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1、八单元八单元短语短语1.在一月一日在一月一日on January First=on January 1ston February Fifth=on February 5thon March Ninth=on March 9thon April Eleventh=on April 11th2.在二月五日在二月五日3.在三月九日在三月九日4.在四月十一日在四月十一日6.在六月十五日在六月十五日on May Twelfth=on May 12thon June Fifteenth= on June 15thon July nineteenth=on July 19th5.在五月十二日在五月十二日7.

2、在七月十九日在七月十九日8.在八月二十二日在八月二十二日on August Twenty-second=on August 22ndon September Twentieth=on September 20thon October Twenty-eighth=on October 28th9.在九月二十日在九月二十日10.在十月二十八日在十月二十八日11.在十一月三十日在十一月三十日12.在十二月三十一日在十二月三十一日on November Thirtieth=on November 30thon December Thirty-first=on December 31st13.生日快乐!

3、生日快乐!14.祝你生日快乐!祝你生日快乐!15.在八月在八月16.在十二月在十二月17.今天下午三点今天下午三点Happy birthday!Happy birthday to you!in Augustin Decemberat three this afternoon18.再见再见!19.一会儿见一会儿见!20.明天见明天见!See you!See you later!See you tomorrow!21.在六日在六日on the 6thhave an English test22.进行英语测进行英语测验验23.举行学校旅行举行学校旅行24.举行一个英语晚会举行一个英语晚会25.举行一

4、场篮球赛举行一场篮球赛26.举行一场足球比赛举行一场足球比赛27.学校开放日学校开放日have a school triphave an English partyhave a basketball gamehave a soccer gameSchool Day28.进行图书甩卖进行图书甩卖 have a book saleEnglish Day30.举办艺术节举办艺术节have an art festivalSports Dayin the morning29.英语英语日日31.运动日运动日32.在上午在上午33.在下午在下午in the afternoon34.在晚上在晚上35.下个月下

5、个月36.在学校图书馆在学校图书馆37.在星期天上午在星期天上午38.在五月六日下午在五月六日下午in the eveningnext monthin the school libraryon Sunday morningon May 6th afternoon=on the afternoon of May 6th句句 子子1.你什么时候生日?你什么时候生日?2.我一月二十三日生日。我一月二十三日生日。3.他什么时候生日?他什么时候生日?4.他二月二日生日。他二月二日生日。When is your birthday?My birthday is on January 23rd.When is

6、 his birthday.His birthday is on February 2nd5.Linda什么时候生日?什么时候生日?6.Linda 九月十八日生日九月十八日生日Lindas birthday is on September 18th.When is Lindas birthday.7.你母亲什么时候生日?你母亲什么时候生日?8.我母亲十二月二十五日生日。我母亲十二月二十五日生日。When is your mothers birthday?My mothers birthday is on December 25th.9.你几岁了?你几岁了?10.我十四岁。我十四岁。11.她几岁

7、了?她几岁了?12.她二十五岁了。她二十五岁了。How old are you?How old is she?I am fourteen.=Im 14 years old.She is twenty-five=She is 25 years old.13.Bob 几岁了?几岁了?14.Bob四十八岁了。四十八岁了。15.他的父亲多大岁数了?他的父亲多大岁数了?16.他的父亲六十九岁了。他的父亲六十九岁了。How old is Bob?Bob is forty-eight=Bob is 48 years old.How old is his father?His father is sixty-

8、nine=His father is 69 years old.Is your birthday on January 1st?17.你的生日是一月一日你的生日是一月一日吗?吗?18.不,是在六日。不,是在六日。No, its on the 6th.We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.19.这个学期我们为你们安排了一些有趣的事。这个学期我们为你们安排了一些有趣的事。20.在在9月月21日下午我们举行一次学校郊游日下午我们举行一次学校郊游21.十月是一个非常好的月份。十月是一个非常好的月份。22.学校开放日在十月二十

9、二日。学校开放日在十月二十二日。On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.October is a great month.School Day is on October 22nd.23.你的父母可以来我们学校。你的父母可以来我们学校。24.这是一个真正忙碌的学期。这是一个真正忙碌的学期。25.祝你过得愉快!祝你过得愉快!Your parents can come to our school.This is a really busy term!Have a good time!练习练习对划线部分提问1.My birt

