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1、SkSound Installation 音响设备SLSound Insulation 隔音SICS:Simultaneous Interpretation Conference system 同声传译系统SIPP:Service Interface and protocol processing unit 业务接口和协议处理单元SLC:Sate Hite Commumication 卫星通信SLLSynchronous Line Optical Interface 同步线路光口板SLIC:Subscriber Line Interface Controller 用户线接口 控制器SLM:Si

2、gnal Label Mismatch 信号标记失配SM:Synchronous Multiplexer 同步复用器SMF:System management function 系统管理功能SMS:SDH Management Sub -Network SDH 管理子网SNA:System Network Architecture 系统网络建筑SNLService Node Interface 业务节点接口SNK:Sighal To Noise Ratio 信噪比SOA:Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 半导体光放大器SOH:Section Overhead 段开

3、销SONET:Synchronous Optical Network 同步光网络SPF:Service Port Function 业务口功能SPLSDH Physical InterfaceSDH 物理接口SPL:Sound Pressure Level 声压级SRL:Stractural Return Loss 结构器波损耗SS:Shock sensors震动传感器SS:Sound Source 音源SS:Sprinkler System 自动喷水灭火系统SSB:Single Side Band 单边带调制SSM:Synchronous Status Message 同步状态信息SSU:S

4、can and Signal U nit扫描及信号单元ST:StraightTip直通式光纤连接器ST:Subscribers Tap 用户分支器STB:Set-Box 机项盒STC:Short -Term Card 计时票STE:Signaling Transfer Equipment 信令转换设备STG:Synchronous Timing Generator 同步定时发生器STLSurface fransfer Inpedane 表面传输阻扰STLSurface Tranfer Inpedance 表面传输阻抗STM-N:Synchronous Transport Module leve

5、l-N 同步传送模块等级 NSU:Subscriber Unit 用户单元SV:Smoke Vent 排烟器SVCS:Sound Veinforcement System 扩声系统T:Teletext可视图文T:Terminal 终端机TA:Trunk Amplifier 干线放大器TCtelecommunication Closet 通信插座TC:Transient Characteristic 瞬间特性TCLTrunk cabling interface 星形连接TCP/P:Transmission Control Protocol Inter-network Protocol 传输控制协

6、议/ 网间协议TCS:Tele Communication System 通信系统TCS:Telecommunication System 通讯系统TD:Ticket Dispemser 发卡机TDD:Time Division Dual 时分双工TDEV:Time Deviation 时间偏差TDM:Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用TDMA:Time Division Multiple Address 时分 多址TDS:Time division switching 时分交换结构TELEX:用户电报电传TEP:时间/ 事件软件TF:Transfer Functi

7、on 传送功能TFCC:Transmission frequenay Characteristic 传输频率特性TGNP:The Greatest Noise Power 最大噪声功率TIM:Trace Identifier Mismatch 追踪识别符失配TM:Termination Multiplexer 终端复用器TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信管理网TMN:Telecommunication Management Network 电信管王电网TNLTotal Noise Level 总噪声级TO:Telecommunications

8、 Outlet 通信插座TP: Tunst Pair 对绞线TR:Token Ring 令牌网TSLTimeslot Interxhange 时隙交换TSU:Time Switching Unit 时隙交换单元TTF:Transport Terminal function 传送终端功能TTS:Tri Technology Sensor 三鉴传感器TU:Tributary Unit 支路单元TUG tributary Unit Group 支路单元组TU-LOM:TU-Loss Of Multi-frame 支路单元复帧丢失TUP:Tributary Unit Pointer 支路单元指针TUP

9、P:Tributary Unit Payload Process 支路净荷处理UAT:Ultra Aperture Terminal超小口径卫星地面接收站UL: Underwriters Laboratory 担保实验室UM:Unidirectional Microphines 单指向性传声器VA:Vacant auditoria 空场VCLVirtual chammel identifier 虚信道标识VCS:vIdeo conferphone system 会议电视系统VI:Video interphone可视对讲门铃Video switchers图象切换控制器Videolext:可视图文

10、VOD:Video on demand 视频点播VS AT: Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小口径天线地球站MFPB:Multi-Frequency Press Button 多频按键MIB:Management Information Base 管理信息库MIC: Mediu Interface Connector 介质接口连接器MIO:Multiuser Information Outlet 多用户信息插座MLM: Multi-Longitudinal Mode 多纵模MM:Mobile Management 移动管理MMDS:Maltichanned Mic

11、ro ware Distribution System 多路微波分配系统MMO:Multionedia Outlet 多媒体插座MN-NES:MN-Network Element System 网元管理系统MN-RMS:MN-Region Management System 网络管理系统MO:Managed Object 管理目标MSA:Multiplex Section Adaptation 复用段适酉己MS-AIS:Mutiplex Section-Alarm Indication Signal 复用段告警指示信号MSOH:Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销M

12、SP:Multiplex Section Protection 复用段保护MS-RDI:Multiplex Section-Remote Defect Indication 复用段远端缺陷指示MST:Multiplex Section Termination 复用段终端MSU:Multi-Subscriber Unit 多用户单元MTIE:Maximum Time Interval Error 最大时间间隔误差MUX:Multiplexer灵活复接器NDF:New DataFlag新数据标识NDFA:Niobium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铝光纤放大器NE:Network

13、 Element 网元NEXT: Near End Crosstalk 近端串扰NMS:Network Management System 网络管理系统NNE:Non-SDH Network Element 非 SDH 网元NNI:Network Node Interface 网络节点接口NPLNull Pointer Indication 无效指针指示NWK:Network Layer 网络层NZ-DSF:Non Zero-Dispersion Shift Fiber 非零散位移光纤OAM&P:Operation Administration, Maintenance and Provisi

14、oning 运行、管理、维护和预置OAM:Operation, Administration and Maintenance 操作、管理和维护OBFD: Optical Beam Flame Detector 线型光速火焰探测器OC-N:Optical carrier level-N 光载波级 NOCR:Optical Character Recogmition 光学字符识别OEIC:Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit 光电集成电路OFA:Optical Fiber Amplifier 光纤放大器OHP:Overhead Processing 开销处理OLT:O

15、ptical Line Terminal 光纤线路终端ON:Orerall Noise 总噪声ONU:Optical Network Unit 光乡干网络单元OOF:Out Of Frame 帧失步OOP:Object Oriental Programming 面向对象程序设计OS:Operating System 操作系统OSC:Oscillator 振荡器OSLOpen Systems Interconnection 开放系统互连OTDK: Optical Time Doman Reflectometer 光时域反射线OTDM:Optical Time Division Multiplex

16、ing 光时分复用PA:Power Amphfier 功率放大器PA:PowerAmplifier 功率放大器PABX:Private Auntomatic Branch Exchange 程控数字自动交换机Paging:无线呼叫系统PAL:PinholeAlcLons针孔型自动亮度控制镜头PARK:Portable Access Rights K ey移动用户接入权限识别码PAS:Public Address System 公共广播音响系统PBX:Private Brancn exchange 程控用户交换机PC:Pan unit&control云台及云台控制器PC:Proximinty C

17、ard 接近卡PCM:Pulse Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCS:Personal Communication Service 个人通讯服务PDFA:Praseodymium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺错光纤放大器PDH:Plesiochronous digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDNiPublic data network 公用数据网PDSPremises Distribution Systemn建筑物结构化综合布线系统PF:Pressurization Fan 加压风机PG:Pressure Gradient 压差式PID:Pa

18、ssire Infrared Detector 被动式红外传感器PJE:Pointer Justification Event 指针调整事件PLC:Programmerable Logic Controller 可编程控制器PM:Power Matching 功率匹配PMS:Prooerty Management system 资源管理系统PO:Pressure Operated 压强式POH:Path Overhead 通道开销PPI:PDH Physical InterfacePDH 物理接口Preamplification : 前置放大PRLPrimany Rate Interface

19、基群速率接口PRM:Patter Recogniton Method 模式识别法PSC:Protection Switching Count 保护倒换计数PSD:Photoelectric Smoke Detector 光电感烟探测器PSD:Protection Switching Duration 保护倒换持续时间PSK:Phase Shift Keying 移相键控PSNT: Ponver Sum N ext综合近端串扰PSPDN:Packet switched Public Data Network 公众分组交换网PSTN:Public Switch Telephone Network

20、公用交换电话网PU:PickUp拾音器PVC:Polyvingl chloride 聚氯乙烯PVCS:Public video conferring system 公用型会议电视系统PWS:Power system 电源系统ITU-T:Intemational Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Sector 国际电信联盟- 电信标准 部 R:Receiver终端解码器R:Reverberator 混响器RC:Radio Communication 移动通信RC:Room, s Coefficient 房间系数RCU: Remote Contro

21、l Units 终端控制器RDI:Remote Defect Indication 远端失效指示REG:Regenerator 再生器Resolution:清晰度RF:Radio Frequency 射频RHE:Romote Head End 远地前端RMC:Repeater Management Controller 天线信道控制器RMS:Root Mean Square 均方根值RMU:Redundancy Memory Unit 冗余存贮器RORTD:Rate Of Rise Thermal Detector 差温探测器RR:Reverberation Radius 混响半径RS:Ref

22、lected sound 反射场RSOH:Regenerator Section Ouerhead 再生段开销RSSLRadio Signal Strength IndicatorRST:Regenerator Section Termination 再生段终端RSU:Remote Subscriber Unit 远端用户单元RT:Real Time 实时RT:Reverberation Time 混响时间RWS:Remote Workstation 远端工作站S:Sprinkler 分配器S:Stereo双声道S:Strike电子门锁SAA:Sound Absorption Ability

23、吸声能力SAR:Segmetation and reassembly sublayer 拆装子层SATV:Sate Llite 卫星电视SBS:Synchronous Backbone System 同步信息骨干系统SBSMN:SBS SBS Management Network系列传输设备网管系统SC:Smart Card 智能卡SC:Subscriber Connector (Optial Fiber Connector)用户连接器( 光纤连接器)SC:Supervisong Center中央站监控中心管理中心SCADA:监控和数据采集软件SCB:System Control Board

24、系统控制板SCC:System Control&Communication 系统通信控制SC-D:Saplex sc commector 双 ISC 连接器SCD:Sound Console Desk 调度台SCPC:Single Chnanel Per Carrier 卫星回程线路SCS:Stractured Cabling System 结构化布线系统SD:Signal Degraded 信号劣化SD:Smoke damper 排烟阀SD:Smoke Detector 感烟探测器SD:System Distortion 系统失真SDCA:Synchronization DCA同步数据通讯适

25、配器SDMA:Spaee Division Multiplex Access 容分SDXC:Synchronous Digital Cross Connect 同少数字交叉连接SE:Sound Energy 声能SEC:SDH Equipment Clock SDH 设备时钟SED:Sound Energy Density 声能密度SEEF:Smoke Extractor Exhaust Fan 排烟风机SEMF:Synchronous Equipment Management Function 同步设备管理功能SES:Severely Errored Second 严重误码秒SESR:Sev

26、erely Errlred Second Ratio 严重误码秒比率SETPLSynchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface 同步设备定时物理接口SETS:Synchronous Equipment Timing Source 同步设备定时源SF:Spur Feeder 分支线SF:Subscribers Feeder 用户线SFN:Sound Field Nonunifomity 声场不均匀度SFP:Sound Field Processor 声场处进器Actuator执行器A:Amplifier 放大器A:Attendance员工考勤A:At

27、tenuation 衰减AA:Antenna amplifier 开线放大器A A: Architectural Acoustics 建筑声学AC:Analogue Controller 模拟控制器ACD:Aulomatic Call Distribution 自动分四己话务ACS:Access Control System 出入控制系统AD: Addressable Detector 上也址探测器ADM:Add/Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器ADPCM:Adaptive Differential ulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉冲编码调制AF:Acoust

28、ic Feedback 声反馈AFR:Amplitude /Frequency Response 幅频响应AGC:Automati Gain Control 自动增益控制AHU:Air Handling Unit 空气处理机组A-I:Auto-iris 自动光圈AIS:Alarm Indication Signal 告警指示信号AITS:Acknowledged Information Transfer Service 确认操作ALC:Automati Level Control 自动平衡控制ALS:Alarm Seconds 告警秒ALU:Analogue Lines U nit模拟用户线单

29、元AM:Administration Module 管理模块AN:Access Network 接入网ANSI:American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会APS:Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换ASC:Automati Slope Control 自动斜率控制ATH:Analogue Trunk Unit 模拟中继单元ATM: Asynchrous Transfer Mode 异步传送方式AU- PPJE:AU Pointer Positive Justification 管理单元正指针调整AU:Adm

30、inistration Unit 管理单元AU-AIS:Administrative Unit Alarm Indication SignalAU 警警指示信号AUG:Administration Unit Group 管理单元组AU-LOP:Loss of Administrative Unit Pointer AU 指针丢失AU-NPJE:AU Pointer Negative Justification 管理单元负指针调整AUP:Administration Unit Pointer 管理单元指针AVCD:Auchio &Video Control Device 音像控制装置AWG:Am

31、erican Wire Gauge 美国线缆规格BA:Bridge Amplifier 桥接放大器BAC:Building Automation & Control net建筑物自动化和控制网络BAM background Administration Module 后管理模块BBER:Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码比BCC:B-channel Connect ControlB 通路连接控制BD:Building DistributorBEF:Buiding Entrance Facilities 建筑物入 口设施BFOC:Bayonet Fibre Op

32、tic Connector 大口 式光纤连接器BGN:Background Noise 背景噪声BGS: Background Sound 背景音响BIP-N:Bit Interleaved Parity N code 比特间插奇偶校验 N 位码B-ISDN:Brand band ISD N 宽带综合业务数字网B-ISDN:Broad band -Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合业务数字网BMC:Burst Mode Controller 突发模式控制器BMS:Building Management System 智能建筑管理系统BRLBasic

33、 Rate ISDN基本速率的综合业务数字网BS:Base Station 基站BSC:Base Station Controller 基站控制器BUL: Back up lighting 备用照明C/S: Client/Server 客户机/ 服务器 C:Combines 混合器C:Container 容器CA:Call Accounting电话自动计费系统CATV:Cable Television 有线电视CC:Call Control 呼叫控制CC:Coax cable同轴电缆CCD:Charge coupled devices 电荷耦合器件CCF:Cluster Contril Fun

34、ction 簇控制功能CD:Campus Distributor 建筑群配线架CD:Combination detector感温,感烟复合探测器CDCA:Continuous Dynamic Channel Assign 连续的动态信道分配CDDI:Copper Distributed D ata合同缆分布式数据接口CDES:Carbon dioxide extinguishing system 二氧化碳系统CDMA:Code Division Multiplex Access 码分多址CF:Core Function 核心功能CFM:Compounded Frequency Modulati

35、on 压扩调频繁CIS:Call Information System 呼叫信息系统CIS PR: Internation Special Conmittee On Radio Interference 国际无线电干扰专门委员会CLNP:Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接模式网络层协议CLP:Cell Loss Priority信元丢失优先权CM:Communication Module 通信模块CM:Configuration Management 酉己置管理CM:Cross-connect Matrix 交叉连接矩阵CMI:Coded Mark Inve

36、rsion 传号反转码CMISE:Common Management Information Service 公用管理信息协议服务单元CPE:Convergence protocol entity 会聚协议实体CR/E:card reader /Encoder (Ticket reader ) 卡读写器/ 编码器CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CRT:Cathode Ray Tabe显示器,监视器,阴极射线管CS: Convergence service 会聚服务CS:Cableron Spectrum旧纳档块化技术CS:Ceiling Screen 挡烟垂

37、壁CS:Convergence Sublayer 合聚子层CSC:Combined Speaker Cabinet 组合音响CSCW:Computer supported collaborative work 计算机支持的协同工作CSES:Continuius Severely Errored Second 连续严重误而马秒CSF:Cell Site Function单基站功能控制CTBComposite Triple Beat 复合三价差拍CTD: Cable Thermal Detector缆式线型感温探测器CTNR:camer to noise ratio 载波比CW:Control W

38、ord 控制字D:Directional 指向性D:Distortion 失真度D:Distributive 分布式DA:Distribution Amplifier 分配的大器DBA:Database Administrator 数据库管理者DBCSN:Database Control System Nucleus 数据库控制系统核心DBOS:Database Organizing System 数提i库组织系统DBSS:Database Security System 数据库安全系统DC:Door Contacts大门传感器DCC:Digital Communication Channel

39、 数字通信通路DCN:Data Communication Network 数据通信网DCP-I:Distributed Control Panel -Intelligent 智能型分散控制器DCS:Distributed Control System 集散型控制系统DDN:Digital Data Network 数字数据网DDS:Direct Dignital Controller 直接数字控制器DDW:Data Describing Word 数据描述字中国联通China Unicom中国移动China Mobile网络容量 network capacity交换容量 exchange c

40、apacity扩容 Capacity Expansion平滑升级 smooth upgrade射频 Radio Frequencies接收灵敏度 Receive Sensitivity:数据 Data Options传输速率Data Rate电源部分Power supply数据接口 Data Interface天线接口 Antenna Interface传输速率Baud Rate用户交互界面User Interface认i正 Certifications网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate联通无限U-Max旗下 subordinate品牌 trademarkU-Info

41、互动视界U-Magic神奇宝典U-Net掌中宽带U-Mail 彩 eU-M ap定位之星U-Sms联通在信应用服务 Application Service产业价值链 industrial value chain战略目标 strategic objective渠道 channel转型 transition/Transformation推广 extension针对aim at电信 telecommunication整合 conformity市场渗透率 market penetration factor微观的 microcosmic科学技术 science and technology地理环境 ge

42、ographic environment宏观的 macroscopical供应链 supply chain产品种类 product variety价格水平price level销售方式modes of sale客户client敏感 sensitivity营业场所 business ground or office投诉 complaintelecom operators 电信运营商指标index第二手资料 secondary source data第一手材料 the first-hand material/first-hand data分销商 distributor管理者 administrat

43、ive supervisor增值 value increment副总经理 deputy general manager交通枢纽traffic hub渤海 Bohai Sea华北平原 North China Plain人力资源 human resources奖惩 rewards and punishment长江三角洲the Yangtze Delta珠江三角洲Pearl River Delta经济圈 economic circle经济一体化 economic integration地形 terrain地貌 topographic feature海岸线coast line造纸 paper maki

44、ng胶片film化工 chemical industry矿产 minerals可支配收入 disposable income良性循环 virtuous circles生产总值 total output value人均国内生产总值per capita GDP消费性支出 nonproductive expenditure衣、食、住、行 basic life necessities of clolhing, food, shelter and weans of travel产业结构 industrial structure结构优化 optimum structure改革开放 reform and o

45、pening翻两番quadruple可持续发展 sustainable development城市化 urbanizationDECT:Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication 增强数字无绳通讯DFB distributed Feedback 分布反馈DID:Direct Inward Dialing直接中继方式,呼入直拨到分机用户DLC:Data Link Control Layer 数据链路层DLLDECT Line InterfaceDODI:Direct Outward Dialing One 一次拨号音DPH:DECT PhoneDRC:

46、Directional Response Cahracteristies 指向性响应DS:Direct Sound 直正声DSP:Digital signal Processing 数字信号处理DSS: Deiision Support System 决策支持系统DTMF:Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 双音多频DTS:Dual -Technology Sensor 双鉴传感器DWDM:Dense Wave-length Division Multiplexing 密集波分发用DXC:Digital Cross-Connect 数字交叉连接E:Emergency light

47、ing 照明设备E:Equalizer 均衡器E:Expander 扩展器EA-DFB:Electricity Absorb-Distributed Feedback 电吸收分布反馈ECC:Embedded Control Channel 嵌入或控制通道EDFA:Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier 掺饵光纤放大器EDLElectronic Data Interexchange 电子数据交换EIC:Electrical Impedance Characteristics 电阻抗特性EMC: Electro Magnetic Compatibiloty 电磁兼容性EMLEle

48、ctro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMS:Electromagnetic Sensitibility 电磁敏感性ENEquivalent Noise 等效噪声EP:Emergency Power 应急电源ES: Emergency Sooket 应急插座ES:Evacuation Sigvial 疏散照明ESA:EiTor SecondA 误码秒类型 AESB:ErrorSecondB 误码秒类型 BESD:Electrostatic Discharge 静 电放电ESR:Errored Second Ratio 误码秒比率ETDM:Electrical Time

49、Division Multiplexing 电时分复用ETSLEuropean Telecommunication Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准协会F:Filter滤波器FAB:Fire Alarm Bell 火警警铃FACU:Fire Alarm Contrlol U nit火灾自动报警控制装置FC:Failure Count 失效次数FC frequency Converter 频率变换器FCC:Fire Alarm System 火灾报警系统FCS:Field Control System 现场总线FCU: Favn Coil Unit 风机盘管FD:Fire D

50、oor 防火门FD:Flame Detector 火焰探测器FD:Floor DistributorFD:Frequency Dirsder 分频器FDD:Frequency Division Dual 频分 双工FDDI: Fiberdistributed Data Interface 光纤缆分布式数据接 口。FDDIF:Fiber Distributed Data Inferface 光缆分布数据接口FDMA:Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址FE:Fire Extirguisher 消防电梯FEBE:Far End Block Error 远端

51、块误码FEXT:Far End Crosstalk,远端串扰FFES:Foam Fire Extionuishing System 泡沫火火系统FH:Fire hydrant 消火栓FLFee Indicator费用显示器FL:Focal Length 焦距FL:Fuzzy Logic 模糊逻辑FM:Faiilt Management 失效管理FPA:Fire Public Address 火灾事故广播FPD:Fire Public Derice 消防设施FR:Frequency Response 频响FRD:Fire Resis tamt Damper 防火阀FRS:fire resista

52、nt shutter 防火卷帘FSK:Frequency Shift Keying 移频键控FSU:Fixed Subscriber Unit 单用户固定台FTHD:Fixed temperatute Heat Detector 定温控测器FTP:Foil Tnisted Pair金属箔双绞电缆FTTB:Fiber To The Building 光纤到大楼FTTC:FiberToThe Curb 光纤到路边FTTH:Fiber To The Home 光纤到家庭FW:fire Wall 防火墙FWHM:Full Width Half Maximum 脉冲的半高宽度PACR: Attenuat

53、ion to Crosstalk Ratio 衰减与串扰比GAP:Gaussian (filtered)Frequency Shift Keying 高斯滤波频移键控GBS:Glass Break Sensors玻璃破碎传感器GC:Generic Cabling 综合布线GIB:Generic Information Block 通用信息模块GNE:Gateway Network Element 网关GSM:Global System for Mobile communications 全球移动通信系统H:Hybrid混合式HCBS:High C Bus Servers Unit 高速 C 总

