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1、Unit threeIs your school life colorful?v老奶奶的故事老奶奶的故事v细胞的故事细胞的故事vYou can choose happiness or sorrow, fortune or misfortune too.v快乐与悲伤,只在于选择;幸与不幸,只在快乐与悲伤,只在于选择;幸与不幸,只在于一转念。于一转念。Is it your campus?StudyingGood good study,Day day up.playing gamesWhats your major专业专业?kindergartener 幼师幼师tour旅游旅游 fashion de

2、sign服装设计服装设计 logistics ldstks 物流物流e-commerce电子商务电子商务motor repair 汽修汽修refrigeration制冷制冷 Unit 3 Reading A Letter to a FriendTeaching aims:1 Master the English letters form.2 Master this text and use some important phrases.call friends or families How can you contact(联系) your families or friends?send t

3、ext message /email发短信或邮件发短信或邮件text sb.给某人发短信给某人发短信She often texts me.write a letter to.What do you often talk about with your friends?vLife.study.family. David Green Xinhua Vocational School 255 Xinhua St. Beijing 100981,China April 12th,2008Dear Jennifer, Greetings from Beijing. Thank you very much

4、 for your concern about my school life .Best wishes!Yours , David发信人地址发信人姓名发信 日期收信人称呼结束语发信人签名朋友:朋友: 你好!好久不见了,一切都还好吧!你好!好久不见了,一切都还好吧! 深秋了,注意加衣服,小心着凉。工作还顺利吧!深秋了,注意加衣服,小心着凉。工作还顺利吧! 祝你笑口常开!祝你笑口常开! 赵 2008、9、18 英文信封的写法David GreenXinhua Vocational School 255 Xinhua St.Beijing 100981,China Stamp发信人的姓名发信人的姓名

5、和地址和地址Jennifer Puyang county Vocational School19 Hongqi Road Puyang 457100收信人的姓名和收信人的姓名和地址地址Key pointsv1. 谢谢你对我的关心谢谢你对我的关心vThank you for your concern about me.v2.中餐烹调中餐烹调vChinese cookingv3.一个月前一个月前va month agov4. 到达到达vget to/arrive at/reachv5.不会说不会说vcan not speakv6.首先首先vat first/ firstlyv7.听不懂听不懂vco

6、uldnt follow /v understandv8.课堂上课堂上vIn classkns:n flu v9.感到紧张感到紧张vfeel nervousv10.友好友好vkind and friendlyv11.表示极力的关心表示极力的关心vshow great concern aboutv12.生活与学习生活与学习vlife and studyv13.在在.的帮助下的帮助下vwith the help ofv14.一切进展不错一切进展不错vEverything is going well.v15.上课上课vhave classes/lessonsv16.从周一到周五从周一到周五vfrom

7、 Monday to Fridayn:vs frendli v17. 早上早上vin the morning/ a.m.v18.下午下午vin the afternoon/p.m.v19.技能训练中心技能训练中心vskill training centerv20.烹调技术烹调技术vcooking skillsv21.周末周末von weekendsv22. 去观光去观光vgo sightseeing around.v23. 练习练习vpractise doingsaitsi:i sent v23. 与与.相处相处vget along/on withv24.邮箱邮箱vemail addressv

8、25. 发送短信发送短信vsend text message to sb.-text sb.v26.致以最美好的祝愿!致以最美好的祝愿!vWith best wishes!God bless you!上帝祝福你!上帝祝福你!Important sentencesv1. Im here to learn Chinese cooking.v2. When I got to school , everything was strange to me. v3. They show great concern about me. v4. We have four classes In the morni

9、ng and three in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.v5. After class, we have many interesting activities .Now , Listen to the text and answer the following questions.Qs v1.Who / wrote ?-v2.To whom?-v3.What / does / learn?-v4.Why / does / feel nervous?vBecause he couldnt follow the teachers in class.

