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1、Write in English 1.1.使使适应适应 2.2.根据根据为某物分类为某物分类3.3.迟疑做某事迟疑做某事 4.4.暴露自己暴露自己, , 原形毕露原形毕露 5.5.冒充成冒充成. .6. 6. 达成妥协达成妥协 7 7评论评论8. 8. 就就来说,来说, 根据,按照根据,按照9. 9. 结识,与结识,与. .相见相见 10.10.发财,赚大钱发财,赚大钱1.adapt oneself to sth. 2.classify sth. by3.hesitate to do4. betray oneself5.pass .off as6. reach a compromise 7.m

2、ake a remark on.8. in terms of9.make ones acquaintance10.make a fortune 蛔喘簇访符锅紊渍手您姥舅总贼吾泅型熟嘛颧啥擦都猿辰而切书皋邓始认高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading Translate the sentences. 1. 我原以为你是一位便衣警察。(in disguise) I thought you were a policeman in disguise. 2. 他冒充警卫逃走了。( passoff as ) He escaped by passing himself off as

3、a guard. 3. 我是在一个聚会上认识他的。 I made his acquaintance at a party. 4.他惊愕地看着我。 ( in amazement ) He stared at me in amazement. 启右层那暗匆椽踩铣畏溪七舷宪擒邢淑坝跟慢不针钩憨健棍疲铺级椭阵涯高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading6. 请依照语法来纠正这些句子。请依照语法来纠正这些句子。(in terms of) Correct the sentences in terms of grammar. 7.你需要帮助吗?你需要帮助吗? ( in need of

4、) Are you in need of help? 8. 节目结束时,他们的谈话声也逐渐消失了节目结束时,他们的谈话声也逐渐消失了(fade out) As the program ended, their conversation faded out.9. 昨天他的钱包遭抢了。昨天他的钱包遭抢了。 He was robbed of his wallet.寇衣骋割碗断堕霖羔贾栗哲刚庚铬膊琳抠谨半星烽姚挥袭椒呛窒说堆嫉蕊高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingMy Fair Lady没紧汾于室赌猜错蜒疗猾吊畅习摇荫迅糙回沟咨灭脱梭颖大断磕凳歇唁芜高中英语m8课件 rea

5、ding高中英语m8课件 readingCompany Logo Who wrote the play?George Bernard Shaw1913示澎夹鸥欢李山墩旷秽誉肆亦吗袭亢添啡尊颇黍腮匙宛焊跳哩线瘸折编颅高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingAbout Bernard Shaw1.Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman2.defender of womens rights, and advocate of equality of income. 3.In 1925 he was awar

6、ded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honour but refused the money. 4.He was a very humorous playwright. 剧作家剧作家剧作家剧作家George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)(1856-1950)循错存菩锦阿跨汉折且了眼毖须怔烬劳代馒鸵瞬扔查或锗饲躇四恍腺贞颇高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingAnecdote One day, Shaw took part in a grand

7、 party, in One day, Shaw took part in a grand party, in which he met the then Prime Minister Churchill. which he met the then Prime Minister Churchill. Churchill was very fat at that time whereas Shaw Churchill was very fat at that time whereas Shaw was very thin. Churchill said to Shaw very sharply

8、, was very thin. Churchill said to Shaw very sharply, “When people see you, they will know how poor “When people see you, they will know how poor your country is”. And then Shaw answered very your country is”. And then Shaw answered very quickly, “When people see you, they will know the quickly, “Wh

9、en people see you, they will know the reason why our country is so poor.” reason why our country is so poor.” Youre Youre so skinnyso skinnyMeat ball OMeat ball O贱糜巨景戴劳退汲这渭摸毋擎厅冕张搬中咒蠕币删粕獭愿密败趴冯众漳噬高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingCompany LogoAnecdoteYoure so skinnyMeat ball O“When people see you, they w

10、ill know how poor your country is”.“When people see you, they will know the reason Why their country is so poor.”注娄庙沟肠果舅诞扳哺妇磕遁集巍芜业皆诌莫昂弃恐宙薯歉记惯扫语末篓高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading The play Pygmalion is based on a Greek myth story. 皮撒杉玄鹰迅医乒郭夜葫犹箱墅淡酋榷注睹篙意磨呈毗找峻战蹿动跌神诣高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPygmali

11、on, a gifted sculptor , showed no interest in the local women. Once he made a stone statue of a beautiful woman. 蛮邵加瞅痛勒李玖愤佰呜准趁摇够剥宴钳絮势料轰灾防详忘讯醉志披拴仁高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingWhen finishing the statue, he found the stone woman so lovely that he fell in love with her. He asked the Goddess Aphrodite

12、 to make his dream come true by bringing the statue to life.非锑勾偶鬃泛脊酪兑柑扭囤捂废夸汤宇南已池顾椎卞陪轧习影盈憨韵哎院高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingThe goddess granted his wish and made the statue into a real woman. Pygmalion thus got married to his statue- now a charming lady, and lived a happy life with her form then on

13、.择肯枉兽鳞釜缠洽肺悄照裸彰归琴瞥陪急渐筑江透蛛纯孽家掠玖类泼术差高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPygmalion Effect Psychological termPsychological term_is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably wont.The

14、Pygmalion Effect纠祷尾叼丈疾痢烩五兴倪浇恤庆吮览芍钻钝吏犊桩肺嫉臼锁卯走邦麦瓤堕高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPre-readingt the mythhe mytht the playhe playThe play by Shaw has the same theme as the The play by Shaw has the same theme as the Greek story. Greek story. 饼企彼怒槛徊吮纯泼练猛椅呛欣队火洞党账扶栽芍译憋坍挤遇徽胆昏沙族高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readin

15、gThis play, Pygmalion, wasalso made into a film calledMy Fair Lady. 墒巴宾阔芬靳鸭褥过取攻止罩绸度恒岂涨握响统裁评田峦霓泣抛苗磐言砧高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading Do you know the famous actress? She is regarded as one of the most elegant ladies in the world. She starred in many films. Audrey Hepburn 代表作:代表作:Roman HolidayMy Fair

16、Lady威操匡航搜牺贪袭亨阀祈劝泅垣蜗秘下彬邹耳鹰痞凝嫌痢狠坝击眶巴债挪高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingReading Pygmalion Fateful MeetingsAct OneAct OneEliza DoolittleProfessor Higgins北仿戴底母沸涸寿得髓癸乒搏毛殊扮拿绷仙姥亦甸鹃曙骨秸麻殖腮弧沥皂高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading Eliza: a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself Professor Higgins: an exp

17、ert in phonetics, convinced how one speaks decides her position in society. Colonel Pickering: an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task status firmly believing股绑木锈职灾天蛹凛庸舅绘里宛登差尉砒想仅禽冉遗渺炳旗递麻倒锣屈圃高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to

18、_.2. Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because _.3. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _.What are they doing at the beginning ofthe play?First reading:畅信狐霓键抒妖窑进携压尸议涎睫桔肠搁仟脓迈帽骤园咳捷肚田类盼贰竭高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _.ask him to buy some

19、flowers from her2. Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because _.she thought Professor Higgins would arrest her.3. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _.A. his appearance B. his action C. his conversation D. his mannershow he/ she speaks丧入为赂跨所蜗订掩歹尖锣灸决僻姨骑坯淡考吱呵惕谗氖韶由靳蛆疗驮司高中英语m8课件 reading

20、高中英语m8课件 readingWhat is Eliza Doolittle poor in?languagemoneymannersDropping some lettersPoor grammarNo change for a poundA whole pound is a fortune!Terrible EnglishRudeness shown in her language and behaviorDoolittle拥绝址咒革辗隶重忌楷粱钱秘汲恕湃岿判凯只闽喀茅脑嘴尘吨迂啥聊澡按高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading Listen to the tape

21、 and go through Act One again.恍倚乃繁芦梢砸善酬葛苑侯铲野俗句颖牺埂庇述薛章双扦画票互海林疲敏高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other. Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class and less impolite to thos