54、线服务单元HCS:Higher order Connection Supervision 高阶连接监视HD: Heat Detecter感温探测器HDB3:High Density Bipolar of order 3code 高密度双极性码HDLC:High Data Link Control高级数据链路控制HDLC:High Digital Link Control 高级数据链路控制HDSL:High-bit -rate Digital Subscriber Link 高比特数字用户链路HDTV:High Definition Television 高清淅度电视HEC:Header Erv

55、or Control:信头差错控制域HEMS:High -level Entity Management system 高级实体管理系统HFC:Hybrid fiber coax光纤- 同轴电缆混合系统HGRP:Home Optical Network华为公司专用协议HIFLHigh Fidelity 高保真度HIPPLHigh Performance Parral lei Interface 高性能并行接口HMP:Host monitoring protocol 宿主机监视协议HOA:High Order Assembler 高阶组装器HOAPID:High Order Path Acces

56、s Point Identifier 高阶通道接入不敷出点标识符HOLHigh Order Interface 高阶接口HONET:Home Optical Network华为综合业务接入网商标HO-TCM:High Order Tandem Connection Monitor 高阶通道串联连接监控HOVC:High Order Virtual Container 虚容器HPA:High order path Adaptation 高阶适配HPC:High order path Connection 高阶通道连接HPOM:High -order Path Overhead Monitor 高

57、阶通道开销监视器HPP:High -order path Protection 高阶通道保护HP-RDI:Higher order path -Remote Defect Indication 高阶通道接收缺陷指示HP-REI:Higher order Path-Remote Errorindication 高阶通道远端错误指示HPT:High order path Termination 高阶通道终端HRDShypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段HSUT:High -order path Supervision Unequipped Te

58、rmination 高阶通道监控未装装载终HVAC:Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 暖通空调HWS:Hot Water Supply热水供应系统Interference 串扰IA:Inlruder Alarm 防盗报警ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol 控制信息协议IDC:Insucation Displacement Connection 绝缘层信移连接件IDS:Industrial Distribution System 工业布线系统IFC:Intelligent Fire Controller 照明智能控

59、制器ILD:Inject Light Diode注入式激光二极管IM:Impedance Matching 阻抗匹配IMA:Interactive Multimedia Association 交互式多媒体协议IM-DM:Intensity Modulation-Direction Modulation 直接强度调制IN:Information Network 信息网IO: Information Outlet 信息插座IOS:Intelligent Out Station 智能外围站IPEI:International Portable国际移动设备标识号IPTU:Indoor Pan &Ti

60、lt U nit室内水平俯仰云台IPUI:International Portable User Identity 国际移动用户标识号ISD:Ionization Smoke Detector 离子感烟探测器IT:Information Technology 信息技术ITU international Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟ITU-T:原名C C IT T,是国际电信联盟的一个委员会ITV:InteractiveTevevision 交互式电视JIT-Discussion conference system 即席发言系统L:Lens摄像机镜头LAN:Lx

61、) cal Area Network 局域网LAPB: Link Access Procedure-Balanced 链路接入规程一平衡LAPD:Link Access Procedure D-channel D 信道链路访问协议LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏LCL:Longituchinal Conrorsion Loss 纵模变换损耗LCN:Local Communication Network 本地通信网LCS:Lower order Connection Supervision 低阶连接监视LD:Laser Diode 激发二极管LE:Local Ex

62、change 本地交换网LED:Light Emittirng Diode 发光二极管LIU: Lightguide Interconnection Unit 光纤互连装置LLC:Logic Link Control Layer 逻辑链路控制层LLME:Low Layer Management Entity 低层管理实体LM:Lerel Modulation 电平调节LNA:Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器LOF:Loss Of Frame 帧丢失LOLLow Order Interface 低阶接口LOP:Loss Of Pointer 指针丢失LOS:Loss Of S

63、ignal 信号丢失LO-TCM:Low Order Tandem Connection Monitor 低阶通道串联连接监视器LOVC:Low Order Virtual Container 低阶虚容器LPA:Lower order qath Adaptation 低阶通道适配LPC:Lower order Path Connection 低阶通道连接LPOM: Low -order Path Overhead Monitor 低阶通道开销监视器LPP:Low-order Path Protection 低阶通道保护LPT:Lower order Path Termination 低阶通道终

64、端LSBCM:Laser Base Current Monitor 激光器偏流监视LSUT:Low -order path Supervision Unequipped 低阶通道监控未装载终端LTC:Londline Trunk Coutroller 有线线路分配器LU:Line U nit线路单元MAC:Medium Access Control Layer 介质访问控制层MBMC:MultipIe Burst Mode Controller 多突发模式控制器MCF:Message Communication Function 消息通信功能MD:Mediation Device 中介设备s

65、d regions源漏区s type characteristic s 型特性曲线s/n ratio随机杂波信杂比safe area 画格safety安全性safety factor安全系数s a g 自对准栅sagm os自对准栅金属氧化物半导体salicide自对准多晶硅化物sam 扫描式俄歇微型探针samnos transistor自对准金属氮化物氧化物半导体晶体管sample取样sample hold circuit取样 保持电路sample wafer 样片sampler采样器sampling 取样sampling facility 采样器sampling inspection 抽样

66、检查sampling oscilloscope 取样示波器sandblaster喷砂装置sandblasting 喷砂sandwich construction 夹层结构sandwich structure 夹层结构sandwiched film 多层薄膜sapphire 蓝宝石sapphire dielectric isolation 蓝宝石介质隔离s叩phire microprocessor蓝宝石上硅结构微处理机sasfet自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管satellite 卫星satellite assisted communication 人造卫星通信satellite broadcasti

67、ng 人造卫星广播satellite communication 卫星通信satellite communication antenna 卫星通信天线satellite data transmission 卫星数据传输satellite ground station 人造卫星地面站satellite im age卫星传送图像satellite lin k卫星通信线路satellite ranging 卫星测距satellite relay卫星中继器satellite television 卫星电视satellite tracking 卫星跟踪satellite tracking station

68、 卫星跟踪站satellite transmission 卫星传送saticon塞蒂康视象管sato process自对准厚氧化膜工艺saturable core 饱和铁心saturated gain 饱和增益saturated solution 饱和溶液saturation 饱和saturation characteristic 饱和特性saturation current 饱和电流saturation mode 饱和状态saturation of the molecular transitions 分子跃迁饱和saturation of the population inversion 反

69、转粒子数饱和saturation point 饱和点saturation region 饱和区域saturation resistance 饱和电阻saturation voltage 饱和电压saw 表面声波saw amplifier表面声波放大器saw blade 锯齿saw device表面声波掐saw tooth generator锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器saw tooth oscillator锯齿波振荡器锯齿波发生器saw tooth voltage锯齿形电压sawing锯割sawtooth current锯齿波形电流sawtooth generator锯齿波发生器sawtooth

70、pulse锯齿波脉冲sb f e t 肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管sb c 标准埋层集极sbc technique标准隐埋集电极技术sbm os肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体SC半导体scale标度scale factor换算因数scale of ten circuit十进数计数器scale of two circuit 二进制计数器scaled down lithography按比例缩小光刻技术scaled geometry按比例缩小的几何尺寸scaled integrated circuit按比例缩小的集成电路scaled isoplanar按比例缩小绝缘分离技术scaled m os按比例缩小

71、的金属氧化物半导体scaled process按比列缩小集成电路工艺scaled representation 比列图像显示scaler计数器scaling按比例缩小scaling dow n按比例缩小scaling factor 换算因数scaling la w 比例缩小规则scaling parameter 换算因数scaling ratio换算因数scan扫描scan converter device 扫描变换掐scan generator扫描振荡器scan linearity扫描直线性scanistor固体扫描器scanned picture 扫描图象scanner扫描器scannin

72、g 扫描scanning amplifier 扫描放大器scanning auger microanalysis扫描式俄歇微量分析scanning auger microprobe扫描式俄歇微型探针scanning beam 扫描射束scanning cycle 扫描周期scanning device 扫描器scanning direction 扫描方向scanning electron beam 扫描电子束scanning electron beam lithography 扫描式电子束刻蚀scanning electron micrograph扫描式电子显微照片scanning elect

73、ron microscope 扫描电子显微镜scanning frequency 扫描频率scanning generator 扫描振荡器scanning laser acoustic microscope 扫描式激光声学显微镜scanning ling 扫描线scanning of laser directivity diagram 激光方向性图扫描scanning pattern 扫描图形scanning projection printing 扫描式投影曝光scanning speed 扫描速度scanning spot 扫描点scanning stage 扫描级scanning sta

74、ndard 扫描标准scanning system 扫描方式scanning transmission electron microscope 扫描透射电子显微镜scanning tunneling microscope 扫描式隧道显微镜scanning velocity 扫描速度scanning voltage 扫描电压sc a t肖特基单元阵列技术scatter propagation 散射传播scattered light 散射光scattered power 散射功率scattered radiation 散射辐射scattering 频散scattering coefficient

75、散射系数scattering cross section 散射截面scattering loss 散射损耗seed表面电荷耦合掐schmitt trigger施密特触发器schot effect散粒效应schottky barrier肖特基势垒schottky barrier gate 肖特基势垒栅schottky barrier gate f e t肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管schottky barrier m o s肖特基势垒栅金属氧化物半导体schottky barrier photodiode肖特基势举光电二极管schottky cell array technology肖特基单元阵列技

76、术schottky clamp diode肖特基钳位二极管schottky clamped transistor 肖特基钳位晶体管schottky defect肖特基缺陷schottky diode肖特基势垒二极管schottky diode f e t肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管schottky disorder 肖特基缺陷schottky effect肖特基效应schottky electrode肖特基势垒栅schottky gate f e t肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管schottky gate metallization 肖特基栅金属化schottky interface 肖特基界面scho

77、ttky noise肖特基噪声schottky transistor肖特基晶体管schottky transistor transistor logic肖特基晶体管 晶体管逻辑schottky ttl g a te 肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑门schottky vacancy肖特基缺陷scintillation I 人 J烁scintillation detector 闪烁检测器scintillator 闪烁体scope酌域score line 划线scored slice伤痕薄片s c r可控硅整流scrambler倒频器scratch 条痕scratching noise 唱针噪声screen

78、屏幕screen burning萤光屏烧毁screen grid 帘栅极screen grid current 帘栅极电流screen grid voltage 帘栅极电压screen m ask印网掩模screen printable paste 丝网漏印用膏screen printer丝网漏印机screen printing 网印screen printing stencil 丝网漏印模板screen size 筛号screenable resist丝网漏印用光刻胶screened cable 屏蔽电缆screened conductor 丝网 制 J 导体screened on resi

79、stor丝网印制电阻器screened pentode高频五极管screened solder m ask丝网印制钎焊掩模screening 屏蔽screening box 屏蔽箱screening burn in 取样老炼screening test 筛选检验screw dislocation 螺旋位错screw terminal螺旋式接线柱scribe line definition 划线图案形成scribed line 划线scriber划线器scribing 划线scribing system 划线器scrren grid tube 帘栅管scrubber洗涤器scrubbing 洗涤

80、s e t表面电荷晶体管scum 浮渣sd fet肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管sea clutter海面杂乱回波sea returns海面反射信号seal密封sealant密封膏sealed chamber 密封室sealed diode封装的二极管sealed hybrid封装的混合集成电路sealed laser密封激光器sealer密封器sealing 密封sealing compound 封口胶sealing g a s密圭寸气体sealing glass封接玻璃sealing layer 密封层sealing preform密封用塑扭塑sealing schedule 密封程序seam

81、welding 缝焊search angle 探测角search mode 搜私式search radar 搜俗达sebl扫描式电子束刻蚀secam system secam 制 彩色电视方式secondary electron 二 次电子secondary electron emission 二次电子放射secondary electron emitter 二次电子发射电极secondary electron multiplier 二次电子倍增管secondary electron yield 二次电子发射系数secondary emission characteristic 二次放射特性s

82、econdary emission rate 二次发射率secondary ion mass spectrometry 次级感子质谱分析法secondary radar 二次雷达secondary radiation 二次辐射secondary radiator 二次辐射器secondary station 次站secrecy transmission 保密传输secret information 秘密信息section 区sector field mass spectrometer 扇形场质谱仪sector scanning 扇形扫掠see through photomask 透免掩模see

83、beck effect塞贝克效应seed crystal 晶种seeker导引头segmentation 分段segregation 偏析seignette salt酒石酸钾钠seignette s o l酒石酸钾钠selection 选择selection check 选择检验selective absorber 选择吸收体selective absorption 选择吸收selective call 选择呼叫selective color filter 选择滤色器selective deposition 选择性沉积selective diffusion 选择扩散selective dip

84、soldering 选择浸渍焊接selective doping 选择掺杂selective etchant 选择腐蚀剂selective etching 选择腐蚀selective fading选择性衰落selective interconnection 选择布线selective jamming 选择性干扰selective masking 选择屏蔽selective oxidation process 选择氧化工艺selective oxide etching氧化物选择腐蚀selective pumping 选择抽运selective relay选择继电器selective remova

85、l 选择去除selective signal 选择信号selective transmittance 选择透射率selectivity 选择性selector选择器selector relay选择继电器selectron选数管selenium 硒selenium cell硒光电池self aligned 叩proach 自对准法self aligned c c d 自对准电荷耦合掐self aligned contact 自对准接触self aligned electrode 自对准电极self aligned gate 自对准栅self aligned gate f e t自对准栅场效应晶体

86、管self aligned gate m o s自对准栅金属氧化物半导体self aligned injector 自对准注入器self aligned integraed circuit 自对准集成电路self aligned photoresist process 自对准光刻工艺self aligned polycide自对准多晶硅化物self aligned polysilicon process 自对准多晶硅工艺self aligned schottky f e t自对准肖特基栅场效应晶体管self aligned semiconductor device 自对准型半导体掐self a

87、ligned thick oxide白对准厚氧化膜self alignment 自对准self b ia s自偏压self checking integrated circuit 自检集成电路self convergent y o k e自动会聚偏转线圈self developing resist 自显影光刻胶self diagnostics 自诊断学self excitation 自 激self excitation conditions 自激条件self excitation threshold 自激阈值self excited oscillations 自激振荡self excited

88、sender 自激发射机self focusing 自聚焦self focusing beam 自聚焦束self focusing light 自聚焦光self focusing lightguide 自聚焦光波导self focusing property 自聚焦能力self focusing threshold 自聚焦阈值self guidance 自制导self heated thermistor自热式热敏电阻self homing 自制导self impedance 固有阻抗self induced transparency 自感应透明self loading自举电路self main

89、tained discharge 自持放电self maintained emission 自持发射self masking epitaxy 自掩蔽外延self mode locking 自锁模self oscillation 自激self phasing自动相位稳定self recording自动记录的self registered gate 自对准栅self regulation 自动控制self repair自动恢复self restoring drop 自复吊牌self scanning array自扫描天线阵self stabilization 自动稳定self stabilizat

90、ion of phase 自动相位稳定self supporting film 自保持薄膜self sustaining emission 自持发射self synchronization 自动 同步self terminating oxidation 自行终端氧化self testing 自测selfoc自聚焦传光纤维selfoc fib er自动聚焦传光纤维selfoc lightguide自聚焦光波导sem 扫描电子显微镜sem micrograph扫描电子显微镜照相术semiadditive process 半添加法semiautomatic exchange 半自动 电话局semia

91、utomatic placer 半自动放置器semiconducting glass 半导体玻璃semiconductive body 半导体衬底semiconductor 半导体semiconductor area半导体区; 半导体芯片面积semiconductor array 半导体阵列semiconductor assembly 半导体组装semiconductor billet 半导体晶锭semiconductor blank 半导体衬底semiconductor bolometer半导体辐射热测量器semiconductor chip 半导体芯片semiconductor chip

92、carrier 半导体芯片座semiconductor circuit 半导体电路semiconductor compound 半导体化合物semiconductor compound gases半导体化合物用气体semiconductor crystal 半导体晶体semiconductor device 半导体掐semiconductor diode 半导体二极管semiconductor display device 半导体显示掐semiconductor doping 半导体掺杂semiconductor electronics 半导体电子学semiconductor encapsul

93、ant 半导体密封剂semiconductor grade silicon 半导体级硅semiconductor impurity analyzer 半导体杂质分析器semiconductor industry 半导体工业semiconductor ingot 半导体晶锭semiconductor integrated circuit 半导体集成电路semiconductor laser半导体激光器semiconductor laser diode 半导体激光二极管semiconductor melt 半导体熔融semiconductor memory 半导体存储器semiconductor

94、mesa 半导体台面semiconductor microlithography 半导体显微光刻semiconductor microprocessor 半导体微处理机semiconductor noise 半导体噪声semiconductor on sapphire device 蓝宝石上半导体掐semiconductor pellet 半导体芯片semiconductor production line 半导体生产线semiconductor rectifier 半导体整流semiconductor resistor 半导体电阻器semiconductor rod 半导体晶锭semicon

95、ductor slice 半导体薄片semiconductor storage unit 半导体存储器semiconductor substrate 半导体衬底semiconductor switch 半导体开关semiconductor wafer 半导体薄片semicustom array半定制阵列semicustom chip半定制芯片semicustom integrated circuit 半定制集成电路semicustom Is i半定制大规模集成电路semicustom masterslice 半定制母片semicustom process半定制集成电路工艺semicustom

96、route半定制路由semidestructive test 半破坏试验semiduplex半双工的semiinsulating substrate 半绝缘衬底semipermeable membrane 半渗透膜semireflecting mirror 半反射镜semirox半埋入式氧化物semiself maintained discharge 半自持放电semitransmitting mirror 半透玫semitransparent layer 半透勉semitransparent mirror 半透玫semitransparent photocathode 半透免电阴极send发

97、射sender发信机sending aerial 发射天线sending antenna 发射天线sending k ey 发送电键sending receiving terminal station 收发终端站sending station 发信局sense aerial辨向天线sense amplifier读出放大器sense antenna 辨 向天线sense finder无线电罗盘sense lin e读出线sensibilisation 敏化sensing unit敏感元件sensitive灵敏的sensitivity 灵敏度sensitivity drift 灵敏度漂移sensi

98、tivity limit 灵敏度极限sensitivity of a pickup 拾音崎敏度sensitivity test灵敏度试验sensitization 激活sensitizer 激活剂sensor传感元件sentinel 标志separation 分隔separation device 分隔装置separation diffusion 分离扩散separation filter 分隔滤波滞separation layer 分离层sequece switch 序轮机sequence calls 顺序呼叫sequential color system顺序彩色电视系统sequential

99、 interlace 顺序隔行扫描sequential raster顺序扫描光栅sequential scanning 顺序扫描sequential signal 顺序信号sequential test 顺序检验sequential transmission 顺序传输sequnce calling 顺序呼叫serial transmission 串行传输series connection 串联series resonance 串联谐振serigraphy丝网漏印法serrated pulse顶部有切口的帧同步脉冲; 锯齿脉冲service 服务service area 服务区service b

100、and公务波段service bit 服务位service c all业务呼叫service digit 服务位service life 使用寿命service observing desk 服务观察台service quality 服务质量service telephone 公务电话s e t组set noise机内噪声set point 蝶点set pulse置位脉冲set value 蝶点settling tim e置位时间setup装置setup tim e建立时间severe environment 恶劣环境s fe t肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管sg t硅栅晶体管shading 发暗s

101、hading adjustment 黑斑补偿shading compensating signal 黑斑补偿信号shading generator黑斑补偿信号发生器shading signal 寄生信号shadow阴影shadow area 盲区shadow effect 111 地效应shadow mask 障板shadow mask type color picture tube 荫罩式彩色显象管shadow region 盲区shallow acceptor 浅受主shallow chip structure 芯片浅结构shallow diode 浅结二极管shallow diode a

102、rray浅结二极管阵列shallow donor 浅施主shallow emitter浅结发射极shallow junction 浅结shallow level 浅能级shallow level impurity 浅能级杂质shallow oxide半埋入式氧化物shallow imp 浅陷阱shallow v groove 浅 v 型槽sh叩edbeam 定形射束shaping network 整形网络sharp edge 陡沿sharp etching陡沿腐蚀sharp im age清晰图象sharp junction 突变结sharpness清晰度shear切变shear force 剪

103、力shear visual control切变肉眼检查sheath管状屏极sheet 膜sheet antenna平顶天线sheet conductivity 薄层导电率sheet resistance 薄层电阻sheet resistivity 薄层电阻率shelflife搁置寿命shell 壳shell electron 轨道电子shell with vacancy 未填满壳层shield electrode 保护电极shield g rid抑制栅shielded cable 屏蔽电缆shielded line 屏蔽线shielding 屏蔽shielding film 屏蔽膜shift位

104、移shift register移位寄存器ship radar船用雷达shipboard antenna 船用天线shipboard communication system 船载通信系统shock compression 冲还缩shock excitation 冲护励shock resistance 耐冲辉shock velocity 激波速度shock wave 中花shock wave heating 激波加热shock wave implosion 冲花内爆shockley equation 肖克莱方程shockley partial dislocation 肖克莱部分位错shockle

105、y read hall recombination 肖克莱 里德 霍尔复合shoran肖兰shore based radar 海岸雷达short calling快速呼叫short channel fe t短沟道场效应晶体管short circuit current 短路电流short circuit flux 短路磁通short circuiting 短路short distance 短途short distance scatter 近 星 叵散射short duration light source 短时光源short haul 短途short lifetime 短寿命short perio

106、d superlattice 短周期超晶格short range navigation 近程导航short range navigation system 近程导航系统short term drift短时间漂移short wave aerial 短波天线short wave antenna 短波天线short wave transmitter 短波发射机shortening condenser 缩短电容器shorting region 短路区shot effect散粒效应shot noise散粒噪声shrinkage 收缩shsic超高速集成电路shunt admittance 并联导纳shu

107、tter 快门si mesfet硅金属半导体场效应晶体管s ic 半导体集成电路side circuit实线线路side frequency 边频side lobe 旁瓣side lobe level 旁瓣电平side lock边带锁定side tone 侧音sideband 边带sideband suppression 边带抑制sideetching侧向腐蚀sidetone 侧音sidewall 侧壁sidewall angle侧壁腐蚀角sidewall masking 侧壁掩蔽sidewall oxide侧壁氧化层sideways diffusion 横向扩散sideways etch侧向

108、腐蚀sigfet硅绝缘栅场效应晶体管sign符号signal信号signal amplitude 信号幅度signal channel 信道signal code信号电码signal compression 信号压缩signal detection 信号检测signal duration信号持续时间signal electrode 信号电极signal frequency 信号频率signal identification 信号识别signal level信号电平signal magnitude 信号幅度signal mixture amplification 信号混合放大signal nor

