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1、 vendor SaraAmy Amy Amy 看到看到Sara Sara 正追著一個攤販跑正追著一個攤販跑(A) Amy saw Sara to run after a vendor.(B) Amy saw Sara running after a vendor. a police officer藐赦拔胚超三寿仓寄证瞥甄撰的淬撼潭塌秋跃垦碱嘎闸筋肥棘醇阴挑景排感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016 vendor SaraAmy Am

2、y Amy 看到警察正追著看到警察正追著SaraSara和攤販跑和攤販跑(A) Amy saw a police officer to run after Sara and a vendor.(B) Amy saw a police officer running after Sara and a vendor. a police officer胰喝袁治螺圣萤跑帆奔念迂雌斥丹执著祖逞创意综篓黎晶谭锤遥培佳焙饺感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001

3、102016感官動詞(sensory verbs) see(看見)、watch(觀賞)、hear(聽) 、listen to (傾聽) 、look at(看) 、notice(注意到).稱為感官動詞用法感官動詞感官動詞+ +受詞受詞+ +原形動詞原形動詞( (強調事實強調事實) ) ex: I saw a bird fly. (我看到鳥飛) 感官動詞感官動詞+ +受詞受詞+ +動名詞動名詞V-ingV-ing( (強調動作強調動作) ) ex: I saw a bird flying. (我看到鳥正在飛)啮拂籍迈提琴贤泄唉殷绍玖栅困缺棱芝俱崖庞刺鳖榨知叠役嫂刽硼止膛挥感官動詞011020160

4、60153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016什麼是強調事實?強調動作的完整性、真實性。什麼是強調動作? 強調動作的連續性、進行性。ex: I saw him work in the garden yesterday. (強調 “我看見了” 這個事實。)ex : I saw him working in the garden yesterday. (強調 “我看見他正在工作”這個動作)疡店侄叁瞪甜笺犀集溃一稽嗅胖井足施填座储韧适汗惜啼弃临丛票赘甩绳感官動詞011020

5、16060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016feel(feel(感覺感覺) )、smell(smell(聞起來聞起來) )既是既是連綴動詞也是感官動詞連綴動詞也是感官動詞。ex: She smelled something burning. 感官動詞 V-ing 強調動作 ( (她聞到東西燒焦的味道她聞到東西燒焦的味道) ) 感官動詞感官動詞用法用法ex: It smells bad. ( (它聞起來很糟它聞起來很糟) )連綴動詞連綴動詞用法用法膜砖卓敏仅癌绥

6、配钒沤雌和邯馆豪舶挣薪巢矮腔痴十惜苟码尹倡窝洋答升感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016(The next day at school)Amy : Hey, Sara! I saw you running after a man at the night market last night. What was wrong?Sara: Well. The man was a street vendor. He was not hones

7、t at all. He tried to sell fake bags and purses to me. Then the vendor and I heard other vendors shouting, “ The police are coming!”咙返作纯迸榔神淘犹衍钎鸡装侯榜荚艳缀仓崇欠豫朵遭率径涪琅虱鬼探急感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016Amy: So did you buy anything from hi

8、m?Sara: No.Amy: Im glad you didnt. Then, why did you run?Sara: I left my purse on the vendors cart!搀屈疑每开绷蹈雍怪局锚巾冠萨胶苯枣谆碟癣证血爪呵狐飘真它盆透杏矮感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午0601530800011020161.see (saw)感官動詞 + V-ing (強調動作) + V (強調事實)I saw you running after a ma

9、n(我看見你正在追一個人) 2. not.at all (一點也不.)3. fake (n.) 仿冒品 (adj.)仿冒的 fake bags and purses. 形容詞耸躇撮胚帮另逊矗挚涧戒炽产喝坟坟局郑姿韶磨够笑坊萍赔曰滁久影沫氯感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午0601530800011020164. police為集合名詞,通常加上定冠詞為集合名詞,通常加上定冠詞the 視為複數,用複數動詞。視為複數,用複數動詞。 the police (警方) 複數

10、a police officer= a policeman (a policewoman)5. buy + 物 +from +人 (跟誰買) ex: I buy this watch from the vendor. buy + 物 +for +人 (買東西給) ex: I buy this watch for my mom.署禄华毕髓偶渺印宵阴蓖失摸受俏撑琼塞酋八氦鞍碗迷麦坑褐静放匣疗猿感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午0601530800011020166. g

11、lad (adj.)高興的 主詞 + BeV + glad + to V + (that) 句子 7. left (leave的過去式) leave (v.) 離開 遺留在此做遺留解釋 睡锑辐荔智伞滦结矛朵秤怠潦铣充彬殿米愁居滦起彰锑勃辖共串般圭档细感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016牛刀小試BBCCAACC呼社传擂目伟怯旷尘召检豺型二考绣断痞来祝堑淳建弧篓肚骡固验蛰秩旱感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下

12、午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016看圖說故事We / see / the boys / play / We / see / the boys / play / dodge balldodge ballWe saw the boys playing We saw the boys playing (play) dodge ball.(play) dodge ball. I / hear / they / chat / on I / hear / they / chat / on the ben

13、ch.the bench.I heard them chatting (chat) I heard them chatting (chat) on the benchon the bench I / see / he / do the dishes I / see / he / do the dishes I saw him doing (do) the I saw him doing (do) the dishes.dishes.叉聊蛔导土人悍驯酱肆挑颈病文肛啡变狈婶掂押雷刀袒赵咱肄辣靖己戌伯感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016

14、感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016看圖說故事 Part 2They / see / Mary/They / see / Mary/ They saw Mary walking (walk)They saw Mary walking (walk)her dog.her dog.JohnMikeMike / watch / John / Mike / watch / John / sort the garbagesort the garbageWalk her dogWalk her dogMike watches John sor

15、tMike watches John sort(sorting) the garbage(sorting) the garbage. .冻烙肛潘病娜秒诧幌拎首婆简优岂药富柳斜忱疤硼二酥肺捉计轮嗓沽坍哟感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016看圖說故事 Part 3They / see / Mary/ They / see / Mary/ They saw Mary walking (walk)They saw Mary walking

16、(walk)her dog.her dog.Tom / watch / the cat / run Tom / watch / the cat / run after / a dogafter / a dogWalk her dogWalk her dogTom watches the cat running Tom watches the cat running after (run after) a dog.after (run after) a dog.Tom登赋精鲍阔实便咕督阀以享旭奸真闰评嚏闲辅麦圆透坯绪啡枕截绕啃泄多感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016感官動詞01102016060153pm0800en感官動詞下午060153080001102016



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