高中英语 book5Unit5 reading课件 新人教版选修6

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1、Unit 5 first aid warming up and reading Recite: Whatever you are going through, tell yourself you can handle it . Compared to what others have been through ,youre fortunate.不管你在经历什么,告诉自己你一定能应付。相对别人所经历的而言,你是极其幸运的。Words competitionExample: k n o c h i g t e m e n t r a t b r e k o n i u j r n y b e l

2、d e e t m r o r p a y k l e a n d g e r e e d a a n b g e s o p m t y m chokingtreatmentbrokeninjurybleedtemporaryankledegreebandageSymptomAccidents will happen.天天有有不不测测风风云云,人人有有旦旦夕夕祸祸福福。Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents?Accidentdrownbleedchokeburn/catch firecu

3、ta bloody nosea snake bitesprained anklea broken armNowadays there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations?What is first aid?First aid is _ given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found. a temporary form of help falls illgets injured 1. The best wa

4、y to treat a sprained ankle is to:A. Put some ice on your ankle.B. Put a heating pad(垫子垫子)around your ankle.C. Keep on walking and jumping.2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding. A. True B. False(It may lead the blood into the throat and easily cause choking.)3. To

5、 treat a burn, you: A. Rub(擦擦)some butter on it. B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C. Put salt on the burnt part. 4. To treat a choke, you should make him /her spit by patting him/her on the back. A. True B. False(吐)(吐)5. To treat a bleeding, you should put a bandage on the wound and

6、apply pressure to reduce the bleeding. A. True B. False6. To treat a broken arm, you: A. move the broken bone in no time. B. keep the arm still using a sling to support the broken arm What things at home can be dangerous?electrical equipmentelectric wiresmedicineskniveshot waterglassBrainstormingBra

7、instorminggaspets电器电器电线电线First Aid forFirst Aid forReading BurnsBurnsCan you guess what will happen to the girl?How will her mother deal with the burn?What has happened?The girl has pulled boiling water onto herself.She will get bad burns.Pre-readingI. Translate the subtitles and then give them the

8、right orders._ the types of burns_ first aid treatment_ the functions of the skin _ the characteristics of burns _ causes of burns31425烧伤的类型烧伤的类型烧伤时的急救措施烧伤时的急救措施皮肤的功能皮肤的功能烧伤的症状烧伤的症状导致烧伤的原因导致烧伤的原因1.What can skin do for our body ? _ Act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays.

9、Keep you warm or cool. Prevent you from losing water. Give you sense of touch.II. Scanning 1234CAUSES of burns (P2)Readingsteamradiationhot liquidschemicalsH2SO4fireSun 3. How many types of burns are there?What are they? 1.First degree burns 2. Second degree burns 3.Third degree burnsThe three layer

10、s of skin:The third layerThe second layerThe top layerEx 2 Label these pictures with first, second and third degree burn.First degree burnsSecond degree burnsThird degree burns1. If you are burned, you must remove clothing even if it is stuck to the burn2. We shouldnt rub the burns.TTreatment True o

11、r False:3. Sometimes, we can put oil or ointments on burns to stop the infection.4. We should make sure the bandage wont stick to the skin when it is used.5. If burns are on the face, we should make the victim lie down.FFTsit upFunlessReading and listening :Tell if the following statements are true

12、or false:1.Our skin has three layers.2.We will never get burned by the sun.3.Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain.4.Third degree burns are the most serious and painful.TFFF5. Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6. Dont rub the burns7. Its better that you put some butter or oil on burns.TFT



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