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1、Lesson121The man in a hatcustomer n. 顾客(买东西的顾客)顾客(买东西的顾客)client 银行,律师等的客户guest 旅馆的旅客passenger 乘客a regular customer 老顾客e.g. The customer is always right. 顾客至上。forget v. 1) 忘记e.g. I forget his telephone number. 我忘了他的电话号码。forget doing 忘记做过某事忘记做过某事e.g. I will never forget seeing him in New York. 我永远忘不了在

2、纽约见到他。forget to do 忘忘记做某事做某事(to do 表示将来的动作)e.g. Dont forget to go to the forest cabin and let it all hang out on holidays. 别忘了在假日去森林小木屋完全放松一下。forget v. 2)忘记带 (买、做)e.g. I forgot my umbrella. 我忘了带伞。e.g. He forgot his unbrella on the train. 他将伞遗忘在火车上。e.g. he left his umbrella on the train.manager n. 经理

3、经理a sales manager 销售经理manager v. 管理manage a firm 经营公司manager v. 设法(成功)做到,处理 e.g. A: Can I help with your luggage? 我能帮你拿行李吗? B: No,thanks.I can manage it. 不,谢谢。我能行。 serve v. 照应,照应, 服务,接待服务,接待e.g. How can we serve you? (营业员对顾客用语)需要我们为您服务吗?serve sb right(口语)给某人应得的报应(惩罚)e.g. Serve him right. = It serves

4、 him right! (他活该)罪有应得!seveserve v. 照应,照应, 服务,接待服务,接待service n.e.g.The service in that restaueant is poor. 那家餐馆的服务很差。a charge for service 服务费countercounter n. 1) 柜台at the jewelry counter 在珠宝柜台checkout counter 付账柜台2)柜台式长桌lunch counter 柜台式长餐桌3)计算器recognize v. 1)认出e.g. Do you recognize my handwriting? 你

5、能认出我的笔迹吗?2)承认(事实),认清,确认e.g. We all recognized her talent for dancing. 我们都承认他在舞蹈方面有才华。e.g. He didnt recognize that he had made a big mistake. 他不承认自己犯下了大错。定语:用来修饰、限定、说明名词(或代词)的特征的。a girl in red 介词短语作定语定语a boy standing in the platform 分词短语作定语a boy who is standing in the platform is Tom 句子作定语 定语从句:在复合句中

6、修饰名词(人或物) -和代词的从句。先行词:被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词。从句必须 -置于先行词之后。 引导词:引导从句的词,也称关联词。This is the reason that he didnt come to the meeting 先行词 引导词 定语从句定语从句Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u定义: 在复合句中修饰某一个名词或者代词的从句l The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.l You must do everything that I do.定语从句定语从句先行词先行词定

7、语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)Grammaru引导定语从句的关系代词who,whom,whose,that, whichu引导定语从句的关系副词when,where,why,asGrammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)是先行词在意义上不可缺少的一个定语,主从句之间关系密切,书写时绝对不可以用逗号分开。u限制性定语从句 ( restrictive Attributive Clause )Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)1. who,who

8、m 指人,分别作主语和宾语。l The foreigner who visited our class yesterday is from Canada.l Who is the person (whom)you just talk to.l Mrs. Read is the person to whom you should write.l The people with whom I am staying are very kind.Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)2. whose 即可指人也可指物,在从句中做定语。lMiss Li is t

9、he teacher whose house caught fire last yearlThis is the boy whose mother is our Chinese teacher. lThe house whose roof is damaged has now been repaired.u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)3. that 即可指人也可指物。可做主语,宾语。lA plane is a machine that can fly.lWho is the man that is read

10、ing the book over there?lThe girl that we saw yesterday was Jims sisiter.u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)4. which 一般指物。做主语,宾语。lThey planted the treed which didnt need much water.lThe fish which we bought were not fresh.u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Cl

