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1、Unit 4 NEWS 24/7Active reading 1 Making the Headlines41235Active reading 1ResourcesLearning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesPre-reading Activities Pre-reading Activities While-reading Activities While-reading Activities Post-reading Activities Post-reading Activities Identifying personal views in newsU

2、sing italicsNew words and phrasesLearning ObjectivesLearning Objectives.Matching headlines Bridging information gapPre-reading Activities Pre-reading Activities Matching headline 1963: the Assassination of the US President John Kennedy 1969: the first moon landing 1983: the successful mating of 2 gi

3、ant pandas in an American zoo 1989: the reunification of West and East Germany 2001: the attack on the World Trade Centre in New York 2003: the first manned Chinese space flight 2004: the tsunami which hit Asia and Africa 2007: the mouse that delayed an international passenger flight Watch the video

4、 clip and identify the historic events.ScriptMoreBridging information gapGroup discussionQ1: Which of the above headlines interests you most? ? Why? ? (Group 1 & 8)Q2: Choose anyone of the above headlines and discuss whether it is newsworthy? ? Why or why not? ? (Group 2 & 7)Q3: What kind of story u

5、sually appear in the news? ? (Group 3 & 6) Q4: Why are people interested in the news? ? (Group 4 & 5) clickclickBridging information gap Military NewsCelebrity newsEconomic newsBreakthroughs & triumphsPolitical newsMoral IssuesNatural disastersLong-running social issuesEntertainment & FashionHuman i

6、nterest storiesSports& arts Odd happenings Popular Popular Topics / StoriesTopics / StoriesReference for Q3:BackBridging information gapObjectivitySubjectivityReasons Personal interests Social class attributes Catering to widely accepted values Social purposes of the text Journalist featuresReferenc

7、e for Q4: Ss possible answers:Informative, entertaining, significant, unexpected, horrifying, local news, real, moving stories, events close to our life Ss possible answers:personal likes/dislikes, widely-accepted opinions, desire to dig out the hidden meaning, political/economic profits BackText or

8、ganisationText comprehension Italics usage P.47 Developing Critical Thinking P. 47 P. 47Identifying personal views in news P.47While-reading Activities While-reading Activities Text OrganisationQ1: Which word do you think is the key word of the text? ?Q2: How does the author organize the text by rev

9、olving around this key word? ? NewsworthyText OrganisationMedia power 3 elementsNewsworthyMoreNewsworthy1st Element 2nd Element3rd Element Historical and international significance Odd, unexpected, human Immediacy Media PowerWhen it comes to immediacy.The advantage over the pressMoreParas 2&3: Exemp

10、lifyingParas 2&3: Exemplifying1st Element2nd Element 9/11 The assassination of KennedyOdd, unexpected, humanPara 4: Defining newsPara 4: Defining newsParas 5Paras 5& &6: Interpreting odd6: Interpreting odd Odd huge Mouse chase story 3rd Element 3 elementsMoreActive reading 1: NavigationActive readin

11、g 1: NavigationMedia powerPara 8: TV-advantage over the pressMedia Power3 Elements Para 9: Internet-media power erodedPara 10: conclusion on the futureImmediacy: advantage of TVCamera position: media powerImmediacy: blogs, self-broadcast sites, open-access web pagesPower devolved to ordinary people

12、BackIdentifying Personal viewsRead the text and evaluate the statements in Activity 8, P47. Check () the statements evidently supported in text and decide what the passage really says.Para 2-3 (to evaluate Statement 1, 2, 3)Para 4 (to evaluate Statement 4, 5)Para 7 (to evaluate Statement 6, 7)Para 8

13、-9 (to evaluate Statement 8, 9)1. The media give too much importance to bad news. 2. Emotional reactions to bad news are normal. 3. Its true that bad news travels fast. Mentioned: Bad news is commonNot mentioned: no judgment on the medias attitude toward bad newsPara 2: Description on peoples respon

14、se to 9/11Para 3: Memories of the authors response to the Assassination of President Kennedy Para2-3 Para2-3 Identifying personal viewsPara 2: the first instinct of people to 9/11 More Para 45. Some important global problems are never in the news.4. People like reading unusual or unexpected news ite