10、hday is on May 24th.2.Her birthday is on August 16th.3.Mikes birthday is on November 30th.4.Her brothers birthday is on July 21st.When is your birthday?When is her birthday?When is Mikes birthday?When is her brothers birthday?5.I am 14.6.He is 56 years old.7.Alan is fifty-two.8.The boys are sixteen

11、years old.9.My grandfather is 86 years old.How old are you?How old is he?How old is Alan?How old are the boys?How old is your grandfather?用用on,in,at,for填空填空1.We have an art festival_October 16th.2.Our School Day is_February.3.The music class starts _8:00a.m.4.We have an class_45 minutes(分钟分钟).5.The

12、girls birthday is _ April.6.Helens birthday is _June 9th.7.They have a party _three this afternoon.8.The students play soccer _ an hour.oninatforinonatfor九单元九单元短语短语1.上课上课2.上地理课上地理课3.上两节课上两节课4.上一节历史课上一节历史课5.我最喜欢的科目我最喜欢的科目have classhave geography classhave two classeshave a history classmy favorite su

13、bject6.做游戏做游戏7.和我们一起做游戏和我们一起做游戏8.第二天第二天9.无疑,肯定无疑,肯定10.从从到到the next dayfor surefromtoplay gamesplay games with us 11.在星期一在星期一12.在星期二在星期二13.在星期三在星期三14.在星期四在星期四15.在星期五在星期五16.在星期六在星期六17.在星期天在星期天18.然后,在那之后然后,在那之后19.从从12点到点到1点点on Mondayon Tuesdayon Wednesdayon Thursdayon Fridayon Saturdayon Sundayafter th

14、atfrom 12:00 to 1:00句子句子1.你最喜欢的科目是什么?你最喜欢的科目是什么?2.我最喜欢的科目是历史。我最喜欢的科目是历史。3.她最喜欢的科目是什么?她最喜欢的科目是什么?4.她最喜欢的科目是科学。她最喜欢的科目是科学。5.Frank 最喜欢的科目是什么?最喜欢的科目是什么?What is your favorite subject?My favorite subject is history.Whats her favorite subject?Her favorite subject is science.Whats Franks favorite subject?6.

15、Frank最喜欢的科目是语文最喜欢的科目是语文7.这个孩子最喜欢的科目是什么?这个孩子最喜欢的科目是什么?8.这个孩子最喜欢的科目是数学。这个孩子最喜欢的科目是数学。9.你为什么喜欢体育?你为什么喜欢体育?10.他为什么喜欢英语?他为什么喜欢英语? Franks favorite subject is Chinese.What is the childs favorite subject?The childs favorite subject is math.Why do you like P.E.?Why does he like English?11.你的哥哥为什么喜欢地理?你的哥哥为什么

16、喜欢地理?12.因为它很有趣。因为它很有趣。13.你今天过得怎么样?你今天过得怎么样?14.还行吧。还行吧。15.我喜欢星期一因为我上体育和历史课。我喜欢星期一因为我上体育和历史课。16.你的体育老师是谁?你的体育老师是谁?Why does your brother like geography?Because its interesting.Hows your day?Its OK.I like Monday because I have P.E. and history.Who is your P.E. teacher?17.他的语文老师是谁?他的语文老师是谁?18.你姐姐的音乐老师是谁?

17、你姐姐的音乐老师是谁?19.他总是和我们一起做游戏。他总是和我们一起做游戏。20.我认为历史很有趣。我认为历史很有趣。21.你最喜欢哪一天?你最喜欢哪一天?Who is his Chinese teacher?Who is your sisters music teacher?He always plays games with us.I think history is interesting.Whats your favorite day?22.因为第二天是星期六。因为第二天是星期六。23.的确如此。的确如此。/ 确实是这样。确实是这样。24.你什么时候上地理课?你什么时候上地理课?25.

18、星期一和星期五。星期一和星期五。26.他什么时候上数学课?他什么时候上数学课?Because the next day is Saturday.Thats for sure.When is your geography class?Its on Monday and Friday?When is his math class? 27.在星期一,星期二,星期四和星期五在星期一,星期二,星期四和星期五28.这些孩子什么时候上体育课?这些孩子什么时候上体育课?29.在星期三和星期五。在星期三和星期五。30.星期五我很忙碌,八点钟我上数学课。星期五我很忙碌,八点钟我上数学课。It is on Mond

19、ay, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.When is the childrens P.E. class?Its on Wednesday and Friday.Im very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math.31.老师说它很有用,但是我认为它很难。老师说它很有用,但是我认为它很难。32.它很难但是很有趣。它很难但是很有趣。33.午饭从午饭从12点到点到1点。点。34.我的课程我的课程1:50结束。结束。The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.It i