11、ause)5. 关系代词 that, whom, which 在定语从句中做介词宾语时有下面几种情况: 介词放在关系代词前面时,只能用whom指人,用which指物,而不能用that.如果介词放在定语从句的末尾,就可以用that来引导。l The lady to whom you talked is a famous singer. l The village that she lives in is 20 kilometers away.u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)4. 关系代词 that, whom,

12、 which 在定语从句中做介词宾语时有下面几种情况 关系代词whom,that,which在限制性定语从句中做动词宾语时常常可以省略。l The man (that) I saw yesterday is Toms father.u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)5. 含有介词的短语动词一般都不可以拆开,介词仍放在动词后面。l Is this the watch which he is looking for? l The babies whom the nurses are looking after ar

13、e very healthy. u限制性定语从句 (由关系代词引导的)Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u限制性定语从句 (由关系副词引导的)1. when 表示时间,在定语从句中做时间状语。 先行词往往都是表示时间的名词。time,hour,day, year, afternoon.l I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.l I will never forget the time when we worked on the farm.Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The

14、 Attributive Clause)u限制性定语从句 (由关系副词引导的)2. where 表示地点,在定语从句中做地点状语。 先行词往往是表示地点的名词,如place, house等。l This is the house where we lived last year.l The factory where his father worked is in the west of the city.Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)3. why 表示原因,在定语从句中做原因状语。 先行词只有表示原因的reason一词。u限制性定语从句 (由

15、关系副词引导的)l That was the reason why she had changed that much. Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u非限制性定语从句 ( Non-restrictive Attributive Clause )与主句关系并不十分密切,它仅是对先行词做补充说明的作用,如果被省去,主句的意思仍然是完整清楚的,这种定语从句与主句之间常常要用逗号来分开。非限制性定语从句可用除that以外的其他关系代词来引导。Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u非限制性定语从句 l Ye

16、sterday I met Peter, who seemed to be very busy.l In Britain, which has a population of 55.8 million people,110 thousand people die from smoking each year.l Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14,1865 at a theatre in Washington D.C.先行词先行词antecedent :专有名词

17、,独一无二的人或事物:专有名词,独一无二的人或事物Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u as, that 必须以that引导的定语从句的用法1) 当先行词是 anything, everything等不定代词时 l Is there anything in this book that is worth reading?2) 当先行词为序数词或为形容词最高级修饰时3) 当先行词被the very, last, only, every, the same等表示唯一概念的词修饰时l You are the only friend that I can

18、trust.4) 当先行词被all, any, no. little, much, few等修饰时5) 当先行词既包括人又包括物时l They are the right persons and things that we are looking for.Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u as, that 必须以as引导的定语从句的用法1) as引导限制性定语从句时通常与such, the same连用。l I have never heard of such things as he told us.l Heat may travel th

19、e same way as light does. 2) as在非限制性定语中可指定前面的或后面的整个主句。l This elephent is like a big stone as anybody can see.l As we know, heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds them back.Grammar定语从句(定语从句(The Attributive Clause)u which引导的非限定性定语从句也可以指它前面的整个主句,但是这种从句只能放在从句的后面。l He fai

20、led his exam, which disappointed his mother.textQuestionWhy didnt Caroline recognize the customer staight away?为什么卡罗琳没有马上认出那位顾客? Because she didnt recognize him without his hatlanguage pointsI bought two expensive dictionaries here half an hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me. Who served you,

21、 sir? The lady who is standing behind the counter.rememberHe always takes laptop with him.The lady served me.The lady is standing behind the counter.language pointsWhich books did you buy?The books which are on the counter. Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline? He says hes the man

22、 who bought these books. I bought the books.The books are on the counter.language pointsThe man who I served was wearing a hat.Is this the man that you served, Caroline? Yes. I recognize him now. The man was wearing a hat.I served the man.whom / thatSentence patternsThe woman who/ that is standing behind the counter served me.This is the man who / whom / that I served.I bought the books which / that are on the counter.



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