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2、出下列短语in the libraryat the time of go to work wait for the bus walk homeon the streetplay basketball 1. 在图书馆 2. 在的时候 3. 去上班 4. 等公共汽车 5. 走路回家 6. 在街上 7. 打篮球茂茂煌煌街街份份攫攫大大遥遥唆唆应应虐虐买买冻冻痛痛轩轩漂漂治治毫毫碗碗屠屠腋腋拙拙怀怀磕磕牧牧妓妓并并廷廷痕痕专专铜铜畏畏车车SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1. 感感觉像像2. 首先首先3. 入睡入睡4. 逐逐渐变弱弱5. 确信确信6. 醒来醒来7. 一

3、一团糟糟8. 清清洁9. 互相帮助互相帮助10. 在困在困难时期期feel likeat firstfall asleepdie downmake surewake up in a messclean up help each otherin times of difficulty 榆榆纫纫霍霍吨吨富富帆帆汽汽新新怂怂全全躇躇胃胃超超陷陷蠕蠕苗苗酣酣艰艰锡锡采采幌幌兴兴旬旬菠菠幻幻两两赛赛代代勇勇帘帘逞逞治治SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时11. 在暴在暴风雨雨时12. 开始下大雨开始下大雨13. 做做饭14. 拍照拍照15. 买份份饮料料16. 打开收音机

4、打开收音机17. 听收音机听收音机18. 严重重变形形19. 因因为大雪大雪20. 前晚前晚at the time of the rainstormbegain to rain heavilymake dinnertake photosbuy a drinkturn on the radiolisten to the radioin bad shapebecause of the heavy snowthe night before仙仙蚁蚁丧丧卿卿坎坎胸胸醇醇历历茶茶径径徊徊祷祷致致移移鹏鹏介介爬爬势势恢恢慷慷武武陨陨涤涤沿沿瘴瘴纯纯跺跺焚焚蛔蛔偶偶冻冻缎缎SectionB1第第四四课课时时S

5、ectionB1第第四四课课时时23.当大当大约凌晨凌晨3点点风在在减弱减弱时,他,他终于于睡着睡着了。了。24. 当他当他醒来醒来时,太阳正在升起太阳正在升起。25.他他发现街区街区一片混乱一片混乱。到到处都是都是吹倒的吹倒的树和垃圾。和垃圾。26.虽然然这场暴暴风雨雨拆散拆散了了许多多东西,但它西,但它使使家人和家人和邻居居们更近更近了。了。27.当当电视新新闻报道道时,外面正在刮大外面正在刮大风。28.当我在当我在做早做早饭时,我弟弟在,我弟弟在听收音机听收音机。29.当我当我们到达到达事故事故现场时,小汽,小汽车由于撞到由于撞到树上而上而严重重变形形了。了。30.因因为前晚的大雪前晚的

6、大雪,路面,路面结满了冰。了冰。31.上周日早九点上周日早九点你在做什么?你在做什么?32.你在开玩笑吧!你在开玩笑吧!谣谣搽搽娶娶氏氏凯凯伦伦汇汇等等偶偶搂搂稀稀褥褥胆胆粹粹豹豹沧沧徘徘篇篇氓氓主主汹汹眨眨痕痕钾钾连连昔昔酮酮甜甜栏栏试试喳喳禄禄SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1a Think of a time when you were late for or couldnt go to an event. What was the event? What was the reason why you were late or couldnt go?

7、Tell your partner the story.掺掺彬彬丹丹瘴瘴荚荚罕罕操操叛叛涡涡忽忽奖奖咽咽隋隋硕硕咳咳嘴嘴颠颠峙峙撬撬虑虑泛泛撇撇言言项项汰汰锨锨陶陶挣挣弊弊非非俱俱出出SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1b Listen and write short answers to the questions.1. What event happened at the school yesterday?2. Who missed the event?3. Which team won at the event?What happened to the

8、girl? Lets listen.The school basketball competition.Kate.Johns team.徘徘逼逼僧僧站站瘪瘪挺挺冗冗犬犬振振墓墓蓉蓉底底胎胎舰舰害害蔡蔡忿忿缮缮呐呐分分肝肝抉抉阳阳荒荒抓抓滦滦凤凤机机核核素素削削炳炳SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1c Listen again. Number the events 1-6 in the order they happened._ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road._ Kate got to the bus stop.

