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1、 高考作文高考作文, 特别是基础写作特别是基础写作, 提供的信提供的信息点多息点多, 但句数有限但句数有限, 熟练掌握以下四种整熟练掌握以下四种整合信息的方法非常重要。合信息的方法非常重要。用介词短语合并句子有两种情况我们常常用介词短语合并句子有两种情况我们常常可以用到:可以用到:(1)介词短语作介词短语作定语定语, (2)介词短介词短语作语作状语状语。典型例题典型例题 用介词短语将下列句子合并成用介词短语将下列句子合并成一句。一句。例例1.(1) Waste water is making the river worse and worse. (2) The waste water is f

2、rom a factory.(3) The factory lies on the river.合并:合并:Waste water from the factory on the river is making the river worse and worse.例例2. (1)Xiaxi Town is not big but beautiful. (2)It has an area of about 8 square kilometers.合并合并:Xiaxi Town, with an area of about 8 square kilometers, is not big but b

3、eautiful. 在写作中在写作中, 我们运用并列连词合并我们运用并列连词合并句子是最常用的手段。常用的并列连句子是最常用的手段。常用的并列连词有词有and, but, or, nor, so,yet,for, as well as, both.and, not only. But (also), either. or, neither.nor, (and) then, since等。等。典型例句典型例句 用并列连词合并下列各组句子。用并列连词合并下列各组句子。例例1. (1) He is a friend in word.(2) He is a friend in deed; too.用用

4、as well as合并:合并:He is a friend in word as well as in deed.例例2. (1)I know her.(2)I am her best friend.用用not only.but also合并:合并:Not only do I know her, but (also) I am her best friend.例例3. Nowadays, a lot of attention is focused on education. The fact that many children from migrant workers families h

5、ave dropped out of school is ignored.合并合并:Nowadays, a lot of attention is focused on education, yet the fact that many children from migrant workers families have dropped out of school is ignored. 要使文章漂亮要使文章漂亮, 在写作中不可能不在写作中不可能不使用主从复合句使用主从复合句, 最常用的从句是最常用的从句是状语状语从句、主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句从句、主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和定语从句

6、。和定语从句。典型例句典型例句例例1.(1) China is the third largest country in the world. (2)Everyone knows it.用定语从句合并:用定语从句合并:As everyone knows, China is the third largest country in the world.例例2. (1) It was raining hard.(2) We kept on working.用状语从句合并:用状语从句合并:Although it was raining hard, we kept on working.例例3. (1

7、)Some more factories are going to be set up. (2)People told me that.运用主语从句合并运用主语从句合并:It is said that some more factories will be set up here.例例4.(1) The government should take measures to stop the town from being further polluted. (2)This is my opinion.运用宾语从句合并运用宾语从句合并:I think the government should

8、take measures to stop the town from being further polluted. 在写作中在写作中, 正确使用非谓语动词正确使用非谓语动词, 无疑为文无疑为文章增色不少。非谓语动词包括不定式、现章增色不少。非谓语动词包括不定式、现在分词和过去分词。使用时应注意以下几在分词和过去分词。使用时应注意以下几点:点:(1) 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之后之后(一般一般情况下情况下, 尽量用不定式的主动式尽量用不定式的主动式)。(2)现在分词表主动现在分词表主动, 该动作与谓语动词的动该动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或紧接着发生。作同时发生或

9、紧接着发生。(3)过去分词表被动过去分词表被动, 或表示该动词的动作在或表示该动词的动作在谓语动词的动作之前发生谓语动词的动作之前发生, 或没有时间性。或没有时间性。(4)现在分词的被动式表被动现在分词的被动式表被动, 与谓语动词的与谓语动词的动作同时发生。动作同时发生。典型例题典型例题 用非谓语动词将以下各组用非谓语动词将以下各组句子分别合成一句话。句子分别合成一句话。例例1. (1)He looked up. (2) He saw a bird in the tree.用不定式合并:用不定式合并:He looked up to see a bird in the tree.例例2. (1)