109、malization 信号规范化signal plate 信号板signal power 信号功率signal processor信号处理机signal propagation velocity 信号传播速度signal quantization 信号量子化signal regeneration 信号再生signal reshaping 信号再生signal separator信号分离器signal source 信号源signal spreading 信号扩展signal standardization 信号标准化signal structure 信号结构signal threshold 信

110、号阈signal to jamming ratio 信噪比signal to noise ratio随机杂波信杂比signal transmission speed 信号发送速率signal velocity信号传播速度signal wave 信号波signal wire 信号线signaling rate信号发送速率signalling 发信号signalling channel 信号通路signalling equipment 信号设备signalling system 传信系统signalling test 发信试验significance level 显著水平sil lead fram

111、 e单列直插式引线框silane c v d 硅烷化学汽相淀积silane discharge 硅烷放电silane pyrolysis 硅烷热解silencer消声器silent pause静止时间silent period静止时间silent zone 石英灯silica二氧化硅silicate glass硅酸盐玻璃silicide metallization 硅化物金属化silicided drain硅化物漏极silicided source硅化物源极silicon 硅silicon adhesive 硅粘合剂silicon base 硅衬底silicon body 硅衬底silicon

112、 chip area硅芯片面积silicon compiler硅版编辑器silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅整流silicon cratering硅弹坑形成silicon diode 硅二极管silicon dioxide 二氧化硅silicon dioxide etching 二氧化硅腐蚀silicon dioxide masking 二氧化硅掩蔽silicon doping 硅掺杂silicon epitaxy 硅 夕 卜 延silicon etch solution 硅腐蚀液silicon etchant 硅腐蚀剂silicon gate 硅栅silicon

113、gate mos process硅栅金属氧化物半导体工艺silicon gate self aligned junction isolated em os硅栅自对准结隔离互补金属氧化物半导体silicon gate structure 硅栅结构silicon gate technology硅栅金属氧化物半导体工艺silicon gate transistor 硅栅晶体管silicon in insulator绝缘体内硅结构silicon in insulator technology 绝缘体内硅技术silicon in sapphire蓝宝石内硅结构silicon ingot 硅锭silico

114、n insulated gate fe t硅绝缘栅场效应晶体管silicon insulator structure 绝缘体上硅结构silicon integrated circuit 硅集成电路silicon layout硅集成电路布图silicon molecular beam epitaxy 硅分子束外延silicon monooxide 一氧化硅silicon nitride 氮化硅silicon nitride mask 氮化硅掩膜silicon nitride passivation 氮化硅钝化silicon nitride substrate 氮化硅层衬底silicon on d

115、ielectric绝缘体上硅结构silicon on insulated substrate 绝缘体上硅结构silicon on insulator绝缘体上硅结构silicon on insulator material绝缘体上硅结构材料silicon on sapphire 蓝宝石上硅silicon on s叩phire integrated circuit 蓝宝石上硅集成电路silicon on sapphire large scale integration 蓝宝石上硅大规模集成电路silicon on sapphire ribbon 蓝宝石上硅带silicon on spinel尖晶石

116、上硅silicon oxide 氧化硅silicon polycrystal 多晶硅silicon rectifier 硅整流silicon sapphire interface 硅 蓝宝石界面silicon single crystal 硅单晶silicon slice 硅片silicon source gas 硅气体源silicon transistor 硅晶体管silicon vidicon硅光导摄象管silicon wafer engineering 硅片工程silicone 硅silicone compound 硅silicone encapsulant 硅密封剂silicone e

117、ncapsulation 硅酮尸密封silicone grease 硅脂silicone resin 硅尸silk screened circuit 丝网印制电路silk screening丝网漏印法silox氧化硅silox pinhole二氧化硅层针孔silver 银silver based package 银基管壳silver ceramic adhesion 银 陶瓷粘附silver filled adhesive 填银粘合剂silver optical record 银光学记录silver oxygen cesium photocathode 银氧钠光电阴极sim os叠栅注入金属氧

118、化物半导体simplex circuit 单工电路simplex system 单工制simplex telegraphy 单工电报simplex transmission 单工传输simplex working 单工通报sim s次级离子质谱分析法simulation 仿真simulation technique 模拟技术simulator模拟器simultaneous broadcasting 辅联播simultaneous out diffusion 同时向外扩散simultaneous transmission 同时传输singing 啸声single acceleration 单 力

119、 口 速single aluminum memory c e ll单层铝金属化式存储单元single channel m os单沟道金属氧化物半导体single chip bubble单芯片磁泡掐single chip circuit 单片电路single chip microprocessor 单片微处理器single component 单组分single cord 单塞绳single crystal 单晶single crystal device 单晶掐single crystal film 单晶膜single crystal growth 单晶生长single crystal ingo

120、t 单晶锭single crystal rod 单晶锭single crystal semiconductor 单晶半导体single crystal wire 单晶线single current signalling 单哩报single current system 单疗single device mos gate单金属氧化物半导体晶体管式门电路single device well 隔离阱single diffusion 单扩散single dislocation 单个位错single electron spectrum 单电子谱single frequency laser 单频激光器sin

121、gle frequency laser oscillation 单频激光振荡single frequency lasing 单频激光振荡single in line package单列直插式组件single injection 单注入single ion implantation 单离子注入single ionization 单电离single layer metallization 单层金属化single layer structure 单层结构single level gate单逻辑电平门电路single mask method 单掩模法single mode fiber 单模光纤sing

122、le mode film 单模式膜single mode laser单模激光器single mode laser oscillation 单模激光振荡single mode lasing单模激光振荡single mode lightguide 单模光波导single pass loss 单程损耗single pass system 单播系统single pattern photomask 单图式光掩模single poly g ate单晶多晶栅single poly process 单一多晶工艺single pulse 单脉冲single pulse energy 单脉冲能single pul

123、se gain单脉冲增益single pulse m ode单脉冲模式single shot blocking oscillator 单稳间歇振荡器single shot trigger单稳态触发器single side band 单边带single side band transmission 单边带传输single sideband modulation 单边带灯single sideband modulator 单边带灯器single sideband suppressed carrier system 单边带抑制载波系统single sideband transmission 单边带传

124、输single sideband transmitter 单边带发射机single sided board 单面印板single sided rack 单面机架single stage image tube 单级显象管single stub tuner单短线党器single sweep 单扫描single transistor memory cell 单晶体管存储单元single transition laser 单跃迁激光器single transverse mode laser 单横向模式激光器single wafer plasma system单晶片处理式等离子装置single wafe

125、r processing 单晶片处理single wire line 单线线路single wire transmission line 单线传输线sin k散热器sintered cathode 烧结阴极sintering 烧结sintering furnace 烧结炉sio3capping二氧化硅复盖层形成s ip 单列直插式组件sip filter单列直插式外壳滤波器siphon recorder波纹收报机sis technology sis 技术s it静电感应晶体管site位置site aligner步进重复对准器site by site alignment 步进重复对准size尺寸

126、size control尺寸控制size effect尺寸效应size of grain 粒度skew 变形; 时滞skiatron记录暗迹的阴极射线管skip distance 越 星 巨skip zone石英灯sky radiance天空亮度sky wave 天波slab音节slam 单层金属化slant distance 斜距slanted side倾斜侧壁slave从属slave lo ck 台从锁相sleeve antenna装在同轴管中的偶极天线sleeve dipole同轴偶极子slice 片slice architecture 位片结构slice microprocessor

127、位片微处理机slice processing sequence 晶片工艺步骤slice resistivity 晶片电阻率slice to slice reproducibility 薄片间重现性slicer切片机slicer blade切片机刀片slicing 切片slip 滑致slit cathode裂缝阴极slit type shadow mask 缝隙式荫罩sloped sidewall 倾斜侧壁slot 槽slot antenna缝隙天线slot quadrupole lens缝隙式四极透镜slot radiator隙缝辐射器slotted cylinder antenna 圆柱形缝

128、隙天线slotted lin e开槽测试线slotted measuring line 开缝测量线slotted waveguide 开槽波导管slow device 慢速掐slow electron 慢电子slow scan television system 慢扫描电视系统slow wave structure 慢波结构slug tuning 铁心党slurry polishing 软膏抛光sm 表面装配sm a表面装配small gap material 窄禁带材料small outline package 小型外壳small outline package integrated cir

129、cuit 小块集成电路small scale integrated circuit 小规模集成电路small scale integration 小规模集成度small scale integration level 小规模集成度small signal impedance 小信号阻抗small single gain小信号增益smaser亚毫米波激射器smectic liquid crystal 蝶状液晶smoothing choke 平滑扼力smoothing circuit 平滑电路smoothing coil 平滑扼力smoothing device 平滑装置smoothing fil

130、ter平滑滤波器smoothing resistor 平滑电阻snap off diode阶跃恢复二极管snow 雪化干扰s n r随机杂波信杂比s o 小型外壳socket插座sodium 钠soft contact aligner软接触对准器soft contact lithography 软接触式光刻soft gamma软射线soft junction 软结soft solder 软焊条soft superconductor 软超导体soft x rays 软 x 射线software 软件software controlled machine 软件控制装置software driven

131、 microcomputer程序控制微型计算机software engineering 软件工程so i绝缘体上硅结构soi integrated circuit绝缘体上硅结构集成电路soi process绝缘体上硅技术soi substrate绝缘体上硅结构衬底soi technology绝缘体上硅技术so ic小块集成电路solar array太阳能电池阵solar blind photodetector太阳隐蔽光探测器solar cell太阳电池solar energy converter 太阳能转换器solar noise太阳噪声solar powered telephone 太阳能电

132、话solar pumping日光抽运solar ultraviolet 太阳紫外线solder焊料solder alloy焊料合金solder bond焊接接缝solder bum p焊料隆起焊盘solder coater焊料涂敷装置solder cream 焊膏solder evacuator device 焊料排出装置solder fusing焊料熔化solder fusion system焊料熔化装置solder glass焊料玻璃solder joint焊接接缝solder m ask焊接掩模solder p a d 焊料隆起焊盘solder paste 焊膏solder sealer

133、焊封装置solder sealing 焊封soldering 焊接soldering flux 助焊剂soldering machine 焊接机solderless bond 无焊连接solderless joint 无焊连接solenoidal magnetic field 螺线管磁场solid body 固体solid circuit固态电路solid phase 固相solid phase epitaxy 固相外延solid photoresist 固体光刻胶solid solubility 固熔度solid solution 固溶体solid source 固体源solid state

134、 固态solid state circuit 固态电路solid state component 固体组件solid state device 固态掐solid state diffusion 固态扩散solid state display 固体显示器solid state electronics 固体电子学solid state epitaxy 固相外延solid state imager 固体成象器solid state laser固体激光器solid state logic 固体逻辑solid state physics 固体物理学solid state reaction 固态反应sol

135、id state switch 半导体开关solid state technology 固体技术solid surface固体表面solidification 凝固solidus curve 固相线solidus line 固相线solidus temperature 固相线温度solubility 可溶性solubility temperature curve 溶解度温度曲线solute doping溶液掺杂solution 溶液solvent 溶剂solvent cleaning 溶剂清洗solvent reclamation 溶剂再生solvent recuperation 溶剂再生so

136、nar声纳sonic holography 声波全息术sonohologram声波全息照相sonoholography 声波全息术so p 选择氧化工艺sorption 吸附sorption pump 吸附泵sorter分类器分选机sorting 分类so s蓝宝石上硅sos approach蓝宝石上硅技术sos em os蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体sos emos process蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体工艺sos complementary metal oxide semiconductor蓝宝石上硅互补金属氧化物半导体sos island蓝宝石上硅岛sos isolation t

137、echnique蓝宝石上硅结构隔离技术sos Is i蓝宝石上硅大规模集成电路sos structure蓝宝石上硅结构sos substrate蓝宝石上硅结构衬底sos transistor蓝宝石上硅结构晶体管sos w afer蓝宝石上硅结构薄片sosic蓝宝石上硅集成电路sound 声sound carrier伴音载波sound channel伴音信道sound level 声级sound pressure 声压sound pressure level 声压级sound radar声波定位器sound recording 录音sound trap 声阱sound volume 音量soun

138、d wave 音波source源极source channel junction 源 沟 结source current 源电流source drain diode源极 漏极二极管source electrode 源极source follower amplifier 源输出放大器source of the disturbance 干扰源source oven 源炉source region 源区source substrate junction 源极 衬底结space空间space charge空间电荷space charge accumulation 空间电荷积累space charge

139、cloud 空间电荷云space charge density空间电荷密度space charge effect空间电荷效应space charge field空间电荷场space charge g rid 空间电荷栅极space charge limited current 空间电荷限制电流space charge limited diode空间电荷限制二极管space charge neutralization 空间电荷中和space charge region 空间 电荷区space charge repulsion 空间电荷排斥space charge zone空间电荷区space c

140、hip宇宙芯片space communication 宇宙通信space current空间电流space factor线圈间隙因数space imagery宇宙图象接收space laser communications 激光宇宙通信space navigation 宇宙导航space station 宇宙站space television 空间电视space w ave空间波spaced alignment接近式对准spacer垫片spacer layer 分隔层spacing间距; 间隔spacing current 间隔电流spacistor雪崩注入二极管span酌距离spare ci

141、rcuit备用电路spare pari 备件spark火花spark co il点火线圈spark coil leak detector 火花检漏器spark discharge 火花放电spark g a p 火花间隙spark sender火花发送机spark telegraphy 火花电报spark transmitter 火花发送机sparker点火线圈spatial coherence 空间相干性spatial resolution 空间分辨率spatial resolving power 空间分辨能力spatial switching 空间转换spatially coherent

142、light 空间相干光sp e 固相外延speaking k ey 交谈电键special effects 特殊效应special effects amplifier 特殊效应放大器specific conductance 电导率specific conductivity 电导率specific detectivity 比探测能力specific emission 放射率specific heat 比热specific resistance 电阻率specified life规定寿命specimen 标本spectral band 光谱带spectral characteristic 光谱特性

143、spectral line 光谱线spectral line broadening 谱线增宽spectral line profile 谱线分布图spectral response 光谱灵敏度spectral response characteristic 光谱响应特性spectral responsivity 光谱响应度spectral sensitivity 光谱灵敏度spectral structure 谱线结构spectrum 谱spectrum analyzer 质谱分析仪spectrum widening 光谱展宽spectrum width 光谱宽度speech channel

144、电话信道speech chip语言合成凭片speech generator语音发生器语言合成器speech quality 声音品质speech recognition 语言识另ijspeech signal语言信号speech synthesis 语言合成speech synthesizer语音发牛. 器语言合成器speech transmission 语 言传送speed速率speed calling快速呼叫speed characteristic 速度特性speed flutuation 速度变动speed gain速度增益speed of photoresponse 光响应速度spee

145、d of response 响应速度speed of transmission 传送速度speed performance 速度特性sphalerite 闪锌矿spherical aberration 球面象差spherical cavity球形谐振腔spherical mirror resonator 球面镜谐振腔spherical reproducing stylus tip 球形唱针头spherical wave 球面波spider bonding technology 蛛网状焊接技术spider lead蛛网状引线spider lead fram e蛛网状引线框spin旋涂spin d

146、ry w afer旋转干噪薄片spin flip 自旋反转spin flip conversion 自旋反转spin flip laser自旋反转激光器spin flip raman laser自旋转向喇曼激光器spinner旋涂器spiral growth螺旋形生长spiral scanning 螺旋扫描spiral sweep螺旋形扫描splash free ev叩oration 无溅射蒸发splice连接套管split anode magnetron分瓣阳极磁控管split picture分裂的图象splitting 分裂splitting k e y 切断按钮splitting of

147、energy levels 能级分裂splitting of spectral lines 光谱线分裂splitting system 分裂系统spontaneous discharge 自 发放电spontaneous luminescence 自发发光spontaneous mode locking 自发模锁定spontaneous nucleation 自发成核spontaneous radiation 自发辐射spontaneous transition 自发跃迁spontaneous transition probability 自 发跃迁JL率spontaneous whisker

148、 grow th自发的须状晶体生长sporadic e layer 分散 e 层sporadic reflections 异常反射spot 点spot defect 点缺陷spot jamming定点干扰spot size黑子大小spot soldering 点焊spot welding laser machine 点焊用激光器spray developer喷射显影器spray development 喷射显影sprayed cathode 喷涂阴极sprayed coating 喷敷层spraying 喷涂spread reflection 漫反射spreading resistance 扩

149、展电阻spring转移spurious inductance 寄生电感spurious modulation 寄生灯spurious radiation 寄生辐射spurious response 假信号spurious signal 乱真信号sputter cleaning 溅射清洗sputter deposition 溅射淀积sputter etching 溅射蚀刻sputter g u n 溅射用电子枪sputter ion pum p离子溅射泵sputter reactor溅射反应器sputtered film 喷镀薄膜sputterer溅射反应器sputtering 溅射sputte

150、ring chamber 溅射室sputtering of metal 金属喷镀sputtering source 溅射源sputtering target 溅射靶sputtering yield 溅射效率square law capacitor平方律可变电容器直线波长式可变电容器square law condenser平方律可变电容器直线波长式可变电容器square law detection 平方律检波square law detector平方律检波器square pulse矩形脉冲square silicon ingot iE方形截面硅晶锭square topped pulse 矩形脉冲

151、square wave 矩形波square wave generator 方波发生器squaring circuit方波整型电路squeezable waveguide 可压缩波异管squelch circuit无噪声党电路squid超导量子干涉掐squint偏斜squirrel cage magnetron 鼠笼式磁控管s r 移位寄存器sran静态随机存取存储器srd 阶跃恢复二极管srg process自对准栅工艺s s c 固体电路s s e 固体电子学s s i标准规模集成化ssic标准规模集成电路SS1固体逻辑s s t固体技术SSU半导体存储器stability稳定度stabil

152、ity region 稳定区stabilization 稳定stabilized relativistic electron beam 稳定相对论的电子束stabilizing annealing 稳定性退火stabilotron 季荥stable cavity稳定谐振腔stable equilibrium phase 稳定平衡相位stable orbit稳定轨道stable orbit contraction 稳定轨道收缩stable orbit expansion 稳定轨道扩展stable resonator稳定谐振器stable state 稳态stack组套stack antenna叠

153、排天线stacked aerial 多层天线stacked antenna 多层天线stacked arrangement 多层结构stacked complementary m os叠栅互补金属氧化物半导体stacked gate injection m os叠栅注入金属氧化物半导体stacking fault 堆垛层错stage 级stage of amplification 放大级stage working area x y 平板工坐staged diffusion technique 多重扩散技术stagger tuned amplifier 参差党放大器stagger tuning

154、串联党staggered circuits相互失谐级电路staggering 参差党staining technique 染色法staircase generator阶梯波发生器staircase signal 阶梯信号stalk晶体管管座stand 台standard 标准standard buried collector 标准埋层集极standard cell circuit 标准单元电路standard component 标准件standard element 标准件standard frequency station 标准频率电台standard measuring signal 标

155、准测试信号standard pattern 标准图案standard propagation 正常传播standard pulse generator 标准脉冲发生器standard scale integrated circuit 标准规模集成电路standard scale integration 标准规模集成化standard sync signal标准同步信号standard television signal 标准电视信号standards conversion 标准变换standby u n it备用部件standing wave 驻波standing wave aerial 驻波

156、天线standing wave antenna 驻波天线standing wave indicator 驻波指示器standing wave linear resonance accelerator 驻波线性谐振力口速器standing wave ratio 驻波比star network 星状网star shaped network 星状网starlight viewer 夜视仪start signal起始信号start stop system 起 上式start stop teleprinter起止式电传打字机starting pulse触发发脉冲state状态state density

157、态密度state diagram 状态图static burn i n 静态老化static c e ll静态元件static characteristic 静态特性static charge 静电荷static electricity 静电static elimination 静电消除static error静态误差static induction transistor 静电感应晶体管static memory静态存储器static microphone 静电传声器static random access memory静态随机存取存储器statics 天电station to station

158、 call 局间呼叫stationary error 静态误差stationary state 稳态stationary wave 驻波statistical multiplexer统计多路转换器统计复用器status状态stcmos叠栅互补金属氧化物半导体steady state error 静态误差steady state oscillations 稳态振荡steady state value 稳态值steam oxidation 蒸汽氧化steerable antenna方向性可控制的天线steering circuit 控制电路stem 晶体管管座step阶梯step and repe

159、at aligner步进重复对准器step and repeat camera步进重复照相机step and repeat equipment 步进重复装置step and repeat exposure 步进重复曝光step and repeat len s步进重复照相机镜头step and repeat lithography 步进重复光刻step and repeat m ask步进币: 复曝光掩模step and repeat mechanism步进重复移位装置st叩 and repeat multiplication 步进重复倍增st印 and repeat photography步

160、进重复照相术step and repeat projection 步进重: 复投影step attenuator步进衰减器分压器step by step aligner步进重复对准器step by step assembly 逐步组装step by step exchange步进式电话交换局step coverage阶梯覆盖step forced response 阶扰响应step function response 阶扰响应step graded index lightguide阶梯折射率剖面光波导step growth阶梯式生长step index fiber阶梯折射率纤维step jun

161、ction 突变结step printing步进式曝光step recovery diode阶跃恢复二极管step response阶扰响应step transition 阶梯跃变step tuning阶梯式党stepped oxide c c d 阶梯氧化物型电荷耦合掐st叩per aligner步进重复对准器stepper lithography步进重复光刻stereo amplifier立体声放大器stereo holography立体全息照相术stereo speaker system立体声杨声频统stereodecoder立体声解码器stereomicroscopy 立体显微镜ste

162、reophonic modulation 立体声灯stereophonic receiver 立体声收音机stereophonic record 立体声唱片stereophonic recording 立体声录音stereophonic reproduction 立体声放音stereophonic system 立体声系统stereophonic transmission 立体声传输stereophony立体音响stereoscopic image 立体象stereoscopic television 立体电视stereosound 立体声sticking残留影象sticking coeffi

163、cient 粘着系数sticking probability 粘附几率stillage 台stimulated luminescence 受激发光stimulated radiation 受激辐射stimulated radiation threshold 受激辐射阈值stimulated spin flip raman scattering 喇曼散射stimulated spin flip scattering 受激自旋反转散射stimulated transition 受激跃迁stimulation 激励stimulus 激励stitch bonding 针脚式焊stitching 缝合s

164、tochastic acceleration 随机加速stockes lin e斯托克斯线stoichiometric impurity 化学计量杂质stoichiometric ratio 化学计量比stop停止stop element停止码元stopper circuit带除滤波器stopping layer 停蚀层stopping potential 遏止电位storage 存储storage box 贮藏箱storage camera tube积储式摄象管storage capacitor 存储电容器storage capacity 存储容量storage cathode ray tu

