Book8unit5现在完成进行时Grammar (2)

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1、Unit 5 GrammarThe present perfect continuous tense 现在完成进行时现在完成进行时 Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant Ive been living with a shadow overheadIve been sleeping with a cloud above my bedIve been lonely for so longTrapped in the past, I just cant seem to move onIve been hiding all my hopes and dreams awayJu

2、st in case I ever need them again somedayIve been setting aside timeTo clear a little space in the corners of my mindAll I wanna do is find a way back into loveI cant make it through without a way back into loveOh oh oh Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant Ive been living with a shadow overheadIve been s

3、leeping with a cloud above my bedIve been lonely for so longTrapped in the past, I just cant seem to move onIve been hiding all my hopes and dreams awayJust in case I ever need them again somedayIve been setting aside timeTo clear a little space in the corners of my mindAll I wanna do is find a way

4、back into loveI cant make it through without a way back into loveOh oh ohThe Present Perfect Continuous Tense(现在完成进行时)现在完成进行时) S + have/has + been + doingTranslationTranslation:1 小兔子一直小兔子一直跳跳了三个小时啦!了三个小时啦!The rabbit _ for three hours.2 小猫一直在小猫一直在听听音乐。音乐。The cat _music all the time.has been jumpingha

5、s been listening to用法一:用法一: 叙述某一动作从过去开始一直继续到现在叙述某一动作从过去开始一直继续到现在仍在继续之中或刚刚停止。经常与仍在继续之中或刚刚停止。经常与for, since, for, since, all morning/day/weekall morning/day/week等表示一段时间的短语等表示一段时间的短语一起用。一起用。你已经玩电脑游戏四个小时了。你已经玩电脑游戏四个小时了。You have been playing computer games for four hours. 电话响了差不多一分钟。电话响了差不多一分钟。The telepho

6、ne has been ringing for almost a minute. 叙述从过去某时到现在或者最近,一再重复的动作。I have been knocking. I dont think anybodys in.(我一直在敲门。我想没人在里面。)You have been saying that for five years. (5年来不断提起这件事。)用法二:用法二: 叙述从过去某时开始一直继续到现在的事情。叙述从过去某时开始一直继续到现在的事情。带有浓厚的感情色彩,强调持续了带有浓厚的感情色彩,强调持续了“那么久那么久”或或“那么辛苦那么辛苦”。 I have been wait

7、ing for you for two long hours!(我等了你足足两个小时我等了你足足两个小时) You are here! I have been looking for you for so long.(我找你老半天了我找你老半天了)用法三:用法三:The Chinese _(make) paper for two thousand years. have been making巩固练习The little girl _ _ _ (dance) for ten minutes.has been dancing1. Although these scientists _ on th

8、e project for nearly four years, I dont know how long it will last.(2012安徽卷)安徽卷) A. have been working B. had worked C. were working D. are working 2. There is so much snow these days, isnt there? Yes, it _ for a few days. A. was snowing B. has been snowing C. had been snowing D. snowedWhere have you

9、 been? We _ you everywhere . A. look for B. were looking for C. have been looking for D. had been looked for现在完成进行时的现在完成进行时的否定否定形式形式S + have/has not been + -ing例句:例句:We havent been waiting for you long.现在完成进行时的疑问形式现在完成进行时的疑问形式一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Have/Has + S +been + -ing ?例句:例句:Your eyes are red. Have you b

10、een crying ?例句:例句:What have you been doing to my dictionary?特殊疑问句特殊疑问句:疑问词疑问词+ have/has + S + been doing ?现在完成时现在完成进行比较一:Li Jia _ (read) a book about Stonehenge. (She knows what the book is about.)Li Jia _ (read) a book about Stonehenge. (She is still reading the book.) has read has been reading现在完成

11、时现在完成时强调过去的动作对现在的强调过去的动作对现在的影响影响或产生的结果或产生的结果;而;而现在完成进行现在完成进行时则更强时则更强调动作的调动作的延续性延续性。比较二:现在完成进行时现在完成进行时比较生动,有时含有明显比较生动,有时含有明显的的感情色彩感情色彩,而,而现在完成时现在完成时往往往往只说明只说明一一个个事实事实,一种,一种影响影响或或结果结果。Whos been eating my apples?Whos eaten my apples? 有强烈的感情色彩,表示愤怒不满。有强烈的感情色彩,表示愤怒不满。进行时态表示进行时态表示“苹果未被全部吃光苹果未被全部吃光” 只是希望回答

12、一个问题。只是希望回答一个问题。完成时态表示完成时态表示“苹果一个不剩了苹果一个不剩了”总结规律:总结规律:Pair-workPair-work 两人一组完成并练习对话两人一组完成并练习对话A: Oh, its so annoying! It _(rain) for half a month and everywhere is bathed in water.B: Yeah, so it is. I have lived in this city for over twenty years and I _(not see) it raining for such a long time before.A: Its so boring sitting around doing nothing. B: _(read) the book I lent to you last week? A: Yes, I have. I like the plot. It is exciting.B: I am glad you enjoy it. has been raining havent seen Have you read Practice导学案导学案 P29



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