15、ms.9/11: we seek odd and unexpected Mentioned: Not all important global issues make the headlines on the same day.Not mentioned: “never” Identifying personal viewsMore 6. An event is news if youve just heard about it.7. To get into the headlines, events need to be recent or soon to happen.“An event

16、is not news unless youve just heard about it.” Implied meaning: Immediate items are potential news the nearness of the event in time: unless youve just read aboutan event which is about to happen Para 7Identifying personal viewsMore Para 8-99. The media have too much power.8. On TV news it doesnt ma

17、tter where the camera is. The important thing is to show the picture.Para 8: Camera position has an important effect.Identifying personal viewsPara 8: Mentioned: People talk about the power of the media.Not mentioned: no comments on it though with some negative hint. Italics usagePair work: Actvitiy

18、9, p47 1. I remember when I was in primary school the teacher rushing into the classroom, and announcing President Kennedy is dead.To take the place of question marks2. So what exactly is news?For emphasis3. Take the story in todays China Daily.4. Another element of newsworthiness is immediacy.To gi

19、ve the name of a newspaperTo introduce a new term1. What do you think makes a story newsworthy? ?2. In what way are the media powerful? ?3. If anyone can publish news on the Internet, is this a good thing? ?Developing Critical Thinking P. 47 P. 47clickclickclickQ1Relevance to the readers Fire caused

20、 by smoking Fire caused by smoking Malaria & anti-mosquito Malaria & anti-mosquito measures.measures.Value as lessons Opinions from TextOpinions from Text More OpinionsMore Opinions what your favorite sport stars say stories close to our hobby, job, etc.Historical and internationalObjectiveOdd, unex

21、pected, humanImmediateLocalBackQ2Social purposes of the reportsContent of news: What news we hear or readReporting Angles: From what point of view the news is reported Words or structures with implied meaning To inform readers To entertain readers To influence readers By choosing BackQ3FreedomChance

22、 for clarification or refutationSocial progressImmediacy to audienceBad Points Bad Points Good PointsGood PointsDualityDuality Issue of reliability: confusing audienceWeapons to stir up trouble and incite hatredUnhealthy content: doing harm for delinquencyFurther thinking: How do we minimize bad poi

23、nts?BackSummarisingIndividual Work(1) Listen and read the summary of the text. Catch the key elements of each sentence. (2) Recall key words in the 2nd reading. Post-reading Activities Post-reading Activities 1st reading What exactly is news? The objective importance and the historical, internationa

24、l significance of an event is not enough. It is the odd, unexpected and human nature that made news like 9/11 memorable and newsworthy. So is immediacy which refers to the nearness of the event in time. When it comes to immediacy, those media like TV, radio and Internet have an enormous advantage ov

25、er the press. However, no matter what form it may take, all the media more or less covertly, influence the public. That is the so- called power of the media. In the new millennium, maybe the press or TV are not going to disappear overnight, but the power of the media may be eroded or at least devolv

26、ed to ordinary people.More2nd Reading What exactly is news? ? The _ importance and the _ significance of an event is not enough. It is the _ _ nature that made news like 9/11 memorable and newsworthy. So is _ which refers to the _ of the event in time. When it comes to immediacy, those media like TV

27、, radio and Internet have an _ over the press. However, no matter what form it may take, all the media more or less _, influence the public. That is the so-called power of the media. In the new millennium, maybe the press or TV are not going to disappear _, but the power of the media may be _ or at

28、least _ to ordinary people.objectivehistorical, international odd, unexpected and humanimmediacynearnessenormous advantagecovertlyovernight eroded devolvedMoreDifficult sentencesWords to note Useful expressionsInformation relatedActive reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesDifficult sentenc

29、e 1But this is exactly what occurred in September 2001 (L4, Para 1)AnalsTransThis 指代的是上句内容,即指代的是上句内容,即“世界各地的媒体都以头条世界各地的媒体都以头条报道同一新闻的情形并不很常见报道同一新闻的情形并不很常见”。“what occurred in Sept, 2001” 为名词从句,作系表结构。整句意思为:为名词从句,作系表结构。整句意思为:There arent many stories which come top in newspapers all around the world, but

30、 the attack on New York was one of them. 但是这正是2001年9月恐怖分子袭击纽约世贸中心双塔之后发生的情形。Difficult sentence 2It is probably not exaggerated to say that from that moment the world was a different place. (L6, Para 1)AnalsTransIt is not exaggerated to say that 可以毫不夸张地讲 Similar structure: 1. There is not too much/no