165、be存储式阴极射线管storage cell存储单元storage density 存储密度storage element 存储元素storage life存储寿命storage medium 存储介质storage m ode存贮方式storage oscilloscope 记忆示波器storage ring 存贮环storage system存储器存储系统storage target 储荷靶storage time 积累时|HJstorage tube 存储管store记亿设备stored charge积累电荷stored energy 储能stored program 内存程序store

166、d program control 存储程序控制s tr选通脉冲straight line detection 线性检波straight path直线路径straight receiver高放式接收器strain gauge 应变规strainght line detector 线性检波器strapping多腔磁控管空腔间的异体耦合系统stratosphere 平零stratovision在同温层转播的电视stray capacitance 寄生电容stray current杂散电流stray emission 杂散发射stray inductance 杂散电感stray radiation

167、杂散损射streaking图象拖尾stream velocity 临streamer discharge 菱式放电street芯片间隔strength 强度stress应力striation free coating 无条纹涂敷striations 光条纹striking current 起弧电流strip 带strip geometry heterostructure 带形异质结构strip geometry laser 带状激光器strip heater带状加热器strip lightguide带状光波导strip transistor带型晶体管stripe 带stripline ante

168、nna 带状线天线stripline circulator带状线循环器带状线衰减器stripline filter带状线滤波器stripline power divider带状线功率分配器stripline resonator带状线谐振器stripped atom 剥脱原子stripper去层器去膜剂stripping 除去stripping solution 去膜溶液strobe选通脉冲strobe pulse选通脉冲strobing pulse 选通脉冲stroboscopic effect 频闪效应stroboscopic tube 频闪观测管stroke笔划strong focusin

169、g 强聚焦strong focusing principle 强聚焦原理strong focusing synchrotron 强聚焦同步加速器structural design 结构设计structural efficiency 结构强度structural imperfection 结构不完整性structural strength 结构强度structural test 结构试验structure 结构structure failure 结构故障structure formation 结构形成structure irregularity 结构不规则性structure silicon o

170、n isolant 绝缘体上硅结构structuring 结构化s ill肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑stub antenna短截线天线stub tuner短线党器stu d 电钮studio演播室studio broadcast播音室广播studio equipment播音室设备stuffing 装载stylus尖笔stylus d rag唱针阻力subassembly 子配件subaudio telegraphy 亚音频电报subcarrier 副载波subcarrier balance 副载波平衡subcarrier frequency 副载频subcarrier generator 副载波发

171、生器subcarrier regenerator 副载波再生器subcarrier sideband 副载波边带subchannel 分通道subcooling低温冷却subdivided capacitor 电容箱subframe 副帧subharmonic 分谐波sublattice 亚晶格sublayer 底层sublevel次能级sublimation pump 升华泵submarine cable 海底电缆submarine telegraphy 水底电缆电报submerged aerial 水中天线submicrometer processing 亚微米工艺submicromete

172、r resolution 亚微米分辨力submicrometer structure 亚微米结构submicron亚微米submicron channel w idth亚微米沟道宽度submicron conductor 亚微米导线submicron film 亚微米膜submicron integrated circuit 亚微米集成电路submicron lithography 亚微米光刻submicron mask aligner亚微米掩模对准器submicron patterning亚微米图案形成submicron scale mos device亚微米尺寸金属氧化物半导体掐submi

173、cron technology 亚微米技术submillimeter laser亚毫米激光器submillimeter maser 亚毫米脉泽subminiaturization 超小型化subnanosecond device亚毫微秒速度掐subnanosecond performance 亚毫微秒工作subnanosecond technology 亚毫微秒技术subscriber 用户subscriber behaviour 用户状态subscriber device 用户电话机subscriber line 用户线subscriber loop 用户回线subscriber numbe

174、r 用户号码subscriber s e t用户电话机subscriber station 用户终端subscriber telegraph device 用户电报装置subscriber terminal 用户终端subsequent pulses 脉冲串subset用户电话机substandard propagation 亚标准传播substation 分局substitution 替代substitution atom 替代原子substitution defect 替代缺陷substitution imperfetion 替代缺陷substitution measurement 置换测

175、量substitution reaction 置换反应substitutional diffusion 替代式扩散substitutional impurity 替代式杂质substrate 基片substrate bias 衬底偏置substrate contact region 衬底接触区substrate cracking 衬底断裂substrate dicing saw 衬底切割锯substrate diffusion 衬底扩散substrate film 衬底膜substrate holder 衬底架substrate impurity 衬底杂质substrate layer 衬底层

176、substrate leakage 衬底漏电substrate material 衬底材料substrate parallelism 衬底平行度substrate preparation 衬底预加工substrate scriber 衬底划线器substrate strength 衬底强度substructure底层结构subsystem 子系统successive transition 连续跃迁suhl effect苏尔效应summator加法电路summing stage 力 口 法 级sun pumped laser日光泵激激光器sun pumping日光抽运superabundance

177、 冗余superaudio超音频的superaudio telegraphy 超音频电报supercell超晶胞superchip高密度芯片superclean room 超净室superconducting electronics 超导电子学superconducting element 超导元件superconducting integrated circuit 超导集成电路superconducting laser 超导激光器superconducting layer 超导层superconducting logic 超导逻辑superconducting quantum interfe

178、rence device 超导量子干涉掐superconducting resonator 超导谐振器superconducting state 超导态superconduction current 超导电流superconductive layer 超导层superconductive resonator 超导谐振器superconductivity 超导性superconductor 超导体supercooling 过冷supercurrent超导电流superdense memory超密度存储器superficial anneal 表面退火supergain transistor 超增益

179、晶体管supergroup 超群supergroup equipment 超群装置superheterodyne 超夕 卜 差superheterodyne receiver 超外差式接收机superhigh speed integrated circuit 超高速集成电路supericonoscope超光电析象管superimposed images 重叠图象superimposed layers 叠 力 口 层superimposing 迭 力 口superisocon分笼摄象管superlarge scale integration 超大规模集成superlattice 超点阵super

180、low power schottky ttl超低功率肖特基晶体管晶体管逻辑superluminescent diode 超发光二极管superorthicon超正析象管superposition 迭 力 口superradiant laser超辐射激光器superradiant transition 超辐射跃迁superrefraction 超折射superregeneration 超再生superregenerative receiver 超再生式接收机superregenerative reception 超再生接收supersaturation coefficient 过饱和系数supe

181、rsonic超声波的superstructure 超点阵supertelephonic telegraphy 超音频电报superturnstile aerial 超绕杆式天线supertumstile antenna超绕杆式电视天线supervacuum chamber 超高真空室supervisor 监察员supervisory lamp 监视灯supervisory relay 监视继电器supervisory signal 监视信号supply line 馈电线supply u n it电源部件supply voltage 供给电压support 载波support chip 支片su

182、pport hardware 辅助设备support lead框架引线support rod 载体棒suppressed carrier 抑制载波suppressed carrier operation 抑制载波工作suppressed carrier transmission 载波抑制式传输suppressed carrier transmitter 载波抑制式发射机suppressed sideband 抑制边带suppression 抑制suppression of disturbance signal 干扰信号抑制suppressor 抑制栅suppressor grid 抑制栅极su

183、rface 表面surface acoustic wave 表面声波surface acoustic wave filter 表面声波滤波器surface acoustic waves 表面声波surface barrier 表面势垒surface barrier transistor 表面势垒晶体管surface breakdown 表面哗surface channel 表面沟道surface channel c c d 表面沟道电荷耦合掐surface charge coupled device 表面电荷耦合掐surface charge transistor 表面电荷晶体管surface

184、 density 表面密度surface diffusion 表面扩散surface dislocation 表面位错surface doping 表面掺杂surface duct地面波导surface field表面电场surface finish表面光洁处理surface grinding 表面研磨surface guide e 地面波导surface induction 表面感应surface ionization 表面电离surface irregularity 表面不均匀性surface junction 表面结surface layer 表面层surface leakage 表面漏

185、泄surface migration 表面徙动surface mobility表面迁移率surface mount assembler 表面装配器surface mounted assembly 表面装配surface mounted placer 表面装配器surface mounting表面装酉己surface noise 表面噪声surface of separation 界面surface passivated transistor 表面钝化晶体管surface passivation 表面钝化surface photoeffect表面光电效应surface photovoltage

186、表面光电压surface potential barrier 表面势垒surface profile 表面轮廓surface profiling表面轮廓形成surface recombination 表面复合surface recombination rate 表面复合率surface relief pattern 表面起伏图surface resistivity 表面电阻率surface resonator表面波谐振器surface roughness 表面粗糙度surface state concentration 表面状态浓度surface states 表面态surface struc

187、ture 表面结构surface tension 表面张力surface treatment 表面处理surface wave 表面波surface wave antenna 表面波天线surface wave delay line 表面波延迟线surface wave filter表面波滤波器surface wave guide 表面波波导surface wide stripping 全表面脱胶surge capability 过载能力surge impedance 特件阻抗surveillance radar鉴视雷达; 监视雷达susceptance 电纳susceptibility 磁化

188、率sustained oscillations 持续振荡sweep扫描sweep amplifier扫描放大器sweep circuit扫描电路sweep frequency 扫描频率sweep voltage扫描电压swelling 膨胀switch开关switch hook挂钩开关switch martrix 开关矩阵switch room 机键室switchboard 交换机switched lin e交换线路switching 转换switching device 开关掐switching diode 开关二极管switching network 开关网络switching node

189、转换节点switching photodiode 开关光电二极管switching system 开关系统switching time 开关时间switching transistor 开关晶体管switching tube 开关管syllable 音节syllabric articulation 音节清晰度symbolic logic符号逻萝辑symmetrical circulator 对称环行器symmetrical clipper 对称熄器symmetrical deflection 对称偏转sync input同步输入sync output同步输出sync pulse同步脉冲sync

190、 pulse generator同步脉冲发生器sync pulse regeneration 同步脉冲再生sync pulse regenerator同步脉冲再生器sync signal同步信号sync signal amplitude 同步信号振幅sync signal compression 同步信号压缩sync signal generator同步信号发生器sync signal level同步信号电平sync signal lim iter同步信号限幅器synchrocyclotron同步电子回旋加速器稳相加速器synchrodyne reception 零拍接收synchronism

191、 同步synchronization 同步synchronization system 同步系统synchronize 使同步synchronizer同步器同步装置synchronizing 同步synchronizing signal generator 同步信号振荡器synchronous 同步的synchronous compensator同步补偿器同步掂机synchronous detector 同步检波器synchronous m ixer同步混合器同步混频器synchronous recording 同步记录synchronous satellite 同步卫星synchronous

192、 scanning 同步扫描synchronous transmission 同步传输synchrophasotron同步稳相加速器synchropulse amplitude filter同步脉冲振幅滤波器synchropulse amplitude separation 同步脉冲振幅分离synchroscope同步示波器同步指示仪synchrotron同步加速器synchrotron oscillations 同步加速岂荡synchrotron radiation 同步辐射synthesis 合成synthesizer合成器综合者synthetic aperture antenna 合成孔

193、径天线syntony 党system 系统system bandwidth 系统带宽system design系统设计system engineering 系统工程system partitioning 系统划分system performance criterion 系统性能判据system technology 系统工程systematic error 系统错误From: http:/ 电信主管部门, 电信管理局Telecommunications Administration电信总局 Directorate-General of Telecommunications, DGT电压、电阻和

194、电容等参量 Parameter(Vbltage, Resistance and Capacitance) VRC电压表Voltmeter电压调整器 Voltage Regulator电压告警范围Voltage Alarm Range电压驻波比 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR电影点播 Movie On Demand MOD电涌吸收器, 过压吸收器Surge Absorber电源 Power Supply电源插框 Power Plug-in Shelf电源存储器 Electric Power Storage EPS电源断, 切断电源, 电源中断, 掉 电 Powe

195、r-Off电源分配显示板 Power Distribution Display Card电源监控 Power Supply Monitoring电源接地Power Ground电源馈线Power Feeder电源连接器Power Connector电源模块Power Module电源软线Power Cord电源系统Power System电支路 Electric Tributary ETP电支路插槽 Electric Tributary PDH ETP IS电支路接 口单元 electrical tributary interface units电支路转换器 Electric Tributar

196、y Transformer ETP IT电子白板 Electronic White Board电子表格 Electronic Form电子出版 Electronic Publishing电子交换系统 Electronic Switching System ESS电子期刊E-Journal电子签名 Electronic Signature电子商务E-Commerce EC电子数据互换 Electronic Data Interchange EDI电子现金 Electronic Cash电子信息互换系统 Electronic Information Exchange System EIES电子邮件

197、 E-Mail, Electronic-Mail电子杂志 Electronic Magazine电子资金转帐 Electronic Funds Transfer EFT电阻器Resistor垫 片 Gasket吊环螺栓Eyebolt吊扣 Suspension Clasp调测配件 Fittings for Commissioning调测整机 Debugging Integrated Equipment调度 程 序 Scheduler调度通信系统 Dispatch Communication System调幅 Amplitude Modulation AM调 试 Debug调停功能 Mediati

198、on functions调制/ 解调 Modulator/Demodulator Modulate/Demodulate MODEM调制解调器Modem掉电 Power Failure叠加网 Overlay Network RON叠加写盘 OverEp Writing顶侧板 Top-Side Door顶盖、底盖、盖板 Top Cover, Bottom Cover, And Cover Board顶 门 板 Top Door顶 面 板 Top Panel定 ( 方)向增益 Directive gain定标频率 Beacon frequency定界和定位 Delimiter and Locali

199、zationDelimiting and Locating定力矩扳手Torque wrench定 时 Timing定时参考信号 timing reference signal定时传输管理单元 Timing/Transmission and Management Unit TMU定时调整控制环 Time Adjustment Control Loop定时供给单元 synchronization supply unit SSU定 时 器 Timer定 时 器 Timer定时时长Timing Length定时提前量Timing Advance TA定时信号供给系统Timing System定位螺钉

200、Positioning Screw, Set Screw定位片, 衬 垫 Spacer定 向天线 Directional antenna定向无线电 Directional radio定向小区 Directional cell定 向 重试 Directed retry定制的, 定做的 customized, tailored动态带宽分配 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation DBA动态非等级路由选择 Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing动态服务器页面技术Active Server Pages ASP动态配置 Dynamic Configuratio

201、n动态随机存取存储器 Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM动态信道分配 Dynamic Channel Allocation DCA动态信令跟踪 Dynamic Signaling Tracing DST动态主机配置协议 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP动作指示符 Action Indicator AI抖 动 Jitter抖动传递特性 Jitter transfer function抖动容限 Jitter toleration读取值 Read-Out Values读中继属性失败 Fail To Read Trunk

202、Attribute独立的, 自含的, 一配套的, 设备齐全的Self-Contained独立局,独立交换局Standalone Exchange独立控制信道 Standalone dedicated Control Channel SDCCH独立式 Standalone独立同步装置 Standalone Synchronous Equipment SASE独立系统 Stand-Alone System独立于业务的构件 Service Independent Building Block SIB独立专用控制信道 Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel SDCC

203、H独石电容 Leaded Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor镀铭 Chromium Electroplating镀金 Gild Electroplating镀锲 Nickel Electroplating镀铜 Copper Electroplating镀锡 Tin Electroplating镀锌 Zinc Electroplating镀锌板 Galvanized Sheet镀银 Silver Electroplating端到端 End-To-End ETE端局 End Office端口 Port短距 Short range, short haul短路光纤 Short-c

204、ircuiting Optical Fiber短消息服务( 业务) Short Message Service SMS短消息关口 MSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC SMS-GSMC短消息关口互连 MSC Gateway/Interworking MSC G/IW MSC短消息互联 MSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC SMS-IWMSC短消息小区广播 Short Message Cell Broadcast SMSCB短消息业务 Short Message Service SMS短消息中心 Short M

205、essage Service Centre SM-SC短消息中心( 用于短消息业务) Short Message Center ( used for SMS) SMC段 section段开销 Section Overhead SOH断环 broken ring断开 Disconnect DISC断开方式 Disconnection Mode DM断开模式 Disconnected Mode DM断开请求 Disconnect Request DR断链 Broken Link断纤 fiber cut断续比, 通 断 比 Break-Make Ratio队列管理 Queues Management

206、对称网络, 平衡网络Balanced Network对等计算 Peer-To-Peer Computing对地电压 Voltage To Ground对端 Opposite End对端局 Opposite Office对方局 Opposite exchange对 告 ( 对端告警) Remote Alarm对 话 框 Dialog Box对接 Interconnection对接传输设备 Butting Transmission System对接端, 相 邻 端 Abutting End对接接头, 邻接接头Connector对象 Object OB对 象 集 Object set对准, 校准,

207、调整定位, 排列成行Alignment多波长光放大器 multi-wavelength optical repeater多层介质膜滤波器型光合波器测试 Test of Optical Multiplexer of Multi-layer Dielectric FilmFilter多程序加载 Multiple Program Loading多处理机系统From: http:/www.hxen.eom/word/jsjch/2008-07-10/43397.htmlA/B 线 A Wire/B Wire AB04A/B 线中继 A Wire/B Wire Trunk ABTA/D,D/A 混合转换

208、器 A/D And D/A Combined ConverterADSL-高速因特网接入 ADSL-High-Speed Internet AccessASIC 及专用电路芯片 ASIC And Special ChipsATM 适配层 ATM Adaptation Layer A ALA 通道 A channelBCCH( 频率) 分配! BCCH Allocation BABNCT 型接头 BNCT ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头BNC ConnectorBNC 同轴插拔头( 阳) BNC Male ConnectorBNC 同轴插拔头( 阴) BNC Female Connector

209、BNC 终接器 BNC TerminatorBSS 操作维护应用部分 BSS Operation and Maintenance Application Part BSSOMAPBTS 的站址管理 BTS Address Management BTSMBTS 管理 Base Transceiver Station Management BTSMB 通道顺序号 B channel sequence number BSNB 型机机柜 C&C08 B CabinetCAMEL 应用部分 CAMEL Application Part CAPCATV 相关配件 CATV Related Fittings

210、D-Link 说明书 D-link SpecificationsD-Link 网络g区 动软盘 D-link Network Drive Floppy DiskD 通道链路接入协议 Link Access Protocol for D channel LAPDD 通路上链路接入规程 Link Access Procedure of D-Channel LAPDE/M 信令方式 Ear and Mouth Signaling E&ME/M 中继 E&M Trunk EMTE 线 和 M 线 信令系统 E and M Signaling SystemE3 子复用设备 E3 sub-Multiple

211、xer E3MEMI 磁珠 EMI BeadsEMI 滤波器 EMI FilterFC 型连接器 Full Contact ConnectorF 突发脉冲F burstG:产生硅脂 Silicon柜组 Cabinet Group滚 动 条 Scroll Bar国标 National Standard GB国际标准化组织 International Standardization Organization ISO国际电报电话咨询委员会 The Consultative Committee of International Telegraph andTelephone CCITT国际电信联盟 In

212、ternational Telecommunications Union ITU国际电信联盟一电信标准部 International Telecommunication Union TelecommunicationStandard Sector ITU-T国际电子技术委员会 International Electronic-Technical Committee IEC国际互联网内容提供商Internet Content Provider ICP国际互联网学会Internet Society ISOC国际接口局, 国际通信进出口局Inlemational gateway国际移动用户标识 In

213、ternational Mobile Subscriber Identity IMSI国际移动终端设备标识 International Mobile station Equipment Identity IMEI国际移动组标识 International mobile group identity IMGI国际转接交换局 Inlemational Transit Exchange国家代码Country Code国家法定假日National Holidays国家管理当局 National Regulatory Authority NRA国家和城市长途区号表 Country and City To

214、ll Call Area Code Table国家信息基础设施, 信息高速通道National Information Infrastructure NII国内长途号码National Toll Number国内地区使用消息National Area Message NAM国内呼叫监视消息 National Call Supervision Message NCB国内漫游 National roaming国内目的地代码 National Destination Code国内网拥塞 National Network Congestion过欠压 Over-/Under-Voltage过压保护 Ov

215、er-Voltage Protection海绵块、海绵垫 Sponge Block, Sponge Cushion海外培训费用 Overseas Training Charge汉化 Chinesization ,Chinesize焊 接 Weld焊接材料 Welding Auxiliary Materials焊片 Soldering Flake焊锡丝 Solder, Solder Wire航天电子学 Aerospace Electronics毫秒 Millisecond ms毫微米, 纳 米 Nano-Meter NM毫微秒 Nanosecond ns嗥鸣音 Howler tone号码存储键

216、Number Storing Key号码段 Number Segment号码分析表 Number Analysis Table号码移动性 Number portability号盘 话 机 Dial Phone Set耗材 Consumable合并的链路层管理 Consolidated Link Layer Management CLLM合波器/ 分波器 Optical Multiplexer/Demultiplexer合法性 Legality, Validity合法性检查Validity Check合分路单元 Combining and distribution unit合分路器 Combin

217、er/divider unit合格产品清单 Qualified Product List合格概率( 验收) Acceptance Probability合格零部件Qualified Parts合格证 Certificate of Approval合格证 Certificate of Quality合 路 器 Combiner合席 Combined Position核心功能 Core Function CF盒体、盒盖 Box Body, Box Cover赫兹 Hertz Hz赫 兹 Hertz Hz黑白图像 Black-And-White Image黑 客 Hacker很小容量市话局 Very

218、 Small Local Exchange VSLE很早分配 Very Early Allocation VEA恒温晶振 Constant-temperature Crystal Oscillator红外端口 Infrared Port宏病毒 Macro Viruses宏单元, 大区, 宏蜂窝区Macro Cell宏蜂窝 Macro cell侯选小区 Candidate cell后端 Back End后端处理机 Back-End Processor后进先出 Last In-First Out (LIFO)后 门 板 Rear Door后 面 板 Back Panel后视图, 背视图 Rear

219、View, Rear Elevation后台网络 Background Network后向挂机信号Clear Back signal CBK后向监视信号 Backward Supervision signal后向信号 Backward Signal后续地址消息 Subsequent Address Message SAM后延, ( 脉冲的) 下降边( 脉冲的) Back Edge厚膜 Thick Film候选响应( BSSMAP) Candidate response ( BSSMAP)呼出限制( 新业务,用户控制) Outgoing call barring OCB呼出限制( 由局方控制)

220、Call restriction呼号状态显示 Call Number Status Indication呼叫, 主叫( 主叫方, 主叫用户) Calling呼叫保持( 补充业务) Call hold HOLD呼叫插入,强 插 Call Break-in呼叫成功 Call Succeeded呼叫冲突, 呼叫碰撞Call Collision呼叫处理 Call Processing CP呼叫处理程序 Call Processing Program, Caller Handler呼叫代答, 分机代接Call Pick-Up呼叫到达Call Delivery呼叫登录 Call Logging LOG呼叫

