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1、 feeling goodUnit3 Made by huangxi Looking good,Do they look good and feel good?Do they look good and feel good?Whom do you like better, the thin or the Whom do you like better, the thin or the fat? Why?fat? Why?Whats the man trying to do?Whats the man trying to do?1. If you are a bit over-weight, h

2、ow would you lose weight? Pair workPair workDiscussiongoing on a dietgoing on a dietexercising in a gymexercising in a gymreceiving surgical receiving surgical treatmenttreatmenttaking weight-loss taking weight-loss pillspills2. Which method would you prefer? What are the advantages and disadvantage

3、s of each of them?going on a dietadvantagesdisadvantageslose weightweak; tired;exercising in the gym advantagesdisadvantageskeep fit;lose weightwaste time;have to payreceiving surgical treatment advantagesdisadvantageslose weightwaste money;feel weaktaking weight-loss pills advantagesdisadvantageslo

4、se weightwaste money;damage healthReading (I)Unit3Dying to be thinP42PredictionPredictionCan you predict what the meaning of the title is ?Dying to be thin = Want to be thin very muchTrue or falseTrue or false1.In Amys first e-mail to Zhou Ling, she says she is going on a diet.2.2. In the last two m

5、onths Amy has lost 10kg.3.3. In Amys second e-mail, she regrets taking those weight-loss pills. FFTFast reading 4. Zhou Ling didnt answer Amys e-mail in time because he has no computer.5. In China, people seldom take weight-loss pills to lose weight.FF1. According to Paragraph 2 in the first email,

6、Amy is an actress, _.A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weightC. who become illD. who ate littleRead the three e-mails carefully again and choose the best answer.2. Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills?A. She was overweight.B. She was having problems.C. Her clothes did not fit

7、.D. She wanted to become slimmer.3. What dose amy do now in order to recover?A. She goes to the gym every day. B. She dose exercise and eats heathy foodC. She stays in bed all day.D. She takes lots of medicine.4. Zhou Ling, Amys friend, _.A. did not want to read Amys emails B. was sorry to hear abou

8、t Amys problemsC. thinks Amy should lose weightD. thinks weight-loss pills are necessary5. Amys experience is _.A. an interesting one B. forgotten by her familyC. like that of some people in ChinaD. a problem only actresses haveListeningFill in the charts about the three periods of Amys mood. What i

9、s her mood in each period? And what are the reasons and results? What Amy didReasonsResultsAmys emotionsMothers wordstake Fat-less pillsbe in hospitalan actress; ashamed of her body.slimmer; tired and weakliver failure; joyfulNohing is more important than health . recovering regretfulhopeful. 1.What lessons has Amy learnt from her experience?2.What kinds of advice would you give to Amy? Further DiscussionSuppose you are Amys best friend and are asked to write back to her after hearing about her problems. What kinds of advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?Homework: writing



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