10、 I dont like the man.(2) The man is wearing a pair of dark glasses. 用现在分词合并:用现在分词合并:I dont like the man wearing a pair of dark glasses.例例3.(1) The temple is visited by thousands of people every year.(2) It was built 1, 000 years ago.用过去分词合并:用过去分词合并:The temple, built 1, 000 years ago, is visited by t

11、housands of people.合并句子合并句子 用以上四种手段合并下列各组句用以上四种手段合并下列各组句子子, 然后将这然后将这5组句子组成一篇通顺自然的组句子组成一篇通顺自然的短文。短文。1.A traffic accident happened at the crossroad of Yuanlin Road, Yangguang Town. The accident happened at 9: 00 a.m. on February.2.2. A taxi crashed into the left side of a truck. It caused one death an

12、d two injuries.3. The truck driver was slightly injured. The taxi driver was killed and the passenger in the taxi was seriously injured.4. “The taxi didnt stop at the traffic lights. It went on running at a high speed when the red light was on.” said a witness.5. The police want to know the real rea

13、son. The real reason is being investigated. A traffic accident happened at the crossroad of Yuanlin Road, Yangguang Town, at 9:00 a.m. on February. A taxi crashed into the left side of a truck, causing one death and two injuries. The truck driver was slightly injured, but the taxi driver was killed

14、and the passenger in the taxi was seriously injured. A witness said the taxi didnt stop at the traffic lights but went on running at a high speed when the red light was on. However, the real reason is being investigated.参考答案:合并句子参考答案:合并句子Homework:翻译合并翻译合并1. 昨天昨天, 我们在班里进行了一场讨论。我们在班里进行了一场讨论。2. 我们讨论是否应

15、该帮助那些困境中的人。我们讨论是否应该帮助那些困境中的人。3. 我的一些同学说应该。我的一些同学说应该。4. 他们认为帮助他人是我们中华民族的传统美德。他们认为帮助他人是我们中华民族的传统美德。5. 一些人认为帮助他人不是个好主意。一些人认为帮助他人不是个好主意。6. 现在的人忘恩负义。现在的人忘恩负义。7.我们可能受到我们想帮助的人的伤害。我们可能受到我们想帮助的人的伤害。8. 依我之见依我之见, 我们应伸出援助之手给那些需我们应伸出援助之手给那些需要帮助的人。要帮助的人。9. 人人能互相关心。人人能互相关心。10. 这个世界会更美好。这个世界会更美好。1. 昨天昨天, 我们在班里进行了一场

16、讨论。我们在班里进行了一场讨论。1. Yesterday we had a discussion in our class.2. 我们讨论是否应该帮助那些困境中的人。我们讨论是否应该帮助那些困境中的人。2. We discussed whether we should help those in trouble.3. 我的一些同学说应该。我的一些同学说应该。3. Some of my classmates said we should.Homework:翻译合并翻译合并4. 他们认为帮助他人是我们中华民族的传统他们认为帮助他人是我们中华民族的传统美德。美德。4. Helping others

17、is a good traditional virtue of us Chinese people.5. 一些人认为帮助他人不是个好主意。一些人认为帮助他人不是个好主意。5. Others didnt think it a good idea to help other people.6. 现在的人忘恩负义。现在的人忘恩负义。6. People nowadays are ungrateful.7.我们可能受到我们想帮助的人的伤害。我们可能受到我们想帮助的人的伤害。7. We may be hurt by those who we are trying to help.8. 依我之见依我之见,

18、我们应伸出援助之手给那些需我们应伸出援助之手给那些需要帮助的人。要帮助的人。8. In my view, we should give a hand to the people in need of help.9. 人人能互相关心。人人能互相关心。9. Everyone can care for each other.10. 这个世界会更美好。这个世界会更美好。10.The world will become more beautiful. Yesterday we had a discussion in our class about whether we should help those

19、 in trouble. Some of my classmates said we should because helping others is a good traditional virtue of us Chinese people while others didnt think it a good idea to help other people as people nowadays are ungrateful. 参考短文参考短文They said we may be hurt by those who we are trying to help. In my view, we should give a hand to the people in need of help. If everyone can care for each other, the world will become more beautiful.



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