221、等待( 补充业务) Call Waiting CW呼叫点 Point in Call PIC呼叫分配 Call Distribution CD呼叫功能键区Call Function Key呼叫故障Call failure呼叫故障信号,呼叫失败信号Call-Failure Signal CFL呼叫观察 Call Observation呼叫管理 Call Management CM呼叫间隙 Call Gapping GAP呼叫建立Call Set-Up呼叫接续控制 Call Connection control CC呼叫截接,呼叫代答Pickup呼叫控制 Call Control CC呼叫控制接入

222、功能 Call Control Access Function CCAF呼叫来源 Calling Source呼叫类别Call type呼叫路由选择Call Routing呼叫排队 Call Queueing QUE呼叫前转 Call Forwarding CF呼叫清除 Call clear CCLDD呼叫识别 Call identification呼叫实例数据 Call instance Data CID呼叫实例数据字段批示语Call instance Data File Pointer CIDFP呼叫释放的请求Call release request REL呼叫损失Call loss呼叫无

223、应答前转Call Forwarding No Reply呼叫限制器Call Limiter LIM呼叫修改拒绝 Call Modification Rejected CMRJ呼叫修改完成 Call Modification Completed CMC呼叫拥塞 Call Congestion呼叫遇忙前转 Call Forwarding On Busy呼叫证实信号 Call-Confirmation Signal呼叫中途挂机, 未接通暂停Call abandon呼叫重选路由分配 Call Rerouting Distribution CRD呼叫转移( 拍叉) Call Transfer CT呼入

224、Incoming CallCall in呼损率 Call loss ratio呼损优先级 Call Loss Priority CLP呼损制( 如未能接通, 立即拒绝) Call lost system呼通率,接通率 Call completion ratio互换载波 Interexchange CaiTier IC互控信令, 强制信令Compelled Signaling互连 Interconnection互联系统 Interconnection Subsystem IS互通部件,互通单元Interworking Unil互通功能 Interworking Function IWF互. 通功

225、能装备的 MSC Inter-Working MSC IWMSC互通设施 Interworking Facilities互通系统 Interworking System户内型 Indoor Type户外型 Outdoor Type护 套 Jacket华为公司智能网系统商标 Telecommunication Intelligent Network TELLIN滑道 Slide rail滑动开关Slide Switch滑码 Slip Code滑帧 Slip frame划针 Marking Pin画中画 Picture-In-Picture PIP话 单 Ticket话 机 Phone话机终端 P

226、hone Set Terminal话路测试Speech Pa由Test话路传真 Voice Channel Fax话路损耗 Voice channel loss话内数据 Data-in-Voice DIV话上数据 Data-Over-Voice DOV话务分流 Traffic Distribution话务分配原则 Traffic Distribution Principle话务台 Console/Attendant console/ Operator console话务台重复拨打The Operator Redials话务台转接外线呼叫 External Call Transferred By

227、 The Operator话务员 Attendant ATT话务员超时不受理 Timeout With No Handling By The Operator话务员动作 Operator s Action话务员信号 Operator Signal OPR话务员预占失败 Operator Camp-On Failure话务员主持会议电话 Operator Presides Telephone Conference话务员座席系统 Operator Position System OPS话下数据 Data-Under-Voice DUV话音存储器Speech Memory SM话音活动检测器 Spe

228、ech activity detector SAD话音激活 Voice Activation VOX话音级 Voice Grade话音级信道 Voice Grade Channel话音接口 Speech Interface话音频率,话频,音 频 Voice Frequency VF话音识别,语声识别Voice Recognition话音通信 Speech Communication话音信道,话路 Speech channel Voice Channel坏 扇 区 Bad Sector环回、穿通或交叉 Loopback, feed-through or cross connection环 I可指

229、示 Loop-Back Indication环境监控 Environment monitoring环境温度 Ambient Temperature环境要求 Environmental Requirement环境影响 Environmental Influence环流测试 Loop Current Test环路光纤 Fiber In The Loop FITE环路入中继 Loop Incoming Trunk环路中继Loop Trunk环内无线 Radio in the loop RITL环网 Ring Network环行器 Circulator环阻测试 Loop Resistance Test

230、缓冲存储器Buffer缓 存 Cache黄 皮 书 ( 标准) Yellow Book恢复时间 wait to restore time WRT恢复时间( 业务) Recovery time恢复式通道倒换 Revertive path switching回拨 Dial-Back回程时间, 复员时间, 回扫时间Return Time回程信道, 返回信道Return Channel回叫 Call Back CBK回铃音 Ring Back Tone回落 Fall Back回声抵消法 氏ho Canceling Method ECM回声消除器Echo Canceller EC回收栈 Recycle

231、Stack回朔, 回退 Backtracking回溯算法 Backtracking Algorithm回损 Return loss回退键 Backspace Key回 音 Echo回振铃测试功能Ring Back Test Function汇编语言 Assembly Language汇接 Tandem TM汇接交换局( 机) Tandem Exchange汇接册除位 Tandem Deletion Digit汇接转发标志 Tandem Transferring flag汇流条 Busbar,Collecting Bar会话 Session会话呼叫状态模型 Session Call State

232、Module SCSM会话密钥Session Key会聚式会议电话Meet-me Conference MMC会议电话 Conference Call会议电视 Video Conference混插 Mixed Insertion混合电路/ 网络 Hybrid Circuit/Network混合光纤同轴网Hybrid Fiber/coax HFC混合集成电路 Hybrid Integrated Circuit HIC混合信道指配 Hybrid Channel Assignment混频器 Frequency Mixer混响, 交混回响Reverberation混淆,发音不清楚Burring活动扳手

233、 Adjustable Wrench活动地板Raised floor活动链 Active Link火线零线 Live lineZero line机顶盒 Set Top Box STB机房, 机械室Equipment Room机房环境 Room environment机柜 Cabinet机柜套件Rack Kit机 架 Rack机架金属件Rack Metalwork机架装配套件Rack Fixture Set机 框 Frame机 框 ( 无板) Shelf机 框 ( 有板) Frame机 框 ( 有板, 常用) Frame机框类型Frame Type机内电池, 自含电池Build-in Batte

234、ry机器语言 Machine Language机器周期Machine Cycle机 箱 ( 计算机) Chassis机箱, 机 柜 Cabinet积木, 积木式组件Building block积木式组件Building Module基本存取, 基本接入, 基本速率接入Basic Access基本电话业务,一般电话业务 Plain Ordinary Telephone Service ( POTS)基本呼叫处理 Basic Call Processing BCP基本呼叫处理子系统 Basic Call Processing Subsystem BCPS基本呼叫管理器Basic Call Mana

235、ger BCM基本呼叫状态模型Basic Call State Model BCSM基本模式类 Basic Mode Profile基本输入 / 输出系统 Basic Input/Output System BIOS基本速率接 口 Basic Rate Interface BRI基本速率接入Basic Rate Access BRA基本业务 Basic Service BS基础设施 Infrastructure基带 Baseband基带处理单元 Baseband Processing Unit BPU基带传输 Baseband Transmission基带框 Base band frame基地

236、台组件 Base Station Components基群, 一次群 Primary Group基群速率接口,主: 速率接口 Primary Rate Interface PRI基群速率接入 Primary Rate Access PRA基群载频Group carrier基于场的Field-Based基于帧的Frame-Based基站 Base Station BS基站标识码 Base transceiver Station Identity Code BSIC基站电话控制单元 Base Station Telephonic Control Element基站功率控制BS power cont

237、rol基站接 口设备( 板) Base station Interface Equipment( board) BIE基站接 口 适配 Base Station Interface Adaptation BSIA基站控制器 Base Station Controller BSC基站色码 Base Transceiver Station(BTS) Color Code BCC基站收发信机( 台) Base Transceiver Station BTS基站系统 Base Station System BSS基站系统 GPRS 协议 Base Station System GPRS Protoco

238、l BSSGP基站系统GPRS协议虚拟连接BSSGP Virtual Connection BVC基站系统 GPRS 协议虚拟连接标识 BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier BVCI基站系统应用部分 Base Station System Application part BSSAP基站系统应用管理部分 Base Station System Management Application Part BSSMAP基站子系统 Base Station Subsystem BSS基站子系统操作与维护应用部分 Base Station System Operation

239、 and Maintenance ApplicationPart BSSOMAP否定确认 Negative Acknowledgement NCK否定通知 Negative Notice服务 GPRS 支持节点 Serving GPRS Support Node SGSN月 艮 务 级 另 U Grade of Service GOS服务接入点标识 Service Access Point Indicator SAPI服务质量 Quality of Service QOS服务状态 Service Status浮充 Floating charge浮 点 型 ( 数 据 ) Float Type浮

240、动螺母(M6) Floating Nut (M6)浮动模式floating mode浮漂天线 Buoyant Antenna符号间干扰 Inter-symbol inlerference符号间干扰, 码间干扰Inter symbol Interference辅助控制单元 Auxiliary Control Element辅助控制单元 Auxiliary Control Unit ACE辅助设备 Auxiliary Equipment AUX付费电话Payphone付费电视Pay TV负荷 payload负荷, 充电, 电荷, 计费, 收 费 Charge负荷控制/ 限制 Load Contro

241、l / Restriction负荷指针 payload pointers负载, 载重量Load负载电压Load Voltage附加安全措施Add-On Security附加程序 Add-In Program附加费 Additional charge附加费率 Premium Rate PRM附加计费 Premium Charging PRMC附加计费率 Additional charge rate PRM附 力 口 文档 Attached Document附加文件Attached File附加信息 Additional Information附录 Appendix附图 Accompanying/

242、Attached Diagram复合年增长率 Composite Annual Growth Rate CAGR复合网 Compound Network复接 Multiplexing复式计次 Multi-Metering复式计次计费 Multi-Metering Charging复 位 Reset复位电路 Reset Circuit RSC复位请求 Reset Request RSR复用, 多路复用, 多路传输Multiplex MUX复用单元 Multiplexing Unit MXU复用段 Multiplex Section MS复用段保护 Multiplex Section Protec

243、tion MSP MSP复用段共享保护环 multiplex section shared protection ring MS-SPRING复用段开销 Multiplex Section OverHead MSOH复用段适酉己 Multiplex section adaptation MSA复用段终结 Multiplex Section Termination MST复用管理单元 Multiplication and Management Unit MMU复用器和分用器单元, 复用分用器单元Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Unit复用器与去复用器 Multiple

244、xer and The De-Multiplexer复杂指令系统计算机 Complex Instruction System Computer CISC复帧 Multi-Frame复帧丢失 Loss Of Multiframe LOM复帧结构 Multiframe Structure复帧失步 Multi-frame out-of-sync.副 本 Copy CC副机柜,辅助机柜Extension Cabinet副局长, 副司长, 副主任Deputy Director覆盖 Coverage覆盖 Overwrile覆盖范围, 覆盖区, 有效区Coverage Area盖板 Cover Plate概

245、要, 方案, Scenario概要设计, 初步设计Preliminary Design干扰 Interference干扰信号比 Jam-to-signal ratio干扰源分集 Interferer diversity 扰自适应系统 Interference-Adaptive System干线效率 Trunking Efficiency干 燥 剂 Desiccant感应电荷 Inductive charge钢尺 Steel Ruler钢钉 Steel Nail钢锯 Hacksaw钢 锯 条 Saw Blades高保真度音响High Fidelity Hifi高比特率数字用户线 High-Bit

246、-Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL高层兼容性 High Layer Compatibility HLC高电位差 High potential difference高端 High End高端存储区 High Memory Area HIMEM高级数据链路控制( 规程) High Level Data Link Control ( Procedure) HDLC高级移动电话系统( 美) Advanced Mobile Phone System AMPS高级移动电话业务 Advanced Mobile Phone Service AMPS高技术, 高新技术High-

247、Tech高架地板, 活动地板 Raised Floor, Elevated Floor高架线路 Overhead line LOH高阶 high order HO高阶交叉连接 higher order cross connect高阶接 口 Higher Order Interface HOI高阶连接监督 Higher order Connection Supervision HCS高阶通道适配 higher order path adaptation HOPA高阶通路/ 高阶通道Higher order Path HP高阶通路开销监视 Higher order Path Overhead Mo

248、nitor HPOM高阶通路连接 Higher order Path Connection HPC高阶通路终结 Higher order Path Termination HPT高阶组装 Higher Order Assembler H OA高密度双极性码 High Density Bipolar of Order 3 Code HDB3高频 High Frequency HF高频变压器 High-frequency Transformer高频插装电感器Leaded Power Inductors高频电路板 High-frequency Circuit Board高频电源变压器 Switch

249、Power Transformer高 频 段 High band高斯频率偏移键 Gaussian Frequency Shift Key GFSK高斯最小移频键控 Guassian Minimum Shift Keying GMSK高速本地网络 High Speed Local Network HSLN高速骨干网 High Speed Backbone Network HSBN高速开关 Quick Switch QS高速率数字用户线 High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line HDSL高通公司( 美) Qualcomm高增益功放板 High gain Power

250、 Amplifier board HPA高增益天线High gain antenna告警 Alarm ALM告警板 Alarm Board告警采集模块 Alarm collection module告警灯 Alarm indicator WBL告警级别Alarm level告警面板Alarm panel告警模块Alarm module告警人机命令 Alarming Man-Machine Command告警上下限 Upper/lower alarm limit告警台 Alarm Subsystem告 警箱 Alarm box告警箱面膜 Front Film of Alarm Box告警信号 A

251、larm signal AIS告警指示信号 Alarm Indication Signal AU-AIS割接 Cut-over格码调制 Trellis Coded Modulation TCM格式,格 式 化 Format格式转换 Format Conversion格状编码调制 Trellis Coding Modulation TCM隔 离 器 Isolator隔行扫描 Interlace Scanning个人编码 Personal Number PN个人号码 Personal Number个人接入系统 Personal Access System PAS个人身份号码 Personal Id

252、entification Number PIN个人身份鉴权键 Individual subscriber authentication key Ki个人身份鉴权键 Personal authentication key个人身份识别码( 无线) Personal Identification Number PIN个人识别码 Personal Identity Number PIN个人手持电话系统, 双向无绳电话系统( 日本) Personal Handyphone System PHS个人通信号码 Personal Telecommunication Number PTN个人通信网,专用通信网

253、Personal Communications Network PCN个人通信系统 Personal Communications System PCS跟我转移 Follow-Me Diversion FMD更紧密频率覆用方式 Aggressive Frequency Re-use Pattern ( AFR) AFR工程竣工验收证明 Acceptance Certificate on Engineering Completion工程联络线( 公务) Engineering Order-Wire EOW工程设计文件 Engineering Design Manual工程手册 Engineeri

254、ng Manual工具软件Tool Software工 具 箱 Toolbox工控机, 工业控制微机Industrial Computer工控机板卡 Card for Industrial Computer工控机及工控机机箱 Industrial Computer and the Chassis工频变压器 Industrial Frequency Transformer工频电感器 Industrial Frequency Inductors工 业标准结构总线 Industrial standard architecture ( ISA) Bus工业布线系统 Industry Distribut

255、ion System IDS工业控制微机,工 控 机 Industrial Computer IPC工业水平尺 Industrial horizontal ruler工作/ 备用状态 Active/Standby Status工作波长 Working wavelength工作单元 working unit工作地 Working Ground工 作 服 Union Suit工作量统计 Workload Account工作频率 Working frequency工作站 Work Station WS公共管理信息协议 Common Management Information Protocal CM

256、IP公共管理信息业务单元 Common Management Information Service Element CMISE公共空中接口 Common Air Interface CAI公共控制信道 Common Control Channel CCCH公共陆地移动网 Public Land Mobile Network PLMN公共数据网 Public Data Network PDN公共信道干扰 Common Channel Interference公 头 ( 电源线) Male公务板 Order wire board OW公务板,开销处理板Overhead processing bo

257、ard公务电话 Orderwire Phone公务电话板Order Wire Card OW公务通道 Orderwire Channel SC公务通信, 勤务通信Order Wire Communication公 务 线 Order Wire公用电话 Public Telephone公用电路交换数据网 Circuit Switched Public Data Network CSPDN公用陆地移动网络 Public Land Mobile Network PLMN公用密钥, 公开密钥Public key公用数据交换网 Public Switched Data Network PSDN公用数据网

258、 Public data network功放单元 Power Amplifier Unit PAU功放模块 Power Amplification Module功率分配结构 Distributed Power Architecture DPA功率分配显示 Power Distribution Display PDD功率合成 Power Synthesis功率受限区( 地域) Power Limited Region功率因数Power Factor功率因数校正 Power Factor Correction PFC功能模块 Functional Module功能实体 Functional Ent

259、ity FE功能实体动作 Function Entity Action FEA功能实体接入管理 Function Entity Access Management FEAM功能特性 Functional characteristic供参考 For reference FYI共电制 Common Battery ( System) CB共路信令 Common Channel 1 Signaling CCS共路信令设备 Common Channel Signaling Equipment共路信令网 Common Channel Signaling Network共模电感器 Common-mode

260、Inductor共享管理知识 Shared Management Knowledge SMK共享内存 Shared Memory SMEM共享软件Shareware共享资源 Shared Resource共用天线电视,电缆电视,有线电视Community Antenna Television, Cable TV CATV钩子函数Hook Function骨干 Backbone骨干网 Backbone Network骨架, 支架 Framework Bracket固定扳手Spanner固定比特率 Constant Bit Rate CBR固定波长滤波器Fixed Wavelength Filte

261、r固定胶 Fixing Glue固定螺钉 Fastening Screw固定台 Fixed station固定卫星业务 Fixed Satellite Services FSS固定无线接入 Fixed Wireless Access FWA固定信道分配 Fixed Channel Allocation FCA固定信道指配 Fixed Channel Assignment固定组件Fixation Kit固态继电器 Solid-state Relay固体生产辅料 Solid Auxiliary Materials故障, 错误 fault, error, failure, Bug故障闭塞Fault

262、Block故障处理 Troubleshooting故障的诊断和排除 Trouble Diagnosis and Elimination故障定位 Failure Locating故障定位 Fault locating故障定位方法 Fault Locating Method故障隔离 Fault Isolation故障申告受理 Fault Complaint Handling故障时间Fault Time故障诊断 Fault Diagnosis挂机( 电话) On-Hook, hang up挂 孔 ( 主机背后的三个挂孔) Hanger怪人过滤器Bozo Filter关 键 字 Keyword关 口

263、MSC Gateway Mobile-services Switching Centre GMSC关联文档 Associated Document关税 Customs Duties, tariff关税率 Tariff Rate关系数据库 Relational database关系数据库管理系统 Relational Database Management System RDBMS管理单元 Administrative Unit AU管理单元指针 administration unit pointer AU PTR管理单元组 Administrative Unit Group AUG管理对象 M

264、anaged Object MO管理禁止消息 Management Inhibit Message MIM管理数据库 Management Database MDB管理信息库 Management Information Base MIB管理域 Management domain管理阻断 Management Blocking灌封材料 Embedding Material光泵浦 器 件 Pump Lasers光 标 Cursor光波长转换模块 Wavelength Conversion Modules光波导分波器 optical waveguide rouler光层交叉连接 Optical L

265、ayer Cross Connect OLXC光传输 Optical transmission光传输监控 Optical Transmission Supervision光传输监控 Optical Transmission Supervision光传输网 Optical Transmission Network OTN光传输系统控制 Optical Transmission System Control光导纤维束 Fiber Optics cluster光导纤维束 Optical Fiber Cluster光电处理 Opto-electronic process光电端机 Optoelectri

266、cal transceiver光电耦合器Photocouplers光电器件 Optoelectronic Devices光电整机 Photoelectric Integrated Machine光调制解调器Optical Modem光端机 Optical transceiver (In)光多用表 Optical Multimeter光发射单元 Optical Transmit Unit OIU光发射二级管 Light Emitting Diode LED光发送二极管 Optical Transmitting LEDs光发送模块 Opitcal Transmitters光发送器件 Optical

267、 Transmitting Components光放大器 Oplical Amplifiier 0 A光分波单元 Optical demultiplexing unit (ODU)光分波器 Optical Demultiplexer Unit ODU光分插复用器 Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer OADM光分路器 Optical Divider光分配点 Optical Distribution Point ODP光分配节点 Optical Distribution Node ODN光分配网络 Optical Distribution Network ODN光分支装置 O

268、ptical Branching Device OBD光复用器 Optical Multiplexer光告警方式 Optical Alarming Mode光隔离器 Optical Isolator光功率差 Optical Power Difference光功率计 Optical Power Meter光合波板 Optical Multiplexer Unit OMU光交叉连接( 光互联) Optical C ross-connect OXC光接入网 Optical Access Network OAN光接收模块 Optical Receivers光接收器件 Optical Receiving

269、 Components光开关 Optical Switch光缆 Fiber Optic Cable光连接器 Fiber Connectors光滤波器 Optical Filters光敏电阻 Optical Resistor光耦合器 Optical Couplers光盘. 激光唱盘Compact Disc CD光盘驱动器CD-ROM CD-ROM光配线架 Optical Distribution Frame光配线网 Optical Distribution Network ODN光前置放大板 Optical Preamplifier OPA光时域反射计 Optical Time-Domain R

270、eflectometer OTDR光收发板 Optical Transceiver Board OTB光收发模块 Optical Transceivers光输入口 允许频偏 Permitted frequency deviation of optical input interface光探测器 Photodetector光通道 Optical channel OCh光网络单元 Optical Network Unit ONU光无源器件 Optical Passive Devices光纤 Optical Fiber/Optic fiber光纤包层 Cladding of Fiber光纤布拉格光栅

271、Fiber Bragg Grating FBG光纤到办公室 Fiber To The Office FTTO光纤到大楼 Fiber To The Building FTTB光纤到服务区 Fiber To The Service Area FSA光纤到家 Fiber To The Home FTTH光纤到路边 Fiber To The Curb FTTC光纤到远端 Fiber to the Remote FTTR光纤的 Fiber-optic光纤放大器 Optical Fiber Amplifier光纤分布式数据接 口 Fiber Distributed Data Interface FDDI光

272、纤固定哀减器 Optical Fixed Attenuator光纤管道Fiber Conduit光纤光缆 Optical fiber cable光纤光栅Fiber Grating光纤基带快速以太网FastEthernet, lOObaseX光纤接 口 Fiber Interface FBI光纤连接器 Fiber Connector FC光纤耦合器Fiber Coupler光纤熔接盒Fiber splice tray光纤衰减器Fiber Attenuator光纤同轴混合网 Hybrid Fiber and Coax Network HFC光纤尾纤Fiber Pigtail光纤引入线 Fiber