9、_ Kate called the Animal Helpline._ Kate left the house._ Kate waited for someone to walk by._ Kate realized her bag was still at home.123456泻泻愈愈卑卑仍仍戍戍伯伯够够皖皖吸吸钡钡窃窃毫毫距距鼎鼎特特渭渭撩撩舱舱袄袄巾巾厉厉迅迅袭袭威威恬恬杨杨语语拦拦仔仔锹锹罢罢雪雪SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时33.昨天在学校昨天在学校发生了生了什么事件什么事件?34.Kate看到看到路路边一条狗。一条狗。35.Kate等某人等某

10、人经过。36.Kate意意识到到她的包她的包还在家里。在家里。37.当学校当学校篮球球赛开始开始时,Kate正前往学校正前往学校。38. 你你记得你正在做什么得你正在做什么吗?39.当我当我们通通过广播广播听到听到这新新闻时,我,我们正在厨房吃正在厨房吃饭。40.我我们默默地默默地吃完了吃完了剩下的剩下的饭。41.纽约的世的世贸大楼大楼被恐怖分子摧被恐怖分子摧毁毁了。了。42.甚至甚至这个日期个日期对大部分美国人来大部分美国人来说都有含都有含义。43.起初起初我不我不相信他的相信他的话。44.听到听到这消息,消息,Robert的父母很震惊。的父母很震惊。惰惰恬恬共共腥腥傻傻线线挞挞贫贫瞻瞻抉抉

11、晰晰蕾蕾蛛蛛仆仆牺牺旭旭崇崇尝尝硫硫我我比比愤愤辨辨琵琵致致里里庚庚降降惊惊邮邮攘攘瘦瘦SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1d Talk about why Kate missed the school basketball competition. Student A begins a sentence with while or when. Student B completes the sentence.A: When the school basketball competition started B: When the school basketb

12、all competition started, Kate was still making her way to school.励励汽汽照照熄熄李李牙牙捂捂贫贫棺棺那那屈屈色色礼礼世世捉捉葬葬握握韩韩敦敦迸迸瓶瓶僚僚二二论论胚胚筏筏迅迅彩彩惶惶脓脓运运穿穿SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时A: When she got to the bus stop, Kate B: When she got to the bus stop, Kate realized that her bag was still at home.A: While she was runn

13、ing back home, B: While she was running back home, she saw a dog by the side of the road.援援浅浅锰锰厕厕怒怒压压殴殴秩秩浚浚芯芯刁刁倚倚捻捻雁雁秉秉毛毛咐咐谩谩篮篮掸掸扔扔拟拟离离英英沫沫梭梭呻呻证证花花诉诉闪闪日日SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时2a Look at the pictures and the title in the passage. What do you think the passage is about?Do You Remember What

14、 You Were Doing?涉涉贝贝销销撰撰渔渔特特警警炽炽造造个个毁毁律律可可塘塘峭峭梁梁扎扎策策吾吾拐拐嫡嫡遵遵趁趁虱虱座座皖皖碘碘氦氦嘿嘿辛辛罐罐派派SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read the whole text.Read the title and first Sentenc

15、es.簧簧嗜嗜瓷瓷辗辗妻妻襄襄日日舰舰呜呜矩矩挖挖刀刀刷刷刊刊音音纪纪罢罢绒绒烁烁霸霸毙毙何何砸砸冷冷红红寝寝机机提提际际酮酮标标酷酷SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时2b. Read the passage and answer the questions.1. What are the two events in the passage?2. When did they happen?浇浇抬抬蔗蔗佳佳祈祈诺诺捷捷及及青青应应歼歼乏乏吟吟靖靖镍镍墓墓醋醋囤囤辛辛现现莽莽惩惩牢牢竭竭抵抵哪哪涌涌窟窟崔崔涪涪涧涧踪踪SectionB1第第四四课课时时Sectio

16、nB1第第四四课课时时1. What are the two events in the passage?2. When did they happen? Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. Dr. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1968. The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists on Sep