31、exaggeration to say that2. It is not unrealistic to say that3. I can say without exaggeration that 从那一刻起世界改变了模样,这样说也许并不夸张。AnalsThe world was a different place: 这个世界与以前不一样了。Difficult sentence 3So striking, so sensational, was the news that, years after the event, many people can still remember exactl

32、y where they were and what they were doing when they first heard it. (L4, Para 2) AnalsTransMoreSo striking was the news that倒装句倒装句 = The news was so striking and so sensational that句式结构为:句式结构为: Predicative +be + noun+ 这一消息极度震撼,极具爆炸性。事发多年以后,这一消息极度震撼,极具爆炸性。事发多年以后,许多人还能清楚地记得他们第一次听到这一消息时许多人还能清楚地记得他们第一次

33、听到这一消息时身在何处、当时正在做什么。身在何处、当时正在做什么。Difficult sentence 3Restore the inversion to their original structure.1) Delicious indeed was the meal she cooked that night. 2) Very important in the farmers life is the TV weather report.Convert the following sentence into inversion. The days are gone when we live

34、in the countryside. Gone are the days when we lived in the countryside.The meal she cooked that night is delicious indeed.The TV weather report is very important in the farmers life.Difficult sentence 4The objective importance of an event is obviously not enoughthere are plenty of enormous global is

35、sues out there, with dramatic consequences, from poverty to global warmingbut since they are ongoing, they dont make the headlines on the same day. (L1, Para 4)一个事件光有客观重要性显然还不够一个事件光有客观重要性显然还不够世界上有大量全球世界上有大量全球性的大问题,都会造成戏剧性的后果,从贫困问题到全球变性的大问题,都会造成戏剧性的后果,从贫困问题到全球变暖问题暖问题但由于它们都是进行中的,并不都会在同一天成为头条。但由于它们都是进行

36、中的,并不都会在同一天成为头条。破折号破折号“”补充说明补充说明“客观重要性显然还不够客观重要性显然还不够”的状况。的状况。But since 表明具体的原因:由于它们都是进行中的,并表明具体的原因:由于它们都是进行中的,并不都集中在同一天上头条。不都集中在同一天上头条。AnalsTransDifficult sentence 5此句为类比。普通人不再是旁观者,而设身处地地卷入9/11中,如同观众对悲剧中的情形感同身受一样。identify with the plight of people identify with 体会体会(某人某人)思想感情思想感情。 the plight of peo

37、ple: the sad or desperate situation of people对比之下,9/11不仅具有国际性,而且奇特怪异、出人意料,还(可能使读者对身陷那场悲剧中的人们的痛苦感同身受,从这个意义上讲)极具人性。AnalsTrans9/11, in contrast, was not just international, but odd, unexpected, and (in the sense that it was possible to identify with the plight of people caught up in the drama) very hum

38、an. (L6, Para 4)Difficult sentence 6But TV news is not necessarily more objective or reliable than a newspaper report a unique viewpoint. (L6, Para 8)AnalsTransnot necessarily: 1) not always or not in every situation 未必未必 2) is not necessarily more than 未必比未必比更更此句为转折句,给了三个解释概述电视新闻未必可靠的此句为转折句,给了三个解释概

39、述电视新闻未必可靠的原因:目的特殊、设定的指导方针和独特的视点。原因:目的特殊、设定的指导方针和独特的视点。但是,电视新闻未必比报纸报道更客观或更可靠,因为你但是,电视新闻未必比报纸报道更客观或更可靠,因为你在屏幕上看到的图像是经记者或编辑根据特殊的目的,或在屏幕上看到的图像是经记者或编辑根据特殊的目的,或至少是按照预定指示筛选过的;它们是从一个独特的视点至少是按照预定指示筛选过的;它们是从一个独特的视点展现给观众的。展现给观众的。Words to noteNew Words Phrases 1.chase2.echo 3.erode 4.frame 5.odd 6.startle7.sens