10、DavidJenniferChinese cookingv5.How/do / teachers and classmates/treat with him?They are very kind and friendly to him.v6.What /do/in the morning? and afternoonvfrom Monday to Friday?vThey have lessons in the classroom in the morning, and go to the skill training centre to practice cooking skill in t

11、he afternoon.v7.What / does /do / on weekends?vHe often has a class of Chinese language and go sightseeing around Beijing.A letter to a friendv September 20, 2009v vDear Jennifer,vGreetings from Beijing. China.v Thank you for your concern about me. Im very glad to tell you that Im now a student of H

12、aidian Vocational School of Beijing. Im here to learn Chinese cooking. v Thank you for +n./pron. /doingeg: Thank you for your listening. be glad to do高兴做某事高兴做某事Chinese cooking中餐烹调中餐烹调P1:major亲爱的亲爱的Jennifer,在中国的北京向你问好。在中国的北京向你问好。 感谢你对我的关心。我感谢你对我的关心。我很高兴地告诉你,我现在是很高兴地告诉你,我现在是北京海淀职业学校的学生,北京海淀职业学校的学生,我在这

13、里学习中国烹饪。我在这里学习中国烹饪。Translations v亲爱的亲爱的Jennifer,v在中国的北京向你问好。在中国的北京向你问好。v 感谢你对我的关心。我很高兴地告诉你,感谢你对我的关心。我很高兴地告诉你,我现在是北京海淀职业学校的学生,我在这我现在是北京海淀职业学校的学生,我在这里学习中国烹饪。里学习中国烹饪。v A month ago, I came to Beijing. When I got to school , everything was strange to me. At first, II couldnt follow the teachers in class

14、and I felt nervous. Luckily, all the teachers and classmates here are very kind and friendly to me .到达到达get to=arrive in / at= reachat first/firstly首先、起初首先、起初情态动词情态动词+动原动原can; could; may; might;need; must; should.be kind to sb.对对.友好友好follow 跟随、跟随、听得懂听得懂ago.一段时间之前一段时间之前three days ago三天前三天前before在在.之前

15、之前before the holidaysfeel nervous感到紧张感到紧张P2: studyvThey show great concern about me. Now, Im glad to say that with the help of the teachers and classmates, everything is going well. show concern about对对.关心关心with the help of 在在.的帮助下的帮助下go well.进展顺利进展顺利P2: studyv 一个月前,我来到北京。一个月前,我来到北京。当我到这所学校的时候,一切当我到


17、陌生的。你知道,时候,一切对我来说都是陌生的。你知道,我不会说也不懂老师讲的课。首先,课堂上我不会说也不懂老师讲的课。首先,课堂上我听不懂老师的话,我感觉紧张。幸运的是,我听不懂老师的话,我感觉紧张。幸运的是,这里所有的老师和同学都对我很友好善良,这里所有的老师和同学都对我很友好善良,十分关心我的生活和学习。现在,我可以高十分关心我的生活和学习。现在,我可以高兴地说,在老师和同学的帮助下,一切进展兴地说,在老师和同学的帮助下,一切进展得很好。得很好。vWe have four classes In the morning and three in the afternoon from Mond

18、ay to Friday, In the morning, We have lessons in the class, in the afternoon, sometimes we go to the skill training centre of our school to practice cooking skills.from.to.从从.到到.技能训练中心技能训练中心practise( practice) +n./doing练习练习.practise the pianopractise singingP3: lessonsv 我们每周一到周五上我们每周一到周五上午四节课,下午三节课。

19、午四节课,下午三节课。上午通常在教室里上课。上午通常在教室里上课。下午,我们有的时候去下午,我们有的时候去技术培训中心练习烹饪技术培训中心练习烹饪技术。技术。Translationsv 我们每周一到周五上午四节课,我们每周一到周五上午四节课,下午三节课。上午通常在教室里下午三节课。上午通常在教室里上课。下午,我们有的时候去技上课。下午,我们有的时候去技术培训中心练习烹饪技术。术培训中心练习烹饪技术。v After class, we have many interesting activities .On weekends, I often go to have classes of Chin

20、ese or go sightseeing around the great and beautiful city of Beijing. I am having a good time here.v 课后,我们有课后,我们有很多有趣的活很多有趣的活动。在周末,动。在周末,我经常去上汉我经常去上汉语语言课,或语语言课,或在这座伟大美在这座伟大美丽的北京城里丽的北京城里观光。我在这观光。我在这里过得很愉快。里过得很愉快。课后课后周末周末去观光去观光P4: spare timeTranslationsv 课后,我们有很多有趣的活动。课后,我们有很多有趣的活动。在周末,我经常去上汉语语言课,在周末,

21、我经常去上汉语语言课,或在这座伟大美丽的北京城里观或在这座伟大美丽的北京城里观光。我在这里过得很愉快。光。我在这里过得很愉快。vHow are you getting along? I miss you very much. My new telephone number is 13523796588 and e-mail address is dbrown yahoo. com. You may send e-mail or text message on telephone to me.v With best wishes!v v Yours,v David v 你怎么样?我你怎么样?我很

