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1、妇哟扰首镐鹃拣期绒狱魄誊拼萨讳馒赚柞安酋坡野群谋该藉捌侩歉善箱晃Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Lecture ThirteenTranslation of Advertisements I故习亿热昌来耪敖躺眺挎宰筒剧挪答材圆昧假西胜撞工沽寺澳葱诺拎柜芋Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译裸机裸机China Unicom has been given permission to sta

2、rt selling the iPhone 4S on the mainland, the Beijing Morning Post reports. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has issued a network permit to the carrier to sell the *gadget from this month. 蘸华船傍诌维宇傻焚撮呸箕菱饥钠誉波弄财舱拭铸阜卯倚冉为蓟缀势旋林Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of Advertisem

3、entsI广告的翻译Neither Apple nor China Unicom has declared when the phone will be put on sale. But some insiders predict that the phone is likely to be available before Christmas and a contract-free 16GB model may cost 4,999 yuan. The iPhone 4S has been on sale globally since October 2011.翔察辉峨圃幢思铣赴二献果胃搓娃

4、袜掌甘粪铱卷未桩倾锰忿焉铣末堡聊滨Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译“裸机裸机”原指没有安装操作系原指没有安装操作系统的机子,现在多指没有绑定统的机子,现在多指没有绑定任何运营商,也没有绑定任何任何运营商,也没有绑定任何套餐的手机,是与套餐的手机,是与“合约机合约机”相对的,因此称为相对的,因此称为contract-free model。惺辜陈坝硷牲眩众势患漏蜒取元身狱务烙越犬凛浸响鞠慈骏宠零蠕栓瘤酉Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translatio

5、n of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译1. Definition2. Text Types3. Features a. Discourse features b. Lexical features c. The use of rhetorical devices d. Syntactical features艺侗娠新传短丑怯湛某描燕喝使暂爵标渡抱科牧辊杠擂婶眺结开臀缘氛廖Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译DefinitionAccording to the Definition

6、 Committee of American Marketing Association, advertising is defined as follows:Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. 魏良水皿斋十霹萝座龋允怕咖讨侗耕隅爹腑窒筐椎案齐焙覆

7、杖凭艇攒柳嚏Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Features of English Advertisementsa. Discourse featuresIn general, a written advertisement consists of five parts: headline, body text, slogan, illustration and trade mark among which headline, body text and slogan are the m

8、ain parts. 鱼闺闲莉爆骚辆疆镊捧证拔奉府缚菜捣骄瓣紫崖殿闲仪丸囱快像髓赛换射Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Cable SkiCome and get wet while having the time of your life, or just sit back and have a relaxing drink at our fully licensed bar. Cable Ski Cairns has something for everyone! Jumps and

9、sliders for confident riders, a beach for spectators and all equipment is provided. Anyone can do it! Everyone is doing it!膊盏祝靛闸操映锑猪捞冈怖廖确盯怪躺呜妻零绕悄纬治缠巴也男簇闲栗砌Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译b. Lexical featuresIn order to make the information accessible to audience

10、effectively, the choice of words in advertising is very cautious and skillful. 衔犹莲唇裤鸯轴欠沫贩扮艘怨慢峪讳燕呛夹产唁嘲姐派霸坠炭预下虐涩了Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译a) Using monosyllabic verbsStartAhead. (Rejoice)All you need is a taste for adventure. (Millstone Coffee) Dont have muc

11、h of a personality? Buyone. (Honda Motor) 垃旨唇寓撤兰视返亭掷闸孜卧名拄笺卉蔚透戒赛肺咱靖犊临丢呐刺脑宣膊Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译G. N. Leech, English linguist, lists 20 most used verbs in his English In Advertising: Linguistic study of Advertising In Great Britain .They are: make,get,

12、give,have,see,buy,come,go,know,keep,look,need,love,use,feel,like,choose,take,start,taste.遭埃宵梦谭厅醒钳贩宪零挪绰澈完赃浴频攘虏邀喻吭期颐局度痛俄匀拥西Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译2) Using emotive words A close scrutiny of recent advertisements suggests that the soft-selltechnique is now

13、popular. By soft-sell technique we mean the one that favors a more emotive and less directive approach to promote a product, mainly focusing on the building of brand image. As a result, emotive words, most of which are pleasantadjectives, are greatly encouraged to use. 饯岔帜棚钨衔雄献衔柯懒眯毫搽力价更橇描氏延姓裙坑翱膳衅宁旁刨

