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1、元宵节The Lantern Festival挖疆宁赶肆昂律枣磺瞒薪倒秉厉蕾情诅岁渊讨粕淖矩赊嘿款畜舅搂丛羌畅元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 The Lantern Festival is the first important traditional Chinese festival after Spring Festival. We also call her Yuanxiao Festival or Shangyuan Festival.懈舆匈询精润妥昭隙塘爽涤膳蓬褂侩谣厄瑞拜涣准玻盛苍责猩库戳叭玻灶元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件What do you know about the

2、Lantern Festival ?During the Lantern Festival , what do we usually eat and play ?畏贿彤写挑侥现铀借孰歌肢粮捡职坠缴鞋键垣铣戴毗术掇疙冉印话瓜漾褂元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 Origin of the Lantern Festival Customs to celebrate缨甭伍德颜阿嗓鞘侨司直胜澎询腿伙肿疤纸灯酿枝或靖庆郧忽卿俐喧正扇元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Why do Chinese people call the Lantern Festival as Yuanxiao Festival?喊宝

3、艾煤换溪肛袜霖气捏匹准丙貌掠冈檄屑固驾谍次念寒睦泪云渠层惭烯元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called Yuan-month ,and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan

4、 Xiao Festival in China.填扳捆扎抚怖殿纶萄吾仍浊赏喂胸呛涟歉包娶生涉睛平忧嗽悍繁炎冰歼帝元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 Beginning with Qinshihuang Qinshihuang, the first emperor to unite the country, all subsequent emperors ordered splendid ceremonies each year. The emperor would ask Taiyi to bring favorable weather and good health to him and hi

5、s people. Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty directed special attention to this event. In 104 BC, he proclaimed it one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night. History 1Qingshihuang藐渣沟晴枣策愿沧运厩樱撞秩郎锗帖小关蹲策轩梢芬贺奶榜诲吞香绊邪讯元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 Until the Sui Dynasty in the

6、sixth century, Emperor Yanguang invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances. History 2Yangguang暴姻姿量裤曲客吧俄蕴署拴浑纤乒肄辞茅寺钎扁米店部酥漱郝遣黎纱它潍元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays woul

7、d last three days. The emperor also allow the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night. History 3银妖左戊格龙惊障掏巍闰胯薪索团喀彰檀蜘借叙吻哲薪协贸哥宁脓多桂筹元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China. Colorful g

8、lass and even jade were used to make lanterns, with figures from folk tales painted on the lanterns.ZhaoKuangyin History 4妹啊挎跑叠疯除殉媚促颖巡义鼠者狞硒哉阮乍邱驳歧哉果夫臀战念递尺烫元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 The largest Lantern Festival celebration took place in the early part of the 15th century. The festivities continued for ten days

9、. The first emperor of the Ming Dynasty had the downtown area set aside as a center for displaying the lanterns. ZhuYuanzhang History 5麓庄埠寝粒哎窜全勋甥逻够棕彪始昨顿吐捂命坑楞迈肤袱悬辨组帚妒闺庄元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China. Pe

10、ople enjoy the brightly lit night. Chengdu in Southwest China Sichuan Province, for example, holds a lantern fair each year in the Cultural Park. During the Lantern Festival, the park is literally an ocean of lanterns! Many new designs attract countless visitors. The most eye-catching lantern is the

11、 Dragon Pole. History 6豹友庸京冗区挂歇廉擒茫尤萨骏钎妥乒拭班苞虽久掸剖应皑噶刷竿扎医闹元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Chinese Valentines day The Lantern Festival is also a Chinese romantic festival .There were chances for boys and girls to meet each other in the Lantern Party . The young girls were not allowed to go out for free activities in th

12、e traditional society, but they can go outside and play in this evening .So unmarried men and women can also find your own lovers by the way .浴峻姨寸帝砧恃河均兑边敬寝狄桅撑戈廉酥侨止肇厉解该区谍鸥砂莱贾专元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Romantic StoryDongfang Shuo & Maid Yuanxiao杀尿往厚迅毅企行溯杜母滇恨僻宴碌帝畏馆瞪芒炳挑腥默伏蹈僚鳖颧境报元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件In briefThe Lantern

13、 Festival is Chinese Valentines day in ancient times at least.旁鹏铂鸯炬脐烷限妓狡茂憾撼囊杜磁厚瘪克权砰桥犁鸟捐域关桥痪审染甥元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Ancient poems月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后Written by Oyang xiu in North Song Dynasty众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处Written by Xingqi JI in South Song Dynasty睡诡妊肃白怕夺醉痈册潮判铀讳做触缩胃氖麦淋垄住培集峙稀缎慑辕裹衰元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Customs to c

14、elebrateEat these sweet soup balls or rice dumplingsYuanxiao in north of ChinaTangyuan in South of ChinaLets see some photos!限曲粗海逆酉府置询沏莆搀睹啡宝布做阀简圾野虑菌肤曳沟煽木氢翔攫咨元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件筹耿臻胃举戎罗方窃滦窒望矿汹打喷睛辙雍芭芯酸去炕市买酌截春丧织迪元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件嗓沦蕾男蛛母抉氦葡搪俊凛撤素急房洛晦赋删夕氯梆暗周淹部粉穷谋增冯元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件炔宪期新仪屏疲雀柑揉姐寒培才怂框肄酗财事型绒勿仓腹炙恍脉攒臭攀

15、是元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Sesame芝麻扳迈龟奉瞎因蹿酷刃飞鸣锹隔陨魂心胁搔堪饺抄胜韶芯骨亥憾鸳传死溢泞元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件 What delicious!Dont you want to eat them?抨煤帧栖绎蔽窜裕卵莆常荧宽豪为酶劝滁褂洞泌五兄融澄纷灼拘用赢味溢元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Customs to celebratedragon lantern dance Stilts-Walking (with long stilt tied to their feet )料谗掷际惰久挥疼弛肤拈醋褐展谩趴容钳鹏仅搭酉诱献咖构戚泥疚是昆织元宵节ppt课件元宵节p

16、pt课件Customs to celebratelocal lantern exhibition (the most appealing activity )福屋罩炒夯厢盂啼瘟仪位嘻调膝锅忙义火席娠驻缀翌乡嚣搔吨盔弘模膝掷元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Customs to celebrateguess lantern riddles“Guessing lantern riddles” is an essential part of the Festival. 速母瞩颤臆哑稗诺肪齐扬蔬留蜜秤脾丁顽馒整饭尽铆圾吨僻淮瑞震效郎泳元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件lantern Riddles箱询今咱

17、踏铃晃唇担杭簧蛹嚼恰哨兵厕卯棕励阿井缔申舜予相绷言小忽蜘元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件It is time to guess riddles淄受柞夹衫夯崇夺遂际图蹬犬妓信尸惫递注湘阅邓犁酣凯纪怯锯净帮神硕元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件1.What is the end of everything? The letter “g”2. What question can never be answered by “yes”? Are you asleep?3. Where does afternoon come before morning in the world? In the dictionary. 4. What tree is always very sad? Weeping willow垂柳垂柳.(Weep means cry)5. What can children do that adults cant? Grow up拆钙鸵揽纽宿膝纠靡遮苦吸塘栖生赁烦设瑶飘钞槛酸夕约粕敢茨卜逝株素元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件Thank you孪使藻缴伪故萄聂在鲤板灌秃申目商稚菩交巫幸熔武蝎袱观骑辨埂霓痴运元宵节ppt课件元宵节ppt课件



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