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1、Unit6Whenwasitinvented?SectionA句型转换句型转换1.Thepersonalcomputerwasinventedin1976.(对对划线部分提问划线部分提问)_thepersonalcomputer_?2.TheshoeswithlightswereinventedbyJulieThompson.(对划线部分提问对划线部分提问)_theshoeswithlights_?WhenwasinventedWhowereinvented by3.Knivesareusedforcuttingthings._knives_?4.AChinesenamedCaiLuninve

2、ntedpaper.(改被改被)Paper_aChinesenamedCaiLun.Whatareusedforwas inventedby5.ShewasinterviewedbythelocalTVstationlastweek.(改改为主主动语态)ThelocalTVstation_ _ _lastweek.interviewedher18391839/ /anEnglishmananEnglishman18611861/JamesNaismith/JamesNaismith(aCanadian)(aCanadian)19731973/MartinCooper2004/SonyCompa

3、ny18851885/ /Dr.PembertonDr.Pemberton(anAmerican)(anAmerican)1947/Spencer19071907Wright1879/EdisonA:Hi,Whenwastheinvented?B:ItwasinventedinA:Whowasitinventedby?B:Itwasinventedbyheeln.鞋跟鞋跟;足跟足跟scoopn.勺勺;铲子铲子electricityn.电电;电能电能e.g.Ilikethestyleoftheskirt.我喜欢这条裙子的款式。我喜欢这条裙子的款式。 stylen.样式样式;款式款式2aListe

4、nandnumbertheinventionsintheorderthatyouhearthem.123What can you see on the table?Whats the boy doing?What is the girl doing?What is the scoop used for?What are the shoes used for2bListenagainandcompletethechartbelow.InventionWhatisit/aretheyusedfor?_thestyleoftheshoesseeing_reallycoldice-creamshoes

5、withspecialheelsshoeswithlightshotice-creamscoop2cMakeconversationsusingtheinformationin2b.A:Whataretheyusedfor?B:Theyreusedfor.changinginthedarkserving Carol is writing about some of the interesting _ for his English homework. Look! They are shoes _lights. People can _ them _ seeing in the dark whe

6、n they get up at night. It seems cool because some people may _ their toes on something on the way to the _ at night. The second on is her favorite inventiona special ice-cream _. It _ _ electricity and becomes hot. It _ _ _ _ really cold ice-cream. The last invention is shoes_ _ _. The _ can be mov

7、ed _ _ _. People can change the _. They can _ the heels if they are going to a party or _ them if they are just going out _ shopping.inventionswithuseforhitbathroomscooprunsonisusedforservingwithspecialheelsheelsupanddownstyleraiselowerfor根据句意和所给汉语提示根据句意和所给汉语提示,完成下列单词的完成下列单词的确拼写。确拼写。1.Thatsthemost_(

8、有用的有用的)book.2.ItissaidthatThomasEdisonhad1,093_(发明发明)duringhislifetime.3.-Whatisthiskindofmachineusedfor?-Itsusedfor_(听听)tomusic.usefulinventionslisteningMake conversations using the information in 2b.Whataretheshoeswithlightsusedfor?2cTheyreusedforseeinginthedark. Whatarehotice-creamscoopusedfor?Th



11、ct /prdekt/ n. 项目;工项目;工程程They decided to give out some money to The Project Hope.daily /deili/ adj. 每日的;日常的每日的;日常的Everyday she must read some daily newspapers.You should have a normal daily life.pioneer /paini/ n.先锋;先驱先锋;先驱She became a young pioneer at the age of six.Pioneer is a famous brand in Jap

12、an.New words project /prdekt/ n. 项目;工程项目;工程p.42pleasure /ple(r)/ n. 高兴;愉快高兴;愉快p.42zipper /zip(r)/ n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁拉链;拉锁 p.42daily /deili/ adj. 每日的;日常的每日的;日常的 p.42 website /websait/ n. 网站网站 p.42 pioneer /paini/ n.先锋;先驱先锋;先驱 p.42list /list/ v. 列表;列清单列表;列清单 n. 名单;清单名单;清单 p.42mention /menn/ v. 提到;说到提到;说

13、到 p.42 根据汉语提示完成单词。根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I like the color of this coat but I dont like its (款式款式).2. Its my great (高兴高兴) to have a talk with you.3. The little inventions have helped me a lot in my (日常的日常的)life.4. Julia introduced a good (网网站站)to me to learn English.5. My mother always (列清单)(列清单)all things th

14、at she wants to buy before shopping.stylepleasuredailywebsitelistsWhat are these?They are zippers.What are they made of?They are made of plastic or metal.What are they used for ?They are used for locking clothes, bags and so on.Lead-in 2d:Answerthefollowingquestions1.Whataretheytalkingabout?2.Wherec

