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1、第二版第二版状语从句状语从句(目的、结果、让步状语从句)(目的、结果、让步状语从句)热身训练热身训练 用适当的连接词填空。用适当的连接词填空。1. It was _ cold outside _ hehad to wear a warm hat.2. She didnt work hard _ she failed in the exam.sothatso that3. Jack spends much money on books _ he is not rich.4. He got up early _ he couldnt be late for work.5. _ Im very ti

2、red, I still want to go on working.thoughso thatThough融会贯通融会贯通所谓状语从句指的是在句中作状语,起所谓状语从句指的是在句中作状语,起副词作用的句子。根据其作用可以分为时副词作用的句子。根据其作用可以分为时间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让间、地点、原因、条件、目的、结果、让步、方式和比较等状语从句。状语从句一步、方式和比较等状语从句。状语从句一般由连接词或词组来引导。从句位于句首般由连接词或词组来引导。从句位于句首时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可时通常用逗号与主句隔开,位于句尾时可以不用逗号隔开。现在,我们主要学习一以不用逗号隔

3、开。现在,我们主要学习一下目的、结果及让步状语从句。下目的、结果及让步状语从句。 目的状语从句是表示行为目的的状语目的状语从句是表示行为目的的状语从句,引导词主要有从句,引导词主要有so that和和in order that,意为意为“以便;为了以便;为了”。从句中的谓语常含。从句中的谓语常含有有may, might, can, could, shall, should, will,would等情态动词。如:等情态动词。如:Speak loudly so that everyone can hear youclearly. 大声说以便让每个人都能听清楚。大声说以便让每个人都能听清楚。We w

4、orked hard in order that we could passthe exam. 我们努力学习,为了能通过考试。我们努力学习,为了能通过考试。当主句的主语和从句的主语相同时,可当主句的主语和从句的主语相同时,可以用以用(in order) to或或so as to来替换。如:来替换。如:We turned on the light so that we might seewhat it was. 我们打开灯,以便看看它是什么。我们打开灯,以便看看它是什么。=We turned on the light (in order) to / so asto see what it was

5、. 结果状语从句是表示主句的动作或状态所结果状语从句是表示主句的动作或状态所引起的结果的状语从句,通常由引起的结果的状语从句,通常由so / such that来引导,意为来引导,意为“如此如此以致以致”。so修饰形容词或副词,构成修饰形容词或副词,构成“so+形容词形容词/副词副词+that+从句从句”,such修饰名词,构成修饰名词,构成“such + a/an + 可数名词单数可数名词单数+that +从句从句”或或“such +形容词形容词+可数名词复数可数名词复数 / 不可数名词不可数名词+that +从句从句”。另外,。另外,so 还可以与表示数量的形还可以与表示数量的形容词容词m

6、any, few, much, little等连用,构成等连用,构成“so + many / few+可数名词复数可数名词复数+that+从句从句”或或“so + much / little+不可数名词不可数名词+that+从句从句”。有时,这些结构还可以相互转。有时,这些结构还可以相互转换。如:换。如:They are such interesting novels that I wantto read them once again. 它们是一些如此有趣的小说,以致于我还它们是一些如此有趣的小说,以致于我还想再读一遍。想再读一遍。I have so little money that I

7、cant lend youany. 我的钱很少,不能借给你。我的钱很少,不能借给你。The boy is so clever that everybody likeshim. 那个男孩如此聪明,以致于大家都非常那个男孩如此聪明,以致于大家都非常喜欢他。喜欢他。=He is such a clever boy that everybodylikes him.注意注意 so that也可以用来引导结果状语从也可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为句,意为“因此,所以因此,所以”,这时从句中的谓语,这时从句中的谓语不含有情态动词。它不同于不含有情态动词。它不同于so that引导的引导的结果状语从句:前者所

8、表示的结果往往与主结果状语从句:前者所表示的结果往往与主句有因果关系,而后者所表示的结果往往是句有因果关系,而后者所表示的结果往往是表明表明so后面的形容词或副词的程度。如:后面的形容词或副词的程度。如:He worried so that he didnt sleep. 他担心他担心得睡不着觉得睡不着觉。(睡不着觉的原因是因为担心睡不着觉的原因是因为担心)She speaks so fast that no one can catchher. 她说话太快,没人能听得懂她说话太快,没人能听得懂。(说话速度说话速度快到没人能听得懂的程度快到没人能听得懂的程度) 让步状语从句是表示条件退让一步的让

9、步状语从句是表示条件退让一步的状语从句,有状语从句,有“虽然,尽管,即使虽然,尽管,即使”等意等意思。通常由思。通常由although, though, even if, even though等来引导,可以放在句首或句尾。等来引导,可以放在句首或句尾。注意:、注意:、although和和though 不可以与不可以与but连连用,但可以与用,但可以与yet, still连用。如:连用。如:We wont give up even if / even though we fail ten times. 即使我们失败十次也决不放弃。即使我们失败十次也决不放弃。Though he looks we