20、s difficult but interesting.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00.My classes finish at 1:50.35.但随后我有一节两小时的美术课。但随后我有一节两小时的美术课。 36.它实在很轻松。它实在很轻松。37.你呢?你呢?38.你什么时候上课?你什么时候上课?But after that l have an art lesson for two hours.It is really relaxing.How about you?When are your classes?39.那对你来说合适吗?那对你来说合适吗?40.谢谢你的电子邮

21、件。谢谢你的电子邮件。41.我想周五下午和你见面。我想周五下午和你见面。42.开学第一天过得怎么样?开学第一天过得怎么样?43.很高兴见到我所有的朋友。很高兴见到我所有的朋友。Is that OK with you?Thank you for your e-mail.I want to meet you on Friday afternoon.Hows your first day of school?Im happy to see all my friends.44.我也是。我也是。45.你不喜欢哪科?你不喜欢哪科?46.你还好吗?你还好吗?47.你怎么了?你怎么了?48.星期二我有两节数学

22、课。星期二我有两节数学课。Me, too.What subject do you not like?Are you OK?What s wrong?I have two math classes on Tuesday.49.我父亲说它很有趣。我父亲说它很有趣。50.但是我不这样认为。但是我不这样认为。51.那么你最喜欢的科目是什么?那么你最喜欢的科目是什么?52.你们什么时候上语文课?你们什么时候上语文课?53.我现在必须走了。我现在必须走了。54.音乐课见。音乐课见。My father says it is interesting.But I dont think so.So whats y

23、our favorite subject?When is your Chinese class?I have to go now!See you at music class.练习练习对划线部分提问对划线部分提问1.My favorite subject is music.2.His favorite subject is geography.3.Marys favorite subject is science.4.Her sisters favorite subject is history.What is your favorite subject?Whats his favorite

24、subject?What is Marys favorite subject?Whats her sisters favorite subject?5.l like Chinese because it is interesting.6.He likes P.E. because it is relaxing.7.Alan goes to school late because he is tired.8. The girl wants to be a teacher because she likes children.Why do you like Chinese?Why does he

25、like P.E.?Why does Alan go to school late?Why does the girl want to be a teacher?9.My English teacher is Mr. Smith.10. Her math teacher is Mr. Green.11.Helens art teacher is Ms. Hu.12.His friends history teacher is Mr. Liu.Who is your English teacher?Who is her math teacher?Who is Helens art teacher

26、?Who is his friends history teacher?13.My history class is on Tuesday and Thursday.14.Their geography class is on Monday and Friday.15.The students P.E. class is on Wednesday and Monday.16.Alices math class is from Monday to Friday.When is your history class?When is their geography class.When is the

27、 students P.E. class?When is Alices math class?同义句转换同义句转换1.My favorite subject is English.2.His favorite subject is math.3.Toms favorite subject is Chinese.4.My sisters favorite subject is geography.I like English best.He likes math best.Tom likes Chinese best.My sister likes geography best.5.I like

28、 music best.6.She likes P.E. best.7.The students like science best.8. Mike likes math best.My favorite subject is music.Her favorite subject is P.E.The students favorite subject is science.Mikes favorite subject is math.9.Whats your favorite subject?10.What is his favorite subject?11.What is Kites f

29、avorite subject?12.What is her brothers favorite subject?What subject do you like best?What subject does he like best?What subject does Kite like best?What subject does her brother like best?13.What subject do you like best?14.What subject does he like best?15.What subject do the girls like best?16.

30、What subject does your friend like best?What is your favorite subject?Whats his favorite subject?What is the girls favorite subject?Whats your friends favorite subject?17.whats your favorite color?18.My favorite color is blue.19.What is his favorite sport?20.His favorite sport is baseball.What color

31、 do you like best?I like blue best.What sport does he like best?He likes baseball best.21.What city does your friend like best?22.My friend likes Beijing best.23.What food do they like best?24.They like bread best.What is your friends favorite city?My friends favorite city is Beijing.What is their f

32、avorite food?Their favorite food is bread.25.Whats the childs favorite fruit?26.The childs favorite fruit is apples.27. What vegetable do the children like best?28.The children like tomatoes best.What fruit does the child like best?The child likes apples best.Whats the childrens favorite vegetable?The childrens favorite vegetable is tomatoes.



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