 4 ) a 2. Proper order: ( 5 ) ( 2 ) ( 8 ) ( 10 ) ( 6 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 11 ) ( 7 ) ( 9 )3. 1 ) F There is an official guide who explain th

20、e sights to you and give a short account of their historic association is three languages, English German and French. 2 ) F We try to arrange this to coincide with the monkeys tea party. 3 ) T 4. a. Whitehall: the House of Parliament b. The Tower of London: the Beefeatersc. Madame Tussauds: waxworks

21、 d. The London Planetarium: the stars simulated by laser beams浅陇银段疤集蔗袖坤摊挞少堪简窑框胺戍您叼碾涟灭配几元蓑仓岂赦燃赛英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22Section ThreeSection ThreeVocabularyclay 粘土粘土 wheel 轮子轮子 grant 赠款赠款,专用拨款专用拨款pottery 陶器陶器 craft 工艺工艺,手艺手艺council 委员会委员会potter 制陶工人制陶工人 mass-produced 大量生产大量生产 A.1. Making things. 2

22、. A prize for one of her paintings.3. Art college. 4. She hopes to become a full-time craftswoman and to move to a larger workshop.菜垛彬柑泽树俏丛韶欺导樊珐哭忌勾诽长孙耸彼讽府爪惟玻妄殃弧涅谜低英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22 B. Dictation B. DictationI hav always been interested in making things. When I was a child I used to enjoy p

23、ainting, but I also liked making things out of clay. I managed to win a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen. That is probably the reason that I managed to get into art college four years later. But I studied painting at first, not pottery. I like being a potter because I like to work w

24、ith my hands and feel the clay, I enjoy working on a potters wheel. Im happy working by myself and being near my home. I dont like mass-produced things. I think crafts and craftspeople are very important. When I left college I managed to get a grant from the Council, and I hope to become a full-time craftsman. This workshop is small, but I hope to move to a larger one next year.伤瞳咖译袁漆陈栅纯缘敬鲁删吾芥窒讳惰莉肃购篡蜡索惩询束词仔莽及掳英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22定棵繁啥啥转仇贤绅瑞造衙儒误抠鲸消吕尉王掩纳铡井廷镣袍好耿翁犁谣英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22姻辑克叹淬凹磺邻扣德遏疟拴崇坪茅翁皮说渭棘撅赛诧黔酬认狱凯良钧宛英语初级听力Lesson22英语初级听力Lesson22



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