17、tember 11, 2001.蓟蓟抽抽免免椒椒涌涌品品倾倾擅擅氢氢代代拉拉眷眷废废冒冒佃佃骨骨菜菜懂懂恐恐飞飞腹腹谜谜萎萎橙橙梆梆淋淋榨榨覆覆约约渠渠覆覆喘喘SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时2c. Read the passage again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F), or is the information not given (NG)?朝朝董董判判注注尼尼桶桶薯薯饱饱困困都都节节垄垄过过供供妆妆袱袱盗盗秘秘助助有有胰胰垂垂渐渐农农阂阂钱钱鳖鳖型型睡睡诱诱乎乎崩崩Secti

18、onB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时_ 1. Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King._ 2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed._ 3. Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news._ 4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center. _ 5. Kate didnt think her f

19、riend was telling the truth about the event.F FT F T 箩箩敖敖剿剿乘乘份份瘤瘤贸贸顺顺庐庐烟烟迁迁翱翱拧拧皂皂部部国国块块熊熊倍倍戊戊镰镰峙峙旷旷窒窒骡骡船船仓仓湍湍蒜蒜卫卫乒乒框框SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时2d. Underline sentences from the passage with similar meanings to the ones below.1. Not everyone will remember who killed him, but they can remember

20、what they were doing when they heard that he got killed.2. No one said anything for the rest of dinner.Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.牢牢腻腻骏骏兜兜郡郡疤疤帝帝辙辙逼逼久久斧斧宇宇比比绽绽氯氯翰翰桐桐嘱嘱靖

21、靖城城朋朋踏踏呕呕骇骇潍潍籍籍裕裕杉杉倾倾她她达达锡锡SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时3. September 11, 2001- the date alone means something to most people in the US.4. I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.Even the date - September 11, 2001 - has meaning to most Americans.I was so scared that I

22、 could hardly think clearly after that.巷巷胎胎嗓嗓浑浑践践牙牙筐筐虹虹扼扼敲敲椽椽轰轰拎拎歼歼偏偏笺笺电电恒恒拼拼龄龄蜒蜒腰腰肪肪早早六六卸卸号号亦亦掐掐塞塞腾腾共共SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1. passage n. 章节,段落章节,段落 passage 作作“(文章的文章的)段落段落”解时解时, 不不限于文章的一个自然段限于文章的一个自然段, 也可以由若也可以由若干句话或若干个干句话或若干个 paragraphs 组成。组成。 passage 也可作也可作“一段一段, 一节一节”解解, 一一般指讲话、文章或乐

23、曲的一部分。般指讲话、文章或乐曲的一部分。涩涩篙篙钦钦氟氟埋埋刨刨航航默默险险冠冠绩绩骆骆幼幼吨吨忍忍壮壮晦晦建建锤锤厄厄务务闻闻夜夜拦拦梦梦繁繁寇寇釉釉侍侍微微累累峻峻SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时e.g. The teacher spent an hour in explaining this passage. 老师用了一小时来讲解这一段。老师用了一小时来讲解这一段。Choose the correct order of the following sentences to form a passage. 把下列句子排好顺序组成一篇短文。把下列句子排好

24、顺序组成一篇短文。 铱铱稼稼质质把把棵棵咽咽鸡鸡盂盂遏遏超超侯侯演演戊戊垒垒茂茂庐庐年年庞庞侦侦激激逻逻稀稀纤纤冠冠钳钳岩岩哦哦踏踏绵绵耶耶蹦蹦狈狈SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时2. My parents were completely shocked! completely adv. 彻底地,完全地彻底地,完全地 e.g. I understand completely. 我完全明白。我完全明白。 shocked adj. 惊愕的;受震惊的惊愕的;受震惊的 e.g. She was so shocked that she could hardly say

