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1、The human brain The human brain 人类的大脑人类的大脑人类的大脑人类的大脑 tricks us whenever it can!随时都在欺骗我们!随时都在欺骗我们!If somethings rotating go home, you need a break! *g*If somethings rotating go home, you need a break! *g*如果感到有东西在转动如果感到有东西在转动 你该回家休息一下了!你该回家休息一下了!Take a look at the picture? What do you see?Take a look

2、at the picture? What do you see? 看一下这幅照片,看到什么了?看一下这幅照片,看到什么了?Researchhasshownthatyoungchildrencannotidentifytheintimatecouplebecausetheydonothavepriormemoryassociatedwithsuchascenario.研究结果表明,孩子们看不出这对亲密的夫妻,因为他们没有与之相关的预先记忆。Childrenseeninedolphins.孩子们看到的是9只海豚。Thisisatesttodetermineifyoualreadyhaveacorr

3、uptedmind.Ifitishardforyoutofindthedolphinswithinsixseconds,yourmindisindeedcorrupted.这个测试用于判断你的头脑是否已被腐蚀。如果你在6秒之内还难以看到海豚的话,你的头脑的确遭到了腐蚀。Optical Illusions and Visual PhenomenaOptical Illusions and Visual Phenomena 幻觉和视觉现象幻觉和视觉现象Want to confuse your eyes and brain a bit?Want to confuse your eyes and br

4、ain a bit? 想让你的眼睛和大脑陷入迷乱?那么看一下下面的图片想让你的眼睛和大脑陷入迷乱?那么看一下下面的图片.Yes? Then you might want to have a look at the following pics .Yes? Then you might want to have a look at the following pics . It .It .这幅图这幅图. . doesnt move!doesnt move! 它没有动!它没有动!它没有动!它没有动! . . parallel or not?parallel or not? 这些线是平行的吗?这些线

5、是平行的吗?这些线是平行的吗?这些线是平行的吗? Coil or circle?Coil or circle? 是螺旋的还是圆形的?(是螺旋的还是圆形的?(是螺旋的还是圆形的?(是螺旋的还是圆形的?(-当然是圆形的)当然是圆形的)当然是圆形的)当然是圆形的)Concentrate on the cross in the middle, after a while you will notice Concentrate on the cross in the middle, after a while you will notice that thisthat this moving purpl

6、e dot will turn green!moving purple dot will turn green!把目光集中在中间的把目光集中在中间的把目光集中在中间的把目光集中在中间的+字,你会发现,移动的紫点会变绿字,你会发现,移动的紫点会变绿字,你会发现,移动的紫点会变绿字,你会发现,移动的紫点会变绿Look at the cross a bit longer and youll notice that all dots except the green one will disappear. 盯住十字形,时间再盯住十字形,时间再长一点,你会发现,长一点,你会发现,除了绿色的点外,其除了绿

7、色的点外,其他所有的点都消失了。他所有的点都消失了。Best things last . 最后是最好的东东.Follow the instruction below.Follow the instruction below. 按照下面的指引按照下面的指引按照下面的指引按照下面的指引1 1) ) Stare Stare at the 4 little dots on the middle of the picture for 30 secondsat the 4 little dots on the middle of the picture for 30 seconds 盯住图片中间的盯住图片

8、中间的盯住图片中间的盯住图片中间的4 4个小点,坚持个小点,坚持个小点,坚持个小点,坚持3030秒秒秒秒2)2) then look at a wall near youthen look at a wall near you 然后往你附近的墙上看然后往你附近的墙上看然后往你附近的墙上看然后往你附近的墙上看3) a bright spot will appear3) a bright spot will appear 会出现一个明亮的东西会出现一个明亮的东西会出现一个明亮的东西会出现一个明亮的东西 4 4) ) twinkle a few times and youll see a figuretwinkle a few times and youll see a figure 闪过几次后,你会看到一个头像闪过几次后,你会看到一个头像闪过几次后,你会看到一个头像闪过几次后,你会看到一个头像5) What do you see? Or even WHO do you see?5) What do you see? Or even WHO do you see? 看到什么了?或者说,你看到谁了?看到什么了?或者说,你看到谁了?看到什么了?或者说,你看到谁了?看到什么了?或者说,你看到谁了?



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