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1、备考2025广西壮族自治区南宁市西乡塘区小学教师公开招聘真题练习试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共100题)1、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day

2、, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.In other wordsB.To tell the truthC.In my opinionD.On the contrary【答案】 B2、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are ver

3、y busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her

4、 in a 21voice. A.rudeB.politeC.gentleD.careful【答案】 C3、在心理学界,一般认为教育心理学作为一个独立分支的标志是()。A.乌申斯基的教育心理学B.鲍尔文的教育心理学C.桑代克的教育心理学D.卡普杰列夫的教育心理学【答案】 C4、“单身狗”最初的自我戏谑,其实夹杂着焦虑与苦涩。日前,一项针对大学生感情状态的调查结果显示,大学生没有“脱单”的比例为69%,而其中68%有“脱单”意愿。真的有这么迫切吗?在恋爱的季节被落下了,心里自然不是好滋味。_。A.所以在“单身狗”面前秀恩爱会对他们造成很大的伤害B.所以很多大学生希望在上学期间收获一份美好的爱情C

5、.所以我们要给予“单身狗”更多的关心与照顾D.所以大部分人害怕的其实不是独身一人,而是由此带来的挫败感【答案】 D5、( )不是教育研究方法的特点。A.客观性B.可验证性C.综合性D.伦理性【答案】 D6、测验时跳过某个题目,先做简单的题目,这属于( )A.认知策略B.元认知策略C.资源管理策略D.精加工策略【答案】 B7、根据下面资料,回答A.storyB.diaryC.signD.face【答案】 D8、教育研究活动的起始环节是( )A.收集资料B.选择课题C.提出假设D.制订方案【答案】 B9、按照布鲁姆等人的观点,以下几种认知教育目标中水平最低的是()。A.分析B.应用C.综合D.领会

6、【答案】 D10、( )是把两个或两个以上不同年级的学生编在一个教室里,由一位教师分别用不同的教材,在 一节课里对不同年级的学生进行教学的一种特殊组织形式。A.分组教学B.复式教学C.个别教学D.现场教学【答案】 B11、The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he _ himself.A.injureB.injuredC.had injuredD.would injure【答案】 A12、“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”现在常常用来描述教师职业道德的( )。A.创造性B.无私性C.社会性D.教育性【答案】 B13、Born in 1

7、805, _ produced such great works as the The Ugly Ducking, The Emperors New Clothes and The Little Mermaid.A.William ShakespeareB.Ernest HemingwayC.Hans Christian AndersenD.Jane Austen【答案】 C14、“应试教育”重视( )。A.少数“尖子生”B.大多数学生C.少数后进生D.中等生【答案】 A15、根据下面资料,回答A.respectB.checkC.boostD.desert【答案】 C16、Of all the

8、 changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.A.arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapersB.English-language newspapers used

9、 to carry more arts reviewsC.high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readersD.young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies【答案】 B17、Even plant can run a fever, especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken fr

10、om 3, 000 feet away straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers p

11、recisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that dont have pest(害虫)problems.A.the lack of official supporB.its high costC.the lack of financial supportD.its failure to help increase production【答案】 C18、“化性起伪”是谁提出的?()A.荀子B.老子C.庄子D.孔

12、子【答案】 A19、 Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we_A.expectB.had expectedC.are expectingD.have expected【答案】 B20、()迁移指将原有认知经验应用于新情境中时,需调整原有的经验或对新旧经验加以概括,形成一种能包容新旧经验的更高一级的认知结构,以适应外界的变化。A.顺应性B.同化性C.重组性D.具体【答案】 B21、某校学生郭某(10岁)依仗身体强壮经常强行索要同学赵某的财物,父母无力管教,希望将其送工读学校进行矫治和接收教育,

13、应当由()提出申请,报教育行政部门批准。A.郭某父母B.赵某父母C.公安机关D.赵某所在学校【答案】 A22、引起权力动机的因素大致包括( )。A.社会控制的需求B.嫉妒情绪C.对无能的恐惧D.本能【答案】 A23、通过角色训练增强自信心,然后将所学得的应对方式应用到实际生活情境中的行为演练方式称之为()。A.自我控制训练B.肯定性训练C.自我强化训练D.自我监督训练【答案】 B24、文化传承的主要手段是( )。A.社会实践B.选择经验C.生物遗传D.教育【答案】 D25、分析问题找出主要矛盾的过程属于问题解决的( )阶段。A.发现问题B.理解问题C.提出假设D.验证假设【答案】 B26、在教学工作中,通过“定向一示范一参与性练习一自主练习一迁移”的教学模式属于( )A.讲解一接受式B.示范一模仿式C.探究一发现 D_自学一指导式【答案】 B27、“让学校的每一面墙壁都开口说话”,这是充分运用了下列哪一种德育方法()。A.陶冶教育B.榜样示范C.实际锻炼D.品德评价【答案】 A28、关于“



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