40、ational8.millennium identify with not necessarily Homographs sentimental adj.感伤性的, 感情脆弱的sensible adj. 有感觉的, 明智的, 有判断力的sensitive adj. 敏感的 sensory adj. 感官的Grouping words amazing startling striking memorable horrible shockingsensationalstartlevt. to make a person or animal feel suddenly frightened or s

41、urprised 使使震惊震惊 Convert “startle” to “startled” and “startled” to “startle”.1. I didnt know you are right behind me. You startled me! I didnt know you are right behind me. I am startled.2. I am startled to see a face suddenly appear at the window. To see a face suddenly appear at the window startles

42、 me.oddadj. unusual or unexpected in a way that attracts your interest or attention 奇特的,古怪的,异常的奇特的,古怪的,异常的1.Translate the sentence into English. 那是我一生中所经历过的最奇特的事了那是我一生中所经历过的最奇特的事了。2. Grammatical structuresThats the oddest thing that I have experienced in my life.It strikes sb.as thatThats , The thin

43、g is thatIt is very thatechon.an idea that is like one that has been expressed before重复,共鸣,附和重复,共鸣,附和vt. to express the ideas or feelings that someone else has expressed 共鸣,附和共鸣,附和Complete the sentences.1. _ (痛苦呼喊的回声) reverberate (回荡) in my heart.2. 800 rescue workers have staged a disaster drill at

44、 the World Trade Center site in scenes that _.(再现9/11纽约遭受袭击的场景). Echoes of cries of painechoed images from 9/11 attacks on New YorkMoreMatch the idiomatic expressions with their meanings.cheer sb./sth. to the echoapplaud sb. to the echofind an echo in ones heartecho sb.s words对大声喝彩;掌声雷动 随声附和对大声喝彩;掌声

45、雷动 在某人心中引起共鸣 chasen. the action of following sb. or sth. quickly because you want to catch them 追逐、追求追逐、追求v. to follow sb. or sth. quickly because you want to catch them 追逐、追求追逐、追求Replace the underlined words with appropriate forms of “chase” and identify its meanings in different context.1. There w

46、as a hot pursuit with high speed through the streets before the gang was caught.2.2. How can we get rid of these fears from her mind. 3. Lets come back to our point. How much do you want? ? More(high speed chase 汽车的高速追逐汽车的高速追逐) (chase 驱逐驱逐,赶走赶走) (cut to the chase 切入正题切入正题)Appreciate the quotationFam

47、e is very much like an animal chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.Howards Melvin, American essayist 声誉极像一只追逐自己尾巴的动物,抓住后除了继续追逐不知还能做什么。 美国散文家 麦尔文 H. framev. to express something carefully in a particular way 仔仔细地表达细地表达Translate into C

48、hinese.1. She wondered how she was going to frame the question.她不知道如何表述这个问题她不知道如何表述这个问题。2. To frame a news story, journalists need to include a news story title, and the “when, where, what, who and how” elements.构思一个新闻故事需要包括新闻故事标题和构思一个新闻故事需要包括新闻故事标题和5要素要素时时间、地点、人物、故事进展。间、地点、人物、故事进展。millennium Expres

49、sions Anniversary 周年纪念 Silver jubilee 25周年纪念 Golden jubilee 50周年纪念 Diamond jubilee 60周年纪念Centenary 100周年纪念 ExpressionsDecennium 十年间A decade 十年间A score years 二十年A Century 一百年Millennium 一千年erodev.to gradually reduce the strength or importance of something 逐步削弱,损害Translate the following sentences1. 报纸的

50、销量也许下降了,但是新闻的力量并没有削弱。报纸的销量也许下降了,但是新闻的力量并没有削弱。 Sales of newspapers maybe falling, but the power of the press has not been eroded.2. The biggest increase in prices in three years eroded consumers buying power, reinforcing speculation the Federal Reserve wont raise interest rates。 价格在三年内最大的增长削弱了消费者的购买力

51、,加剧了对联邦储备价格在三年内最大的增长削弱了消费者的购买力,加剧了对联邦储备局不提升利率的猜测局不提升利率的猜测。identify with sb.to feel that you can understand an share sb. elses feelings 体会体会( (某人某人) )思想感情;理解并同情思想感情;理解并同情( (某人某人) )感受感受Use “identify with sb.” to replace the expressions with similar meaning.1. Local government should not ignore the fee