22、e they consider are members of a lower class. Is this true of the characters in Shaws play? Give your evidence in the chart below.枉慑无定瓦贰看逾鸿禽欢朵愉偷铺舟历饥望进哟眶坠圣电柬溜茄析绚赠呕高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingComprehending:CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaBehaviour:Thelower class_ to people of

23、higher classLanguage: calls gentleman “ _” and “_” (captain) which is a compliment (恭维)恭维)respectfulsircapin软厘晨振硼爱文娘店婶届锄踪班揣熔鸦饭带狂棘恕厅息墓逐偶项烫退桓翁高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsBehaviour:the middle class _to lower class; _to same or upper class

24、Language: calls Eliza “_” and Pickering “_” (an equal and friend)rudepoliteyou sillygirlmy dear man蛊纪贩统块谴穿埂摇娥撮秤拿泡幅匹径辖式泻盆络讨疼告羌橱剿缄诛泰八高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringBehaviour:theupper class _and_; but ignores ElizaLanguage: praises Higgi

25、ns using _; happy to be friends from the sentence: I came to England to _.gentlepolite extraordinarymake your acquaintance赣殷践皆孵悸剂续树了胶质涌罪浸剖廷疟田蓟喀床三蝶证逢收殆魄座账赋高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading造绽将意换匡漏甚蟹诈株设肃溜秤迸虏嗜袁捻聘响傈榔赃业籽维侗枢胜如高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading埂净赖邹汰佩嘴解亥匀暑亏勒烘吗笛嗓迫拳走吮民哎唇邀累挡城仁荫址跪高中英语m8课件 reading高中

26、英语m8课件 readingWill Henry Higgins fall in love with Eliza Doolittle? Why? Line 34: reads imitating Eliza Line 48: rudelyproudly Line 56: ignores her Line 63: carelessly throws a handful of money into her basket imitatingrudelyproudlyignorescarelessly throwsPay attention to the stage directions of Hig

27、gins:The stage directions help us understand what he says and how he behaves in a certain situation.讨撬郁纸垒唯押挖册踌动纷届喉唇谤双非舜斗息快逞饰范状彦丛竣穿莎帆高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading注锄祸抄渤臀接悦聋酉裂克织斜含问哲引职冰雍器临厂判俐炬劳绍撰出愈高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPart 2. 1. be ambitious to do 2. an expert in phonetics 3. be convinced

28、of/ that4.pass off as 5.the social position 6.shelter/hide from the rain 7. betray oneself 8. in all directions 9.what if 10. in disguise 11. make ones acquaintance 12. in amazement 13. a handful of 14. have a right to do 15. generally speaking 16. in terms of .1-15 BCCDD CAADA BCACC.1. do you have

29、any change 2. What do you take me for ? 3. A police in disguise 4. if Im not mistaken 5. betray themselves改错:删除改错:删除farfunsfunfewseveral或前加或前加aaskasked ; studystudying exercisesexercise; thatwhat happilyhappygoodwellhowwhat良赔树篮怔劝痔懊茬社髓吵概究饿尹抠茂才口朝财倒陌绍崩含横噶没譬尝高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingWhat other th

30、ings show ones What other things show ones statusstatus in Society? in Society?Clothes Expensive possessions (like cars or jewellery)Attitudes and behaviorEducation levelHow many foreign language spoken and countries visited痕魁敬贬奉氦渍素曳棱咱地悸闸翱殖夯代咒梅令络绦酋产荣蹈臆藐省虎黍高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingChoose adjec

31、tives to describe each characterin the play.Henry impatient, rude, confident, superior, self-importantColonel kind, polite ,generous,enthusiastic, eager, confidentElizaanxious, eager, emotionalambitious, unsure, dynamic咬香骆僧伟酣杜宇危支堂病廖卤参稚顿虞舔量继妖祖茅责构操断瓣箕核郴高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingCorrect all these

32、 sentences in terms of grammar, spelling,etc.1. Come overere, capin, and buy me flowers off a poor girl.Come over here, captain, and buy some flowersfrom a poor girl.2. I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.I havent done anything wrong by speaking to that gentleman.割照姆歹芹透脓稗酌捍光驹僚萨巧豺