10、ak, yet he is veryhealthy. 尽管他看起来虚弱,但却很健康。尽管他看起来虚弱,但却很健康。跟踪训练跟踪训练. 按要求改写下列句子。每空一词。按要求改写下列句子。每空一词。(缩略缩略词可算一空词可算一空)1. The boy is so young that he cant go toschool. (同义句转换同义句转换)He is _ _ young boy _ he cant go to school.2. I didnt know him. I helped him. (合并为合并为一句一句)_ I didnt know him, I helped him.suc

11、h athatThough3. The old man was too weak to walk. (改为改为结果状语从句结果状语从句)The old man was _ weak _he _ walk.4. We plant many trees. We can fight againstthe pollution. (合并为一句合并为一句)We plant many trees _ _ _ we can fight against the pollution.5. Though he is very old, he is strong. (同义同义句转换句转换)He is very old

12、, _ he is strong.sothatcouldntinorder thatbut. 根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子。根据所给的汉语意思,完成下列句子。每空一词。每空一词。1. 天气非常暖和,我把外套脱了。天气非常暖和,我把外套脱了。It was _ _ _ day that I took off my coat.2. 虽然他不是很高,但是排球打得很好。虽然他不是很高,但是排球打得很好。He isnt very tall, _ he plays volleyball well.such awarmbut3. 你应该把电脑还给比尔,他才不会生气。你应该把电脑还给比尔,他才不会生气。Yo

13、u should return the computer to Bill_ _ he will not be angry.4. 虽然他很丑,但是却很善良。虽然他很丑,但是却很善良。_ he is ugly, he is very kind.5. 他努力学习,结果考试取得了好成绩。他努力学习,结果考试取得了好成绩。He worked hard _ _ he gotgood grades in the exams.sothatsothatAlthough中考题小练中考题小练1. The new president of Russia, Putin (普京普京) looks young and at

14、hletic _ he is sixtyyears old now. (2012 广西来宾广西来宾)A. because B. butC. although D. so2. It was _ lovely weather _ we decided to spend the day on the beach.(2012 江苏苏州江苏苏州)A. such a; that B. such; thatC. such; as D. so; that3. I have to leave now _ I can catch the last bus. (2012 甘肃白银甘肃白银)A. so that B.

15、 because ofC. until D. as soon as4. Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant walk in front of the class.(2012 贵州贵阳贵州贵阳)A. such; that B. too; toC. so; tha5. We should give the boy anotherchance _ he has made some mistakes.(2012 河南省河南省)A. though B. whenC. unless D. because6. He puts the flowers in the shade _ t

16、he sun will not burn them.(2012 黑龙江大庆黑龙江大庆)A. in order to B. so thatC. so as to D. such that7. _ he is only 12, he often goesto the old peoples home to performplays for the old people as a volunteer.(2012 湖北十堰湖北十堰)A. If B. SinceC. Though D. Because收收 藏藏 夹夹educational visit 教育访问教育访问local people 当地人当地

17、人 part of 的一部分的一部分educational exchange 教育交流教育交流host family 寄宿家庭寄宿家庭so that / in order that 以便;为了以便;为了take sth. with sb. 某人随身携带某物某人随身携带某物give a talk about / on sth. to sb. 向某人作关于某事的报告或演讲向某人作关于某事的报告或演讲be deeply moved by 被被深深地感动深深地感动do some cooking 做饭做饭learn about 了解了解improve the situation 改善状况改善状况work

18、 hard 努力工作努力工作a very valuable experience 一次非常珍贵的经历一次非常珍贵的经历win a scholarship 赢得奖学金赢得奖学金attend Japanese language classes 上日语课上日语课go on sightseeing tours 去观光旅游去观光旅游make friends with 与与交朋友交朋友as well as 还;也还;也 since then 自那以后自那以后keep in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系in case 万一;如果万一;如果stay with 与与呆在一起呆在一起look for

19、ward to doing sth. 期待做某事期待做某事bend down 弯腰;俯身弯腰;俯身make progress in 在在方面取得进步方面取得进步go abroad 出国出国 exchange student 交换生交换生. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. The local _ (政府政府) should dosomething to protect the environment.2. Some _ (交换交换) students willcome to our school tomorrow.3. Im _ (自信的自信的) that we w

20、ill winthe game.第三版第三版基础巩固题基础巩固题 (Chapters 4)governmentexchangeconfident4. For more _ (信息信息), please callme or write to me.5. Jennys house is the same _(面积面积) as ours. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。形式填空。1. WHO is the short form of World Health_ (organize).2. It is an _ (educate) CD. You cango

21、 and buy one if youre interested in it.3. He doesnt study at all. Mr Wang is_ (deep) worried about him.informationsizeorganizationeducationaldeeply4. The students are waiting for the teachers_ (arrive) in the classroom.5. I think Mr and Mrs Green are good_ (host). 根据划线部分在句子中的意思,找出根据划线部分在句子中的意思,找出意思最