273、Optic Drop光纤用户环路Fiber In The Loop光纤载波等级3 OC-3 OC-3光线路 Optical Line OL光线路板 Optical Line Board OL光线路放大器 0Ptical Line Amplifier OLA光线路收发板 Optical Line Transceiver Board OLT光线路终端 Optical line terminal OLT光信号 Optical Signal光学器件Optics光学字符识别 Optical Character Recognition OCR光载波第 1 级 Optical Carrier Level 1

274、 OC-1光载波第 N 级 Optical Carrier Level N OC-N光 栅 ( fiber) grating光支路接口 optical tribulary interface光支路接 口单元 optical interface units广播, 呼叫全体Broadcast Call广播电视 Broadcast Television广播方式应用 broadcasting 叩plications广播控制信道 Broadcast Control Channel BCCH广播模块 Broadcasting Module BCST广域集中用户交换机业务Wide Area Centrex

275、WAC广域信息服务器 Wide Area Information Server WAIS归档备份 Archive Backup归零二进制码 Retum-to-zero Binary Code归零制 Return-to-zero归一化响应模式 Normalized Response Mode NRM归一化信噪比 Normalized Signal/Noise Ratio归属 MSC Anchor M SC归属 PLMN Home PLMN HPLMN归属陆地移动通信网Home PLMN HPLMN归属位置存储器 Home Location Register HLR规程 Procedure规定容限

276、, 可接受容限Tolerance规范和描述语言 Specification & Description Language SDL规范书, 规 格 书 Specifications规则脉冲激励长期预测 Regular Pulse Excited Long-Term Prediction RPE-LTP硅钢片 Silicon Steel Sheet硅谷 Silicon Valley硅控整流器 Silicon Control Rectifier进程 Process CPG进程间通信 Inter-process Communicalion IPC进 口 报关 Import customs cleara

277、nce进入退出Enter Exit进网, 入网 Network Access进网许可证 Network Access License禁止中断 Interrupt Disable经过定时Ihroughtime经过定时模式throughtimed mode晶体管 Transistor晶体滤波器Crystal Filter晶体谐振器 Crystal Resonator晶体振荡器 Crystal Oscillator XTLO精简指令系统计算机 Reduced Instruction Set Computing RISC精确匹配Exact match精心设计的,设计良好的Well Designed净负

278、荷种类Payload Type PT径向收缩率 Radial Shrinkage Ratio竞争窗口 Contention Window竞争分辨率 Contention resolution静电 Electrostatic静电放电 Electronic Static Discharge ESD静态对象Static Object静态数据Static Data静态随机存取存储器 Static Random Access Memory SRAM静 音 Mute静噪电路 Squelch Circuit静噪开启电平和闭锁电平Squelch Opening and Closing Level镜片 Eyeg

279、lass镜 头 Lens镜 像 Mirror纠错码, 纠错电码Error Correcting Code久不拨号Dial Time Out久叫不应 Ringing Timeout就 绪 Ready局号 Office number局内综合定时供给系统 Bureau Integrated Timing Supply system BITS局数据 Office Data OD局向 Office direction,局向代码 Office Direction Code菊花链 Daisy Chain句 柄 Handle拒绝 Reject REJ具有通知的呼叫保持Call Hold with Announ

280、cement CHA聚集 Cluster, converge,卷标 Volume Label卷尺 Steel Tape决策准则, 判定准则Decision Criteria绝对零功率电平 Absolute Zero Power Level ( DbmO)绝对射频信道号 Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number ARFCN绝缘材料 Insulating Material绝缘层 Insulalion Layer绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance绝缘垫 Insulation Pad绝缘套 Insulation Covering均充 Equali

281、zed Charging均方根( 值) Root Mean Square均衡, 自适应均衡Equalization均 衡 器 Equalizer卡接槽口 Clamping Slot卡接工具Clamping Tool卡线钳 Clamping Pincers开放数据库连接性 Open Database Connectivity ODBC开放系统互联参考模型 OSI Open System Interconnection Reference Model OSI-RM开 关 Switch开关电容滤波器 Switched Capacitor Filter开关键 On-Off Key OOK开关频 Swi

282、tch lock开关整流器 Switching rectifier module开机自检 Power-on Self-test开 局 ( 交换机) Exchange D印loyment刀 : 口 垫 Slotted washer开 路 键 Break Key开启 Turn-On开通测试,投产测试,开通调试Commissioning开箱验收报告 Unpacking & Accepting Report开销 Overhead OH开销处理 Overhead processing *开销处理板 Overhead Processing Card开销单元( OHP) Overhead processin

283、g unit开销提取/ 合成 Overhead extraction/synthesis开销字节Overhead byte看门狗 Watchdog看门狗定时器Watch-Dog Timer WDT抗病毒 Anti-Virus抗干扰天线 Anti-interference antenna抗静电垫 Anti-static Mat科普读物 Popular Science Reading可编程逻辑器件 Programmable Logic Device PLD可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC可变比特率 Variable Bit Rate VBR可变

284、电感器 Adjustable Inductor / Variameter可变电容器 Variable Capacitor可变收敛比 Viable convergence ratio可变衰减值 Variable Attenuation Value可擦除可编程只读存储器 Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM可充电电池 Rechargeable Battery可充电裸电池 Rechargeable Bare Battery可带电插拔的Hot-pluggable可调率减仪 Tunable Attenuator可调谐光源 Tunable optical

285、 generator可懂度 Articulation可接受设施请求 Facility-Accepted Request FAR可靠性,可用性, 可维护性 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability RAM可控硅 Silicon Controlled Thyristor SCR可扩展性Scalability可扩展性Scalable可实行的 Practicable EXE可视编程 Visual Programming可视传输( 在视线范围内的) Line-of-Sighl transmission LOS可视电话Videophone可视图文Video

286、tex VX可寻址能力Addressing ab血y可以接受的Acceptable可用比特率 Available Bit Rate ABR可用性 Availability A客户/ 服务器,客户机/ 服 务 器 Client/ServerC/S/s客户侧管理 Customer Profile Management CPM客户端 Client Side客户管理点 Customer Management Point CMP客户规定的记录通知 Customized Recorded Announcement CRA肯定证实, 肯定确认, 肯定应答Positive Acknowledgment空槽位

287、Vacant slot空的 Empty, idle, null EMP空分多址 Space Division Multiple Access SDMA空分复用 Space Division Multiplexing SDM空分交叉处理芯片 space division cross connect chip空分交换 Space Division Switching空 格 键 Space Key空焊,松焊 Dry Soldering空号 Vacant Number空号音 Vacant Number Tone空局向 Vacant Office Direction空气开关 Air Switch, Ai

288、r-break. Switch空气开关- 单极 Air switch/air-break switch空腔 CDU Cavity CDU空- 时- 空 Space-Time-Space空 闲 Idle空闲信道Idle Channel空心线圈Air-core Coil空中接口 Air Interface控股公司 Holding Company控制层 Control Layer控制内存,控存, Control Memory CM控制盘 Control panel控制器 Controller CTL控制器外围芯片 Controller Peripheral Chips控制通路 C-Channel (

289、Control Channel)控制信道 Control Channel CCH口令 Password扣 除 ( 费 用 ) Deduct跨模块 cross-module块,数据块, 码组, 信息块, 信号块, 功能块,程序块, 闭塞, 阻塞, 阻 挡 Block块记录集 Block Record Set块交错, 分组交织Block Interleaved快 捷 方 式 Shortcut快捷键 Shortcut Key快速随路控制信道 Fast Associated Control Channel FACCH快速随路控制信道/ 全速率 Fast Associated Control Chann

290、el/Full rate FACCH/F快速 以太网Fast Ethernet E2A宽带 Broadband宽带 ISDN Broadband ISDN WISDN宽带交叉连接系统Broadband DCS B-DCS宽带交换, 宽带交换机Broadband Exchange宽带交换业务 Broadband Switched Service BEX宽带码分多址 Broadband CDMA B-CDMA宽带数字用户环Broadband DSL BDSL宽带通信网 Broadband Communication Network BCN宽带信道 Wide-Band Channel WBC宽带智能

291、网Broadband IN B-IN馈窗 Feeder window馈 电 Feed馈电电压测试Feed Voltage Test馈管/ 馈线 Feeder (Feeder Line)馈管固定夹 Feeder Fixing clip馈管接地夹 Feeder Grounding Clip馈线 Feeder Line馈线连接 Feeder connection捆绑 Binding捆绑工艺Colligation捆绑软件 Bundled Software捆扎, 打包, 装订,Binding扩充的呼叫限制Extended Call Barring扩频, 扩展 频 谱 Spread Spectrum扩频调

292、制 Spread Spectrum Modulation SSM扩频码序发生器 Spread Spectrum Code-Sequence Generator扩容设备 Equipment In the Capacity Expansion扩允内存 Expanded Memory EMS基准时钟 Reference Clock激光唱盘 Compact Disc CD激活 SS (MAP/I) Activate SS (MAP/I)激活跟踪模式 Activate trace mode (map/d)激活例行测试 Activate Routine Test激活信令链路 Active Signalin

293、g Link激励线性预测 Excited Linear Prediction激励协议 Excitation protocol吉 字 节 Gigabyte级, 级联层叠( 窗口) Cascade即插即用 Plug and Play (PnP) , Plug-and-Play即时告警Instant Alarm即时业务 Demand Service即时业务 On-Demand Service ODS极化天线 Polarized antenna集成电路 Integrated Circuit IC集成电阻器 Integrated Resistor集成软件 Integrated Software集成业务模

294、块 Integrated Service Module ISM集群通信 Trunking Communication集群移动通信系统,集群调度系统Trunked Radio System集群移动无线电通信 Trunking System For Mobile Radio集线 Line concentration集 线 器 ( LAN) Hub集 线 器 ( 交换网络) Line Concentrator LC集有线、无线为一体 Fixed-mobile convergence集中付费 Centralized Payment集中计费 Centralized Billing集中监控 Central

295、ized Monitoring集中监控设备 Centralized Supervisory and Control Equipment集中控制 Centralized Control CCNTRL集中式拓扑结构Centralized Topology集中式用户交换机Centrex集中式自动计费 Centralized Automatic Message Accounting CAMA集中用户交换机功能 Centralized Exchange Functions计费 Charge CHG计费方式Charge Mode计费费率 Charge Rate CHR计费结算 Charge Account

296、ing计费脉冲( 电话) Metering Pulse计费脉冲消息 Metering Pulse Message MPM计费脉冲用户板 ASL board with Pulse Billing计费情况Charge Case计费区 Charge Area计费设备 Charging Device计费时区( 一天内各区段) Charge Time zone计费索引 Charge Index CHX计费通知 Advice of Charge AOC计费系统 Billing System计费消息 Charging Message CHG计费帐务结算系统Account system计费中心 Billing

297、 center计费子系统 Charging Subsystem CHS计算机、配件及周边设备 Computer, Fittings, and Peripherals计算机辅助教学 Computer-Aided Instruction CAI计算机辅助软件工程 Computer Aided Software Engineering CASE计算机辅助设计 Computer-Aided Design CAD计算机辅助诊断 Computer-Aided Diagnosis计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacturing CAM计算机化的交换分机 Computerized Br

298、anch Exchange CBX计算机其它配件 Computer and the Fittings计算机图形接口 Computer Graphic Interface CGI计算机支持的协同工作 Computer Supported Cooperative Work CSCW计算机专用CPU Computer CPU计算机专用电源Computer Power Module计账卡 Account Card记 发 器 Register记发器后向信号 Register Backward Signal记号笔 Marking pen记录清除Record purge记录数 Record count记录指

299、针 Record Pointer记帐管理点 Bill Management Point BMP记帐卡呼叫 Account Card Calling ACC记帐卡呼叫 Account Card Calling ACC技术报告 Technical Report TR技术备忘录 Technical Memorandum技术负荷 Technical Load技术规格 Technical Specifications技术可行性 Technical Feasibility技术手册维护手册操作手册安装手册验收手册业务手册设备手册单板手册TechnicalManual Maintenance ManualOp

300、erationManuallnstallation Manual Acceptance ManualService ManualEquipment ManualBoardManual技术说明 Technical Description继承 Inheritance继承 Inheritance继 电 器 Relay寄生的, 虚假的, 杂乱的, 乱真的Spurious加电, 接通电源Power-On加电, 上 电 Power-on加发 Q Send Extra Q加发汇接标志 Send Extra Tandem Flag加发万位标志 Send Extra Myriabit Flag力 口 密 Enc

301、rypt, Encipher力 口 密 Encryption加密电视Encryption TV加密和鉴权 Encryption and Authentication P&A力 口 密 键 Encryption key Kc加密算法 Encryption algorithm A8加强单元数据 Enhanced Unit Data XUDT加强型交叉 155Mb/s Cross 155Mb/s Enhanced CS1E加 权 , 衡 重 Weight加扰 Scrambling加入, 添加, 加入第三方通话Add-On加入第三方通话, 通话时呼叫第三方参加Add-On Third Party加速键

302、 Accelerating Key加 载 Load加载电缆Loading Cable夹紧螺钉 Clamping Screw夹 具 Clamp家庭视频系统Video Home System VHS架, 机 架 Rack架空电( 光) 缆 Aerial ( Optical Fiber) Cable架空明线线路Aerial Open Wire架空明线线路Aerial Open Wire Line假定信令参考连接 Hypothetical Signaling Reference Connection HSRC假负载 Fictitious Load假面板 Blank Panel假 面 板 ( 单板上)

303、Dummy Panel假设参考电路 Hypothetical Reference Circuit HRC假设参考通道 Hypothetical Reference Path HRP尖嘴钳 Sharp-nose pliers间插 Interleave兼容机制 Compatibility Mechanisms兼容性 Compatibility兼容终端 Compatible Terminal监护信号 Guarding signal监控板 Monitor board MON监控工作站 Monitor Workstation监控台 Monitor Console监控台, 监测台, 监听台Monitor

304、Station监控通道 Supervision channel监视 Monitor, Monitoring监视器 Monitor MON减震器, 消 震 器 Shock Absorber检测点 Delection point DP检 测 器 Detector检测信号音功能 Signal tone detection function检出点 Detection Point DP检入、检出功能 Check in and check out检拾探针Pick-Up Probe检索服务, 业 务 Retrieval Service检修 Examine and Repair检验程序,校对程序, 核对器,验

305、证器,核 对 员 Collate program, verifier, collate member简单网络管理协议 Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP简单邮件传送协议 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP简化 TDMA 帧信号 Reduced TDMA Frame Number RFN简化的方框图 Simplified Block Diagram建立时间Set-Up Time建立- 用户逻辑群 Create-Logic Subscriber Group建链和撤离链的认可Unnumbered Acknowledge U

306、A建筑物综合布线系统 Premises Distribution System PDS鉴权能力 Authentication Capability鉴权中心 Authentication Center AUC鉴相 Phase discrimination键控电话适配器 Push B utton Telephone Adapter键控脉冲适配器Key Pulse Adapter KPA交又极化干扰抵消 Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation XPIC交 叉 件 Cross ware交叉连接 Cross-Connection XC交错, 交叉, 隔行

307、扫描Interleave交费记录 Payment Record交互式处理 Interactive Processing交互式可视图文交互式数字视频交互式有线电视交互式语音应答Interactive Video telegraphy VideotexDigital Video Interaction DVIInteractive Cable TVInteractive Voice Response交互网络 Interactive Network Internet交换 Switching SW交换电路群拥塞 Switching Circuit Group Congestion交换多兆比特数据业务

308、Switching Multi-Gigabit Data Service SMDS交换服务中心 Switching Service center ESC交换机, 交 换 局 Exchange EX交换机室Exchange Room交换机用户电路单元Subscriber Line Unit SLU交换局间, 局间, 局 际 Interexchange交换局内的, 局 内 Intra-Exchange交换控制中心 Switching Control Center交换设备拥塞 Switching Equipment Congestion SEC交换式数字视频 Switched Digital Vid

309、eo SDV交换释放 Switching Release交换网板 Network board NET交换网络模块( 控制器) Switching Network Module (Controller) SNM (CTL)交换网络母线 Switching Network Highway THW交换系统 Switching System SS交换型多兆位数据业务 Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service SMDS交换虚电路 Switched Virtual Circuit SVC交换终端 Exchange terminal ET交接点, 交接箱 Cross-Conne

310、ct Point交 接 箱 Splice Box交流 Alternating Current AC交流/ 直流转换AC/DC Conversion交流信令AC Signaling交替传号反转 Alternate Mark Inversion AMI交易安全性 Transaction Security交易费 Transaction fee交钥匙,转键,总监管,承 包 Turnkey胶带 Adhesive Tape胶袋 Plastic Bag胶 合 板 Veneer胶纸 Gum Paper角 尺 , 曲 尺 Angle square角钢 Angle Steel脚 本 Script脚轮 Caster

311、 Wheel阶梯效应及反阶梯效应 Stair-step effect & Anti-stair-step effect接插件 Connectors接插件, 承 插 件 Socket component接插件, 承 插 件 Socket Connector接触面积Contact Area接 触 器 Contactor接地, 地 Ground GND接地不良Bad earth接地不良Bad Grounding接地端 Grounding Terminal接地连接器 Grounding Connector接地排 Grounding Bar接地盘组合 Grounding plate combinatio

312、n接地体 Grounding Body接地线 Ground wire接地引线 Grounding Lead接 口 电路芯片 Interface Circuit Chips接 口 功率驱动器 Interface Power Driver接 口 规范 Interface Specifications接口身份标识Interface ID接入,进网点,访问,存 取 Access接入被禁止Access Denied接入传送网 access transmission network接入单元Access Unit AU接入服务器Access Server接入功能 Access Function AF接入和呼

313、叫控制功能 Access and Call Control Function ACCF接入节点 Access Node AN接入禁 上 处 理 . 功 自 旨 Access Forbidden Processing Function AF接入禁止信号 Access Forbidden Signal ABS接入控制块 Access Control Block ACB接入码 Access Code AC接入设备 Access Equipment AE接入失败 Access Failure接入突发脉冲序列Access Burst Sequence AB接入网 Access Network AN接入网

314、管理系统 AN Network Management System (AN-NMS)接入网内置 SDH 传输单元 AN built-in SDH unit AXA 10-AS1接入网系统管理功能 System Management Function of AN接入准许信道 Access Grant Channel AGCH接收 Receive RX接收分路器 Receive branch unit接收机过我点 Receiver overload power接收灵敏度 Receiving Sensitivity接收母线 Receive Highway RHW接收器 Receiver REC接收未

315、准备好Receive Not Ready RNR接收信号电平 Receive Signal Level RSL接收序列号 Receive Sequence Number PRX接收者摘机 Receiver Off-Hook ROH接收准备好Receive Ready RR接收准备好钳工 工 具 Small Tool欠费用户 Defaulting Subscriber嵌入操作系统 Embedded Operating System EOC嵌入对象 Embedded Object嵌入控制通道 Embedded Control Channel ECC强拆(n) (v) Forced ReleaseR

316、elease Forcedly强行测试Forced Test强制链路无禁止信号 Link Forced Uninhibitation Signal LFU强制重新编路Forced Rerouting抢先多任务 Preemptive Multitasking橇杠 Crowbar, Pinch Bar桥堆 Bridge Rectifiers桥接, 跨接 Bridge Connection桥接, 跨接 Bridge Connection桥路器( 桥式路由器) Brouter桥路器,网桥路由器Brouter撬杆 Crowbar切 断 Cut Off切换 Handover HO切换 ( 小 区 的 切

317、换 ) Handover HANDO切换候选查询 Handover candidate inquiry切换检测 Handover detect切换接入 Handover access切换请求 Handover request切换请求确认 Handover request acknowledge切换执行 Handover performed清除发送 Clear To Send CTS清空输出窗口 Clean Up Output Windows清屏 Clear Screen CLS清 洗 剂 Detergent请求 Request REQ请求评议 Request For Comments RFC区

318、域处理机 Regional Processor RP区域管理系统 Religion Management System RMS区域基准时钟源 Local Primary Reference LPR区域交换中心 Zone Switching Center区域漫游使用 Regional roaming subscription区域使用识别码 Regional Subscription Zone Identity RSZI区域中心,大区中心Regional Center RC驱动变压器 Driver Transformer驱 动 器 Drive取消位置 Cancel location去激活 De-a

319、ctivate全方位 Omni Directional全光网 all-optical network全价 Full rate全接入通信系统 Total Access Communication System TACS全局功能平面 Global Function Plane GFP全局名, 全局码, 总 称 Global Title GT全局名翻译 Global Title Translation GTT全忙, 全部占线All Busy全忙指示功能 All Busy Indication Function全面试验, 综合试验Comprehensive Test全面支持话务的管理和测量 Fully

320、 supports traffic measurement and management within thesystem全频道天线 All-Channel Antenna全球第三: 代Global 3G G3G全球定位系统 Global Positioning System GPS全球范围的可靠保证 Highest reliability proven in the world market全球小区识别 Cell Global Identification CGI全球寻址码Global Title GT全球移动通信系统 Global System for Mobile communicati

321、on GSM全数字化 Full Digitalization全双工 Full Duplex FD, FDX全速率 Full RateTCH/F全速率话务信道 Full Rate Traffic Channel TCH/F全速率话音业务信道A full rate Speech TCH TCH/FS全速率数据业务信道(2.4bit/s) A full rate data TCH (2.4bit/s) TCH/F2.4全速率数据业务信道(4.8bit/s) A full rate data TCH (4.8bit/s) TCH/F4.8全速率数据业务信道(9.6bit/s) A full rate

322、data TCH (9.6bit/s) TCH/F9.6全速率业务信道A full rate TCH TCH/F全速率业务信道 Full-rate traffic channel Bm全天候服务 All-weather service全文检索 Full Text Search全向覆盖 Omnidirectional Coverage全 向天线 Omni antenna全业务接入网 Full Service Access Network FSAN全移动性Full mobility权限 Authority缺省网关 Default Gateway缺省值 Default Value缺席服务 Absen

323、t Subscriber Service缺相 Default Phase确认, 肯定回执, 肯定证实Acknowledge ACK确认操作 Confirm Operation AITS确认链路号 Acknowledge Link Number群件 Groupware群路 aggregate群内用户 Intra-Group Subscriber群外用户 Out-Group Subscriber扰码 scramble扰码器, 置乱器, 扰频器Scrambler绕线电阻器 Wire-wound Resistor绕线枪 Cable Winding Gun热备用, 热 备 份 Hot Backup热备用