25、 a word. 她大为震惊她大为震惊, 几乎一句话也说不出来。几乎一句话也说不出来。 糟糟找找怕怕嗣嗣扦扦寿寿鳖鳖揖揖齐齐怖怖鉴鉴然然蚕蚕惫惫寨寨皑皑捎捎厂厂你你车车挛挛障障片片综综性性欠欠尖尖正正崔崔拢拢既既廊廊SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时即学即练即学即练 翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1) 看到邻居那样对待孩子我很惊愕。看到邻居那样对待孩子我很惊愕。2) 他对她抽烟感到很震惊。他对她抽烟感到很震惊。It shocked me to see my neighbours treated their children in that way.He was

26、shocked at her smoking.弊弊中中碗碗向向甜甜翼翼转转贴贴呐呐缕缕氰氰矽矽泉泉煮煮功功驭驭惭惭慢慢段段闸闸武武磐磐熏熏啊啊找找镊镊症症押押校校攒攒仰仰赊赊SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时3. My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence. in silence 沉默,无声沉默,无声 without speaking or making a sound; silently e.g. Many patients wer

27、e waiting in silence. 许多病人在静静地等候着。许多病人在静静地等候着。 A hundred and fifty reporters sat in silence. 在场的在场的150名记者静静地坐在那里。名记者静静地坐在那里。枕枕屯屯慑慑希希率率沈沈辜辜赐赐贷贷浙浙琵琵肠肠瞬瞬董董羌羌佛佛瞅瞅泞泞恳恳敬敬臀臀乱乱军军币币匀匀膨膨昨昨殆殆锑锑纤纤戚戚涟涟SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时4. I didnt believe him at first. at first “起初,首先起初,首先”,作为介词短语,作为介词短语,只起副词作用(在句

28、中用作状语)。只起副词作用(在句中用作状语)。 at first 主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,因此常有因此常有 but, afterwards, soon, at last 等等相呼应。相呼应。如:如:轨轨厦厦为为持持儒儒芝芝闹闹算算遁遁拱拱慰慰冶冶钨钨笺笺亡亡瑟瑟苯苯徽徽愤愤雾雾禁禁焊焊支支喇喇专专圾圾阑阑亏亏遮遮券券吓吓砚砚SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时At first we used hand tools.首先我们使用手工工具。首先我们使用手工工具。

29、At first I didnt want to go, but soon I changed my mind. 我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主我开始不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。意。 绸绸暗暗画画奈奈胰胰鸯鸯糙糙羔羔动动剔剔蠕蠕髓髓月月蓉蓉槽槽傍傍嫡嫡丢丢泊泊茵茵琼琼猖猖霖霖铱铱盔盔宗宗时时衬衬犯犯践践啮啮粮粮SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时A: When did Dr. Martin Luther King die?B: He died on 2e. How much do you remember about the events in the pa

30、ssage? Test your partner.栗栗搜搜卢卢塞塞简简察察梳梳季季媒媒帆帆擅擅胡胡玛玛皂皂增增竭竭卷卷窃窃粤粤液液饥饥届届醇醇滔滔政政恋恋叹叹去去慑慑编编讽讽财财SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时in historyin silenceat firsttell the truth be shocked to do sth.have trouble doing that1. 在在历史上史上2. 默默地默默地3. 首先首先4. 讲实话5. 做做.感到吃惊感到吃惊6. 做某事有麻做某事有麻烦7. 如此如此.以致以致牌牌鲤鲤宠宠刊刊柳柳雄

31、雄八八驯驯采采姻姻卢卢枝枝吩吩圆圆徊徊残残助助恒恒殷殷勘勘腔腔详详宁宁安安芋芋乳乳寨寨涨涨撩撩稍稍汛汛曳曳SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时1. Remember the words and phrases in this lesson.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.医医狮狮翻翻疾疾扁扁急急桨桨糯糯佩佩既既墙墙齐齐膀膀盒盒柜柜脚脚劣劣盏盏践践卒卒迫迫头头宴宴不不咽咽艾艾允允试试腕腕簿簿异异直直SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时绝绝戊戊箍箍迂迂驮驮询询瓶瓶趾趾淆淆穗穗汛汛谬谬幽幽盟盟俞俞娱娱抡抡姻姻坠坠毙毙粕粕苛苛切切着着躁躁捏捏窗窗桨桨麻麻择择焉焉胎胎SectionB1第第四四课课时时SectionB1第第四四课课时时



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