22、接近的选项。意思最接近的选项。1. What are your thoughts?A. topics B. plansC. habits D. ideas2. What do you think of your trip?A. journey B. actionC. line D. invitationarrivalhosts3. I dont think time will make the situation better.A. repair B. wonderC. inform D. improve4. Though she tried a few times, shefailed an

23、d had to give up.A. Until B. HoweverC. Although D. Because5. I communicate with my parents bymaking phone calls.A. catch up withB. keep in touch withC. keep up with D. look forward toSentences. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. They stayed here for two weeks. (对划对划线部分提问线部分提问)_ _ _ they _ here?2. Oxfa

24、m Hong Kong arranged the trip. (对对划线部分提问划线部分提问)_ _ arranged the trip?How long didstayWhich organization3. I like maths. I like Chinese too. (合并为合并为一句一句)I like maths _ _ _ Chinese.4. The old woman got very excited aboutthe film. (改为同义句改为同义句)The old woman _ _ _ _ the film.5. I plan to have a tour of A

25、merica. (改为改为同义句同义句)I plan to _ _ a tour of America.aswellaswas deeplymovedbygo on. 根据括号中的提示,翻译下列句子。根据括号中的提示,翻译下列句子。1. 假如你来晚了,请给我们打电话。假如你来晚了,请给我们打电话。(in case)_2. 我期待再次见到你。我期待再次见到你。(look forward to)Please call us in case you come late.Im looking forward to meeting / seeing you again.Language. 同义句转换。每

26、空一词。同义句转换。每空一词。1. Simon got up at 5.30 a.m. to catch thefirst bus.Simon got up at 5.30 a.m. _ _ he could catch the first bus.2. Amy eats less and exercises more to keepslim.Amy eats less and exercises more _ _ _ she can keep slim.so thatinorder that3. The boy isnt tall enough to reach the topof the

27、bookshelf.The boy is _ _ _he cant reach the top of the bookshelf.4. The match is so exciting that you cantmiss it.Its _ _ _ _ _ you cant miss it.5. The exam was very difficult, but hepassed it._ the exam was very difficult, hepassed it.soshortthatsuch an excitingmatch thatAlthough. 用括号内所给的连接词将两个句子连用

28、括号内所给的连接词将两个句子连成一句。成一句。1. Please answer the question louder.Everyone can hear you. (so that)2. Jim works very hard. He can get goodgrades. (in order that)Please answer the question louder so that everyone can hear you.Jim works very hard in order that he can get good grades.3. Peter made many mistak

29、es. He failed theexam. (so that)4. It is a heavy box. I cant carry it. (such that)Peter made so many mistakes that he failed the exam.It is such a heavy box that I cant carry it.5. The work is difficult. I dont give it up.(although)Although the work is difficult, I dont give it up.Speaking根据对话内容及首字母

30、提示,补全单词,根据对话内容及首字母提示,补全单词,使对话完整使对话完整。Li Ming: Hello, Betty!Betty: Hi, Li Ming! How is everything (1)g_?Li Ming: Fine. Im going to England as an(2)e_ student.Betty: Great!Li Ming: But I dont know (3)m_about the customs and manners inEngland. Could you tell me some?oingxchangeuchBetty: (4)S_.Li Ming:

31、First, what kind of rule do theyhave in England?Betty: Well, they think its important to be on time when youre (5)i_to dinner. Its impolite to (6)a_ late because it is usually planned to have the meal at the exact (7)h_ given inthe invitation.urenvitedrriveourLi Ming: Then how (8)l_ should Istay the

32、re?Betty: After the meal, its not (9)p_to leave at once. An evening dinnerinvitation usually means that you should stay there for the whole evening. The hostess often (10)p_ some after-dinner activities.Li Ming: I see. Thanks a lot.Betty: Youre welcome.ongolitelansReading1-5 CDCAA 6-10 ADABCWriting王

33、浩在春节期间和一些同学们参加了王浩在春节期间和一些同学们参加了学校组织的教育之旅。请你根据下面学校组织的教育之旅。请你根据下面表格中的提示,写一篇表格中的提示,写一篇80词左右的短词左右的短文。可适当发挥。文。可适当发挥。Wherethey went伦敦How longthey stayed将近两周What theydid 参观了两所著名的大学(university); 和来自其他国家的学生一起上英语课; 住在寄宿家庭家里,并从主人那里了解了一些英国的风俗习惯和文化。How hefelt很开心,认为这是一次非常珍贵的经历。期待再次访问伦敦。One possible version:Wang H

34、ao went on an educational visit to London with some students during the Spring Festival. They stayed there for nearly two weeks. They visited two famous universities. They also attended English classes with students from other countries. They stayed with the host family and learned about some British customs and culture from the host. Wang Hao had a good time there. He thought it was a very valuable experience. He was looking forward to visiting London again.第四版第四版完形阅读训练营完形阅读训练营完形填空完形填空 1-5 BCBCD 6-10 AACBC阅读理解阅读理解 1-5 CCDAB 6-10 BAACD 11-15 CBDAC



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