324、发射机 Active Standby Transmitter热表 Hotlist热插入 Hot Plugging热点微蜂窝 Hot Spot Microcell热 风 枪 Heat Gun热 键 Hot Key热敏电阻器Thermistor热 启 动 Hot Start热缩管,热缩套管Heat-shrink tube热缩套管 Heat-Shrinkable T bush热线 Hot Line HL人工半自动呼叫Semiautomatic Call人工生命 Artificial Life人工智能 Artificial Intelligence AI人机接口 Man-Machine Interfa

325、ce MMI人机命令 Man-Machine Command人机通信 Man-Machine Communication MMC人机语言 Man-Machine Language MML人为 误 差 Human Error人为 因 素Human Factors认证, 证件, 证 书 Certification任务按钮Task Button任务切换Task Switch任 务 条 Taskbar任选部分Optional Part任选成分 Optional Component仍打不通 Still Can Not Be Connected日限次 Day Times Limited日限额 Day Su

326、m Limited容差 Error Tolerance容 许 的 tolerable容许畸变 Tolerable Distortion熔断电阻器Fuse Resistor熔断器套件Fuse Suite熔接 Splicing柔性电缆Soft Cable柔性印制板连接器Flexible PCB Connector入局 Incoming入局/ 入中继闭塞Incoming Blocking入局电路群 Incoming Circuit Group入局呼叫禁止 Incoming Calls Barred ICB入网标志 Sign of Network Entry Certification入中继 Inco

327、ming Trunk ICT软过载 Soft Overload软件版本 Software Version软件产生的群闭塞解除消息 Software Generated Group Unblocking Message SGU软件调试 Software Debugging软件费用 Software Charge软件工具箱, 成套软件工具Software Toolkit软件可靠性 Software Reliability软件容错 Software Fault-Tolerance软件套件 Software Suite软盘 Floppy Disk软盘驱动器 Diskette Drive, Floppy

328、 Disk Drive FDC塞套线, 控制线, S 线。 线 Sleeve Lead三方通话 Three Party Service 3PTY三 极 管 Triode三阶高密度双极性码High Density Bipolar Three HDB3三 频 带 Tri-band三维的, 三度的, 立体的, 空间的Three Dimensional三芯短路线 3-core short circuit wire散件/ 备件Spare Parts散热片 Air Cooling Fan散热器件 Heat-sink Device扫 描 仪 Scanner色 彩 的 chromatic色码 Color co

329、de色散 chromatic dispersion色散补偿 dispersion compensation色散调节 dispersion accommodation色散位移 Dispersion-shift色同步键控脉冲Burst Keying Pulse闪存 Flash Memory FLASH扇形天线( 用在基站上) Sectorized antenna商务管理信息层 Business Management Information Layer BML商务配套件 Purchased Commercial Suite商业 Internet 交换中心 Commercial Internet Ex

330、change CIX上、下围框 Upper/Lower Enclosure Frame上/ 下 话 路 A dd/D ropA /D上边带 Upper Sideband USB上变频器Up Converter上电复位Power On Reset上电自检 Power-On Self-Test POST上端内存 Upper Memory Area UMA上 话 路 Up Channel上母线 Up Highway UHW上下话路 Add/drop Voice Channel上下文有关的菜单Context-Sensitive Menu上行功率控制 Uplink Power Control ULPC上

331、行链路Up Link UPL上游 upstream上载, 加 载 下 载 , 取 回 Upload Download烧焊 Burn-in稍后便回 Be Back Later BBL舍入,四舍五入Round-Off舍入误差 Round-Off Error设 备 Device设备, 设施 Facilities FAC设备标识寄存系统 ACE Equipment Identity Register System ACE EIRSACE设备布置 Equipment Layout设备号 Equipment Number EN设备驱动程序Device Driver设备识别寄存器 Equipment Ide

332、ntification Register EIR设备识别寄存器 Equipment Identification Register EIR设施 Facilities FAC设施拒绝 Facility Reject FRJ设施请求 Facility Request FAR设置周期再启动时间 Set Periodically Restarting Time射发 Transmit TX射频,无线电频率Radio Frequency RF射频处理部分 Radio frequency Processing Unit RPU射频低噪声放大器IC RF Low Noise Amplifier IC射频调制器

333、RF Modulator射频多功能器件 RF Multi-functional Parts射频发射和接收 Radio Frequency Transmit and Receive RFTR射频隔离器RF Isolator射频功分器RF Power Splitter射频功率放大器RF Power Amplifier射频功率合成器RF Power Combiner射频固定衰减器RF Fixed Attenuator射频环行器RF Circulator射频混频器RF Mixer射频技术 Radio technology射频解调器RF Demodulator射频开关RF Switch射频耦合器RF C

334、oupler射频器件 IC Radio Frequency IC Parts射频数字衰减器RF Digital Attenuator射频锁相环 RF Phase-lock Loop射频特殊器件RF Special Parts射频头 RF Connector射 频 线 RF Cable射频压控衰减器 RF Voltage-controlled Attenuator射线传感器Radiation Sensor摄像机 Video Camera申告用户 Complaining Subscriber深空雷达 Deep space radar甚宽带 ultra-broadband升位 Digit Addin

335、g生产调测Factory Test生产辅料 Production Auxiliary Materials生存性 survivability生存周期, 生存期, 生命期( 软件) Life Cycle声霸卡, 多媒体音响卡SoundBlaster SB声表面波 Acoustic Surface Wave声表面波滤波器 Surface Acoustic Wave Filter声光告警 Audible and Visual Alarm声滤器 Acoustical Filter声像 Audio/Video声像会议 Audiographic Conference声学, 音响装置, 音响效果,音 质 Ac

336、oustics声音控制 Voice Control VC声音信号装置, 报警器, 寻呼机Beeper声音噪声 acoustic noise声音噪声要求 acoustic noise specification剩余号码 Remaining Number失令 牌 环 Token Ring浏 览 器 Browser流 ( 量)控 ( 制) Flow Control流散电阻 Drift resistance流水记录Flow Record留言放音 Message Playback六角螺母Hex Nut六角 螺 栓 Hex Bolt六角头螺栓Hexagonal Bolt楼宇自动化系统 Building A

337、utomation System BAS录音 Audio Recording录音/放 音 Record / Play滤 波 器 Filter滤波器综合, 滤波器合成Filter Synthesis路 由 器 Router路山选择 Routing, Route Selection铝电容器 Aluminium Capacitor铝型材 Section Aluminum略图 Abridged Drawing轮询, 查询, 探 询 Polling逻辑编号 Logical number逻辑交换载体 Logical Exchange Carrier LEC逻辑名 Logical Name螺钉式汇流条Scr

338、ew-type Busbar螺 母 Nut螺丝刀, 起 子 Screwdriver螺纹钢条 Deformed steel bar裸导线 Plain Conductor裸线, 裸 导 线 Naked Wire裸压接端头 Bare Pressure Welding Terminal码变换器 Full Rate Transcoder FTC码变换器Transcoder TC码变换器/ 速率适配单元 Transcoder/Rate Adapter Unit TRAU码变换与子复用单元 TransCoder&Sub-MultiplexerTCSM码分多址 Code Division Multiple A

339、ccess CDMA码激励线性预测( 编码) Code Excited Linear Prediction (Coding) CELP码激励线性预测编码Code-Excited LPC CLPC码形变换器Transcoder TC码字,码 片 Code脉冲/ 音 ( 拨号 )Pulse/Tone P/T脉冲编码调制 Pulse Code Modulation PCM脉冲拨号拨出非法字符 Invalid Character Dialed with Pulse Dialing脉冲长度调制 Pulse Length Modulation PLM脉冲发号Pulse Dialing脉冲宽度调制 PDM

340、(Pulse-Duration Modulation)脉冲频率调制 Pulse Frequency Modulation PFM脉冲时长 Pulse Duration脉码调制 Pulse Code Modulation PCM脉位调制 Pulse Position Modulation PPM满载, 满负荷Full Load满载系数, 装填比Charge Ratio慢速随路控制信道 Slow Associated Control Channel SACCH慢速随路控制信道/SDCCH/4 Slow Associated Control Channel/SDCCH/4 SACCH/C4慢速随路控

341、制信道/ 全速率业务信道 Slow Associated Control Channel/Traffic Channel Full rateSACCH/TF慢速随路控制信道/ 业务信道 Slow Associated Control Channel/Traffic Channel SACCH/T慢跳频 Slow Frequency Hopping SFH漫游 Roaming漫游号码 Roaming Number MSRN忙/ 闲 Busy/Free B/F忙/ 闲 Busy/Idle B/I忙时呼叫 Busy Hour Call BHC忙时试呼次数 Busy Hour Call Attempt

342、 BHCA忙音 Busy Tone BT毛 刷 Brush没有通过双向路山测试 Fail To Pass The Bi-Directional Route Test梅花扳手 Double Offset Ring Spanner媒体接入控制 Media Access Control MAC媒体接入控制 Media Access Control MAC每秒分组数 Packet Per Second PPS每秒赫兹或周期 Hertz or Cyclic Per Second HZ每秒脉冲数 Pulse Per Second PPS每秒千比特 Kilobits Per Second KBPS每秒位数

343、Bit Per Second Bps每秒兆比特 Megabits Per Second MBPS每秒通信测试设备组 Communication Test Equipment Group CTEG通信电路芯片 Communication Circuit Chip通信管理网 Telecommunication Management Network TMN通信控制字段 Communication Control Field CCF通信 口 Com. Port通信量, 业务量 Amount of Traffic, Traffic通信楼综合定时供给系统 Building Integrated Timin

344、g Supply BITS通信前置机 Communication Front-end Processor通信设备进网 Network Access of Communications Equipment通 信 设 备 进 网 质 量 认 证 Quality Recognition Certification For Network Access ofCommunication Equipment通信设施 Communication Facilities通信体系结构 Communication Architecture通信终端产品 Telecom Terminal Product通信阻断 Com

345、munication Block通讯板卡 Communication Card通讯电缆 Communication Cable通用 Universal, GeneraLCommon通用标记语言 Generalized Markup Language GML通用参数 Common parameter通用插座,万能 插 座 Universal Socket通用分组无线业务 General Packet Radio Service GPRS通用个人通信 Universal Personal Telecommunications UPT通用接入码 Universal Access Number UAN

346、通用时隙交叉连接板 General Timeslot Cross-connection GTC通用式的All-Purpose通用移动通讯系统 Universal Mobile Telecommunication System UMTS通用中间格式 Common Intermediate Format CIF通用总线General Bus GB通 针 和 毛 刷 ( 协 助 焊 接 )Needle and Hair Brush (Soldering Aid)通知 Notification N通知机 Announcement Machine ANM通知消息 Announcement Message

347、通知音 Announcement Tone同波道干扰 In-Channel Interference同步 synchronization同步保持模式 Synchronous holdover mode同步不可用 do not use for synchronization DUS同步传递模式 Synchronous Transfer Mode STM同步传输 Synchronous Transmission同步传输模式 synchronous transfer module STM同步传送模块第 N 级 Synchronous Transport Module Level N STM-N同步传

348、送信号等级 1 synchronous transport signal level 1 STS-1同步的 Synchronous同步定时 Synchronization Timing STM同步定时发生器 Synchronous Timing Generator STG同步复用器 Synchronous Multiplexer SM同步光网络 Synchronous Optical Network SONET同步净负荷包络 Synchronous Payload Envelope SPE同步设备定时发生器 Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator SETG

349、同步设备定时物理接 口 Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface SETPI同步设备定时源 Synchronous Equipment Timing Source SETS同步设备管理功能 Synchronous Equipment Management Function SEMF同步时钟 Synchronization Clock同步数字系列 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDH同步数字系列交叉 Synchronous Digital hierarchy Cross-Connect SDXC同步网 Synch

350、ronization Network同步物理接 口 SDH physical interface SPI同步系统 Synchronization System同步线路管理单元信号处理板Administrative Unit Signal Processing ASP同步信息骨干系统 Synchronous information Bone System SBS同步序列丢失 loss of sequence synchronisation LSS同步源 Synchronous source同步振荡器板 Synchronization Oscillator Board同步装置 Synchroniz

351、ation Equipment同步状态标志 synchronization status marker SSM同抢 Simultaneously Holding同抢, 双占用, 双重占线Simultaneous hold同相 Cophase同心圆蜂窝Concentric Cell同信 频 道干扰 Co-channel interference同信道, 同波道Co-Channel同一 PLMN 内 GPRS 支持节点间的接 口 Interface between GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) withina PLMN Gn interface同轴电缆Coaxial Cabl

352、e同轴电缆接 口 板,同轴板 Coaxial cable interface board同轴电缆压接钳 Coaxial cable press plier同轴连接器 Coaxial connector铜缆分布式数据接 口 Copper Distributed Data Interface CDDI统计 I I 志数据库 Statistic Log Database统计时分复用 Statistic Time Division Multiplexing STDM统计资料, 统计数据Statistical Data统一编码 United Coding统一模型,一致化模型United Model投币电

353、话 Coin Telephone投币箱, 投币电话机Coin Box投标, 设 标 Bidding投标工程物料 Bidding Project Materials投 标 者 Bidder投票式信令poll投入运行 Put into operation突发传输 Burst Transmission突发脉冲序列周期Burst Period BP图标, 图像符号Icon图例, 图 注 Legend图形交换格式 Graphics Interchange Format GIF图形设备接 口 Graphic Device Interface GDI图形用户界面 Graphic User Interface

354、 GUI推荐标准 Recommended Standard退席 Off Attendance吞吐率 Throughput托盘( 放置移动机柜用) Pallet脱焊 Loose Weld拓扑结构 Topology Structure外部成套 External Suite外部单根 External Single外部告警模块 External Alarm Module EAM外部接口 External Interface PI外部接入设备 External Access Equipment EA外部设备识别寄存器 External Identification Register EIR外存储器 Ex

355、ternal Memory外基准输入接 口 板 Line Clock Interface Board LCI外 壳 Shell外围处理器 Peripheral Processor PP外围环境参量检测 Peripheral Environment Parameter Detection PEPD外围设备 Peripheral Equipment夕 卜 线 External line, Subscriber line外线测试Loop test外线测试, 环路测试 External Line Test, Loop Test外线电容( 值 ) Loop Capacitance外线电容测试 Loop

356、Capacitance Test外线电压测试Loop Voltage Test外线呼叫External Call外 置 式 External弯角件 Angle Support万位千位 MyriabitKilobit力用表 Multimeter网关 Gateway网关 GPRS 支持节点 Gateway GPRS Support Node GGSN网关到网关协议 Gateway-Gateway Protocol GGP网关网元 Gateway Network Element GNE网关移动业务交换中心 Gateway Mobile Switching Center GMSC网关移动业务交换中心

357、Gateway Mobile Switching Center GMSC网关移动业务交换中心 Gateway Mobile-services Switching Center GMSC网管 Network Management NM网管设备 Network Management Equipment网管中心 Network Management Centers NMC网卡 Network Adapter网络安全性, 网络保密Network Security网络操作系统 Network Operating System NOS网络操作中心 Network Operations Center NOC

358、网络打印机Network Printer网络单元 Network element NE网络单元功能 Network Element Function NEF网络地址 Network Address NA网络电视Web TV网络独立时钟 Network Independent Clock NIC网络管理功能 Network Management Function NMF网络管理系统 Network Management System NMS网络规划和优化测量设备 Network Planning & Optimizing Measuring Equipment网络规模Network Size网络

359、间接口 Inter-Network Interface NNI网络监视和测试单元 Network Supervision and Test Unit NSTU网络接 口 单元 Network Interface Unit NIU网络接入服务提供商Internet Service Provider ISP网络结点接口 Network Node Interface NNI网络礼仪Netiquette网络配件 Network Fittings网络驱动器 Network Driver NETD网络设备 Network Equipment网络实体 Network Entity NE网络文件系统 Netw

360、ork File System NFS网络用户身份 Network User Identity NUI网络运营商Network Operator网络指示 Network Indicator NI网络终端 Network Terminal NT网平面 Network Plane网 桥 Bridge网外呼叫 Off-Net Calling ONC网外接入 Off-Net Access OFA网线 Network Cable网线接头 Network Cable Connector网元 Network Element NE网元功能 Network Element Function NEF网元图标NE

361、icon网状网 Mesh Network往返时间, 环程时间Round-Trip Time微波 Microwave MW微波接力通信 Microwave Radio Relay Communication微波频段 Microwave Frequency Band微处理机 Microprocessor MP微处理器 Microprocessor微动开关Micro Switch微 蜂 窝 Micro cell微微蜂窝( 针对室内覆盖而设计) Picocellular/in-building, picocell微微小区Picocell微 小 区 Microcell微型同轴电缆细缆粗缆 Minityp

362、e coaxial cable Thinnet cable Thicknet cable伪网络标识码 Pseudo Network Identification Code PNIC尾纤 Tail optical fiber, fiber pigtail卫星电路 Satellite Circuit卫星通信 Satellite Communication SATCOM卫星同步信号接收板 Globe Satellite Positioning Receiver GPR卫星直播 Direct Broadcasting Satellite DBS未安装 Uninstalled未来公用陆地移动通信系统 F

363、uture Public Land Mobile Telecommunication System FPLMTS未准备好接收Receive UN-ready RNR位 Bit位 ( 比特)同步 Bit Synchronization位串, 比特串Bit String位交错, 比特交错, 比特交织Bit Interleave位图, 位映象Bitmap位 映 射 Bit Map位置 Position POS位置登记 Location Registration位置更新 Location Update位置区 Location Area LA位置区号 Location Area Identity LAI

364、位置区码 Location Area Code LAC温补晶振 Temperature-compensation Crystal Oscillator温度补偿 Temperature Compensation温度补偿晶体振荡器 Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator温度传感器 Temperature Sensor温度控制 Temperature Control温度值, 湿度值, 烟雾浓度 Temperature, Humidity, Smoke Density温湿度传感器 Temperature Humidity Sensor温湿度计 Hygrot

365、hermograph文档 Document DOC文件备份File Backup文件传输协议 File Transfer Protocol FTP文件分配表 File Allocation Table FAT文件结尾End of File EOF文件压缩实用程序File Compression Utility稳压二极管Zener稳压器 Voltage Stabilizer问讯台, 查 询 台 Information Desk握手 Hand Shaking无编号信息 Unnumbered Information UI无错的 Error-Free EFS无 缝 的 Seamless无缝连接 Sea

366、mless Connection无光告警No Light Alarm无呼出权限 No Call Out Authority无呼出权限 No Call Out Authority无接续控制 Signal Connectionless Control SCLC无连接的 Connectionless CL无连接宽带数据业务 Connectionless Broadband Data Services CBDS无连接协议 Connectionless Protocol无屏蔽扭绞线对 Unshielded Twisted Pair UTP无屏蔽双绞线 Unshielded Twisted Pair UT

367、P无冗余 Non-Redundancy无绳电话 Cordless Telephone CT无损耗压缩 Lossless Compression无条件呼叫前转 Call Forwarding Unconditional CFU无线本地环 Wireless Local Loop WLL无线本地环路wireless local loop无线测试设备的射频单元Radio Test Equipment (board) RTE无线测试设备的数字处理单元Radio test device RTD无线电干扰Radio jamming无线电话系统 Cordless Telephony System CTS无线分

368、系统指定越区切换Radio sub-system directed handover无线分系统准则 Radio sub-system criteria无线杆 Radio masts无线基站 Wireless Base Station无线接口层 3 Radio Interface Layer3 RIL3无线接 口 协议 Radio interface protocols无线接入 Wireless Access无线链路管理 Radio Link Management RLM无线链路控制 Radio Link Control RLC无线数字本地环 Wireless Digital Local Loo

369、p WDLL无线通信 OEM 专用物料 Special Materials for Wireless OEM Products无线通信设备 Wireless Telecom Equipment无线信道控制器 Wireless Channel Controller WCC无线信道群 Radio Channel Group RCG无线信令链路 Radio Signaling Link RSL无线寻呼系统Radio paging system无线应用协议 Wireless Application Protocol WAP无线专用芯片 Wireless Special-puq) ose Chip无线资

370、源 Radio Resource RR无线子系统管理 Radio Sub-system Management RSM (RR )无效信元Invalid Cell无应答呼叫前转 Call Forwarding No Reply CFNR无应答前转补充 业务 Call Forwarding on No Reply CFNRy无源光器件 Passive Optical Components无源光网络 Passive Optical Network PON无源光网络 Passive Optical Network APON无源天线 Passive antenna无摘机信号,无拔号音No dial to

371、ne五类屏蔽 Class 5 Shielding物理层 Physical Layer PHY物理平面 Physical Plane PP物理软件, 嵌入式软件Embeded Software物理实体 Physical Entity PE误码 Bit Error误码率 Bit error rate BER误码率过大BER Excess误码秒 Errored Second ES误码秒率 Errored Second Rate ESR误码仪 Error Detector吸 尘 器 Cleaner吸锡器 Solder Removal Tool膝上型电脑Laptop Computer系统崩溃 Syste

372、m Breakdown系统集成中心 System Integration Center SIC系统图 System Diagram系统误码特性 Characteristic of BER in System系统中止System Halt细缆 Thinnet Cable下话路 Down Channel下拉菜单 Pull-Down Menu下拉式列表框Pull down List Box下母线 Down Highway DHW下行链路Down Link DNL下一批 Next Group/Batch市话 号 码 Local Number市话局 Local Office市 话 忙 Local Bus

373、yrh话网络 Local Network市忙 Local Busy SIB示波器 Oscillometer事件检测点 Event Detection Point EDP事实上的标准, 非官方标准De Facto Standards事务处理能力 Transaction Capabilities TC事务处理能力应用部分Transaction Application Part TCAP事务处理应用部分 Transaction Capability Application Part TCAP事务处理子层 Transaction Sub-Layer TSL事务处理子层的能力 Transaction S

374、ub-Layer Capabilities TSC视距通信系统 Line of Sight System LOS视盘,视像盘,电视唱盘Videodisc视频 Video Frequency视频编码,电视编码Video Coding视频点播 Video On Demand VOD视频器件Video Parts视听 Audio-Visual AV试呼 Call attempt试图, 企图, 试 呼 Attempt试用物料 Probation Materials试运行 Trial Running室内电缆卡 Cable Fixed-Caliper室内接地总汇Indoor Grounding Bar室内

375、走线架 Indoor cabling rack室外接地总汇条Outdoor Grounding Bar室外设备单元 Outdoor Device Unit ODU室外走线架 Outdoor Cabling Rack适配单元 Adaptive Unit AU适配器,衔接器, 转接器,附 加器 Adapter AP释放 Release释放监护信号 Release Guard Signal RLG释放键 Release Key释放完成消息 Release Complete Message RLC收到后向 B 4 Backward Signal B4 Received收发 Transceiving收发