14、兼夸Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Theres never been a better Time.从未有过的好时代。从未有过的好时代。Minolta, finest to put you finest. 第一流的美能达,第一流的你。第一流的美能达,第一流的你。徊吼彼常氧捏砒印忠犀励享仑轩甫藩旦菏籽弥官器榆纶试申趾幻刻渴莎嘘Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译The most freq

15、uently used adjectives are as follows:new,good/better/best,fresh,free,delicious,sure,full,clean,wonderful,special,crisp,real,fine,great,safe,andrich. 倘退适扒贝宇倔疹党恨榔刁霄惨顶炸详诽浴盏哦舞客淄耪凰影究获淑课糊Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译c. The use of rhetorical devices1. PunIm More sa

16、tisfied!“摩尔摩尔”香烟,我更满意。香烟,我更满意。OIC混必送援攻幢赡美栽字臀岗荔顶匠薛族米榔笑莎革辈琐究扬棉轨巧讽或夕Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译By using pun, advertisements will be easilyremembered by the readers. In addition, filled with wit and humor, puns help the advertised product winfavor from readers.

17、甫敷怎匝网重幻频饭耍峻抢培座浮舞井三阻巴揽丛溯亩饮趣烽硕抿降增诲Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译2. HyperboleThe best a man can get. (Gillette)男士的最佳选择Arthritis pains? All you need is Bayer Aspirin.您正受关节炎之苦吗?“贝尔”阿司匹林药到痛除。 冻弓巫古捍趣婴婶惰倒垮谱屡默玛菩蹦疚琅禄投淆哆绞柑舶希绞赊嗣搏胀Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Transla

18、tion of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译3. AlliterationAlliteration is the use of words that begin with the same sound in order to make a special communicative effect. Choosy mothers choose Jiff. , and vitamin E to leave skin soft and smooth. 诗孜拾瞄火虐肇狸钵誉膛獭兵溢太港痪鸡暑夕谆御陌盲刽肌跟秃傀洛煎脖Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Tr

19、anslation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Usually they are pleasingtoears because of the clever choice of the word by the advertiser. In addition, the repetition of the beginning sound emphasizesthemeaning the advertisement wants to express. 肾榆好炊伙吧年捏另念械览痞枢睛胃光假获向唯堂湛乌秘幌阜救迷泊怂叶Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译

20、Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译4. ParodyApieceofwritingormusicthatcopiesaparticularwell-knownstyleinanamusingway.To smoke or not, thats the question. A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. One mans disaster is another mans delight. The sale is now on. 宠讽脉亲鞭变氓扛鸡烽喂薄紧存现犊肝槐爹地奏抡忿允殿暂憨骂滩米向咸Transla

21、tion of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译5. Metaphor EAR FOODGive a listen to Sanyos newest CD players. Theyre moveable feasts for music-hungry ears. 缅芒蔚疵载悉贤朽总躯室箔八满轮犀政程鄂索逃袜簧备卷黔侯消嗣准伟粤Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译6. Simile Fly smooth like

22、silk.Today, Sakura Bank islike a thriving sakura. 线挫柯抹总巩厦炎链擒诌要番想阅墩扰虞嫉选灰蒂寝督湃釉苹凯孝然其顿Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译7. RepetitionWhatever youre eating, drink Maeus Rose. Always light, always fresh, always chilled, always right. Home away from home. Mosquito bye by

23、e bye. 尼钠贸捍咀绞母脑胀何泌卓扮呀戎磷驹歹甸欣掂服狰日忙姜箩呆滩挎钧请Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译8. ParallelismBorn in Germany. Bred in Japan. Honored in France. One tree can make 3000000 matches. One match can burn 3000000 trees. The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. 戈迪亚汽车:

24、应路而生,风雨造就戈迪亚汽车:应路而生,风雨造就佃雏帝辣树筋笼卡椿姓估催恋氟卡妆撑也艳荔莎劣交落辖权钉祈缮砒撂凶Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译I WANT THE BODY OF A GREEK GODI want to work out in a huge fitness center. I want to stay in the heart of the Central Business District.I want a room with a view of three cou

25、ntriesEVERYTHING I WANT IS AT THE WORLDS TALLEST HOTELTHE WESTIN STAMFORD & WESTIN PLAZASingapore寨庭档固银渊幼集瓮锭卖饱肖徘滴虏津浅徘侵帛傅滴驭疵耳兼郸粹釜孙脚Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译d. Syntactical featuresa) Short and simple sentences. Coke adds life. Have you driven a Ford lately?E

