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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?Section B (1a-1e)1.快乐译一译。 美味的_兴奋的_糟糕的_昂贵的_便宜的_无聊的_2.用疑问词填空(1)、A:_wastheweather?B:Itwassunny.(2)、A:_didyougoonvacation?B:IwenttoBeijing.(3)、A:_didyoudoonvacation?B:Iplayedtennisonvacation.(4)、A:_didyougo?B:IwentthereonMonday.deliciousdeliciousexcitingexcitingterrib

2、leterribleexpensiveexpensivecheapcheapboringboringHowHowWhereWhereWhatWhatWhenWhendeliciousdeliciousdeliciousterribleexpensivecheapDid they go anywhere on vacation?boring/boredexcitingMatch the words with the pictures (Can you read and translate these words?)1._delicious3._exciting5._terrible2._expe

3、nsive4._cheap6._boring.1aefabcd words words _ _ _ _ _ _deliciousterribleexcitingcheapexpensiveboring1bLook at the words in 1a again. Write words on the left. Write words on the right.1c.Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions.1.WheredidLisagoonvacation?2.Didshedoanythingspec

4、ialthere?Whatwasit?Yes,shedid.Shewenttoafunpark.3.Didshebuyanythingforherbestfriend?Yes,shedid.4.DidLisalikehervacation? She went to Hong KongYes, she did.What did Lisa say about?hervacation_thepeople_thefunpark_thefood_thestores_1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks.greatfriendlyexcitingdeliciousexpe

5、nsive1e Ask and answer questions about Lisas vacation. Begin your questions with:Where did? What did? Did she?How was? How were?G-girl; L-LisaG-girl; L-LisaG: Hi, Lisa. How was your vacation?L: It was great! I_.G: Really? Wow! Did you do_ there?L: Well, we went to a fun park. It was really exciting.

6、G: Did you _?L: Yeah, I did.G: How were the stores?L: Oh, they were very_, but I did_ _.G: And how were the people? Were they friendly?L: Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents_ there, and they has dinner at their house.G: _ was the food?L: It was delicious. I loved their home_.G: Did everyone_

7、?L: Oh, yes, we did. Everything was excellent.went to Hong Kong with my familywent to Hong Kong with my familyanything specialanything specialgo shoppinggo shoppingexpensiveexpensivebuy somethingbuy somethingfor my best friendfor my best friendhave some friendshave some friendsHowHowcookingcookingha

8、ve a good timehave a good time用方框中所给词填空用方框中所给词填空1.-Howwasthefilm?-Itwas_,Idontlikeit.2.-Howwasyourtrip?-Itwas_andIhadagoodtime.3.Thestoryis_,Ilikeitverymuch.4.Thepeopleontheisland(岛)are_tous.5.Shewearsa_coat.6.Thefoodinthisrestaurantis_,Iwouldntliketoeatit.7.-Howwerethebeaches?-Theywere_,Iwentthereo

9、nvacationlastmonth.8.-Howisitgoing?-Its_good.relaxing, interesting, boring, excellent, relaxing, interesting, boring, excellent, unfriendly, beautiful, terrible, pretty unfriendly, beautiful, terrible, prettyboringboringrelaxingrelaxinginterestinginterestingunfriendlyunfriendlybeautifulbeautifulterribleterribleexcellentexcellentprettypretty



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