22、想念你。我的很想念你。我的新电话号码是:新电话号码是:13523796588,我的我的e-mail 地址地址是:是:.你可以给你可以给我发我发e-mail或手或手机短信。机短信。v祝一切顺利!祝一切顺利!相处、进展相处、进展邮址邮址text n. 课文课文 v. 发信息发信息text message手机短信手机短信致以最美好的祝愿致以最美好的祝愿Translationsv 你怎么样?我很想念你。我的新电你怎么样?我很想念你。我的新电话号码是:话号码是:13523796588,我的,我的e-mail 地址是:地址是:.你可以你可以给我发给我发e-mail或手机短信。或手机短信。v祝一切顺利!祝一

23、切顺利!Retell the text复述课文复述课文v A letter to a friend vP1: majorvP2: studyvP3: lessonsvP4 : spare timeTranslations 1给朋友的一封信给朋友的一封信v亲爱的亲爱的Jennifer,v在中国的北京向你问好。在中国的北京向你问好。v 感谢你对我的关心。我很高兴地告诉你,我现在感谢你对我的关心。我很高兴地告诉你,我现在是北京海淀职业学校的学生,我在这里学习中国烹是北京海淀职业学校的学生,我在这里学习中国烹饪。饪。v 一个月前,我来到北京。当我到这所学校的时一个月前,我来到北京。当我到这所学校的时候

24、,一切对我来说都是陌生的。你知道,我不会说候,一切对我来说都是陌生的。你知道,我不会说也不懂老师讲的课,感觉紧张。幸运的是,这里所也不懂老师讲的课,感觉紧张。幸运的是,这里所有的老师和同学都对我很友好善良,十分关心我的有的老师和同学都对我很友好善良,十分关心我的生活和学习。现在,我可以高兴地说,在老师和同生活和学习。现在,我可以高兴地说,在老师和同学的帮助下,一切进展得很好。学的帮助下,一切进展得很好。v 我们每周一到周五上午四节课,下午三节课。我们每周一到周五上午四节课,下午三节课。上午通常在教室里上课。下午,我们有的时候去技上午通常在教室里上课。下午,我们有的时候去技术培训中心练习烹饪技术

25、。术培训中心练习烹饪技术。v 课后,我们有很多有趣的活动。在周末,我经课后,我们有很多有趣的活动。在周末,我经常去上汉语语言课,或在这座伟大美丽的北京城里常去上汉语语言课,或在这座伟大美丽的北京城里观光。我在这里过得很愉快。观光。我在这里过得很愉快。v你怎么样?我很想念你。我的新电话号码是:你怎么样?我很想念你。我的新电话号码是:13523796588,我的,我的e-mail 地址是:地址是:.你可以给我发你可以给我发e-mail或手机或手机短信。短信。v祝一切顺利!祝一切顺利!Translations 2vA letter to a friendv September 20, 2009vDe

26、ar Jennifer,vGreetings from Beijing. China.v Thank you for your concern about me. Im very glad to tell you that Im now a student of Haidian Vocational School of Beijing. Im here to learn Chinese cooking. vA month ago, I came to Beijing. When I got to school , everything was strange to me. At first,

27、II couldnt follow the teachers in class and I felt nervous. Luckily, all the teachers and classmates here are very kind and friendly to me . They show great concern about me. Now, Im glad to say that with the help of the teachers and classmates, everything is going well. vWe have four classes In the

28、 morning and three in the afternoon from Monday to Friday, In the morning, We have lessons in the class, in the afternoon, sometimes we go to the skill training centre of our school to practice cooking skills.v After class, we have many interesting activities .On weekends, I often go to have classes

29、 of Chinese or go sightseeing around the great and beautiful city of Beijing. How are you getting along? I miss you very much. My new telephone number is 13523796588 and e-mail address is dbrown yahoo. com. You may send e-mail or text message on telephone to me.v With best wishes!v Yours,v David v.英

30、语视频色拉英语乐园23-are you busy色拉英语乐园-第23集.rmvb 1 Recite the text after class.2 Finish the Post-Reading.3 write a letter to your friend. Read the text and complete the following statements .1 When he _ _this school, everything was strange to him.2 Jack can only _and_very little Chinese.3 All the teachers h

31、ere show _ _ _Jacks life and study.4 With the help of the teacher and his classmates,everything is going _ _ _ now.got tospeak understandgreat concern aboutbetter and better5 _ _,they have many interesting activities.6 On weekends, Jack often goes to have classes of _ _or go sightseeing around Beijing.7 My phone number is 135xxxxxxx.You may send _ _to me on the phone. After classChinese languagetext messagesBye-bye



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