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1、完型填空完型填空 完型填空是一道综合性语言测试题,是一种难完型填空是一道综合性语言测试题,是一种难度较大的障碍性阅读题。要求考生阅读一篇短文,度较大的障碍性阅读题。要求考生阅读一篇短文, 然后从然后从4 4个选项中选择个选项中选择最佳最佳选项,主要考查考生是选项,主要考查考生是否理解并掌握了否理解并掌握了:A. :A. 词语在特定语境中的用法、词语在特定语境中的用法、B. B. 篇章结构的衔接、篇章结构的衔接、C. C. 篇章意义的连贯。篇章意义的连贯。完型填空完型填空在内容上重在英语实词的意义和用法。在内容上重在英语实词的意义和用法。15 15 道题都道题都考查考查实词实词(即(即名名词,词

2、,动动词,词, 形容形容词,词,副副词)。词)。 20132013年广东高考英语完型填空题:名词年广东高考英语完型填空题:名词4 4个,个,动词动词4 4个,形容词个,形容词3 3个,副词个,副词4 4个。个。 完型填空题的几大特点:1.1.题材多为故事性强的记叙文题材多为故事性强的记叙文. .2.2.内容完整内容完整, ,逻辑性强逻辑性强, ,语言结构严谨语言结构严谨, ,情节生动情节生动. .3.3.考察重点多为考察重点多为实实词词: :名词、动词、形容词、副名词、动词、形容词、副词等词等. .4.4.关注语境背景知识关注语境背景知识, ,侧重上下关联侧重上下关联, ,暗示判断暗示判断能力

3、能力. .5.5.侧重于篇章侧重于篇章, ,体现语用判断和内在逻辑体现语用判断和内在逻辑. .解题步骤:解题步骤:1 1、通读全文、通读全文, , 了解大意了解大意; ; 通览通览2 2、边读边选、边读边选, , 全文呼应全文呼应; ; 试填试填 3 3、最后通读、最后通读, , 全面验证。全面验证。 复核复核完型填空实用解题技巧完型填空实用解题技巧1 1 利用固定搭配解题利用固定搭配解题 掌握常见的固定句型、固定词组和习惯搭配,掌握常见的固定句型、固定词组和习惯搭配,对确定某些题目的答案很有帮助。对确定某些题目的答案很有帮助。例例: Have you ever regretted doing

4、 something you shouldnt have done or something you didnt do that you should have? At one time or another we probably all have . Theres no _ _ in getting depressed about it now-its no _ _ crying over spilt milk. A reason B purpose C point D result A use B help C value D benefit解析:解析:Theres no point i

5、n doing与与Its no use doing sth 是固定句型是固定句型Ex: 1/ Once he enters the highway, he must _certain rules for his own safety. A listen to B find C follow D insist on 2/ We continue to listen to and _ ourselves of poems such as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” and childhood tales such as Cinderella or Snow wh

6、ite.A remind B inform C warn D recall 2 2利用语境意义解题利用语境意义解题 通过理解上下文的意思来确认答案。通过理解上下文的意思来确认答案。例例 Activities and demands need to be balanced. Get rid of what is not _ when excessive demands are placed on you , say “No.” A wanted B gained C found D received Ex. 1/ Science has _ transportation and communic

7、ation facilities a great deal. Traveling has become safer, more enjoyable and above all, more economical. A improved B increased C solved D covered 2/ For example, on the highway, he is required to keep a constant speed which can be compared with his _ activities through his life A broken B outdoor

8、C good D continuous3 3 利用并列关系解题利用并列关系解题 Ex. When we are committed to something, it means that no matter how _ or how uncomfortable something is, we will always choose to _it and work it through instead of running away from it. A doubtful B shameful C harmful D painful A keep B control C face D catch

9、4 4 利用对比关系解题利用对比关系解题Ex: On the other hand, things were easier in the past and it was always easy to get a job if you had friends and contacts. It is really _ today. A easier B harder C impossible D possible5 5 利用原词复现解题利用原词复现解题Ex: Before setting out, I told Barret this trip would be tiring and rough

10、This _ achieved all Id expected. (天津天津) A interview B flight C article D trip 6 6 利用首句信息解题利用首句信息解题Ex. Some people have the feeling that nothing can be done about their poor reading ability. They feel _ about it. A hopeful B hopeless C shameful D grateful7 7 利用语篇标志解题利用语篇标志解题Ex: 1/ Their second argume

11、nt is that in our day we didnt expect to be given jobsand that young people now dont look for jobs, but just complain about _. A future B wages C work D unemployment 2/ Customers walk quickly through _ aisles(通道通道) , but they move more slowly in wide aisles and give more attention to the products. A

12、 long B short C high D narrow8 8 利用背景常识解题利用背景常识解题Ex: 1/ It also can be said that he must obey certain rules of _ when living as a decent(体面的体面的)adult. A society B school C group D highway2/ I got a special _ to rent fire engine hoses(消防水龙带消防水龙带)and connect them to nearby hydrants(消防栓消防栓) A excuse B order C permit D reason 完型填空实用解题技巧完型填空实用解题技巧8 8 利用背景常识解题利用背景常识解题7 7 利用语篇标志解题利用语篇标志解题6 6 利用首句信息解题利用首句信息解题5 5 利用原词复现解题利用原词复现解题4 4 利用对比关系解题利用对比关系解题3 3 利用并列关系解题利用并列关系解题 2 2利用语境意义解题利用语境意义解题1 1 利用固定搭配解题利用固定搭配解题



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