高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)

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高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)_第1页
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高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)_第2页
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高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)_第3页
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高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)_第4页
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高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)_第5页
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《高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语人教版必修三Unit5 The Value of Money课本知识分类整理(重点单词拓展+课文词块和短语+教材金句+写作素材+课本词汇)(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中英语必修三Unit 5课本知识【重点单词拓展】1.apologise vi.道歉;谢罪apology n.道歉;谢罪2.ignore vt.忽视;对不予理会ignorance n.忽视;忽略ignorant adj.无知的3.judge vt.& vi.评价;评判;判断n.法官;审判员;裁判员judg(e)ment n.判断;辨别力4.intention n.打算;计划;意图;目的intend v.打算;计划5.hesitate vi.犹豫;迟疑;顾虑hesitation n.犹豫hesitant adj.迟疑的6.eventually adv.最后;终于eventual adj.最终的7

2、.option n.可选择的事物;选择;选择权optional adj.可以选择的8.normal adj.典型的;正常的;一般的;精神正常的n.常态;通常标准;一般水平(反) abnormal adj.不正常的;不一般的9.willing adj.愿意;乐意(反) unwilling adj.不愿意;不乐意willingness n.乐意;愿意10.permission n.准许;许可;批准;许可证permit v.允许;许可permitted/permitted/permitting (过去式/过去分词/现在分词)11.basis n.基础;根据;基点basic adj.基本的;基础的ba

3、sically adv.基本上;大体上12.servant n.仆人;用人serve vt.服务;提供;端上service n.服务13.patience n.耐心;忍耐力;毅力patient adj.耐心的n.病人patiently adv.耐心地(反) impatient adj.没有耐心的14.musical n.音乐剧adj.音乐的musician n.音乐家music n.音乐15.indicate vt.&vi.表明;显示vt.象征;暗示indication n.迹象;标示16.sail vi.&vt.(船)航行;(人)乘船航行sailor n.水手sailing n.航行;帆船运

4、动17.broad adj.宽阔的;广阔的;广泛的broaden v.变宽;扩大;增长18.stair n.楼梯;梯级downstairs adv.顺楼梯而下;在楼下;往楼下词缀记忆法:名词后缀ant表示“人”serve 服务servant 仆人apply 申请applicant 申请人assist 帮助assistant 助手attend 照顾attendant 服务员contest 比赛contestant 参赛者account 账户;账目accountant 会计inhabit 居住inhabitant 居民participate 参加participant 参与者consult 咨询c

5、onsultant 顾问immigrate 移居;移民immigrant 移民;侨民【词块和短语】P50good deeds 善举;善行lead/ live a good life 过美好的生活give an interview 接受采访raise funds 筹集资金share sth with sb 与某人分享某事物take out a loan 获得贷款offer sb sth / offer sth to sb 给某人提供某物apologize to sb for (doing) sth 因为(做)某事向某人道歉its common for sb to do sth 某人做某事很常见m

6、ake a guess 作猜测on the basis of 在的基础上; 根据draw/ arrive at/ come to/ reach a conclusion得出结论P51agree with 同意;赞同in return 作为回报;作为回应base sth on/ upon sth 将某物基于a great honour 极大的荣幸to be honest / frank/ honestly / frankly speaking 说实话;坦率地说ought to do sth 应当/该做某事P52make a bet 打个赌as a matter of fact/in fact 事

7、实上;其实;说真的by accident/ chance 偶然地;意外地seek help 寻求帮助dare to do sth 敢于做某事care about 关心be about to do sth 即将或正要做某事show sb out / in 带领某人出去/进来P53have a heated argument发生激烈的争吵/争论a couple of days 几天settle an argument 解决争论take part in / participate in 参加;参与postpone doing sth/ put off doing sth延迟做某事P54be / ge

8、t stuck in 陷入困于with nowhere to stay 没有地方可待in case 以防;以防万一on a trip abroad 在国外旅行to.extent 到.程度; 在程度上in need 在困难中;在困境中avoid doing sth 避免做某事get/ run into trouble e 陷人困境/遇到麻烦ruin sbs life 毁掉某人的生活play the role of 扮演的角色out of joy 出于喜悦settle in (a place) 定居某地pursue ones dream 追求梦想on duty 值班;值勤P55hesitate t

9、o do sth 犹豫做某事make up 编造;组成;构成P56a tailors shop 裁缝店in a.manner 以的方式a ready-made suit 成品套装pull sb aside 把某人拉到一边cause sb trouble 给某人造成麻烦a large note 大额钞票in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话take off 脱下(衣、帽等);起飞a wide range/ variety of 各种各样的a broad smile 满面/灿烂的笑容P57change the attitude toward(s)/ to改变对.的态度be willing

10、 to do sth 愿意或乐意做某事in good order 有条理P58the upper class 上流社会;上等阶层maintain a good relationship 维持良好的关系with/ without permission 经过/未经许可(be) eager to do sth 渴望做某事no matter +疑问词 无论;不管remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事get to know 了解end up doing sth 最终做某事take a chance 碰碰运气;冒一冒险make/ earn money 挣钱P59facial express

11、ions 面部表情P60fall in love with 爱上make a mistake 犯错误【教材金句】1.Money is a good servant and a bad master.(P49) 金钱是善仆,也是恶主。2.It was the ship that brought you to England.(P52)是那条船把你带到了英国。3.I was about to get the letter.(P52)我正要去拿信。4.Lily decided that she would settle in New York and pursue her dream of beco

12、ming an actress.(P54)莉莉决定在纽约定居,追寻成为演员的梦想5.You shouldnt judge people by their clothes.(P56)你不应该以貌取人。6.We must treat everyone we meet for the first time nicely, no matter how they look.(P58) 我们必须友好对待每一个初次见面的人,不管他们面貌如何。7.In fact, this person may end up becoming your good friend if you would dare take a

13、 chance and get to know him or her! (P58)事实上,如果你敢碰运气去了解他/她,这个人最终可能会成为你的好朋友。8They see a poor young man walking outside their house.他们看到一个贫穷的年轻人在他们的房子外面走着。9May we ask what youre doing in this country and what your plans are?我们可以问问你在这个国家正在做什么和你的计划是什么吗?10Thats why weve given you the letter.那就是我们给你这封信的原因

14、。11Then he folds the bill and slowly unfolds it again,as if looking at something he cant believe is there.然后,他折上那张钞票,又再次慢慢地打开,好像正在看他不敢相信会在那里的东西似的。【写作素材】提纲类征文高分句式首段模板句式1.就而言,As far as.is concerned, .2.不用说,It goes without saying that.3.可以肯定地说,It can be said with certainty that.4.正如谚语所说,As the proverb

15、says, .5.如今,关于/对于的广泛关注普遍存在。6.Nowadays, theres a widespread concern about/that.7.在中扮演着重要角色,尤其是在.play(s) an important role in.especially.8.需要特别注意的是What calls for special attention is that.9.无可否认,Theres no denying that.10.没有什么比这个事实更重要。Nothing is more important than the fact that.篇中模板句式1.在这个问题上,不同的人有不同的看法。2.On this point, views differ among different people.



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