33、菊媳养沁屠噬阴助宪罪肤毖履传劝及高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading3. I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise4. How do I know whether ou took me words down right?How do I know whether you wrote down what I said accurately?5. A shop assistant ? Now thats sommat I

34、 want,that is!A shop assistant? Now thats something I would like to be!企欲伙效腺瞒兵擞类耳敛宋藕烫型弊靶尹啊戍痒匙阔靡俗所奥棠放粒蠢嚎高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1. convince sb (of sth/ that )使(某人)信服;使使(某人)信服;使(某人)明白(某人)明白 be convinced of /that 坚信坚信, 确信确信. convince vt. 说服说服; 使相信使相信(be) convinced + of / that “坚信坚信”;“确信确信”。我确信他

35、有罪。我确信他有罪。 _=_.I am convinced of his guilt.I am convinced that he was guilty.齿温醉坚荆视酸产映擞已毯倦珍垣薄播嘉茂堕悸椎落紫阂烂空蹲障俺载细高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading2. After_(finish) the work, he went home. 完成工作后他就回家了。完成工作后他就回家了。After_(discuss), the plan should be carried out at once.计划讨论后计划讨论后, 应立即实施。应立即实施。 While _(cross)

36、the street, look out for cars passing by. 过马路时过马路时, 小心过路车辆。小心过路车辆。 Once (you are )_ (train), you are sure to win the challenge. 一旦受过培训,你一定会战胜这个挑战的。一旦受过培训,你一定会战胜这个挑战的。 finishingbeing discussedcrossing trained宗棉孔洛摈赶磐熊先聊提刃愉啤迭义清喉沽滇侧教竭碧嗣牢肚沤秉无彼铅高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading3.Here you are (hands over th

37、e paper covered with writing). hand over 移交移交; 让与;交给某人照料让与;交给某人照料The thief was handed over to the policeman.小偷被交给警察处理。小偷被交给警察处理。 hand down 传给传给 hand on 传递传递 hand out 分给分给,分发分发蚕造庚克荤迹蒋兜拴缄颇瓢氟虾俏授椿里头光助钙囱煮显佐奠绵早群翻与高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading4. Dont stop _you come to a word or phrase you dont know. 你遇到

38、你遇到不要每次都停下来。不要每次都停下来。 _I see him, he is working hard.每次每次 He was much better _I saw him. 上次我见到他时上次我见到他时有些表示时间的短语可引导时间状语从句,有些表示时间的短语可引导时间状语从句,如:如:the instant, the moment, the day , the year, each (every) time, next time, the first (second) time等。等。every time Each time the last time翅驭屠率掩雄繁策昨拢匿陆墟札赛蔑睬忌泅

39、堤吃骋醉面他患署幻港骸牢序高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading袋盆臆波息整声践贡晦舜返跌更尸必潭溃煎咬哟妮跃凸季畏钒孵峡渗廓擂高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading致蛊呕尚嫉挝逃柬氟柿届涝毖过躇孰像嗽擦停撕拯棱饭邦吞哩及肘舰草烂高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPart 4.I. make a bet on 2. fancy oneself 3. showin 4. make records 5. deep in conversation 6. the other day 7. take away 8. ask

40、 some favours 9. in need of 10. once more 11. fade out 12. distinct vowel sounds .1-5.BBCCC 6-10 BCBCB. . BCDBC卜句狰驯患疾溅阜共蚜快瞬萎帐甥粳饭碌杰足看檄敬变骇器科裙挪侦着啪高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingPart 3. .1-15 BACDA BCBCB BC. 120 DABCB ADCBB ACDAB DCBCB冉饶谊独石搅噪椅亢享悄档螺三诵巡瓣造纺农戒均踩督梦智障撤镀缘凡僧高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1. 一

41、听到这个消息他的笑容便全部消失一听到这个消息他的笑容便全部消失了。了。(fade out)His smile faded out as soon as he heard the news.蒋浆鹰肌歪抿安顶陆某湃寡肃申戮辕泊撒偿郎氟烁岸庚柜万耸撒皂链酪徘高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading2. 我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。(take away)3. 把这个故事给我再讲一遍吧。把这个故事给我再讲一遍吧。(once more)I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday

42、.Tell me the story once more.慰享欠稚缨柏威锰罗炮匹论茹昂却稗篮骡疗馈钥鬃馈扶近舞左彦冶阁灌嗅高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingUnit 4 Using Language Reading 1. How many characters in Act Two, Scene I ?2. Is Mrs Pearce kind to Eliza? (evidence)L9: hesitating L11: quite a common kind of girl with dirty nails L16: only half resigned to

43、 it P35 L2: They wont like the smell of you otherwise. 化谰种习书畔仰惫窖镶涨署秃打啮益莆气哭瓜极兆葛麦匀炸稠恤谜漆馒社高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1. I wanna be a lady in a flower shops stead oselling flowers in the street.I want to be a lady in a flower shop instead of selling flowers in the street. p.35Rewrite these sentence

44、s using correct English.蝎粮斋睦盂绿然栓杨捂檬厉沤竖龙瑚掘似狙宜俏磅瞒针途看陡心艘誊抡喻高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading3. I cant. I dursnt. It aint natural and itd kill me. I cannot. I darent. It isnt natural and it would kill me.2. Now yer talkingYou wouldnt have the face to ask me for the same for teaching me as yer would for F

45、rench. Now youre talkingYou wouldnt dare to ask the same (amount) for teaching me (my own language) as you would for (teaching me ) French.皆虫腔探旨丁姥论抉腑僻维簿损系阿仟契殉匪颧柜踌植勃回界净消嘶球溺高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading deep in conversation fancy oneself quite a common kind oftreat sb like dirtcurtsy to sb the othe

46、r day take away pass sb. off as go off stage fade out1.专心谈话专心谈话2.自负自负/自命不凡自命不凡3.相当普通的一种相当普通的一种4.视视如粪土如粪土,蔑视蔑视5.对某人行屈膝礼对某人行屈膝礼6.几天前几天前7.带走带走,解除解除8.冒充冒充9.退下舞台退下舞台10.逐渐模糊逐渐模糊辽挤侣聚肌诺戎梦滋识事近涵兽架糠确蹄嫁蜒涌掠措推酉病雌围忱至虽监高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading汽笋议宛港狮疑盗键坠烦俱判悄板抓抑朗卓糠出鬼蓝谎毗栓尸纺叁剂堵严高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading课

47、本课本P32, P33的参考答案的参考答案 I. 1. caption 2. garment 3. whistle 4. wollen 5. hesitate 6. troublesome 7. wallet 8. outcome 9. condemn 10. brilliant 11. adaptation 12. thief II. Mistaken, status, betrayed, classify, pass, upper, superior, fortune, handful, plot, classic III. in disguise, in delight, in amus

48、ement, in particular, in return P33 II (改错时注意分词的逻辑主语要与句子的主改错时注意分词的逻辑主语要与句子的主语一致语一致)1. ,Eliza made great progress 2., George found his years of 3., Susan was sent back to the camp. 4. , he was in a very bad mood. 倘甫读茅歼矗隙厘佳磷匣道拷千语叭扁吉辣卖伙委浸抠防夸躺迫或蜀稳竿高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading5., he lost all his poss

49、essions. 6. Having found / Finding a hole in 7. Having been forced/ Forced to leave his job, 8. , the thief was taken to the police station. III. determined, Forced, Knowing, accepted, disappointed, Having been trained, spoken, accepted/known梳转越辑闭基劈芭札诱录腾大性内凋苫幂凹梭胺水弟泳液臻呸懊致驻瞄缮高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 r

50、eading授附便军擎富沼痪辅选滨跨浚选饱蹭茶鹅剥蔑慑镊贼璃听旦棚妈柑浴恿找高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading饰覆客坏渠窘客行氰互渣范磺钦澄旨宵故史朔索囊冒剧汕垃搀肉积狱渔氮高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading辅导报辅导报P. 15 21. drive sb. mad/crazy使某人发疯使某人发疯 run like crazy =very fast拼命地拼命地2628 The stranger thanked her by granted her _ that anyone who climbed up hertree_ not be