376、单元 Transmil-Receive UnilTRU收发端局 The Transmitting and Receiving End Office收发速率适配单元 Transmitting-Receiving Rate Adapter Unit TRAU收发特性 Transceiver Features收发信单元背板 Transceiver Backplane TRB收发信机( 板) Transceiver (board) TRX收发信机基带单元 Transceiver Baseband Unit TBU收号状态 Number Receiving Status收缩卷积码 Punctured c

377、onvolutional codes收完再发 Sending After Receiving Completely收 信 机 Receiver收信机/ 接收 Receiver/Reception RX手电钻 Hand-held Electric Drill手动复位Manual Reset手机 Mobile phone手锯 Handsaw手 摇 钻 Hand Drill守护进程Daemon首尾站 Originating and Destination Stations首选电路群 First-Choice Circuit Group首选路由 First-Choice Route寿命曲线Life C

378、urve受 话 器 Receiver受理席 Handle position售后服务 After-Sales Service书签 Bookmark枢纽站 Junction Center Station输出脉形 Output Pulse Form输入、输出设备 Input/Output Device输入/ 输出设备 Input/Output Equipment 10输入监测 Input Monitor Connector IMC输入输出地址I/O Address IOA鼠标转接线小转大键盘转接线一拖二键盘转 接 线 PS2 mouse switcherSmall-to-big keyboardsw

379、itcherOne-to-twokeyboard switcher树型网 Tree Network数标方式 Digital Label Mode数据/ 地址总线 Data/Address Bus DABUS数 据 包 Packet数据采集 Data Collection数据操作语言 Data Manipulation Language数据层次结构Data Hierarchy数据处理语言 Data Manipulation Language DML数据电路终接设备 Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment DCE数据分割 Data Partitioning数据高速通道

380、Data Highway数据缓冲处理器Data Buffer Handler DBH数据缓冲器Data Buffer DBUF数据集标号Data Set Label DSL数据加密 Data Encryption数据库 Database DB数据库登录Login Database数据库管理系统 Data Base Management System DBMS数据宽带设备 Broadband Data Equipment数据链路层 Data Link (layer) DL数据链路连接标识 Data Link Connection Identifier DLCI数据流 Data Stream DS

381、数据流图 Data Flow Chart数据描述语言 Data Description Language DDL数据生成器Data Generator数据收集 Data Collecting数据手套Data Glove数据通信 OEM 专用物料 Special Materials for Datacom OEM Products数据通信设备Datacom Equipment数据通讯芯片Datacom Chip数据网 Data Network数据显示控制 Data Display Control DDC数据形式 1 Data Forml DTI数据终端就绪 Data Terminal Ready

382、 DTR数据终端设备 Data Terminal Equipment DTE数据总线Data Bus数据总线电路Data Bus Circuit数 码 管 Digitron数模转换器 Digital-Analog Converter D/A数制, 数系 Number System数字程控交换机Digital SPC Switch数字电话交换机 Digital Tel叩hone Exchange TXD数字电话网络 Digital Telephone Network DTN数字电视 Digital Television数字多点微波系统 Digital Multipoint Microwave S

383、ystem DMS数字复接, 分接器数字复用器- 数字分解器Digital Multiplexer-Demultiplexer数字复用 Digital Multiplexing数字话音插空, 数字语音插空Digital Speech Interpolation DSI数字环回 Digital Loop-Back数字环路测试Digital Loop Test数字环路复用系统 Digital Loop Multiplexing System数字环路载波Digital Loop Carrier数字键 Number Key数字交叉连接单元 Digital Cross-Connect Unit DCC数

384、字交叉连接设备 Digital Cross-connection System DXC数字交替反转 Alternate Digit Inversion ADI数字接入与交叉连接系统 Digital Access and Cross-Connect System数字陆地电视广播 Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting DTTB数字逻辑电路芯片Digit-logic Circuit Chip数字配线架( 中继) Digital Distribution Frame DDF数字配线架, 数字分配架Digital Distribution Frame D

385、DF数字式 AMPS 系统( 美) Advanced Mobile Phone System-Digital AMPS-D数字数据业务 Digital Data Service DDS数字通信复用器 Digital Communication Multiplexer DCM数字网络结构 Digital Network Architecture DNA数字线路终端单元 Digital Line-Termination Unit DLTU数字信号, 级别 n digital signal,level n DS-n数 字 信 号 级 Digital Signal Level 0 传输速率为64kb/

386、s DS-0数字信号处理器 Digital Signal Processing DSP数字信号处理器芯片DSP Chip数字用户线电路 Digital Subscriber Line Circuit DSLC数字中继 Digital Trunk DT数字中继板 Digital Trunk Board数字中继电缆Digit Trunk Cable衰减 Attenuation哀减特性 Attenuation specification衰 落 Fading哀落容限 Fading Allowance双边缘连接器Edge Connector双 工 Duplex双工器, 天线共用器, 天线分离滤波器Dup

387、lexer双缓冲 Double Buffering双击, 双按( 鼠标) Double Click双级交叉连接结构 Dual staged cross connect architecture双极化定向天线 Directional Bipolarization Antenna双 极 性 Bipolar双极性传输 Bipolar Transmission双极性破坏 Bipolar Polarity Violation BPV双绞线 Twisted Pair FTP双绞线 Twisted pair cable双节点互连 Dual Node Interconnection DNI双节点交互 Dual

388、 node interworking双 口 随机存储器 Double Port Random Memory DPRAM双连接集线器 Dual-Attached Concentrator DAC双列直插式封装Dual In-Line Package DIP双路光功率放大器2 x Booster Amplifier BA2双面胶 Double Faced Adhesive Tape双频 Dual Band双频/ 多层网话务流量控制 Dual band/Multi-layer Advanced Load Management (ALM)双频手机 Dual-Band Mobile Phone双频无缝切

389、换 Dual Band Seamless Handovers双频制 Bifrequency System双频终端 Dual-band terminal双速率码型变换板Dual-Rate Transcoder DRT双速率码型变换板Dual-Rate Transcoder DRT双头电话线 Dual-port Telephone Line双纤单向通道保护环 Twofber unidirectional path protection ring双纤双向线性倒换环 two-fiber bidirectional linear switched ring双相制 Biphase System双向 Bi-

390、Directional,2-Way双向全闭塞 Bi-Directional Block双向天线 Bidirectional Antenna双向线性倒换环 bidirectional linear switched ring双向中继 Two-way trunk, bidirectional trunk双向自愈环 Bi-Directional Self-Healing Ring BSHR双音多频 Dual Tone Multi-Frequency DTMF双音多频按键话机DTMF Phone Set双音发号 Dual-Tone Dialing双音信号收发板 Dual Tone Transceive

391、r DTR双重占用Dual Holding水浸传感器 Water Sensor水平调节脚 Leveling Adjuster, Leveling Feet水平仪 Level Instrument, Gradienter水平仪气泡Level Vial水淹告警 Flooding Alarm顺序号 Sequence Number SNR瞬断 Transient interruption说明, 例证, 例子,图表, 插 图 Illustration说明书 Instructions说明文件 Instruction Files死锁 Dead Lock四分之一通用中间格式 Quarter Common In

392、termediate Format QCIF四位拨码开关 4-digit Toggle Switch松 香 Rosin速率适配 Rate Adaptation RA塑胶件 Plastic Parts算法语言 Algorithmic Language随机 Random RAND随机存取存储器Random Access Memory RAM随机接入信道 Random Access Channel RACH随机数 Random Number随机资料 Delivery Attached Documentation随路控制信道 Associated Control Channel ACCH随路信令 Ch

393、annel Associated Signaling CAS隧道标识 Tunnel Identifier TID损失业务量, 损失话务Lost Traffic缩位拨号 Abbreviated Dialing ABD缩位呼叫, Abbreviated Call锁闭功能 Lock-Out Function锁定开关 Locking Switch锁紧螺钉Locking Screw锁紧螺母Retaining Nut锁开关 Lock Switch锁相 Phase Lock锁相环 Phase Lock Loop DPLL他站 Remote Station / Another Station塔顶放大器Towe

394、r amplifier塔放模块 Tower Amplification Module台上计算机, 台式微机Desktop Computer但电容器 Tantalum Capacitor碳膜电阻器 Carbon-film Resistor陶瓷滤波器Ceramic Filter套件 Kit, Suite套 接 字 Socket套筒扳手Socket Wrench特 月 艮 Special Service ST特 月 艮 台 Special Service Console (Station)特高频 Ultra High Frequency UHF特殊拨号音Special Dial Tone特殊滤波器S

395、pecial Filter特殊信号音信号 Special-Information Tone Signal SSI特殊信息音 Special Information Tone特殊振荡器 Special Oscillator特征函数 Characteristic Function特征相互作用管理 Feature Interactions Management FIM特 征 状 态 ( 况 ) Characteristic Condition特指 Refer In Particular To .特制电缆 Traitor-make Cable梯 子 Ladder提 示 Prompt提示框 Prompt

396、 Dialog Box提示音/ 提 醒 音 Prompt Tone提醒被叫用户 Destination User Prompting DUP提醒主叫用户 Originating User Prompting OUP体系结构Architecture天馈 Antenna feeder天馈部件 Antenna Feeder Parts天馈附件 Antenna Feeder Accessories天馈检测计 Antenna Feeder Detector天馈滤波器 Antenna Feeder Filter天馈耦合器 Antenna Feeder Coupler天馈线 Antenna Feeder天馈

397、组件 Antenna Feeder Component天线 Antenna天线方向性图, 天线辐射图Antenna Pattern天线合路器 Antenna Combiner ACOM天线增益Antenna Gain天线增益Antenna Gain天线支架Antenna stand填充比特Filling Bit填充材料 Embedding Material填充信号单元 Fill In Signal Unit FISU填充字符 Filling Character跳次计数Hop Count跳频 Frequency Hopping FH跳频多址 Frequency Hopping Multiple

398、Access FHMA跳频扩频 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum FHSS跳频序歹U 号 Hopping Sequence Number HSN跳 线 Jumper贴片电感器SMT Inductor贴片化 Surface Mounting Technology SMT贴片化双音驱动板 Surface-mounted Dual-tone Driving Card铁粉芯 Irondust Core铁路通信系统 Railroad Communication System RRCS铁塔天线Tower Antenna停机,中 止 Halt停止等待方式Stop-And-W

399、ait通达状态,通话状态Connected Status通道 Channel通道保护和复用段保护 Path protection and multiplex section protection通道开销 Path Overhead POH通过测试Pass The Test通话 Conversation通话费 Call Charge通话计费时长Charged Duration通话时间 Conversation Time通路开销 Path OverHead POH通配符,万 能 符 Wild-Card一般特性 Generic characteristic一次电源 Primary Power Sup

400、ply一次付费 Lump-Sum Payment一次群分解器,一次群分路器Primary De-multiplexer一次性服务One Off Service一个号码 One Number ONE一级告警 Level 1 Alarming一阶理论 First Order Theory一拖二键盘转接线 Onetotwo Keyboard Switcher一致性 Consistency ACID一致性测试 Consistency Testing一致性测试套 Consistency Testing Suite一致性检验 Consistency Check一致性声明 Declaration of Co

401、nsistency DoC一字螺丝刀 Straight Screwdriver仪 表 Meter仪器及仪表Device and Meters仪器设备Instrument移动被叫 Mobile terminating call MTC移动存储功能 Mobile Storage Function MSF移动访问捕获 Mobile access hunting MAH移动分配索引 Mobile Allocation Index MAI移动分酉己信道号 Mobile Allocation Channel Number MACN移动分配指针偏移 Mobile Allocation Index Offse

402、t MAIO移动国家码 Mobile Country Code MCC移动呼叫发生器 Mobile Call Generation System MCGS移动交换中心 Mobile Switching Center MSC移动设备 Mobile Equipment ME移动台 Mobile Station MS移 动 台 ( 频率)分 配 Mobile Allocation MA移动台 GPRS 不可及标识 Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flag MNRG移动台不可及标识 Mobile station Not Reachable Flag MNRF

403、移动台不可及原因 Mobile station Not Reachable Reason MNRR移动台发起 Mobile Originated MO移动台发起的 Mobile Originating MO移动台国际 ISDN 号码 Mobile Station International ISDN Number MSISDN移动台后续切换 Mobile Station Subsequent Handover MAHO移动台类别标记 Mobile station classmark移动台终止的 Mobile Terminating MT移动外围模块 Mobile Peripheral Modu

404、le MPM移动网 Mobile network移动网编号 Mobile Network Code MNC移动网信令 Mobile Network Signaling MNS移动网增强逻辑的用户应用 Customized Applications for Mobile Network. Enhanced LogicCAMEL移动性管理 Mobility Management MM移动业务国家码号Mobile Country Code GMCC移动应用部分 Mobile Application Part MAP移动用户 Mobile Subscriber MS移动用户漫游号码 Mobile St

405、ation Roaming Number MSRN移动用户识别号 Mobile Subscriber Identification Number MSIN移动终端 Mobile Terminal MT移机不改号业务Number Portability NP移交 Handover移频键控, 频移调制Frequency Shift Keying FSK异步 Asynchronous ASYNCH异步传递方式, 异步转移模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATM异步传输 Asynchronous Transmission AT异步通信 Asynchronous Communic

406、ation异步响应模式 Asynchronous Response Mode ARM异常结束, 异常终结Abnormal Termination异常终止, 异常结束Abort异常终止, 异常结束Abort异类终端 Heterogeneous Terminal异质结/ 异质连接Heterojunction抑制漂移 suppress wonder译码, 解码 Decode, Decoding译码, 译密码Decyphering易损备件 Damageable Spare Parts阴极射线显示器Cathode Ray Tube CRT音量 Volume VOL音频 Audio VF音频、视频处理卡

407、Audio and Video Processing Card音频变压器 Audio Transformer音频电缆Audio Cable音频放大器 Audio Amplifier VFA音频放大器 Audio Frequency Amplifier VFA音频接 口 板 Audio Interface AI音频连接器Audio Connector音频器件Audio Parts音频数据线Audio Data Line音响设备 Stereo Equipment引出线信号 Lead-Out Line Signal引 导 Boot引导区 Boot sector引 入 线 Inlead弓 I 示线 I

408、ndicating line引示线号码 Indicating Number引 下 线 ( 防雷) Downlead引线 Leading wire隐藏文件Hidden File隐含码 Implicit Codes印制板, 印制电路板Printed Circuit Board PCB应 答 Answer应答信号,不记费 Answer Signal, No Charge ANN应答信号,记费 Answer Signal, Charge ANC应答域 Acknowledge ACK应付费用 Charge Payable应用层 Application Layer应用程序接 口 Application P

409、rogram Interface API应用过程 Application Process AP应用实体 Application Entity AE应用协议实体 Application Protocol Entity APE应用业务单元 Application Service Element ASE营业处 Business Office营业厅 Business Hall影子内存Shadow RAM映射/ 解映射 Mapping/demapping映射结构 mapping structure硬件 Hardware HW硬件错误控制 Hardware Error Control硬件缓冲存储器Hard

410、ware Cache硬件要求 Hardware Requirement硬盘 Harddisk拥塞 Congestion CONG拥塞程度 Congestion Level SPCC拥塞控制 Congestion Control拥塞音 Congestion Tone永久虚电路 Permanent Virtual Circuits PVC用 户 ( 使用业务方) 用 户 ( 申请业务方)业务主持人运营商,局 方操 作员 ,话务员UserApplicatorEmceeOperator用户)外线 External Line用户本地忙信号 Subscriber Local Busy Signal SLB

411、用户闭塞 Subscriber Blocked用户测试忙 Subscriber Testing Busy用户插框 Subscriber Plug-in Frame用户单元 Subscriber Unit SU用户到用户信令User-User Signaling UUS用户端 口不可得消息 User Port Unavailable Message UPU用户房间外的,用户住宅外的Off-Premises OPS用户非通话忙 Subscriber Non-Conversation Busy用户号码 Subscriber Number SN用户机柜 Subscriber Cabinet用户集线器

412、Subscriber Line Concentrator用户集中器 Subscriber Concentrator用户交换机, 专用交换机, 小交 换 机 Private Branch Exchange PBX用户交换机计费系统, 专用通话计费 系 统 Private Automatic Message Accounting SystemPAMA用户接口 模块 Subscriber Interface Module SIM用户框 Subscriber Frame用户类别 User Category CAT用户逻辑号 Service Logic Number SLP用户目录号 Subscribe

413、r Directory Number DN用户缺席服务Absent User Service用户识别卡 Subscriber Identity Module Card SIM用户数据报协议 User Datagram Protocol UDP用户锁定 Subscriber Locked用户网络接 口 User-Network Interface UNI用户线 Subscriber Line用 户 线 基 本 功 能 ( 馈电, 过压保护, 振铃, 监视, 编译码,2 /4 线转换, 测试)Battery feed,Overvoltage protection,Ringing signal se

414、nding, Supervisory, Codec hybrid, Test BORSCHT用户信息 User information FYI用户意见书 Paper of User Opinion用户住宅网 Subscriber Premises Network SPN用户自定义的User Defined UDR优惠率 Premium Rate优惠收费 Premium Charging山发端位置选择路山Origin Dependent Routing ODR邮电部门 Posts and Telecommunications P&T邮件服务器Mail Server邮件过滤器Mail Filter

415、邮件网关 Mail Gateway邮政编码 ZIP Code, Postcode有功功率 Active Power有回叫的遇占, 遇忙再占, 遇忙二次呼叫Camp-On With Recall有损压缩 Loss Compression有条件呼叫前转 Conditional Call Forwarding CCF有条件前向转移 Call Forwarding Conditional CFC有线传输 Wired Transmission有线电视 Cable Television CATV有限状态机 Finite State Machine FSM有效测试 Validity Test VAT有效功率

416、流密度 Effective Power Flux Density EPFD有效扫描时间 Active Scanning Interval有效信元Valid Cell有选择呼叫前转 Selective Call Forwarding SCF有源光网络 Active Optical Network AON有源天线,激励天线Active antenna有源终端 Active Terminal右上角 Upper-Right Corner迂回路由 Alternate Route迂回路山 Alternative Route ALRT迂回路由选择Altemate Routing与业务无关的构件 Servic

417、e-Independent Unit SIB与业务无关的积木块 Service Ind印endenl Building Block SIB语 音 Voice语音处理 Voice Processing语音合成 Voice Synthesis VS语 音 卡 Voi ce Card语音平台 Voice Platform语音信箱 Voice Mailbox VM语音压缩卡 Voice Compression Card VCC语音邮箱, Voice Mailbox预测编码 Predictive Coding预防性循环重传 Preventive Cyclic Retransmission PCR预付金额

418、Prepaid sum预热 Preheat预设时间Preset Time预先付费Pre-payment预占 Camp-On预占 PreoccupyPreoccupant, Preoccupancy域名服务器 Domain Name Server DNS阈值 Threshold遇忙/ 无应答有选择呼叫前转 Selective Call Forwarding on Busy/No Response SCF遇忙呼叫完成 Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber CCBS遇忙回叫Call Back遇忙记存呼叫Registered Call遇忙预占 Preoccupy

419、On Busy原电池 Galvanic Battery原理图, 示 意 图 Schematic Diagram原色 Primary Color原 子 车 中 Automatic Clock圆头螺钉,高平头螺丝Round Head Screw源/ 宿, 信源/ 信 宿 Source/Sink源程序 Source Program源点 Original Point源点码, 源信号点编码Original Point Code OPC源端呼叫限制 Originating Call Restriction OCR源端呼叫限制 Originating Call Restriction OCR远程 Remot

420、e RMT远程呈现 Tele-presence远程登录Remote Login远程交换 Remote Switching RS远程教育 Tele-education远程结点Remote Node RN远程控制, 遥 控 Remote Control RC远程投票 Tele-Voting VOT远程线对增容Remote Pair Gain RPG远程医疗 Tele-medicine远程作业项 Remote Job Entry RJE远端 Remote, far end远端成块误码 Far End Block Error FEBE远端错误指示 remote error indication REI

421、远端集线器 Remote Line Concentrator远端集中单元 Remote Concentration Unit远端接收故障 Far End Receive Failure FERF远端缺陷指示 remote defect indication RDI远端失效指示 remote failure indication RFI远端用户单元 Remote Subscriber Line Unit RSU远端下游 downstream下载 Download先进后出 First In- Last Out FILO先进技术 Advanced Technology AT先进先出 First-In

422、 First-Out FIFO纤芯 Fiber Core显示卡,视霸卡, 视频显示卡Video Adapter显示器件Display Parts显示驱动芯片Display Driving Chip显式 Explicit现场测试Site Test现场电缆On-site Cable现有的, 现货, 成 品 的 Off-The-Shelf线槽 Wiring Trough, Wiring Groove, Cable Trough线 程 Thread线对增容系统, 线对扩容 系 统 PairGain System线扣 Wire Clip, Cable Clip线缆端子座 Termi-Blok Stack

423、ing Connectors线路板 Circuit Board线路不能服务信号 Line-Out-Of-Service Signal LOS线路单元与支路单元Line unit and tributary unit线路接 口 line interface线路接 口单元 line interface unit线路平衡度 Line Balance Level线路扫描,用户线扫描Line Scan线路锁定Line Locked线路信号Line Signal线路拥塞 Line Congestion线路终端 Line Terminal LT线路终接单元 Line-Termination Unit SLT

424、U线路转发设备Line Repeater LR线束 Harness线性电路芯片Linear Circuit Chip线性关系Linearity线性预测编码 Linear Prediction Coding LPC限带放大器 Band Limited Amplifier限带通信 Band Limited Communication限带信号 Band-Limited Signal限流 Current-Limited限流保护器件 Current-limiting Protective Parts限流电阻 Current Limiting Resistance限压保护器件 Voltage-limiti

425、ng Protective Parts限制全部来话 Barring of AH Incoming Calls BAIC相对地址 Relative Address RA相对湿度 Relative Humidity RH相关函数 Correlation Function相关控制 业务单元 Associated control servile element ACSE相关系数 Coefficient of Correlation相邻蜂房 Neighbor cell, Adjacent cell相邻通道隔高度 Adjacent Channel Isolation相邻通道间隔Channel spacin

426、g相位控测 Phase Control PD详细话单 Detailed ticket详细计费 Detailed Billing详细计费 Detailed Charging响铃 Ringing向 导 Wizard向上兼容,前向兼容Upward Compatible向 卜兼容,后向兼容Downward Compatible像 素 Pixel橡胶锤 Rubber hammer消除分段 De-fragmentation消息传送部分 Message Transfer Part MTP消息分配模块 Message Distribution Module MDM消息分配网络 Message Distribution Network MDN消息隧道 Tunnelling Of Messages TOM消息头 Message Head消息指示符MessageFrom: http:/ 1/43461 .html



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