15、anweseezippersindailylife?3.Whoandwheninventedthezippers?They are talking about the zippers.On dresses, trousers, shoes, bags and so on.By Whitcomb Judson in 1893.What invention are they talking about?Who invented the zipper?When was the zipper invented?When was it used widely?Where can you see zipp



18、udsonin1893.Butatthattime,itwasntusedwidely.Something about zipper Do you know how small _ changed the world? Thats the subject for my _ _. I want to introduce the _. It is _ a great invention _ it is often _ in our _ _. Zippers can _ _ _ dresses, _, shoes, bags, almost everywhere. I have seen on a

19、_ that the _ of different inventions were _. There it _ that the zipper was invented _ Whitcomb Judson in 1893. But it wasnt used _ at that time. In around 1917, it become _. inventionsschoolprojectzippersuchthatuseddailylivesbeseenontrouserswebsitepioneerslistedmentionedbywidelypopular对话内容巩固训练。对话内容

20、巩固训练。Last week, Roy saw a , it says the zipper is one of the small inventions that the world. It that the zipper was by Whitcomb Judson in 1893. but at that time, it wasnt widely . Paul thinks he do seems to have a . The zipper is really a great invention and its used in our lives very often and .we

21、bsitegreatestchangedmentionedinventedusedpointsuchdailyeverywhere用所给词的适当形式补全句子用所给词的适当形式补全句子1.-When the telephone ?-I think it in 1876.(invent)2.-What are the hot ice-cream scoops used for?- They are used for (scoop) really cold ice cream.3.Many beautiful presents (buy)for the teachers last Sunday.4.

22、The thief (catch) by the police at last.5.The new computers (give) to the village school as presents last month.wasinventedwas inventedscoopingwere boughtwas caughtwere given2.My pleasure!这是我的荣幸这是我的荣幸【解析解析】pleasev取悦取悦pleasuren愉快愉快 .Its my _(please) to help you.pleasedadj.(人人)高兴的高兴的pleasantadj.(物物)令人

23、愉快的令人愉快的1.TheywenttoQingdaoandhada_(pleasure)trip.bepleasedtodosth愉快做某事愉快做某事 Im pleased _(meet) you.bepleasedwithsth对对.满意满意2.Thankyouforsupportingthevolunteerproject._.Manyhandsmakelightwork.A.MypleasureB.AllrightC.NevermindD.Thatsright1.【解析解析】dailyadj.日常的;每日的日常的;每日的=everyday【拓展拓展】dayn.天,日天,日dailyad

24、j.每日的每日的dailylife日常生活日常生活 1.Therewaslittlechangeintheir_(day)lives.2.Howdidyouknow_newsabouttriffic,Lisa?Well,Igotitfrom_ChinaDaily.A.a;theB.the;/C.the;theD.an;a2.【解析解析】listn列表;列清单列表;列清单n名单;清单名单;清单makealistof.制作制作.的目录的目录5.For example, it mentioned that the zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1

25、893.例如,它提到拉链是惠特科姆.贾德森于1839年发明的。【解析解析1】mentionmennv提到提到,说起说起 Dontmentionit.没关系,别客气没关系,别客气1.Thankyoufortakingmearoundyourschool,Daming._.A.DontmentionitB.NevermindC.OfcoursenotD.Noproblem.2.CanIhavealookatyourphotos,please?_.A.Sure,hereyouareB.DontmentionitB.C.IcantagreewithyouD.ImsorrytohearthatInven

26、tionsWhoWhenBe used forSurveyWhatsyourfavoriteinvention?Whowasitinvented?Whenwasitinvented?Whatisitusedfor?Doesithaveacoolstory?the computerJohn W.Mauchly J.Presper Eckert 1946Store information, send messages, listen to music My favorite invention is the computer. The first computer was invented in

27、1946 and it was invented by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert. We can use the computer to do a lot of things. It can be used for storing information, send messages, listen to music and so on. As time pass by, the technology is developing, and the computer is advancing too. The computer Computers

28、 are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Do you know the history and the changes of computers? Computer was invented in 194. At that time, the machine was huge and it was as large as a big house. It weighed about 30 tons. The computer is a very useful tool in our life, in our study a

29、s well as work. For example, computer can send some messages to foreign friends by e-mail. The computer can open our eyes to let us know more. The computer is the most helpful invention in the world. . It can help us with our schoolwork too. There are many functions. We can listen to music when we are tired, and we can play the games on computer for fun. It makes us relax. Its hard to imagine what our life would be like if we had no computers in our daily life. And in my opinion, computers are going to change our life completely in the near future.



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