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1、凯特萧邦(Kate Chopin,1851-1904)又名凯特肖邦,美国女作家,本名凯萨琳欧福拉赫蒂 (Katherine OFlaherty)重要的短篇小说黛泽蕾的婴孩一小时的故事暴风凯特萧邦Her important short stories Desirees BabyThe Story of an HourThe StormHer major works were two short storyBayou FolkA Night in Acadie 两部短篇小说集河口人们阿卡迪亚之夜凯特萧邦She was married in 1870 with Oscar Chopin and re

2、turned the City of Saint Louis with her six children in 1882 after her husbands death.Then she was encourage to write by her friends. 凯特萧邦她于1870年嫁给了奥斯卡肖邦,在1882她丈夫去世之后与她的六个孩子返回圣路易斯.然后她的朋友们鼓励她写作。Her fist novel At Faultwas published when she was nearly 40 years old.她在快四十岁的时候出版了第一本小说故障(1890)凯特萧邦The nove

3、lThe Awakening was one of her best work. But she was just rejected in the field of literature for this story and she stoped writing from then.小说觉醒(1899),是她的杰作,正是因为这个故事肖邦在文学领域受到排斥,被迫停止了写作。凯特萧邦The Story of an Hour一小时的故事凯特萧邦这是她最好的短篇小说。故事内容被浓缩在一个小时内。主要介绍了玛拉德夫人在得悉丈夫死讯后一系列的行为和心理变化The Story of an HourThis

4、is her best short novel.The story is limited in an hour.It mainly introduces a series of change of emotion and action of Mrs.Mallard when she learned the message of the death of her husband.Historical backgroundThe Story of an Hour Given that “The Story of an Hour” was published in 1894, when marria

5、ge was considered a sacred institution. Divorce was quite rare in the 1800s and if one was to occur, men were automatically given legal control of all property and children.鉴于一小时的故事于1894年出版,当婚姻被认为是一种神圣的机构。离婚是很罕见的1800年代,如果发生离婚,男人被自动提供了法律控制的所有财产和孩子。Historical backgroundThe Story of an HourObviously th

6、en, a female writer who wrote of women wanting independence would not be received very highly, especially one who wrote of a woman rejoicing in the death of her husband.很明显很明显,一个女性作家谁写的女性要独立不会收到非常高评一个女性作家谁写的女性要独立不会收到非常高评价价,尤其是一个女人写欣喜于她丈夫的死讯的东西。尤其是一个女人写欣喜于她丈夫的死讯的东西。 The theme Feminism means 女权主义The l

7、iberation of human nature 人性的解放Freedom自由Pursuing gender equality in man-dominated society在男人主导的社会追求男女平等 The Story of an HourIt reveals the social indifference to women value and spirit of freedom, at the same time, it reflects the awakening of female consciousness.The Story of an Hour文章揭示美国社会对于女性价值的

8、漠视和自由精神的束缚,同时也体现女性意识的觉醒Three parts of the storyPart one 1-8The Story of an HourMrs.Mallard was heart-broken at the news of her husbands death and locked herself up in the room.Through the window ,she could see scenes full of the new spring life and she was lost in thought.马拉德太太得知丈夫死讯后,心都要碎啦。他把自己锁在房间

9、里。从窗外看到到处充满了新春的生机,她陷入了沉思。Part two 9-17The Story of an Hour Sad was she , she realized she was freedom which she was deprived by marriage . Both body and soul are freedom.She would live for herself.尽管心中充满了悲伤,马拉德太太意思到了自己获得了被婚姻剥夺的自由。身体和精神都自由了。它将为自己而活。Part three 18-21The Story of an HourWhile being thri

10、lled at the prospect of her own, Mrs. Mallard died of heart disease suddenly when seeing her husband go back home.正当马拉德太太激动地憧憬自己未来自由的生活时,他看到丈夫回来了,因心脏病发作死亡。From the story of an hour we see the tragedy of the heroine concentrated life, understand the society at that time women were suffocating, unjust

11、 oppression, greatly inspired after the womens liberation movement advocates.The Story of an Hour从这一个小时的故事中我们看到了女主人公浓缩的悲剧一生,了解了当时的社会女性受到的令人窒息、不公正的压迫,极大地激励了之后的妇女解放运动倡导者conclusionThe Story of an HourThe story of an hour with irony and black humor colors obviously, acted naturally smooth, elegant old,

12、short length, with extremely high artistic level. Doctors diagnose Dr Conrad lady died of excessive joy, however, only to grasp her heart and turn the reader to recognize her deathBecause is not ecstasy, but with every new freedom of despair; Is not a heart attack, but the awakening of self.一个小时的故事带

13、有明显嘲讽意味与黑色幽默色彩,行文自然流畅,手法遒劲老到,篇幅短小精悍,具有极高的艺术水准。医生诊断玛拉德夫人因过度喜悦而死,然而只有领会她内心起伏转折的读者才明白她的死因并非狂喜,而是新生的自由落空的绝望;并非心脏病发,而是自我的觉醒。The story of an hour by Dr Conrads death reflects the author clinging to life, as well as to the social inequality between men and women and womens social status is low.Dissatisfaction with the reveal of the contradiction between the reality and the ideal immutability, profoundly expounded the theme of women pursuing equality and freedom.The Story of an Hour一个小时的故事通过玛拉德夫人的死体现作者对生活的执著,以及对当时社会男女不平等和妇女社会地位低下的不满。揭示出现实与理想之间矛盾的永恒性,深刻地阐述了女性追求平等和自由的主题.Thank youTeam:*



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