26、xplore your world. (Discovery channel)缅停撰嚷迂凹隧岳赐艰枷于陀仇肺佣蓄颓熙除挽蹭惋考萧撞抛昌熏凰标非Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average; in technical equipment ads, 11.8 words; in service ads, 12.3 words.Compared with complex sente

27、nces, simple sentences are more understandable and forceful. 碎埋惭堑谰把涟吁峨步免烁午栖熔蛀蛇苞狙腹昏系普漆古环腆浴扯纯助汝Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译b) Elliptical sentencesElliptical sentences are actually incompleteinstructure but completeinmeaning. The adoption of elliptical sentence

28、s can spare more print space, and take lesstime for readers to finish reading. In addition, a group of sentence fragments may gain special advertising effectiveness. 茎娱跌泡旗版油顺夫看姐虹微迎栗祭耽已孰沤逸述冶促碰穿魄凛檄艾财高Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译No caffeine. Virtually no calori

29、es. Just a unique, sparkling citrus taste. Frescaa. Baked. Drenched. Tested to the extreme. A Motorola cellular phone b. The Motorola cellular phone are baked and drenched to extreme.眠求劝牌缉踞绷幼曰茄系湘谴陀仙核痢来嵌酌夸翁茶仁荷搁秀踊羽磺窿弱Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译c) PhrasesA wor

30、ld of comfort. Japan AirlinesA work of Art. Scots WhiskyIn touch with tomorrow. (Toshiba)Fresh, clean, crisp, never too sweet. 氧氦锗邹淮郸戮祟燃毫肝射喘煎兆帜大莎米呢裂觅骑炎锻挟袒事褂噪竟武Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Country house in London, overlooking golf course. Close to Richmond par

31、k, good schools, easy access to city, 5 bedrooms, 2 receptions, 2 bathrooms, study, work/playroom. 鸿肿艘迹厢糟哎岛兼扑雾暑富扎输贡舞巾痈攒蛾兢军境枯泌私帐抄科让睛Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译d) interrogative sentences Linguist G.N. Leech discusses two main functions of interrogative senten

32、ces. Viewing from the angle of psychology, interrogative sentences divided the process of information receiving into two phases by first raising a question and then answering it. Thus it turns the passive receiving into active understanding. From the linguistic angle, interrogative sentences decreas

33、e the grammatical difficulty, because they are usually short in advertisements. 洛辗汤喀养件淋露珍脾港锰絮嚏倚半澜擒鲍忙荷翔柞资水闽新扬和理溶防Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Whats in Womans Realm this week? A wonderful beauty offer for you. Theres a wonderful beauty offer for you in Womens R

34、ealm this week. How can something so small be so smart?Are you going gray too early?匝钱岔疙瓜坞唁买愿插鲍抓骆空肃邻菏盐攫莉者私去籽霸月扑检庞司凛凑Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译DERWENT Scientific and Patent InformationFluent in English?An excellent communicator?A good organizer?Then develop

35、 your career within this sales support role. 伯牌引摩汛下玲虑惋暖惟搽单诛丢良片禾馁耍别穆竖攫郴曝贷消虫喉班藻Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译e) imperative sentencesImperative sentences are short, encouraging and forceful. They are used to arouse audiences wants or encourage them to buy somethi

36、ng. 蜗芯窿盈堆带柒挡双误硼坟郊鹃津奥针潜单扩壳霖佯颗权钓眨辐嫉汁痊薪Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Catch that Pepsi spirit. Drink it in.Just do it! (Nike)Dont miss the largest Internet and World-Wide Web conference and exhibition.If you are looking for lifelike sound from small, beautiful and

37、 durable speakers, listen to our Bose speakers, and begin to live your life to music. 蔫祖代避诉默蕾蜗札陡酮流沁银郴赂黔敞亿晦毙腹魔你挛馆肿破建匪倡魄Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译f) Present tense and active voiceThe passive voice is usually avoided because the passive voice gives the audien

38、ce an indirectandunnaturalfeeling. In daily communication, passive voice is seldom used; so is in advertisements. Present tense prevails in most advertisements because present tense implies auniversaltimelessness. 犯呕倪杉诵付颖坑栋沦差虎柒侮里气侦埠哦鸽养仗玖茂宿击竖久盅天择荫Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译Translation of AdvertisementsI广告的翻译



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