52、lings of common people in the economic crisis.2. Local government should understand and share the common peoples aspirations toward the city development.MoreLocal government should identify with common people in the economic crisis. Local government should identify with common people and their aspir

53、ations about the city development.Other Collocations of identifyFill in the blanks with the correct phrases.1.Most writers _ mind _ consciousness.2.Americans were anxious to _ the colonial authorities.3.Children can be _ poor readers as early as 5 years old.4.He is viewed as cold-hearted because he

54、didnt _ those people caught in tragedy. identify A. with B. = to think A is the same with B 将等同于,认为和一致be identified with sb./sth. = to consider sb./sth. to be connected with 与联系在一起identify sb. as sth. = to recognize sb. 辨认、确认identifywithbe identified withidentified asidentify with not necessarilynot

55、 always or not in every situation 未必比未必比更更Complete the conversations. 1. It s cheaper to buy a flat than a house. _ . 2. Why should we talk to those clients?Our clients _ understand why we are raising our prices. You need to explain that to them.Not necessarilywont necessarilyMore1.巨大的国际意义2.历史性和国际性3

56、.坏事传千里。4.重大国际影响5.全球却颇有反响6.比优势大多了7.设定的方针8.独特的视点1.of enormous international significance2.the historical and international dimension3.Bad news travels fast.4.momentous international consequences5.There are echoes of the stories across the globe.6.to have an enormous advantage over press 7.set guidelin

57、es8.a unique viewpointUseful expressionsUseful expressions9.not necessarily more objective or reliable than 10.the power to influence the public, more or less covertly11.the proliferation of personal blogs 12.the possibility of self-broadcasting 13.the growth of open-access webpages14.to reach a wor

58、ldwide audience instantly15.the never-ending search9. 未必比更客观可靠10. 或多或少隐蔽地影响公众的权力11.个人博客的大量出现12. 自我广播的可能性13. 权限开放网页的增长14. 迅即到达全球的观众15. 永不停止的搜索Information relatedThe assassination of the US President In 1963, the popular young 35th president, John F. Kennedy, was killed by a gunshot when driving throu

59、gh Dallas, Texas. One Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the assassination but was himself shot dead by an avenger. The assassination case left much doubts until today. Information related The first moon landing On July 20th 1969, the American Lunar Module descended to the surface, and Neil Armstron

60、g stepped outside the module. It is the first step that humans took on the moon. The module was named Eagle, after the American national bird. Information relatedThe successful mating of two pandas in an American zoo (1983) China gave the USA two pandas as a gesture of friendship in 1972. Since then

61、 Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing have became the stars of Washingtons National Zoo. The cub of 1983 unfortunately died just after birth. Their other cubs did not live long either. Ling Ling died in 1992, and Hsing Hsing in 1999. Information relatedThe reunification of West and East Germany in 1989 Germany

62、 was divided after its defeat in 1945. A wall separated East and West Berlin (the old capital of Germany). After that there was very little contact between the two halves of the city. This ended in 1989 when the wall was opened. The happy public began removing parts of it and the following year Germ

63、any was reunited as one country. Information relatedThe attack on the World Trade Centre in New York in 2001 On Sept 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked 4 passenger jets and crashed two of them into the World Trade Twin Towers, killing around 3,000 people. MoreInformation relatedThe third plane was crashe

64、d into a Washington building, The Pentagon, and the fourth crashed after passengers attacked the hijackers. Later on the US president Bush declared the anti-terrorist wars.Information related The first manned Chinese space flightIn 2003 the first manned Chinese spacecraft, the Shenzhou V sent Yang L

65、iwei into orbit around the Earth, making China the third country to put a man into space. The successive space flights were hailed as miracles or milestone in Chinas space exploration.Information related The tsunami which hit Asia and Africa in 2004 An underwater earthquake near Sumatra in Indonesia

66、 caused a large tsunami (a wave that looks so high as it hits the land that it might be described as standing up) the day after Christmas in 2004. Around 225,000 people were killed on coasts around the Indian Ocean especially Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and Indonesia. Information relatedMouse chase In 2007, a white mouse was spotted running up the aisle of a Vietnam Airlines plane bound for Japan. Dozens of staff were forced to catch the mouse, worried that it might chew through wires and caused a problem. By the time the plane took off, it had been delayed for more than four hours. Back



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