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1、L/O/G/O初中英语中几组常考初中英语中几组常考初中英语中几组常考初中英语中几组常考词义区分题词义区分题词义区分题词义区分题TakeTake,spendspend,cost cost ,paypay这四个这四个这四个这四个词都可表示词都可表示词都可表示词都可表示“ “花费花费花费花费” ”It took me twenty minutes to do my homework yesterday。(常用于句型It takes sb sometime to do sth。it是形式主语,to do sth 花费 某人多少时间)She spent too much time watching TV

2、。(Spend 时钱(in) doing sth,on sth)The book cost me 10 yuan。(Cost 物作主语)I paid 10 yuan for that book。(Pay 人作主语,常用短语pay for为付款)H Hundredundred,thousandthousand,millionmillion,billionbillion前加数字,不加前加数字,不加前加数字,不加前加数字,不加s s, 后加后加后加后加ofof,必加,必加,必加,必加s sThe volunteers sent books to a mountain village school o

3、n Childrens DayA, two hundreds of B, two hundred ofC, two hundreds D, two hundred这四个词,都可以前加数字,表示确定的数字,后加of时表示不确定的数。可以译为数百的,成千的a littlea little,littlelittle,a fewa few,fewfewThere are few friends in this city,so I always feel lonely.There are a few friends in this city, so we get together every week.

4、There is little bread in the fridge, so I need to buy some at once.There is a little bread in the fridge,I think it is enough for breakfast。用法总结:few 可数little 不,有a 肯定无a否。A Acrosscross与与与与throughthroughacross和through均可表示“从这一边到另一边”,但用法不同。Across的含义与on有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行。Throgh的含义与in有关,表示动作是在三维空间进行。例如:1,Th

5、e dog ran across the grass.狗跑过草地。2,The boy swam across the river.那男孩游过河。3,They walked through the forest.他们穿过森林4,The moonlight goes through the window and makes the room bright。it it 固定句型固定句型1. 做某事情对某人来说是做某事情对某人来说是 It is + adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth. It is hard for me to do this work.2. 轮到某人做轮到某人做 I

6、ts ones turn to do sth. Its your turn to clean the room.3. 是(某人)做某事的时候了 Its time (for sb.) to do sth.Its time for you to do the homework.4. 据说 Its said that Its said that your teacher leave our 5. 某人花费做某事 It takes sb. some time to do sth.6. 自从以来,已经有(时间)了。 It is / has been + 时段时段 + since + 从句从句(过去时过去时)7. 某人发现/认为/感觉到做某事是的 find sb. think +it+adj+to do Thank you for listening!Thank you for listening!



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