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1、第一课时Section A(1a2d)1conversation名词,意为“交谈;谈话”,have a conversation with sb.意为“与某人进行交谈”。2ask sb.for help向某人寻求帮助(1)其中help是不可数名词,没有复数形式。John often asks his teacher for help.约翰经常向他的老师寻求帮助。(2)askfor sb./sth.找某人,求见某人/要某物【拓展】ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物3aloud adv.大声地;出声地aloud为副词,用于动词之后,意为“出声地;大声地”,强调发出的声音能被听见,不是窃窃私

2、语。4patient(1)用作名词,意为“病人”。(2)用作形容词,意为“有耐心的”。be patient with意为“对有耐心”。5The more you read,the faster youll be.你读得越多你读得越多,你记得就越快。“The形容词比较级,the形容词比较级”意为“越;越”,“形容词比较级and形容词比较级”意为“越来越”。6byv. ing“byv.ing”结构在句中做方式状语。by在这里表示方式、方法、手段等,有“通过;借助;用”等含义,常用来回答由how引导的特殊疑问句。 一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1I learn English by reading

3、 _(教科书)2I had a long telephone _(交谈) with Jane last night.We both enjoyed the talk.3Reading _(大声地) is very important in learning English.4These _(句子) are too long for me to understand.5Be _(耐心的),the next bus is coming soon.textbookconversationaloudsentencespatient二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6The teacher spoke

4、 too _(quick) and I couldnt follow every word.7She paid for her own education by _(work) her way through college.8What about _(wash) the car on Sunday?9Try to guess a words _(mean) by reading the sentences.10The harder you work,the _(well) youll get grades.quicklyworkingwashingmeaningbetter11How do

5、you study for a test?_AFor listening to tapesBAt schoolCBy reading the textbookDTo making word cards12Many students write to language Doctor to _ advice about learning English.Alook through Bask forCgive up Dworry aboutCB13Reading English newspaper can help you learn English _Aa lot Ba lot of Clots

6、of Dlot14Mom,Im _ hungry.Can I have some bread?Of course.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few15Our English teacher is so _ with us that we all like her very much.Apatient BTruthful Chelpful DmeaningfulBAA四、根据汉语意思完成句子。16我的汤太烫,没法喝。My soup is _ _ _ _.17你为什么不向刘老师求助呢?Why not _ Mr.Liu _ _?18那个小男孩有点儿紧张。The little

7、 boy was _ _ _.toohottodrinkaskforhelpalittlenervous19你笑得越多,你就感觉越快乐。The _ you smile,the _ you will feel.20王力喜欢逐字阅读,所以他是个很慢的阅读者。Wang Li likes reading _ _ _,so he is a slow _morehappierwordbywordreader五、从方框内选句子补全对话。 AAnd what else?BIt can help you remember the new words.CCan you give me some advice on

8、 how to learn English well?DIm going to improve my English.EI hope your English will improve soon.FAll jobs need English.GWhat about the new words?A:Li Lei,what are you going to do this new term?B:21._ Im not good at it.A:You must read aloud to practice it.B:OK.22._A:Listening to more tapes will help you improve your listening.B:Thats a good idea.23._DAGA:You should read books and newspapers in English and try to guess the meaning of the new words.B:Can I write down the new words in my notebook?A:Yes,you can.24._B:OK,Ill follow your advice.Thanks a lot.A:Youre welcome.25._BE



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