微语境续写 自立自强 破茧成蝶 2024届高三下学期英语作文复习专项

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1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,自立,自强 破茧成蝶,续,写指导,掌握人生逆境的英语表达;,掌握自强不息的英语表达;,掌握自强自立的主题升华。,目标任务,1.despite his physical limitations,2.have physical disabilities,3.be too selfish to give,4.His hair was a mess and his shirt was dirty,5.accept more challenges,6.everything changes,7.lose my friends,8.

2、be filled with pity,9.cry/shout/scream/call for help,10.in need of immediate medical help,词汇预习任务,尽管他的身体有缺陷,有身体残疾,太自私而不能给予,他的头发一团糟,衬衫也很脏,接受更多挑战,一切都变了,失去我的朋友,充满怜悯,大声呼救,需要立即的医疗帮助,11.be close to tears,12.His courage was in decline,13.lose their jobs,14.be sick in bed,pletely destroy his home,16.depend o

3、n the hard work of my parents,17.there was no hope of rescue,18.look down upon sb,19.laugh at,20.play tricks on sb,词汇预习任务,快要哭了,勇气正在衰退,失去工作,卧病在床,彻底摧毁了他的家,依靠我父母的辛勤工作,救援没有希望,看不起某人,嘲笑,捉弄某人,21.positive attitude,22.remain determined,23.work hard,24.never gives up his dreams,25.achieve/pursue their goals a

4、nd dreams,26.overcome obstacles/difficulties/challenges,27.keep doing the right things,28.control the result,29.take in enough air,30.make more attempts,词汇预习任务,积极的态度,保持坚定,努力工作,从不放弃他的梦想,追求他们的目标和梦想,克服障碍,继续做正确的事情,控制结果,深深呼气,做更多的尝试,31.struggle to make ends meet,32.make up ones mind to do,33.need our help

5、,34.collect money,35.solve my trouble,36.take care of,37.reach out to sb,38.conduct some market research,39.start a new business,40.accept my money,词汇预习任务,努力维持收支平衡,下定决心做,需要我们的帮助,筹钱,解决我的麻烦,照顾好,向某人伸出援手,进行一些市场调查,开办新企业,接受我的钱,41.get something from,42.hand sth to sb,43.courage,44.perseverance,45.determina

6、tion,46.self-confidence,47.self-belief,48.read the lesson of success,49.put on my brightest and happiest smile,50.be touched beyond words,词汇预习任务,从,得到一些东西,把某物交给某人,勇气,毅力,决心,自信,自信心,自信,自信心,理解成功的教训,露出我最灿烂、最幸福的笑容,无法用语言表达的感动,51.pass on sth to sb,52.find nothing in my pocket,53.Every failure is a step towar

7、d success.,54.inspire people to,55.have an effect on sb,56.a small act of kindness,57.make a great difference to them,58.just as a saying goes,“nothing is better than friendship.”,词汇预习任务,把某事传给某人,在我的口袋里什么也找不到,每一次失败都是迈向成功的一步。,激励人们,对某人有影响,小小的善举,对他们有很大的影响,俗话说:“没有什么比友谊更好。”,语境,1,:患小儿麻痹症的学生,David,怕别人嘲笑打算放弃

8、赛跑,我鼓励他。,(,字数,80,左右,),(第二段),I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.,微语境任务,1,:,David,毅然参加赛跑,其他人的鼓励 升华:微笑,自信,微语境任务,1,:,Looking,I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.,I knew that he found out his answer.He practiced hard so that what he

9、 wanted most was just to take part in the run.When the gun came,he started to run.As expected,he fell behind others after a short time.But no one laughed at him!Instead,they stood up and clapped for him.Even another boy ran beside him,cheering for him.Although it was tough for him,he kept moving for

10、ward,with his usual simile lighting up his face and giving him confidence to move on.,(,91 words,),David,毅然参加赛跑 其他人的鼓励 升华:微笑,自信,小男孩,David,母亲生病,只有,1,美元想购蛋糕送母亲当作礼物。,(,字数,80,左右,),(,第二段,),The,owner handed a large cake to David.,微语境,任务,2,向老板感谢 妈妈心中的感动 升华:小善举大影响,微语境,任务,2,The,owner handed a large cake to D

11、avid.,It was the most beautiful cake that he had ever seen.The owner went over and patted him on the head.With his eyes lit up,David made a slight bow and said to him in a low voice,“Thank you,sir!”When catching sight of the cake,his mother couldnt help holding back her eyes and circled the boy in h

12、er arms tightly.Putting on the brightest and happiest smile on his face,David was only too aware that a small kind act of the owner made a great difference to him and his family.(96 words),向老板感谢 妈妈心中的感动 升华:小善举大影响,孤儿(,orphan,),David,性格孤僻不愿与人交往,我想方设法帮助他。,(,字数,80,左右,),(,第二段,),Looking,at the lonely boy,

13、I came up to him,.,微语境,任务,3,请他帮忙拿笔 聊天 升华:小事影响极大,微语境,任务,3,Looking,at the lonely boy,I came up to him.,Putting on a bright and sweet smile,I said in a low voice,“Could you do me a favour and bring me a pen from my office?Thank you.”It seemed that he couldnt believe that he could help me and that I exp

14、ressed thanks to him.But without saying anything,he went toward my office.After he came back,we had a nice talk about his interest for a long time.Catching sight of him laughing and talking,I was only too aware that a small act would make a great difference to the little boy.(97 words),请他帮忙拿笔 聊天 升华:

15、小事影响极大,男孩,David,父亲生病,母亲无法上班,他要晚上在街上卖玫瑰挣钱。,(,字数,80,左右,),(,第二段,),With,everything ready,David started out on his new business,.,微语境,任务,4,背,上花艰难卖花 得钱,11,美元 升华:星光,去除黑暗,微语境,任务,4,With,everything ready,David started out on his new business.,He packed his backpack with all the roses.What he wanted most was j

16、ust to make some money so that his mother wouldnt feel so difficult.The weather was not good enough.But he went up and down on the street,his body was thin,his hair was a mess and his coat was dirty.Late in the evening,in his pocket was 11 dollars.Walking toward his home,he looked up at the stars in the sky,with its twinkling rays lighting up his heart and directing him to move on.(92 words),背上花艰难卖花 得钱,11,美元 升华:星光,去除黑暗,高中生,David,梦想加入足球队但在选拔中失利。,(,字数,80,左右,),(,第二段,),With,his heart sinking,D



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