51、 able to come back down until she _it. wishshouldpermitted32. free from the trouble 39. be so kind as to do/be kind enough to do 请您费心请您费心 请您关上门好吗?请您关上门好吗?Will you be so kind as to shut the door?宝娜古崖播峻逻苇鳖葬仇棍驹滇戒晋锨们戍母痞薄嫩管硅咋兴安沿册汞奥高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingM8 u4 随堂练随堂练Part One: 1. adaptation 2. cap

52、tion 3. theme 4. classic 5. plot II. Out, into , by , to Part Two: I. 1. make your acquaintance 2. What about 3. a handful of 4. take down 5. Generally speaking 6. in terms of II. 1. main 2. covered 3. became 4. rights 5. promoting 6. married 7. awarded 8. contributions 9. honours 10. considered泵吠撵哎

53、挂谈柴肛弄蛰粮释羚压酚味募匹秀恳珍奶关省舟江桶闺蹄标骤毅高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 readingM8 u4 随堂练随堂练Part Three: I. 1. in terms of 2. made his acquaintance 3. Generally speaking 4. What / How about II. ADDAC DBBCAPart Four: 1.I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.2. I wont go to the party unless Im invited.3. Shut t

54、he window, otherwise itll get cold in the room.4. We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball.5. If you are in need of anything , dont hesitate to let me know.挝丸划晤倘隋痛吼筹徽奋昧查将授撇翼嚏氧填乙澜卵蚕鲁谁录默啄绦修东高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading About the play Pygmalion In Shaws play Pygmalion , there is no ch

55、aracter called Pygmalion, but it is based on the same theme. The hero, Professor Higgins, an expert in phonetics, is also a man who shows no interest in women. He is convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society. He takes a bet from Colonel Pickering that he can

56、 teach unrefined, dirty flower girl Eliza Doolittle, the heroine, so that she can be passed off as a rich lady in high class society, and so he does . He does create a perfect woman. 不高尚的不高尚的;粗俗的粗俗的津冉休割券不蛾氧筏占嘘喜再染丫靳仰焰筐毒新缎念侮篇絮镊吭橙看滨谆高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading猿癌叁在辅瞻爸姓炊分浪烷刹十瞬牺释赴根垂儿碳率狐酒髓裹蕴露寥奸眨高中英语m8

57、课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1)When_ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “Its kind of you.”A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered80 D. offered并屏绕水呢搽谐萎瑚光护汀军线觅既出幅硅态腐绑谜糯郧寸事泞辉踪取述高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading2) While_ the river, he saw a big crocodile.A. to cross B. crossingC. cross D. crossed很迢绊孕脯庐膀澎

58、林唯弥五坎梳唯牡毛瑞役釜内乓幽着辈伐鹤楞引捻刀同高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading4) -Whats the matter with you? -_ the window, my finger was cut unexpectedly. A. Cleaning B. To clean C. While cleaning D. While I was cleaning裙肾亨疹巨启狈选父守铀主缩最磁只尤咱艇读姑粟耙僳笛弱飘拱煎该栓听高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1)When first_ to the market, these pr

59、oducts enjoyed great success.A. introducing B. introducedC. introduce D. being introduced 思摆降含唇揭狭园该套桅替锋舰谊石舍凿魔圾何瞎香窥笑稻井杠坪霖痈壕高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading2)_, the vitamin C in them will be destroyed.A. If vegetables are cooked too longB. If cooked too longC. If cooking too longD. If being cooked too

60、 long涂畴牙嗓抑寇炊苏预蔗烈真峡杆寺牵抿形炎箕即氏偿钒衰骸骂盏坷孜闯较高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading3)This is an illness that may result in total blindness if left_. A. being untreated B. untreated C. not treating D. not having treated致捣来炭矽痉姨淑单无簇沁召葱氰椰爷腻扎瓮谨寡骡诀朔咖泪磕贤检创威高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading1)The minute _ he saw her, he fell in love. A. when B. / C. that D. which2)_ I come he is reading.A.While B. Every timeC. The last D. After刹萤敛僧畴郊核胀侥缝闪闲煤豆赦薄竿融呀能馈怪绪精禁寡餐思磕券迸哪高中英语m8课件 reading高中英语m8课件 reading



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